League of Legends

Discussion in 'Entertainment and Technology' started by Gaetan, Dec 16, 2010.

  1. BudderMC

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    Jun 8, 2010
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    ^ fair enough, I'm probably guilty of overextending a lot. I should also remember to buy tenacity early when I need it rather than following a set item progression <_<

    Also, normal games give SO MUCH MORE IP than custom games! I've almost got enough to pick up Akali now... :grin:
  2. Pret Allez

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    Apr 19, 2012
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    I totally hear this. The League of Legends community is also an extremely racist, sexist and homophobic community too... Sometimes I wonder why I play. But there you go. I think it's a game best played with real-life friends.
  3. InsertNameHere

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    Dec 13, 2011
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    I don't have much experience with top, but I can definitely say a few things about bottom.

    Assuming your following the meta game of a Support and AD Range, your role could be two different things.

    AD Range

    - You need to get all the farm in your lane. Concentrate on last hits.

    - You need to decide whether to push or keep the lane even. If the enemy jungler isn't very good and your support ally has good ward control, then you can push the lane, therefore denying a lot of farm to the enemy carry. If the enemy jungler is good and the other carry has a good burst to support a gank, it may be best to just focus on last hits only.

    - Harassing is a very useful tool. However, you have to be careful, because in even exchanges you may not come out on top. This one comes with experience, but generally speaking, you need to measure which duo has the strongest harass. If the enemy carry has someone like Soraka or Sona, then it may be pointless to harass them unless you plan to fight soon or can put stress on them to retreat to the turret and let the lane push.


    - DO NOT TAKE LAST HITS, EVER... Okay, if your carry has returned back to the fountain then it is perfectly fine to kill some minions, but other than that, your carry should be farming his or her little butt off.

    - Harassment is very important as a support champion. Sona and Lulu are some of the best at this. A lot of times repeatedly harassing an opponent can force them back and allow you to push up the lane with eaze.

    - WARDS. Always have them. Make sure the ward by the jungle is up pretty much all times past 3 minutes. If you have a vision ward, then you can use it strategically. If your jungler ganks early, a vision ward in the river can help make ganks stronger because the opponents will literally not see it coming. If your jungler plans to assist other lanes first, then it may be best to counterward bushes that your enemy support wards. The bushes closer to the lane are great spots to harass from, so it is not that rare for the enemy to ward them if they are being abused. A vision ward can help you clear their ward and give you a strategic advantage.

    - Watch the minimap! This is important for all characters, but since you are the character who decides what vision your team has, it is especially important for you to keep your eyes out for a gank.

    The point of the bottom lane is mainly to farm. Depending on your composition, you may want to go for some kills. It is usually best not to push the lane, but if your jungler is off helping other lanes a lot, then it may be a good idea to try and deny the enemy carry some farm. A lot of it is stuff you have to figure out by yourself, and with experience you will always learn more.

    Hope that helped.
  4. adam88

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    Nov 15, 2009
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    Respond to bitching with "lol" and winky smilies. Like :wink:. Sit firm in your knowledge that you don't give a rat's ass whether your team wins or not (it's an effing video game, not World War 3, for fuck's sake!) and let them yell at a brick wall. If any of your team wants to not be a dick and discuss STRATEGY, then give them the benefit of your response.
  5. BudderMC

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    Jun 8, 2010
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    So the purpose of pushing is moreso to deny whoever you're facing the ability to farm, rather than to actually get to destroying turrets?

    Otherwise, thanks, that did help a ton :slight_smile:
  6. InsertNameHere

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    Dec 13, 2011
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    Pushing a turret down can give you a lot of map control, so don't underestimate that either (as it often is underestimated). However, the bottom and top towers seem to go down pretty fast late game, so it's more about using the tower advantage early.
  7. BudderMC

    Full Member

    Jun 8, 2010
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    I think I'm actually getting decent. Or at least I find myself getting more frustrated the other people on my team don't know what they're doing...

    ...and I played with a Yi a couple days ago who INSISTED on going mid, despite me playing AP-carry. I know the metagame positions aren't set in stone, but every other one on our team was as standard says with the exception of my being forced to duo lane. At least now I really understand the value of good farm (once it's gone) :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
  8. Lad123

    Full Member

    Apr 7, 2012
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    Thats good to hear :slight_smile:

    Yep it can be pretty frustrating when someone wants to go mid but sucks at it! Why were you forced to duo lane? Did yi keep dieing?
  9. BudderMC

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    Jun 8, 2010
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    ^ the Yi was actually pretty good. I didn't doubt he could mid, but he didn't seem to understand that he doesn't need mid while others (like me) do. He ended up carrying the team, which I figured would happen.

    I think it was just frustrating because it was one of the few games where everyone was really on board with filling the lanes and positions like they should have. Support/AD ranged bot, solo top, me as Anivia for mid, and then this Yi which we figured was gonna jungle (or duo top I guess, since he had no smite). So I ended up sharing top with Jarvan because neither of us could jungle.

    Though I had something similar happen today and ended up being pushed into the jungle as Nasus, because there was literally no farming for me to be done duo-top. Goes to show that I can't just assume people will do certain things when they don't answer during character select; people really need to talk more before the game starts <_<

    I find that I end up trying to fill the gaps in the team, which usually falls to playing tank/jungler or something (and I'm a crap jungler), because other people are too stubborn to switch (or have no idea what they're doing). Probably just because I'm playing with randoms though xD
    #209 BudderMC, May 22, 2012
    Last edited: May 22, 2012
  10. LostFound

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    May 22, 2012
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    "^ the Yi was actually pretty good. I didn't doubt he could mid, but he didn't seem to understand that he doesn't need mid while others (like me) do. He ended up carrying the team, which I figured would happen.

