Something all people with a uterus (esp ftm) should know exists!

Discussion in 'Gender Identity and Expression' started by Clairity95, Feb 27, 2014.

  1. Clairity95

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    Feb 26, 2014
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    I'm the same exactly way and I get the mooncup in just fine. There's a German company I think it is that makes smaller ones too.

    ---------- Post added 28th Feb 2014 at 10:11 PM ----------

    I cut the stem off of mine because I don't like it. I don't think you have to dig as much if you don't cut that off. It gets easier too though. It takes me 30 seconds to take out clean and put back in now.

    ---------- Post added 28th Feb 2014 at 10:13 PM ----------

    Also, I get more stuff on my fingers masturbating than I got changing my cup this morning.
  2. anonym

    anonym Guest

    I still don't know how I feel about it. I was just waiting for the day I a) get to the gender clinic and they prescribe me t or b) when I get to the gender clinic and decide I want to start taking t. But that's a whole lot of time between now and then I still have to deal with menstruation. :icon_sad: so maybe...maybe I might give it some further consideration. I spoke to my GP about contraceptive pill so I don't have it but I am already taking a load of meds for depression and anxiety and knowing what my body has to go through in the future, I am reluctant to put any more pills inside me.

    I did actually read about these cup things before I knew I was trans because I got such bad cramps and I heard they helped.

    There are 2 things that put me off. Firstly, how I fit it inside me because I can only just fit a regular tampon in there. Secondly, won't it cause MASSIVE dysphoria? I can say now I am not up for being penetrated by anything sex or otherwise. I never have and never will. It makes me feel sick to think I have that part which men want to :***:. I do use tampons but only because it's unbearable seeing and feeling the blood. Sorry if that is too graphic!

    P.S I have to say I am rather offended by the word c*** I don't think I would be if I didn't have one but unfortunately I do and it makes me squirm.
  3. anonym

    anonym Guest

    I've been thinking about this some more...I can't believe I'm actually considering but I have a couple of questions.

    How do you deal with removing it and reinserting it if using public bathrooms? Especially if you're ftm, can't use the women's loos but don't pass as a man and have difficulties finding a gender neutral toilet?

    How do you fit it in if you can only fit a regular tampon in? Is it even possible or do you have to break your...ugh I can't say it. seriously dysphoric:eek:
  4. Clairity95

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    Feb 26, 2014
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    Alrighty. Im a virgin. I can only get two fingers in, nothing more. I checked this morning and two fingers fit inside the mooncup and nothing more. The rim is the ONLY downside for me and that's only when taking it out and that's only because it feels weird. You can be as graphic as you want with this. With these it appears to be less blood than what it looks like on tampons and pads. This is the best and easiest period I've ever had and I've had close to 100 periods.

    ---------- Post added 1st Mar 2014 at 02:59 PM ----------

    People can use these when they're fully intact. May need a little lube. Unless you have an INSANELY heavy flow you'll only need to change it when you wake up and right before bed. That's what I've been doing and I don't even come close to filling it halfway! I tried it on a day where I wasn't going anywhere and could monitor about how much collects in 12 hours. And if you do need to change it in a public toilet you can just wipe it out with toilet paper and rinse it later. No big deal.

    You fold it a certain way! It's easy after you figure it out. Mine is halfway in tact. Again, I can only get two fingers in. I don't anything about dysphoria, but I really really do keep forgetting I'm on my period at all. Take into account that the first time you try it will be weird and uncomfortable but be patient and relax and look up different ways to fold it. I was freaking out but I kept trying and now I'm euphoric about the damn thing.

    If I didn't answer everything I'm more than willing to keep trying! Ask anything about these in as much gory detail as you want and I will do my best to answer.

    ---------- Post added 1st Mar 2014 at 03:05 PM ----------

    ALSO after some practice it now takes me around 30 seconds to remove and reinsert. I like the push down fold. So I see my blood for all of 1-2 minutes a day and it goes down the toilet. That is why I can see it being super useful for trans people.

    I cannot stress enough that it has a major learning curve and that it'll be freaky and painful and possibly messy at first but if you keep trying and researching and have patience with it, maybe even try it again the next month, you'll have little to no contact with your blood and even as a cis female I feel like seeing less of my blood is somehow comforting.

    ONE MORE THING. Tampons have chemicals that make you bleed MORE and can contribute to cramping. So this means less blood and less cramps (:slight_smile:

    ---------- Post added 1st Mar 2014 at 03:08 PM ----------

    I SWEAR I'm done after this. These guys make the smallest cups on the market and have the largest range in sizes.
    MeLuna Shop

    I like my mooncupMooncup Menstrual Cup | Home
    I've heard great things about lunette
    #24 Clairity95, Mar 1, 2014
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2014
  5. clockworkfox

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    Maybe it's because I'm not particularly dysphoric about my bits (for me it's more my secondary characteristics), or because I think tamps are gross and wasteful, but I'm considering this kinda seriously now. I actually feel like I've learned quite a bit more about these in the past few days. The only thing I'm nervous about is the learning curve, and removal. But the fact that you only need to change it twice a day has me ecstatic, because I often forget about my tampons and leave them in for too long. I'm surprised I don't have TSS or whatever by now.
  6. Clairity95

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    Feb 26, 2014
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    Think about it this way: a few days of trauma to learn how to use a menstrual cup or years and years of nasty tampons.

