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Tell me about typical gay sexual relations

Discussion in 'Physical & Sexual Health' started by mandarof, Dec 9, 2010.

  1. mandarof

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    Dec 5, 2010
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    I don't think I can get offended after enjoying the freedom I am beginning to feel.
  2. Paradox

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    Nov 28, 2010
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    Tanzania, East Africa.
    *The prosecution rests* or probably gave up. Go figure.
  3. BasketCase

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    Mar 8, 2009
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    My head hurt a bit after reading all that.
  4. midwestblues

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    Nov 25, 2010
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  5. KaraBulut

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    Mar 1, 2008
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    I'm trying to find the right metaphor to use...

    Your post sounds a little like, "I'm going to go buy a bicyle because I've decided that I want to compete in the Tour de France".

    What everyone is telling you is:
    1. It's fine to go buy a bike if you want to enjoy riding a bike. Expecting to compete in a bigass bike race is probably not realistic if you've never ridden a bike.
    2. Maybe you might want to start out with training wheels until you get the hang of things. And if no one has told you, learning to ride a bike involves a lot of skinned knees, falling down and tears.

    In other words, dating and relationships involve a lot of mistakes, learning, getting hurt and getting discouraged. If you're signing up for that, then good luck- go have fun and practice safe sex. And remember, we have a support forum here when you get your heart broken.
  6. Lexington

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    >>>Your post sounds a little like, "I'm going to go buy a bicyle because I've decided that I want to compete in the Tour de France".

    A friend of mine was living in a double-wide next door to a house owned by a cool guy. The house also had a small storage shed in the back, and for some reason, there always seemed to be a guy living in it (temporarily). Once it was a guy whom both my friend and the homeowner called "Hippie". (I wonder if anybody knew his name.) Hippie maintained that what he really wanted to do with his life was win the Iditarod. Not compete in it - win it. He said "It doesn't seem that hard - I don't know what the big deal is." This guy not only had never lived anywhere further north than Colorado, but he'd also never owned a dog in his life.

    I wanted my friend to write one of those ten-minute epic songs about Hippie trying to win the Iditarod. Sadly, he never did.

    But if he did, it definitely should be on an album called Taste the Bloody Rainbow. Thanks, Paradox. :slight_smile:

    And skinning knees is half the fun.

  7. mandarof

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    Dec 5, 2010
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    Thanks, we'll see where I go. I think if I can have a sexual encounter I won't feel so unaware of everything. I'll know that I can then proceed as I want with caution. You are all right that this takes time. Before, it was a call of "starting" my new life after or before my trip. Well, I decided I'm sick of waiting and want to start now. It doesn't matter how it goes or what happens. I'm starting now and what happens happens. I'll happily report back any good news...
  8. Mirko

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    Apr 26, 2008
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    Hi there! Given that you have just started the coming out process, I think it would be a lot healthier trying to make a few new friends within the LGBT community and become a bit involved. Become even more comfortable with yourself before pursuing anything serious. The emotions relating to coming out and relationships, and once they mix, can become overwhelming very fast.

    Also, at the end of all of this, you want to make sure for your own sake that you don't rush into something that you will regret later. Think about your own well being first, all the time. Taking it slow is the best thing you can do.
  9. mandarof

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    Dec 5, 2010
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    I appreciate the advice. Honestly, I rushed into coming out. In a span of about 36 hours I went from I would never do this, ever, to I'm doing this right now and it's going to work. I've already waited a week (lol) since telling some people so now I'm going to be a normal person and look for a relationship. I rushed the whole process but it worked well for me, especially because I only conquered the tip of the iceberg. The rest involves my extended family and I can't tell them until I'm there, in person. I have a built in break and now that I'm partially out, I want to explore who I am.
  10. OutToSea

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    Jan 20, 2010
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    What makes you think having a sexual encounter will give you all of life's answers? :confused: You put sex and LTR's on this pedestal, and yes, they're both great, but they aren't going to automatically make you happy and some sort of knowledgeable person on everything.