    I think it was just frustrating because it was one of the few games where everyone was really on board with filling the lanes and positions like they should have. Support/AD ranged bot, solo top, me as Anivia for mid, and then this Yi which we figured was gonna jungle (or duo top I guess, since he had no smite). So I ended up sharing top with Jarvan because neither of us could jungle.

    Though I had something similar happen today and ended up being pushed into the jungle as Nasus, because there was literally no farming for me to be done duo-top. Goes to show that I can't just assume people will do certain things when they don't answer during character select; people really need to talk more before the game starts <_<

    I find that I end up trying to fill the gaps in the team, which usually falls to playing tank/jungler or something (and I'm a crap jungler), because other people are too stubborn to switch (or have no idea what they're doing). Probably just because I'm playing with randoms though xD"

    Oh most certainly. The league of legends community is full of total weirdness. I play midlane or support bot and I've had those odd games were I'll attempt to go mid and from out of the blue some random ad champ will "escort" me into my mid lane where they continue to refuse to leave. It is quite bothersome that is why I tend to like to play with friends :3
    #210 LostFound, May 22, 2012
    Last edited: May 22, 2012
  11. sanguine

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    Sep 25, 2011
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    yi is rubbish mid unless he built AP, just saying, heck i owned a yi mid with soraka (actually thats not really fair, soraka is a pretty ownage mid hero)
  12. BudderMC

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    Jun 8, 2010
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    ^ mid Soraka, like AP Soraka? I tried that once for kicks (in a bots game) and I found it really hard to play...

    And I retract my earlier complaining about playing support. Janna is growing on me more and more. She's just so damned easy to annoy people with.

    Speaking of this... it's been kinda floating around, but would anyone be up for playing together sometime? We could exchange details through PM (which I assume is not against any rules). I dunno, if you're interested... respond here or something? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
  13. Lad123

    Full Member

    Apr 7, 2012
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    ^ Sure I'd love to :slight_smile: although the time differences can be a problem...
  14. BudderMC

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    Jun 8, 2010
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    ^...I definitely forgot about that. :eusa_doh:

    Honestly, since it's summer, I'm on pretty periodically throughout the day. But I suppose we could all work to see when everyone's available too?
  15. Mellowish

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    Apr 19, 2009
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    I am quite skilled in League of Legends myself......when it comes to feeding that is.....
  16. BudderMC

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    Jun 8, 2010
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    I'm EST too! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

    If it makes you feel any better, I can't seem to get kills... only assists. Except when I play support, THEN I seem to get kills (when I shouldn't be <_<)

    I'll send out buddy requests to whoever next time I'm on!

    And has anyone played since the new patch? Athene's Unholy Grail... effing love it. It's soooooooooooo good! Solves all my mana problems! I think it removes my need for an early Tear of the Goddess too. At least it lets me lane effectively indefinitely as Anivia, which was near-impossible before without the blue buff. Now that buff is just a bonus :grin:
  17. Lad123

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    Apr 7, 2012
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    Can we put our game names on the thread? I really don't want to risk getting banned for something silly.

    Yeah I played like 1 or 2 games and have seen other mages buy Athene's Unholy Grail. Is it really that good? I will need to try it out next time!
  18. BudderMC

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    Jun 8, 2010
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    Well, I main Anivia as my "mage", and she's stupidly mana-hungry (Chalice was a recommended item... lol) so it helps me a lot. I find when early-game laning, esp. once I get my ult and need to start using it to push, I run out of mana really quickly. With the passive from Chalice, it lets me stay in lane long enough to last-hit farm like usual and still have enough reserve mana to combo my opponent if need be, rather than sitting helpless. Upgrading it to the Grail just makes it even better; the cost isn't too high and you get a fair chunk of AP from it. I don't know if I'd keep it late game like the devs suggested, but mid-game for sure.

    EDIT: Usually I end up rushing a Tear of the Goddess before my Catalyst for RoA, because Anivia runs out of mana, so it lets me lane longer before recalling. I tried swapping the Tear for the Chalice (then Grail) and it worked fine. Since the Tear just kinda takes up a spot and doesn't do much else, at least the Grail gives me a bit more power and still fixes the problem.

    I think I'm actually gonna try swapping Tear + RoA for Grail + something else, maybe Force of Nature, since they'd accomplish almost the same thing, but the latter might be more useful... I'm not gonna try this till I'm in a decent game though. Just played with a Voli who didn't know what a "tank", "Thornmail", or "lifesteal" was. v_v
    #218 BudderMC, May 24, 2012
    Last edited: May 24, 2012
  19. Martin

    Board Member Admin Team Full Member

    Nov 14, 2007
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    No, anything that involves any off-site contact and/or identification is not allowed on the public area of the site. You can share such information via PM, but anybody found to be doing so outside of the Private Messaging system will, at minimum, receive a one month ban. Anybody found to be using any information that is posted in violation of the rules also risks receiving a temporary ban.

    (FYI: This post isn't meant to read like I'm in a bad mood. Having proofread it, it sounds overly formal and slightly moody. It wasn't my intention for it to be like that. I just didn't want to leave any room for misinterpretation of the rules. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:)
  20. Lad123

    Full Member

    Apr 7, 2012
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    ^ Ok. Thank you for the clarification :slight_smile:

    For some reason it pains me to sell things early on in the game because its like wasting gold just to swap items. Well apart from doran's items of course because they don't build into anything. Does anyone else do this apart from BudderMc? :icon_wink

    I think its better to just plan what you're going to get from the start and stick to the items that you already bought until the sixth slot has been used. If you have spare gold by late game then great, swap items to your heart's content.