Mass effect?

Discussion in 'Entertainment and Technology' started by SpectreStatus, Mar 24, 2013.

  1. SpectreStatus

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    Mar 24, 2013
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    Anybody else out there who is addicted to it like me?
    I can't let go of it. I also read a lot of fanfic.
    If so... Favourite characters,weapons?
  2. INTJ

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    Yep absolutely love ME.

    I like pretty much every character in the ME universe except for Jacob but my absolute favourite one would have to be Garrus. He's just so awesome and voiced brilliantly that it really is hard to not to like him, even when he's calibrating weapons.

    Don't have a favourite gun in single player. I just used whatever i thought was light and didnt have terrible stability. In ME3 multiplayer favourite gun is my Cerbeus Harrier for my weapon based characters and the Acolyte for casters.

    Favourite multiplayer character is probably the DrellDept.
  3. SpectreStatus

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    Mar 24, 2013
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    Haha! Totally agree with you on that one. Potentially one of the most boring characters ever made in a game.

    Yeah Cerberus harrier is amazing, I actually got the weapon pack DLC so I can have it on single player... Best move ever!

    Have you played all ME games?
  4. Oddish

    Oddish Guest

    I've only played ME1 + ME2, but my favourite character by far are Garrus and Joker. I like Jack too. Favourite weapon.. Vindicator battle rifle, and M-76 Revenant.

    I haven't played it in ages though, I need to pick it up again. And buy ME3.
  5. Level75

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    I like the Mass Effect series. Tremendous replay value. Excellent cast of characters.

    My favorite weapons are shotguns.
  6. SpectreStatus

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    Mar 24, 2013
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    Yes you definitely need to get ME3! The online multiplayer is super fun as well.
  7. wizard of noz

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    Only played the first, but so far I'd have to say Wrex is the greatest character in the series. Don't have a favorite weapon though :<
  8. Sahale

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    Mass Effect 2 is probably my favorite video game of all time ... I actually kind of like making people die in it, it makes the end seem more epic to me. Plus no one misses Jacob =D Oh, and that moment when I actually finally beat the Collector Ship level on insanity was one of the most satisfying gaming moments, ever. I swear that thing had me ready to throw my Xbox through the window.

    Harrier is awesome, wish I had it at a higher level than 1 though :frowning2: I just unlocked the Acolyte; I'll have to give it a try. Nothing beats the Black Widow on my N7 Shadow though ... she's the only character I can actually solo or play on gold with haha.

    I also like playing the N7 Fury, Turian Sentinel, and Phoenix Vanguard.
  9. Sinopaa

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    Big Mass Effect fan here! :grin: My favorite characters in the story were always Tali and Garrus. Garrus was downright hilarious for most of the series, while I find Tali to be more motherly and enduring to me. As for my favorite single player weapons they are the HMWSR Master Sniper Rifle X (that thing was just amazing), and the M-98 Widow. I love hearing heads pop as an infiltrator. :icon_wink

    For Mass Effect 3's multi I'd say my favorite characters are the Geth Infiltrator with a Javalin X (or as I like to call it "insta-boss death"), Female Quarian Engineer with a Geth Shotgun (I ignore incinerate and go with a cryo freezing shotgun blast to the face), base Turian Soldier with an Indra X and Piranha X (Marksman makes this set-up downright deadly), and Asari Vanguard with a Kishock Harpoon Gun X and Acolyte X (ignore the vanguard dash and dump point into Lift Grenades and Status as a bubble for sniping/biotic fun). I'm super addicted to the multiplayer if you can't tell. :lol: Managed to get my N7 up to 6100 today. >w<
  10. INTJ

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    Harrier X + Warfighter = amazing AV. I tried the sniping route and hated it :wink:

    I'm also pretty addicted to ME3 Multiplayer. Unfortunately since the devs have stopped supporting it, I've let the gas off the pedal quite a bit. Hardly anyone on platinum nowadays too :frowning2:

    What are your thoughts on the new kits? I liked everything except the Talon - prebuff haven't played since they buffed it. Collector Adept and Jugg are insanely good. Cabal is decent... not a huge fan of poison strike. Sex Bot is god mode so automatically a lot of fun.
  11. Exoskeleton

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    Mar 16, 2013
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    I love Mass Effect. I got the fakes much later than everyone else, so I'm only on my third playthrough now, and I still haven't gotten around to buying ME1 since it came out for PS3.

    My favorite character? Probably Garrus, Jack, or Joker. Or Mordin.
  12. CTJ

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    Jul 27, 2012
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    The Mass Effect series is quite possibly my all time favourite gaming series and in my top 5 greatest sci-fi universes. Everything about the game turns me into a giddy nerd haha.