    To be blunt, I don't think you're ready for a relationship, at all..You're setting yourself up for failure. The advice others have given you here is phenomenal - re-read all of their responses several times.
    #30 OutToSea, Dec 11, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2010
  11. mandarof

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    Dec 5, 2010
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    I think I may have figured out the right way to proceed--and I think others would approve, at least a lot more than they do right now. I'll report back if/when something happens.

    Thanks for the advice--I'm usually the cautious and careful one on issues...lol.
  12. Mirko

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    I think this is one of these times where you want to remind yourself of that you are the one that is cautious and careful. Running blind folded into things is never a good idea.

    I have to agree with OutToSea. You don't sound like being ready for a relationship at this stage. Given that you have gone through the coming out process in a rushed way, maybe it is time for you take a breather and catch up. Enjoy being gay for now. Go and make some new friends, get to know others and meet others at social events like coffee houses or potlucks. Then after a while, try finding someone who is interested in going on a date with you and maybe even a few more.

    No one can tell you what the right way to proceed is, but honestly I think the best thing for you at the moment would be to take a breather and really try to become comfortable with everything that has happened. :slight_smile:
  13. mandarof

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    Dec 5, 2010
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    Would you say a majority or minority of closeted gays have sexual relations? I was under the impression that a majority did.

    My coming out (which has only begun, waiting for specific events to continue) was rushed because I am usually the rational, this is the right way to proceed, one. Once I got past my mental block, it was no longer a question. I'll add that the process started with a VERY small portion of the people I'm telling. Specific events have to happen--but the plan is loosely put in place already. Prayers for Bobby pushed me miles over the top. I was already decided and then by pure chance I got the movie and watched it a mere night before telling the first person. #1 favorite movie of mine. I can't believe it is not more well received to the public. Yes, people like it, but I'm talking omg seriously this is so good and perfect. I'm contemplating picking up ten copies to sit out at some gatherings--although I hope to get a few groups together to watch it. Having seen it probably 15 times now, I'm still unable (unfortunately) to get through it without balling.
  14. starfish

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    Nov 11, 2008
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    You have go fever.

    Go fever is serious, it gets people killed.

    Seriously are you listening to what you are saying? There are so many red flags it is not funny. I'm serious, take a step back and read what you have written.

    Christmas is in less than 2 weeks. How are you going to find someone to care about in 2 weeks? That is not long enough to form those types of bonds. Then you say it is OK if you break up right after Christmas. That is not someone you care about, that is an escort.

    You really need to slow down and rethink your plans. Remember people aren't computers. You can't say "sudo love me" and make them love you. It doesn't work like that. It takes time to find a person you really care about and that fits with your personality.

    I've met quite a few guys over the past couple of years. Only a handful do I like enough to call them a friend. Only one did I develop an emotional connection with. Even that one did not work out, as he really wants to be with a girl right now. That's life and you can't change it.

    ---------- Post added 12th Dec 2010 at 12:05 AM ----------

    I wouldn't agree with that statement. In my opinion that is like saying all teenagers have sex. It's just not true.
  15. Mirko

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    Okay.... are you getting what we are trying to tell you? :confused:

    If your plan does not include any of the things that were already mentioned above, it's time for you to rethink that plan. Stop obsessing about sexual relationships. From what you have said, I don't think you are ready to be in a relationship at all.
  16. mandarof

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    Dec 5, 2010
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    Thank you. You are all right and I realize that now. I guess my excitement took over and led me to act abnormally. As I said, I'm normally the safest, slowest, most rational person that exists but my overwhelming rush of emotions altered my thoughts. I do have some progress to report but I don't want to feel bad about it because I am taking it very slow and am looking at the activities from a ways back. It's a new outlook but I don't think I should "avoid" starting a relationship at all costs. It really gave me a good self-esteem boost to receive the dating communications. I was feeling a bit hopeless before--not having anything set up after several days of trying (some I declined). These are based exclusively on looks while what I am running at is much more meaningful.