    Honestly the removal is just pinching the sides to remove the seal, wiggling it down and then taking it out. It just feels weird when it actually pops out. You just have to RELAX and do it slowly.

    If you can afford to try one knowing you may not like it (but probably will) go for it. The worst that can happen is you won't like it (I highly recommend not giving up on it when it's super freaky at first).
  7. clockworkfox

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    Can't be too much freakier than taking my shirt off...that's always uncomfortable for me.
  8. Clairity95

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    Feb 26, 2014
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    Mostly it was frustrating because I could get it in but it hurt and I could feel it when I stood up. EVENTUALLY I got the right angle and now I don't feel it at all. Now seriously the only bad thing is the weird feeling of taking it out. The way I fold it, putting it in is nothing.

    I have super sensitive skin and I usually get really irritated from disposables. It's VERY nice having everything "normal" down there.
  9. Sarcastic Luck

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    Jun 3, 2013
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    Not all of us use tampons lol. Quite frankly, when I'm not "in the mood", there's no way in hell that I can get a finger and a thumb up there. Honestly, doing all that sounds gross. Even if I did have periods, I'd be sticking to pads. I really don't like sticking things up there. Never have.
  10. Clairity95

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    Feb 26, 2014
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    Then don't stick things up there lol.
  11. anonym

    anonym Guest

    I am still a bit put off because of my dysphoria about my female bits but then getting cramps also gives me dysphoria because it reminds me that I have a uterus which shouldn't be there. I would be prepared to try it out and see because the benefits could outweigh the dysphoria of using pads and tampons but I can only fit one finger in there so I don't think I would be able to fit the cup in, never mind remove it. What do you think?
  12. Clairity95

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    Feb 26, 2014
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    What I think is get yourself a bottle of water based lube, order the cup that looks like it'll fit the best (no one knows your body better than you) I linked meLuna which has the tiny ones but I'm super partial to my mooncup. Your "bits" are stretchier than you think and these cups are very pliable. Again worst that can happen is you don't like it.

    If you can get it in you can take it out generally. I think it'd feel funny no matter what.

    ---------- Post added 2nd Mar 2014 at 12:31 PM ----------

    When I first got mine in the mail it looked WAY too big but it's really bendy. I don't think it opens as much as it's able to inside if that makes sense. The meLuna ones look less scary.
    You can get their smallest and softest with the grip that looks the least scary if you want. I'd think the mini S wouldn't work as well because it holds less, but it would make a good starter cup I suppose!
    MeLuna Menstruationstassen - MeLuna Shop

    ---------- Post added 2nd Mar 2014 at 12:40 PM ----------

    I'm so excited that some of you are open to this:slight_smile:

    It'd be one thing if my spreading the word (albeit forcefully) made a few women's lives easier, but I'd be absolutely thrilled if this information helped some of you have an easier time having parts you aren't meant to:slight_smile:

    ---------- Post added 2nd Mar 2014 at 12:42 PM ----------


    Btw I still get cramps just not nearly as bad and you could easily pretend it's just gas.
    #32 Clairity95, Mar 2, 2014
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2014
  13. CharlieHK

    CharlieHK Guest

    Wait why are tampons gross what are you guys doing sniffing them?
  14. Clairity95

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    Feb 26, 2014
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    They look gross, they feel gross, they do smell gross, (cups don't look pretty and the smell's only a little better) but mainly tampons absorb all the good stuff that's supposed to be there and are full of nasty chemicals that make your period worse. Then they sit in your trashcan. Can't flush em down the toilet.
  15. CharlieHK

    CharlieHK Guest

    Chemicals? Where? In the poon? Well of course it's not going to absorb clots and what not.
  16. Clairity95

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    Feb 26, 2014
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    The bad chemicals are in the tampons themselves. They can increase bleeding and lengthen periods and we don't even know what other healthy hazards they might have. There are natural fluids in the vagina that are there for good reason and should not be absorbed.
  17. clockworkfox

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    Yeah, also I started getting infections after I switched solely to tampons, probably from the chemicals, forgetting to change them frequently, or from them absorbing things that aren't blood, which only makes the whole situation 10x worse because then I need to shove even more stuff up there. If I can shove less stuff up there less frequently, all the better. Plus the cups are made of medical grade silicone, so they're not particularly unsanitary.

