Does weight matter to you?

Discussion in 'Physical & Sexual Health' started by Swamp56, Jun 28, 2009.


Does weight matter to you?

  1. Yes, I don't like people who are overweight

    48 vote(s)
  2. Yes, I don't like people who are obese

    81 vote(s)
  3. No, it doesn't really matter to me

    51 vote(s)
  4. No, I like overweight/obese people

    5 vote(s)
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  1. ADTR fan

    ADTR fan Guest

    sorry to be shallow but...i cant see myself in a relationship with an overweight person. it's probably because i have self-image issues, which affects how i see other people. not to say that i can't be friends with overweight or obese people, i just couldn't be intimate with them. example: i made out with a gay guy to avoid kissing an overweight girl. then again, she was trying to put her hands down my pants and i was sooo not okay with that!
  2. Echidna1

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    Jun 22, 2009
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    I'd have to say I don't want to be with an overweight person solely because I was nearing obese for half my life. I have dropped down to the "average" weight but I still have self esteem issues with the flab.

    I usually am interested in slender or toned guys but most of the time the overweight people i meet are nicer and more of the type of personality I'd like to see in a potential mate but, I hated being overweight and could never see my self with some one who is.
  3. RAJ Aladdin

    RAJ Aladdin Guest

    I had a crush on a guy who was kinda big but I was attracted to his personality more than his appearance. He was straight, sadly. LOL! But I'm not attracted to too fat and too muscular guys. A nice healthy weight is sexy enough for me! :slight_smile:
  4. Johnnieguy

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    Jan 16, 2010
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    I don't think many of us can deny that flat-chested, ripped (8-pack), smooth skin is sexy.

    But, guys carry weight differently. A little extra (or in some cases a lot of exta) weight is cute and even hot. I guess I mean to say that I take it on a case by case basis.

    I feel the same way about hairy chests. Normally, I don't like hair. I have a hairy chest, and I hate it..Or at least I used to. I think if I manage to keep it under control, it looks good on me (much to my surprise). My back on the other hand, as soon as I get the money..I'm waxing that hair right off! Some guys, I see the hair on their chests and it's a turn off. Others on the other hand, turn me on like a light switch! It's a puzzle!
  5. smartguy

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    Jan 8, 2008
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    actually, that isn't my first thought of someone who is sexy. I think very muscular guys often look somewhat unattractive. But then again, I'm like you in that I find certain features on one guy unattractive, but on another guy super sexy haha
  6. Emberstone

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    May 26, 2008
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    I wont say no to a guy with a stomach I could wash my clothes one.

    trying to get that myself.
  7. Lexington

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    Define "matter".

    The way I put this sort of things is this. Give me two totally identical guys. I mean absolutely, totally the same in absolutely every way, shape and form. The only difference is that one is overweight, and the other is trim.

    Yeah, I'd take the trim guy. And I'd say that's true about a lot of things. I'd take the rich guy. The more attractive guy. The guy with the nice car. The guy with the bigger dick.

    The thing is - that's never the case. I'm NEVER presented with two identical people. People are wonderfully diverse and complex. And the above things - weight, money, dick size - are WAY down on my list of qualities. Yeah, I'd prefer a trim guy, I guess. But if it comes down to an overweight guy with a sense of humor, or a trim guy who can't laugh, you can bet me and Fatty will be yukking it up and leaving Mr Hot-n-Serious at the curb. :slight_smile:

  8. BlasttheCloset

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    Oct 24, 2007
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    I totally agree with that, and I have definitely been attracted to some larger people, and not attracted to others. But for me, I am at a healthy weight and have to work very hard to stay there, so I would have an issue if my partner's eating habits were going to make it very difficult for me to stay healthy (i.e. always keeping junk food around, only going to sedentary/food-centered activities, etc.) That's not prejudice, it's just admitting that I need a certain environment and support to be able to do what I need to do for myself.
  9. Tim

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    Mar 8, 2008
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    I actually agree. I don't have health problems, other than back issues, but that comes from work at the Food Bank, XD Bending down lifting heavy crap for 7 hours on some days tends to do that to a back.

    I hated this thread, was glad when it died. Sad that it was revived. It's just depressing all over. I myself am Obese, although I get told for the most part I hold the weight better than most, I still know I am big, and that's not changing very soon.

    In what way? I prefer being plenty active, and I'm again, obese. Just because someone is big does NOT mean they eat a lot, or don't exercise. Sometimes it's just the way your body works. I eat healthier than 90% of my skinny friends, and less than them. I'm also (for the most part) more active than them.

    There is a lot more to weight than just "Oh, he/she eats a lot or doesn't exercise." There are some people that just cannot physically lose the weight that they put on, and I'm not saying that from my point of view. It's from many teachers and various experts that I've talked to throughout high school. Some people, who gained weight (For me, it was via depression) for various reasons, cannot physically lose the weight, without a DRASTIC change, but it also risks overstraining your body.