    A few days ago I contacted a few people and one of them responded, with another contacting me on his own. Both are interested in meeting but they both pushed me to take it slow, and one outright agreed that we should take it slow to keep our relationship possibilities open. The other said that he is only interested in hooking up several days later. He wants it to feel more right and reasonable. It took some time for me to accept the wait but I am fully accepting now. Rather than meeting up right away, we're waiting 2-4 days. One of the guys I see as a real possibility and the other more as a friend potential. I set up a date with one of the guys and the other is very busy and is trying to find a good chance (the maybe better as friend one). Anyway, this involves finding someone and taking it slow and proceeding with caution. We are going to fix some dinner and watch a relevant movie at my place. I have no expectations and am just looking forward to holding each other while we watch the movie.

    I should add that I talked to each of these two guys for 1-2 hours on the phone each. Does this sound a little better? The funny thing is that this was mostly me just responding to the communication. I'm not trying to "accomplish" anything before I leave but I am setting up a fun evening, which we both want. Should I turn him down if he asks for sex? Would that make everyone happy? Would that increase our chances? I have to say that the one is especially appealing to me. I am shocked how many good similarities and connections I have with both guys. The more likely long term one fits much better with my point in life than the other.

    Or is everyone telling me I'm not worthy of a relationship until I can get past more roadblocks? I moved at lightning speed through the first coming out phases (at which point I'm basically required to complete the rest) and once I did, I felt entitled to at least look around. Everyone's advice, along with my own failure, has caused me to slow WAY down. No longer do I want to secure something before I go home. No longer do I want to have sex before I leave. I still wouldn't mind a date or two but I will go to it/them not expecting sex in the least. I hope I am less scary now because this feels much better. There is plenty of time to be silent, sit, and think about what I am doing and plan it out before anything even occurs.
  17. darkestknight

    Jan 28, 2008
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    First of all, don't rush.

    On top of that, and also, be careful. There are tons of dangerous cheaters around here who wants to get into one's pants first.

    What about, finding some LGBT friends around your area, and get to know them better? Sometimes it is not all about sex. :slight_smile:
  18. mandarof

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    Dec 5, 2010
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    Hey, I'm going after this as a real, meaningful relationship. I may just turn him down the first time! I have a close nit group around me who could not be more supportive and helpful, as well as a friend who has offered any of his gay acquaintances to mentor me. I have everything I could want and will consider them. I feel that the network I have is built on a wide variety of outlets and, more importantly, has been rock solid and crucial to me.
  19. Mirko

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    Apr 26, 2008
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    Hi there! It is not about making anyone happy, on this forum or in your life off this forum. It is really about you thinking through your potential actions. Yes, we all have to make mistakes first and learn from them before it finally hits us, that we need to change something.

    We have given you our opinions and feedback but you still seem tied to the plan that you have. Maybe you need to make a mistake, fall and then pick yourself up again to realize that it takes a lot more to get to know someone (either as a friend, or to see as to whether there is relationship potential) than a 1-2 hour phone call. Maybe you need to fall for some of the things we have been trying to tell you to make sense.

    You have said, "you are not trying to accomplish" anything, though yet what you have written in your last post, I get a different picture. You are still asking the same questions and getting at the same things.

    Rather than trying to get a date, and wondering as to whether you should accept if one or the other offers a quicky, take a step back. Rather than trying to find a date before you leave, try to create a friendship with one or the both of them. Nothing more.

    Get comfortable with yourself first, and then start looking for date.
  20. mandarof

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    Dec 5, 2010
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    Okay, I will try to form a friendship first. I am benefiting from everyone's advice, even if I don't sound like it. This is ALL so new to me but I have traditionally had great instincts that have allowed me to make a lot of really smart decisions throughout my life. I will take and use everyone's advice closely. Do I sound a bit more sincere now? I feel it.