    I'll admit I had no idea how you were supposed to use a cup prior to this thread, and once I realised it was supposed to fit up there I was just as confused and wigged out as all the other guys that posted here. They look so big in the pictures. :confused: :icon_eek:
  18. CharlieHK

    CharlieHK Guest

    So after doing a little searching myself, it seems the internet has struck again with its ability to tell you the FDA is really being paid under the table so Tampon and Pad manufactures can put chemicals into your body for profit.

    So this extremely absorbent material they use, such as Rayon, is going to potentially harm you? Another "official" site says they use chemicals deadly enough that a tablespoon will kill everyone on the planet (I had to regain my breath after laughing hysterically, it turns out, some places really do give out degrees in BS).

    Oh and my personal favorite find: some chemicals make you bleed more. Okay, someone doesn't know how a uterus works. Because there is a set amount of blood in there. You are constantly making a lining as youre going through your period.

    I also couldn't help but notice that all the sites I found were enviro-freak orientated (people who are all "save the planet, yo") and chemicals-are-bad-okay. And I'm not saying there is a hidden agenda here, but there is. Landfills are filling to the brim with feminine hygiene products. But you know what else is?


    Now, to quote my best friend "Pads are just diapers for teenagers", let's get into something a bit more risky. The children. No one is going to dissect the black-magic that is diapers? The super absorbent huggies surely use 100% safe plastics and chemicals, I'm sure. Sarcasm.

    They don't. They don't put scent chemicals in there, but god knows it ain't just cotton covering baby Timmy's back side, now is it?

    So why is no one defending the kids? Oh, because no mother (or father) is going to use a reusable shit stain diaper. And these same parents aren't going to befoul their washing machines with the unholy atrocities that come out the back sides of their newly born angel.

    That's because sanitary napkins are a lot safer than smearing fecal matter all over your washing machine and then putting it back on your kid.

    Then why is menstrual blood different? It's not, it has bacteria, it's gross, it comes in lovely shades of red, hell, it even gives you nice slimy dark red earthworms to remind you of what pain and gagging on sight is. It seems a lot more disgusting to have a cup of these germs splashing around down there, constantly touching your cervix. Even more gross is having a bloody piece of fabric against your cooch for a whole week, because I don't care what the Lowes employee said, unless your washing machine has little robot arms on the inside, there is going to be blood in that reusable pad. And then you are going to have those same germs on the ring in your washer and it's going to get on your turtleneck and your socks and suddenly you are literally IN your period.

    So, if you can, remember the internet is a vast wasteland. Also remember that the Tampon industry is not going to kill you, and they are not going to fill you up with chemicals under the nose of the FDA because that's how people get sued.

    In the end, every method is going to have a little blood on it's hands.
    #38 CharlieHK, Mar 2, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 2, 2014
  19. Clairity95

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    Feb 26, 2014
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    Charlie K:
    Plenty of parents use reusable diapers and plenty of people use reusable pads. I have reusable pads and I will deal with reusable diapers when I have children because I am in "enviro-freak" and I refuse to be ashamed of that. Sorry, but there has to be something nasty in pads and tampons because they BOTH give me infections.

    Menstrual blood is what would an unborn fetus would be sitting in. An unborn fetus is very delicate and susceptible to illness. I'd say the blood can't be all that gross. With a tampon you actually have blood soaked cotton (or whatever lol) shoved UP AGAINST your cervix. The cups sit very low in the vagina.

    I don't understand your need to hate on this idea so much.

    ---------- Post added 2nd Mar 2014 at 03:43 PM ----------

    They're not unsanitary in the least little bit! Go look at mooncups FAQs. Haha they look big in real life too until you figure out how to use them :slight_smile:
  20. Sarcastic Luck

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    Jun 3, 2013
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    It's because you're spreading false information designed to scare people. I looked up the same thing as Charlie, and quite honestly, I'm going to trust the FDA a great deal more than some random "green" website. If there was truly an issue with tampons, considering how commonly they're used, don't you think the FDA would raise a stink? They've done it for much less commonly used items. If tampons/pads gave you infections, then you were doing something seriously wrong. I.e not changing them enough. I've had periods off and on since I was 13, I'm currently 25 and a half. During that time period I've also have several month long periods. Yay for fucked up hormones. Also during that time period I've used pads and a combination of pads/tampons. Infection amount? Zero.

    I..What? Menstrual blood is not what a fetus would be sitting in. They're sitting in embryonic fluid which is generally clearish to slightly yellow and well...Slimy. Women don't have their period when they're pregnant. That's..The entire point of a period: to flush out an unfertilized egg. If a woman is having bleeding when she's pregnant, then that indicates that there is something severely wrong. The same goes for the fact if a woman is bleeding longer than 5-7 days during her period. It indicates there is something hormonally or physically wrong with her that needs to be checked out by a doctor.

    The fact that you were shoving a tampon up against your cervix is probably why you were getting infections: you were putting it in wrong. Like the mooncup, they're only supposed to sit in the lower part of the vagina.