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Have you been accused of being gay?

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by mes1995, Jul 10, 2012.

  1. BudderMC

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    Jun 8, 2010
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    Ontario, Canada
    There was one friend in high school who actually asked me quite a few times over the period of a week if I was gay, until I managed to ween her off by saying "I was content being single", since I'd hadn't had a girlfriend.

    Another friend I came out to never asked me but said she knew from the first day she met me. Apparently she did ask another friend and scared the shit out of him (even though he's a pretty obvious gay), so she vowed to never do it again xD
  2. xramonx

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    Jul 3, 2012
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    São Paulo
    Yeah unfortunately , all the time by family and school, When too excited i tend to get a little flamboyant, but only at those times, but also because of never getting a Girlfriend b4!
    But always denied it, and that is what I fear the most, to ppl from my past find it, and say something like "Told ya", it really would hurt me IDK, oh well who knows the future!
  3. Vanc

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    May 4, 2012
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    One friend that I've come out said she had her suspicions, because while intoxicated my voice tends to become rather feminine =p
  4. Vernox

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    Jun 7, 2012
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    Oh yeah. First part of junior high, everyone called everyone gay; it was just the stereotypical immature insult. Last part of Jr high, there were LOTS of rumors going around that I was actually gay. Rumors carried on in to high school as well, but people just got better at hiding them from me, lol.

    People kept asking my gay friend if I was gay too, and he kept telling them I wasn't. I'm not out or anything, but he'll probably be the first person I tell.
  5. Chip

    Board Member Admin Team Advisor Full Member

    May 9, 2008
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    I've had people who were completely oblivious, and people who say they immediately knew. I apparently come off as straight to many straight people, but to anyone (gay or straight) who has remotely decent gaydar, they figure it out immediately.

    The truth is, and it sucks to those who are in the closet, as much as you might swear on a stack of bibles that you are absolutely undetectable and no one knows... in the majority of cases, people do... and not just because you never have an opposite-sex romantic interest. There are lots of signs that the majority of gay people (closeted or not) people put off, and anyone who knows to look for them can figure things out pretty easily.

    As I've said before, my friends and I love playing "find the hidden fairy" among groups of acquaintances, and we are almost always correct :slight_smile:
  6. DPQuarter

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    May 7, 2012
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    When I was around 10 years old, my best friend was convinced I was a lesbian because I didn't have any interest in boys at all. She kept asking me if I liked girls but I was clueless about my sexuality (I mean common, 10 years old) so I denied it.

    Looking back, it's kind of awkward that someone knew I was a lesbian before I did...
  7. bob94

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    May 26, 2012
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    Missouri, United States
    I have been accused a few times in my life. The first time that I can think of was in junior high. At lunch, I sat at a table where I was the only guy. There was this one guy who didn't really like me (and I have no idea why he didn't like me) and he told a couple of his friends that he thought I was gay because I sat with all girls. Well, I've always been pretty well liked, and his friends pretty much pounced on him (verbally). Haha, they said that I was a "player" for sitting with all the girls.

    Another time was my sophomore year in high school. There was this girl who I had P.E. with and I had never talked to her before. Seriously, the first time that I ever talked to her, she asked me if I was "awkward around girls." I just thought she was asking if I'm shy when around girls. But then her friend was like, "Did you just ask him if he's gay?!" And she said yes. I just said that I wasn't....she must have an amazing gaydar.
  8. NicoleV96

    NicoleV96 Guest

    Most people either accuse me of it, or just find out, and I find it so weird that some way or another everyone figures it out. I don't make it obvious at all. I don't go around everyone saying "GIRLS, I LOVE GIRLS, I AM A LESBIAN" I don't dress like a stereotypical lesbian would. I just look typical, I never understood how everyone seemed to know without me telling them. So.. I never really had to come out, because people would just assume I was, and that in my favor. Even my mother, she asked me if I was gay when I was 12, and at the time, I was still unsure, I didn't want to say yes because I felt like I was too young to make that kind of life decision. The next time she asked me again was when I was 13, and, I guess, I was just thinking, when am I ever going to get such an easy opportunity to confirm or deny, so at that point, I just said yes. She told me, "I knew it." So that was very easy for me. And then from that point, I made my mom just tell my close relatives, which made things so much easier on myself. Also, people in school, they would do the same thing, they'd ask if I was gay, and I would just say, yes I am, and that'd be it. It seemed like everyone knew. And, now, I assume, my more distant family, is going to know sooner or later when they realize that I've never had a boyfriend, I never kissed a boy, I never had any interaction romantically with a guy, I'm sure their suspicions will rise shortly.
  9. Vesper

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    Oct 11, 2011
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    Wisconsin, The Land of Cheese and Beer
    These are not necessarily accusations, but my own mom has asked the "are you gay/lesbian?" question to me countless times.
  10. Lewis

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    Mar 31, 2012
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    United Kingdom
    Definitely. I used to get called gay at school all the time and asked why I was friends with girls more than guys. People have asked me too, I either said no or just swiftly changed the subject. It's not really obvious, but I have my attributes that may lead someone to think I was gay.
  11. Aldrick

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    Apr 23, 2012
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    People started to assume I was gay in High School, mostly because I was shy and showed no interest in girls. It resulted in a lot of bullying.