    This thread is even more depressing than before, because not only does it seem a large amount of people here are shallow (not that it matters, but I do tend to try to use EC as a general populace for GLBT people), but uninformed about the people they are, and I use the word loosely, prejudice against.
  10. Eleanor Rigby

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    Feb 21, 2009
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    Personnaly, I have a thing for big guys.
    I find them reassuring, solid, and kind of sexy.
    My husband is overweight, and so am I by the way, and that's something I have no problem with whatsoever. I deeply like the fact that when I am in his harms, I have the feeling to be wrapped in love and warmth. It makes me feel safe and loved.
    It's too bad that big guys often feels so insecure because of their weight, because there is definitly much more about them than their size.
    Big guys you're beautiful :wink:
  11. biisme

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    Oct 9, 2007
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    ^^ (Eleanor Rigby, your last line made me think of this)


    Big girls you are beautiful. :slight_smile:
  12. Eleanor Rigby

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    Feb 21, 2009
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    In fact it was a direct reference to this :wink:
  13. White Raven

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    Jun 13, 2009
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    In a dream land
    Honestly, and no offence intended, I think fatness is not an attractive feature. I dont have anything against the overweight people, and there are some beautiful obese people, but i was raised on being healthy so i, in turn, find it more attractive.
  14. biisme

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    Oct 9, 2007
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    I thought so...but I didn't want to presume. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
  15. Zume

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    Dec 26, 2009
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    I'm not sure if it makes me a horrible person :dry:..but being the size that I was (295 lbs) and dropping to where I am now (197 lbs) ..overweight people just do not appeal to me what so ever... I suppose I should be a little nicer..but I really can't knowing what it's like to even be like's just not appealing.:confused:
  16. Phoenix

    Phoenix Guest

    People who are calling posters in this thread shallow, spare me. Really, spare me. Give me the hugest break humanly possible. You can not possibly crucify people for their personal tastes, that often times they can not control. That makes you all just as shallow as the people you claim to be speaking out against. Honestly what you're doing is essentially the rhetorical version of a temper tantrum. You're throwing a pity party because SOME (READ: NOT ALL) people are not attracted to overweight people and we should all be ashamed because we're not. This is like when Lex said in that other thread about how average gay guys scorn hot gay guys for not giving them a second glance but they themselves wouldn't give give an average gay guy a second glance because "That's not what they're into."

    Same idea different scenario. So all the people who take offense because they say they're overweight (or even actually are overweight) you can continue to verbally flog people because they do not get turned on by people who are overweight but I guarantee most of you wouldn't give someone who is overweight a second glance. And you can all quote me and say, "That's not true, actually I would if they had a better personality!" But we both know that in your heart of hearts that you are much more likely to choose someone who is thin (and by extension, someone that Western culture considers attractive) than you would someone who is overweight. And I know, people can say they would choose someone overweight with a better personality because that's how it should be but many people when placed in the scenario would act differently than they say they would here.

    Sigh. I know some people have it against them because they have bad genes. But for real, making other people feel guilty for their perspectives and tastes that they usually can't control is despicable.

    Again, it's all about perspective. I was raised on being healthy just as this person was. Being healthy is extremely encouraged in my family. So as such, this perspective was ingrained into me. Yes you can be overweight and still be healthy. As such I would probably give those types of people a second glance, or at least want to be friends with them.
  17. Tim

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    Mar 8, 2008
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    I'm sorry. I'm sorry that you feel like a thread that depresses people who ARE overweight/obese is ok. I'm sorry that you don't really know the definition of shallow, because by all definitions, a large chunk of the people in this thread ARE being shallow.

    I really could care less about people's preferences. However, a LARGE amount of the comments they are making is what is causing the hostile reactions.

    You don't see me going around going "Guys/Girls who are too skinny are gross, and just wrong." But apparently, it's ok to say that about people who are the opposite of skinny, according to this thread.

    It's one thing to voice an opinion. It's another to make people feel worse about themselves BY voicing your opinion.

    To be honest, I thought this thread should have been locked/deleted a long time ago.

    There are sore subjects that I do not truthfully believe should be discussed, which is why certain topics (like politics for the most part) aren't really allowed, unless it is linked directly to another fact. Again, I am taking offense to a large amount of the posts in this thread, as are a LOT of members. But again, It's not the people who say Yes, weight matters, it's the people who say something hurtful ABOUT people who are fat that is doing the damage.
    #117 Tim, Mar 1, 2010
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2010
  18. Chip

    Board Member Admin Team Advisor Full Member

    May 9, 2008
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    I think this thread has served most of it's useful purpose, and the OP has requested that we close it, so let's move on to some other discussions for now :slight_smile:
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