    Favourite character has to be Wrex, i'm so excited to have him in my team again in the Citadel DLC. I've managed to avoid all spoilers so far until i've replayed 1&2 with perfect playthroughs. I was so annoyed that we didn't get a Krogan squadmate for ME3, i would have loved to get Grunt or Wrex back instead of them introduce a brand new character that i couldn't care less about (James)

    I'm not one of the best players on multiplayer though, i cant play gold at all haha. I can do solo Bronze quite easily and often come out with the top score in silver matches, but i'm just so pissing useless at any higher difficulty. My favourite characters are definitely Batarian Soldier (Ballistic Blades ftw!) and the Krogan Sentinel, i own with those two.
  13. Sinopaa

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    Yeah, I noticed that the Platinum games have died down quite a bit since Bioware stopped supporting the game. The games I do manage to find end up usually being "Rio box of shame" abusers. Sitting in a box for 45-50 minutes gets old quick. :dry: As for my Harrier VI, I use it on the base human soldier. Adrenalin rush with a piercing mod makes that thing cut through bosses like butter. :grin:

    I like the new Reckoning kits quite a bit. I used to just hate the Talon and only used his Cain mine with a heavy weapons loadout (god that bow really sucked); but after the massive buff he's actually fairly good now. I spec the bow for heavy melee and use a Scorpion to stun enemies so I can Hawkeye them to death. :3 The whole "space bow" concept seems like they're really stretching the lore to me. :lol: The Collector adapt is a freaking tank when spec correctly (I ignore using him as a biotic and go straight for weapon damage output and shields); especially when paired with a Collector Assault Rifle and Particle Rifle. I love using the Juggernaut (I always throw a 2 or 3 speed mod on him), but I hate when randoms use him as they tend to derp during objective rounds. That and randoms just love to throw their Hex Shields up in the dumbest places. It's annoying as :***: being killed by a banshee because a Jug threw a Hex Shield up in a doorway preventing us from shooting her. She just stands there gleefully throwing her "ball of reaving death" through it while I curse the big dummies existence. >.<

    Sex Bot is just plain awesome all around. I throw my Wraith VIII on her and just wreck havoc. Her melee is so easy to abuse too. I feel like a combination of Terminator and Predator running with her. :badgrin: My two least favorite characters are the Cabal and Warlord. The Cabal seems to be too flimsy for close combat. Nightshade blades are basically just Ballistic Blades that requires a grenade, and Poison Strike not homing on enemies is especially annoying. That and I'm not a fan of abilities that only do damage over time. Biotic Focus is great, but she needs a light loadout to make using it remotely practical. My biggest beef with the Krogan Warlord is that he can still be sync killed. He's a walking death machine early on, but when you start throwing insta-death bosses at him his melee skills get thrown out the window. The fact that he is the size of a small ship and can't cover doesn't endure him to me much either. He's walking death to the Geth though.

    I'm not sure what to say about the new guns as I've only gotten 3 of 'em. The Executioner Pistol is basically a handheld Widow which I find works great with the Asari Huntress. The Geth Spitfire is basically a ridiculously heavy Typhoon and only seems practical on a Destroyer or Juggernaut. The added speed penalty using it also seems like an overkill to me. :eusa_doh: I do not like the Adas Anti-Synthetic Rifle in the slightest; it's damage output is pitiful against organics. As for the other guns I haven't gotten any of them yet, as the game is now just coughing up level 4 rounds for me. They really should have made some of the ultra-rares drops just rare. Having 20+ guns with a lottery chance of obtaining them from the most expensive pack gets grating over time. Spending a million credits and getting a whopping 2 guns tends to put me in a foul mood. :dry:
  14. Sahale

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    I can't figure out shotguns, at all ... the Pirahna is the only one that I seem to be able to kill anything with (it's funny, because, IRL, I love shooting shotguns and hunting upland bird). I played a lot of MP last spring, back when the Krysae basically made you god and capable of soloing silver. Started again recently ... it's a fun way to waste time, I guess :slight_smile:

    I hear ya about the weapon drops in PSP's, Sinopaa -- my luck I always seem to get SMG's or shotguns, which I never, ever use.
  15. SpectreStatus

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    Mar 24, 2013
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    Have you got the reegar carbine? That's a fun one to use. In my opinion it's not really a shotgun... Just blasts out rays of goodness that pretty much takes out anything.

    I usually avoid the shotguns apart from that. Online I usually go for sniper rifles or assault rifles.

