spill it: your fist sexual experience with the same gender

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by ICTOAUN, Jun 22, 2011.


    Full Member

    Jun 20, 2011
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    alright guys. this thread gets a little personal. who was your first sexual experience with (of the same gender)? where were you, did you like it, etc, etc.
  2. Owen

    In Loving Memory Full Member

    Jul 20, 2007
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    Massachusetts, USA
    Alrighty, here comes the epic opus.

    I was twenty years old at the time and had never even kissed a guy, so suffice it to say I was getting a bit impatient waiting for it to happen. This fact will be important later. Anyways, I met this guy at a friend's graduation party, and we became friends. I thought he was pretty cute when I met him, but I dismissed those thoughts as I had dismissed so many others before. Eventually, over the course of our friendship, we discovered that we were both attracted to each other, and after working through some reservations on his part, we decided to start seeing each other. Our first date was nice, but we only hugged at the end of it (I did enjoy that hug, though). About a month after our first date (and only the second time I had seen him since we agreed to start seeing each other; we talked a lot in between visits and dates, but our living situations make it difficult for us to see each other), he came up to visit me at school so that I could help him with some of his school work, but also so that we could see each other. The night after he came up, we were showing each other funny videos, when the conversation came to a lull and I asked if he wanted to go for a walk. He later told me that he was about to ask if I would kiss him when I asked if he wanted to go for a walk, so hooray for being my own biggest obstacle in my romantic pursuits. But I digress.

    We came back and stayed up a bit more, when we eventually went to bed (separate beds, mind you; he slept on my roommate's bed because my roommate wasn't staying in the room that night). We stayed up well beyond after we had turned the lights out, just talking. Talking about the various hardships we had gone through and how they had made us stronger, as well as other things. After more than an hour of talking, he asked me if he could ask me something that might make me uncomfortable. There aren't a lot of topics that make me uncomfortable, so I told him to go for it, and he asked how far I'd be willing to go (sexually) knowing that we weren't in a committed relationship. He knew how much of a super-virgin I was, so it was a valid question to ask. I thought about it for a while, and told him I'd really have to experience it to be able to make that call, but that I'd certainly be willing to try some things, just to see how comfortable I felt with them. He later told me that asking how someone feels about sex in general is a pretty good way to gauge whether they'd be willing to do anything with you, and if they don't get uncomfortable and change the topic, that's a green light.

    Now, I sleep in my birthday suit, but at that point in the conversation, our discussion was getting so intimate I was about to put on my pajamas so I could ask if I could go over and sit with him. Before I could do that, though, after I had answered his question, he asked me if my unmentionables were under the sheets. This caught me off guard, so I said a cautious yes and asked why he was asking. He then asked if he could come over to my side. I said yes, putting on my boxers as he came over, just in case. Now, because I sleep in my birthday suit, I sleep with a room divider set up next to my bed so that my roommate (or the guy I'm dating, on that particular night) doesn't catch sight of anything he doens't want to see. Well, he forgot it was there and ran into it, saying "derp" as he moved it out of the way.

    Once it was out of the way, though, he was standing on the side of my bed, and I was sitting there, looking at him. And he went right for it. He held me by the sides of my head and went for it. We skipped the on-the-lips stuff and went right for the passionate kissing. And you know what? I don't regret it. Because I had been waiting twenty years for my first kiss with a guy, and now that it was happening, I wasn't going to bother with the light stuff. I was ready to go far that night (far for a first time, at least), because I knew guys who had gone farther at a much younger age, and I was done waiting. The kiss lasted a while, but not too long, and after it was over, I was sitting there, looking at him, with him standing there, looking at me, both of us smiling, and I said the only thing I could think to say to him: "Thank you." I was thanking him for giving me my first kiss with a guy, and for having the guts to ask what I had only considered asking and do what I had barely considered doing.

    Now, this guy is mostly straight, so being with a guy is new territory for him. I'm one of only two guys he's ever been attracted too, and he usually can't be attracted to a guy without first getting to know them. Because of all that, he doesn't consider himself to even be bi, so being attracted to guys is a pretty alien thing to him, something he doesn't internalize as part of who he is. As such, it shouldn't come as a shock that after our kiss, he asked me, "Do you want to do some gay shit like cuddle?" Honestly, knowing him like I know him, it was romantic coming from him. I said yes, and we did some gay shit like cuddling (and certainly more <_<, :-D ), and it was magnificent. I won't forget that night for a very long time, because, though it might not have been perfect, it was everything I had hoped my first time getting intimate with a guy would be like, and more.