    I'm pretty sure anyone whose known me for any period of time has considered the POSSIBILITY at some point. However, no one - outside of High School - has ever confronted me with the accusation.

    My mother claims she started to suspect that I was gay around eight years old, and that what gave me away was that I never really showed any interest in girls. She had the grace not to mention the time that all the men's underwear sections of the JCPenny Catalogs went missing. She confronted me about it at the time, and I lied saying that I had ripped them out for a friend (who was a girl). She also didn't mention the time I fucked up shortly after getting the internet and downloaded a gay porn screen saver. She walked into the room to see extremely buff guys, mostly naked, wearing leather. I hadn't realized the screen saver had become the default when I left the room. I lied and claimed that the computer was hacked.

    I'm pretty sure my sister also suspects, because she used to lie and tell guys that I was her gay roommate when we were teenagers. She was pretending that she was older than she really was at the time... Of course, I didn't know this until years later. :eusa_doh:

    So, yeah - people suspect. I don't think my straight-drag attempts have ever worked really well. It probably doesn't help that I'm a horrible liar. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
  12. Martee

    Martee Guest

    I've been accused a few times, and the accusors usually cite my personality and style of dress as their basis for their accusation. I've never had a boyfriend so that's another "indicator" on which they base their assumption. I'm not gay though...

    One weird incident happened when an old primary school mate (an out lesbian) contacted me. We've chatted and caught up on life between then and now, but then the awkward part started: She asked me if I was a lesbian or have ever thought I was at one point. I denied it. Then told me that I should be a lesbian because (and I quote), "You'd make such a cute lesbian." :icon_eek:

    I wasn't quite sure how to respond to that one...so I didn't haha.
  13. Flashback

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    Jul 10, 2012
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    Yeah, I've been accused. But actually I never made any big fuzz about it. I came out very early. And yeah it was quite obvious. But as long as my mom approved nothing would matter to me... ( well even if she didn't approve, but I guess I'm one of the lucky ones )
  14. Just Passing

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    May 25, 2011
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    The amount of accusations I got over being gay happened during my school life, more so around high school where it seemingly became a regular occurrence. Whilst this kind of thing doesn't bother me nowadays and in some cases, interests me as a potential viewpoint for how I appeared to other people at the ages of thirteen to sixteen, it wasn't the most pleasant experience to go through on a frequent basis.

    I'm honestly not sure if the gay accusations at the time were really an excuse for people to get their name calling sessions in as a bullying past time or actually stating that I was gay as if they somehow knew (in a negative way however judging by the way they approached me about it) even though I wasn't friends with them in any way.

    Thanks to my negative high school experiences with certain people, I wasn't sure about my sexuality for a long time and there were times I speculated that people were just trying to make me feel like I were gay when I wasn't (although I was, blame the confusion).

    Apart from that, I haven't really been accused of being gay since. Nobody close to me ever asked me unless I decided to tell them or if I were asked by people I got on with, it was through general curiosity and not in a cruel way.
  15. BradThePug

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    Jun 20, 2011
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    Some people
    Some people were surprised when I came out. It was like a total shock to them.

    Then there were others that already knew.

    It was kinda weird...
  16. RueBea85

    RueBea85 Guest

    Jun 17, 2012
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    I'm Canadian eh?
    I came out to my sister and a friend and they both had their suspicions, my friend is also gay so she was probably more observant than other people at work, but when I ended up telling them both they weren't surprised at all!
  17. Toony

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    Mar 29, 2012
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    Yeah, my entire family has always seemed...ridiculously suspicious.
    My parents had an awkward conversation about what they would do if I was gay when I was thirteen. In the car, with me trapped in the back seat...

    My aunt has asked me on multiple occasions, ever since I was 14 and didn't share her enthusiasm for Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner. (The fact that Alice was my favorite in that darn movie probably didn't help.)

    My mom started outright asking me around that time too, though I can't remember what started it.

    And, lately, those two have been asking me every few months.

    I guess it's understandable. Thus far, I've never really had any interest in guys, and I was always way too stubborn to pretend that I did. But still! :eusa_doh:
    I'm starting to think that they would be far more surprised if I brought home a guy. :lol:

    I've actually had far less questions and accusations outside of my family.(Though there have been a few...rude comments.) But that's probably because most people just don't know me well enough.
    #37 Toony, Jul 10, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2012
  18. julia

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    Apr 15, 2012
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    New York City
    Only when I say something really obvious like "I don't like *insert slang for male sexual organ here*"
  19. speedracing22

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    Apr 11, 2012
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    Nope. A few people I know have been accused though.
  20. Night Rain

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    Jun 27, 2012
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    I'm interested to know what the conversation was like. Were they supportive (like, if you are, we still love you blah blah blah)? Are you out to them now?