    I do suck at biotics though. I get a bit too excited, run in then end up being mauled by a banshee.
  16. Sinopaa

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    I can give you some tips for the shotguns. :3
    AT-12 Raider: Due to its obnoxious close-range requirements it is only really useful on a vanguard class. I'm not a fan of it, as I find it to be a crappier version of the Wraith.

    Disciple: A great light weight gun. It has a high staggering rate and is best used with an Omni-Blade for a melee based character like the Krogan Vanguard or Paladin. I typically shoot to stagger, then do a hard melee. Its downside is its damage output is not that good and it has no long range capabilities. It's best used as a support shotgun.

    Geth Plasma Shotgun: Very dangerous shotgun. It can be used from all ranges and has a massive damage output. The only downside is the charge and clip size. I typically use this on my Geth Characters for the damage bonus.

    Graal Spike Thrower: This is like a more niche version of the Geth Plasma. It has a much smaller hit box, but a bigger clip size. If you can manage to do head shots it can be fairly dangerous. I find with people it is one of those "love it or hate it" type of guns. I personally love its long range headshot capabilities. I usually use this on a Sentinel that has Warp for the buffer damage.

    M-11 Wraith: A very well-rounded gun. It has a medium range limit, but does massive damage per shot. Head shots typically means instant death for weaker enemies. Very useful on classes like the Human Soldier and most vanguards.

    M-22 Eviscerator: A weaker version of the Wraith with a 3 shot reload instead of a 2. It's not a good, but is a solid mid-tier gun if your Wraith is a low level.

    M-23 Katana: The basic starter shotgun. It is ok early on, but it quickly gets outclassed by better shotguns.

    M-27 Scimitar: I've honestly never been a fan of this gun. No real tips on using it.

    M-300 Claymore: It is very heavy, but it can be pure death when used correctly. I use this on my Salarian Infiltrator. Since you have to be up close his energy drain can refill shields, while his Tactical Cloak buffers the Claymores damage output to obnoxious levels. I can easily 1-shot Pyros and Dragoons with this set-up.

    N7 Crusader: This is basically a sniper rifle shot gun without a scope. It can be fairly dangerous if you practice doing head shot with it. I typically use this on my Batarian Sentinel. His shotgun weight reduction bonus, spare clip bonus, and Submission net makes sniping with it a breeze. What's nice about the Crusader is that unlike a sniper rifle you can still use it easily in up-close combat.

    N7 Piranha: I always pair this with with my Turian Soldier. Marksman narrows the Piranhas spread giving it mid-range capabilities. When fighting bosses time using Marksman for when you have 1 shot left so that you do an instant clip refill. I typically equip the spare clip capacity along with a shredder mod with it. With that set up I can tear through most bosses with ease.

    Reegar Carbine: This is a great Vorcha, and Batarian or Human soldier gun. It's basically an energy flame thrower. I find it works great with a staggering ability like Flamer, Ballistic Blades, or Concussive Shot. Just stagger and melt your foes. :3 Its only downside is its close range, clip size, and somewhat slow reload speed. Clip size can be fixed with an attachment, while reloading can be made less painful if do so after staggering an enemy.

    Venom Shotgun: I have no idea because I do not have one still! It's too dang rare for me to get! :tears:
  17. INTJ

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    The only good shotgun is the Talon :slight_smile:
    Completely agree. That's why I only spec for the smaller shield and go for 10% Bonus Damage. Way more useful than have it block team mate powers.
  18. Sahale

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    Ahh so I tried out the N7 Crusader on my Phoenix Vanguard today ... yep, still useless with it. Makes recharge speed too slow, which sucks when you need to spam charge to keep your barrier. Usually on him I'll use the Geth Pulse Rifle. I like the Reegar Carbine but the close range is kind of disadvantageous.
    I still lead silver matches with my Shadow + Black Widow ... wish I had a Jugg though.

    Also, slightly Off-Topic (well for the MP discussion), but in the single-player, does anyone else besides me play a character who's sexual orientation is the opposite of theirs? I'm a lesbian, but I really like the Shepard/Garrus pairing ... it just seems really well done and at the end of ME3 their conversation before the final battle almost made me cry, haha.
  19. SpectreStatus

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    Mar 24, 2013
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    I tried romancing Kaiden once... Didn't quite work for me lol. I have a tendency to leave him on Virmire... Kind of ruins a relationship :wink:

    In mass effect 1 I mainly stuck with MShep/Ashley.

    But after Mass Effect 2... With Lair of the shadow broker and how Liara seemed to be the only one who actually appeared to not let shep go... I changed to FemShep/Liara and have stuck with that.

    After playing ME3 and seeing that Tali/Garrus get together I decided to never go near either of them. They're perfect together :slight_smile:
  20. Exoskeleton

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    Mar 16, 2013
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