    Full Member

    Jun 20, 2011
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    aww. that was cute. honestly, that sounds like a super fun first time!
  4. NoPlanB

    Full Member

    Dec 18, 2010
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    Gender Pronoun:
    Sexual Orientation:
    Out Status:
    Not out at all
    I was pretty young for my first sexual encounter with another guy. He was staying at my house for the week and his mom had taken us to the Y. We had just finished swimming and were in the locker rooms. He jokingly showed me his ass and I was really turned on.

    We went back to my house and we were getting changed for bed. I was so horny that I took as long as I could to change. I don't remember how it happened but we got naked and I ended up sucking his cock for a little bit (before I even knew what a bj was). I jacked off with him too.

    That's about it.
  5. Danny19

    Full Member

    Jul 27, 2010
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    Los Angeles
    i liked this!!! i would love something like this! lol :lol:

    Full Member

    Jun 20, 2011
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    mine was at an abandoned clubhouse. me and my crush had just gone to the beach. while we were there, i touched her on the outside of her underwear. we look up (we were laying next to a cliff wall) and we see too men watching us. both parties were clearly embarrassed, as they scurried off and my crush and i quickly left. on the drive back into my neighborhood. we were both silent. we were both in the closet (still pretty much are) and we had never been 'caught' before. both of our minds were racing with paranoa. she was about to drop me off, but i was crying, so we agreed to stop at the clubhouse until i felt okay enough to go home. we got there and hopped the fence. in the backyard was a pool surrounded by grass. the perimeter of the yard was squared off with tall hedges, so we werent afraid of anyone seeing us. i was crying pretty hard. in fact, i was crying and kicking and hittng the fence i had just hopped over. i was crying because i felt guilty (christian). i thought that i was being such a bad kid, sneaking out, doing stuff with her, and liking it. my crush took a blanket from her trunk and laid it out on the grass. she asked me to come over and lay down so we could talk about what had happened at the beach. i went over there. she calmed me down. i just kinda laid down after all that crying, and we cuddled. next thing i knew she was under my shorts. then my underwear. she paused for a second, because i had never let her get that far. but i didnt protest, so she proceeded. she did stuff to me. it was incredible. i went home in a great mood.
  7. Colton

    Full Member

    Jan 1, 2010
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    None:slight_smile: ahahaha
  8. KnightAssassin

    Full Member

    Apr 26, 2009
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    Little Rock, Arkansas
    honestly i was frenched in french class for my first same sex epxerience ..
    XD we were in french class and the teacher left he was like come here and just kissed me and it became a lingering kiss ... then basically a make out session in class .. i am not big on PDA but i couldn't resist myself XD
  9. GlindaRose

    Full Member

    Jan 20, 2008
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    Out to everyone
    I've never had sex, but the first time I kissed a girl was at a bar. There was a group of us and somehow we ended up chatting about gay chicken (the game). For those of you that don't know, gay chicken is a game where 2 people of the same sex see how close they can get to kissing without one of them backing away, and the first one to back out loses. So, I said to this girl, A, "I bet I could be a champion at gay chicken" and she replied, "Well whenever anyone plays it with me I never back out." So I looked at her and went "Want to test the theory?" and she agreed, so we played gay chicken.

    Needless to say we ended up kissing. It was good for a first female kiss. :slight_smile: Also I am still a gay chicken champion. I've never lost before!
  10. Just Passing

    Full Member

    May 25, 2011
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    Mine is kind of... well slutty.

    I was curious to see what kissing a guy was like, so I told someone I knew that I had a "surprise" for them and took them to a private area. I told him to close his eyes and I leaned in for a kiss. He was shocked and didn't like it, but I kept on forcing myself onto him, getting rather into it. Eventually, I broke down, saying I liked guys (though I denied it from then on until 2008/09) and sorry for tricking him. My only experience thus far.

    So yeah, not a good start is it? :grin:
  11. prelude

    Regular Member

    Jun 23, 2011
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    West Mids, England
    Sexual Orientation:
    Out Status:
    A few people
    Still waiting for mine. :confused:
  12. aidan

    Full Member

    Jan 28, 2011
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    Walsall, United Kingdom
    This one time I saw a guy and he was hot and I was all like "mmm"

    The end.
  13. Holliepop

    Regular Member

    Feb 25, 2011
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    Wiltshire, UK.
    Sexual Orientation:
    One New Year's at midnight I kissed a few girls. That's it.

    Boyfriend wasn't impressed but they weren't really 'sexual' kisses, more 'Happy New Year!' kisses. So, as you can tell, I'm a professional when it come to same-sex experience. :wink:
  14. whatsnormal7

    Full Member

    May 30, 2011
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    nothing yet but hopefully this summer! i cant wait!
  15. haelmarie

    Full Member

    Oct 2, 2009
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    I don't know, I've never fisted anyone of the same sex.
  16. bookworm43

    bookworm43 Guest

    Jun 21, 2011
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    GRRR you people are making me green with envy :tears: i've never even kissed a GUY before (i'm so pathetic arrghh DON'T JUDGE ME!!) nyanyanya :tears::tears:
  17. BradThePug

    Full Member

    Jun 20, 2011
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    Male (trans*)
    Gender Pronoun:
    Sexual Orientation:
    Out Status:
    Some people
    nothing yet... but I'm going to college soon so I'll meet some more people.

    Full Member

    Jun 20, 2011
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    bookworm43. hey relax, your time will come. its better to wait anyway
  19. My best friend and I were far too young to be having sex, in my opinion, everyone's different...but when we were both fourteen I thought I was in love with her. She lived with my family at the time and we often slept together in one bed, even though we had two beds in our room. We were talking and we kissed and well, it just went forward from there. We stayed up all night touching or just talking and then we hopped in the shower together and went to school...lol nothing crazy or SUPER romantic or anything.
  20. Lexington

    Full Member

    Dec 20, 2007
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    Sexual Orientation:
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    Out to everyone
    On a blanket on the side of Interstate 10, just east of the California-Arizona border, with a guy I'd met less than an hour before. I had picked him up as a hitchhiker, and he was headed towards Texas. I was only going as far as Phoenix (I think), but he decided that was good enough for one day. We got to talking, I mentioned I was gay, he said he was too, and he immediately asked if I wanted to have sex. I thought about it, and decided - yeah, he was pretty hot, and I was tired of being a virgin, so sure, why not. I assumed he meant once we found a hotel for the night, but he wanted to pull over right there and then to have sex.

    Mind you, I was driving a 1973 Volkswagen Beetle.


    (Same color, and I even painted the stripes and "53" on it a couple years later. :slight_smile: ) There's probably not even enough room in one to jerk off, let alone have sex with somebody. But the highway was a bit elevated at this point, and if you walked off the side of the road, you'd be somewhat out of sight of the highway. More than this picture shows.


    "Zero visibility possible". That's sort of what we were counting on. :slight_smile:

    So I pulled over, I pulled out this afghan blanket that I had in the back seat, and we trudged down more or less out of sight of the highway. I put the blanket down, kicked off my shoes, and turned around to sort of ask "Well, where do we start?" And noticed he'd already taken everything off but his pants...and those were off about three seconds later.

    If I were writing this story specifically to titillate, I'd start being more selective about what to say at this point. He was decently attractive. He was somewhat hairy, which I quite liked. And he was well-hung. I didn't have anything to measure him by, but I'm guessing eight inches or a bit more. And he was raring to go. :slight_smile: I quickly shucked off my clothes (hey, when in Rome) and we sort of fell on top of each other, kissing and groping.

    Since I don't have to just be titillating, I'll point out that it wasn't just my first time - it was his, as well. And although I was inexperienced, I'm still confident that I was better at it than he was. He simply wasn't very good. When he went down on me, I had to tell him at least twice to watch his teeth, and at least that many times "not so hard". (It was like he was trying to get to the Tootsie Roll center.) This didn't prevent me from getting off, of course, and from me getting him off. It may have been an exceptionally clumsy first time, but it was still damned hot at the time. :slight_smile: We later did get a hotel room, and had sex again there. Let's just say he didn't get any better in the interim.
