Would religious people date atheists/agnostics?

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by musikk021, Feb 12, 2013.


If you are religious, would you date an atheist/agnostic?

  1. Yes, it's not an issue.

    27 vote(s)
  2. No, it's a dealbreaker.

    9 vote(s)
  3. Neutral/don't know/depends.

    18 vote(s)
  1. Not likely. Mostly a dealbreaker. I am not trying to sound like a jerk, but let's be honest; I want to date someone that shares the same religion with me, so we can connect on that level.
  2. FJ Cruiser

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    Jul 17, 2011
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    Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't read any atheist or religious hate in this thread. In fact, your reply was the only snarky one, and a known pot stirrer took issue with it.
    #62 FJ Cruiser, Feb 14, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2013
  3. TheSeeker

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    Oct 23, 2012
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    Up on the Canadian Border in the Rain...
    First off, let me tell you how much I love the word "snarky"... Thank you for using it (no sarcasm here, I am serious).

    I could give quoted examples from the thread, but honestly, I don't want to single people out here. I guess I did over-react a bit, but it's mainly because half the time on here I read threads where people will never date me because I'm Bi, and now they won't date me because I am an atheist?! Come on.

    This isn't the most hateful thread I have seen, but an exclusion of any group on the basis of religion just sounds so chillingly familiar that I went off on it. No offense to the OP (who I know is also atheist), but I think the thread was in poor taste. Even if it was a genuine question. I don't want or need to know why anyone else is going to reject me! Especially not on Valentine's Day...

    Not mad, just trying to explain. Thanks for your comment,

    The Seeker
  4. musikk021

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    Let me start by saying that I'm sorry that my seemingly simple, straightforward question turned into such a heated debate. It was genuinely just a question purely out of my own curiosity because I wanted to know how some people felt about the issue. In an effort to keep it simple, I accompanied this thread with a poll to get quick feedback—yes or no or in between. Then I was looking forward to reading what people had to say, and by that I meant a simple explanation of why they chose to say yes/no/neutral. I didn't expect full-blown arguments.

    If you didn't want to know the answer to my question and to see why people would "reject" you, you could have simply ignored this thread...just saying. I wanted to know IF people would consider my atheism a dealbreaker; this was never meant to be an attack on anyone else. It was just something on my mind because I like someone who's Christian and wanted to gauge how much of a factor my atheism would be to this person. I know everyone's different, but I just wanted to get some opinions.

    So let's just placate this thread and keep it calm and simple. I didn't mean to start any fires!
  5. MixedNutz

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    Oct 18, 2012
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    I was very religious when I was younger, now I'm mostly agnostic. My bf is atheist. We have spirited discussions every now and then.
  6. castle walls

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    Sep 14, 2011
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    To the OP:
    I totally get why you made this poll but have you ever thought of asking this question to the person you're interested in? I'm not saying you should ask flat out "Would you date an atheist?" but perhaps you should ask her what she thinks of differences in couples. Be that difference interracial, different sexualities, or even interfaith. Maybe you could see how similar she wants her partner to be. Maybe you could ask her about her religion? Is it a large part of her life? Is she a Christian that goes to church every Easter and calls it a day? I think the more you know the better off you'll be.

    Everyone on EC can have their opinions but, at the end of the day, what matters in your situation is what she thinks. Good luck with her!

    I want to start this off this next part by saying that I'm not trying to stir the pot. If anyone considers any part of this post disrespectful, please inform me which part and why.

    I could be wrong but I don't think a lot of these people are refusing to date atheists because they have something against atheists. I think it is because religion and/or the church is very important to them. They may even consider it one of their defining characteristics. If that is true, they wouldn't have a whole lot in common with an atheist. Also, many religions mandate that they date someone within their own religion.

    Not everyone is going to want to date you. Sometimes they'll reject you for the most asinine reasons. If someone rejects you for something like you being an atheist or you being bisexual is that the kind of person you really want to be with? The way I see it, if someone rejects me for being bisexual, or a racial minority, or insert superficial reason here, they just saved me a whole bunch of time. Chances are the relationship wouldn't work out anyway because they can't see past superficial things to what is really important like who I am as a person.

    Also, I get why you'd be upset at reading what you deem to be anti-atheist posts in what is supposed to be a safe place. When I first joined, one member (this member is no longer active) who shall remain nameless attacked me for being a Christian on multiple occasions. At one point, I was beginning to think that this member was watching to see what thread I posted on just to try to mock me there as well. I didn't understand why said member was behaving this way since I had never attacked this member or said a negative word about said member. Needless to say, I didn't exactly feel welcome here on EC and had this member stayed active I doubt I'd still be here. I hate to use the cliche phrase "why can't we all just get along?" but why can't we? A little more respect and understanding from everyone would go a long way (I'm not talking about you TheSeeker. I'm talking in general)
  7. musikk021

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    Mar 20, 2012
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    I agree! I know that ultimately, it comes down to the individual. No matter what the question is, nobody can answer it accurately for me other than her. Thing is, I'm not close enough with her to ask her about these kinds of things. In short, I've known her and had classes with her every semester for 2.5 years now. We sit together every day but can't seem to surpass the small talk stage...the "did you do the homework? what'd you think of the reading assignment?" stage. This semester has been a little better, and we've conversed a little bit here and there about things other than school, but we really only get to talk in the 5 minutes before class starts, and then that's pretty much it. We talk during class discussions as well, but we're discussing literature then. So yeah...I don't know how to progress from here :confused: The only reason I know that she's Christian is because I saw it on her FB profile, and there are enough clues on there to signify that she's pretty into the religion.

    Anyways, not to bore you with my story, but that's what I know. I guess it doesn't really matter anyways; it's not like I have a chance. I was curious to know the answer to my original question nevertheless, even if it wasn't going to help my situation.

    Thanks for responding thoughtfully to my post!
  8. castle walls

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    Sep 14, 2011
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    Is she straight or are you unsure? If she's not straight, you shouldn't say you don't have a chance. Personally, I'd go for it. I think its better to risk it and go for it then to always wonder what if.

    Have you ever tried to see her outside of class? Perhaps going to get lunch/coffee, walking to another class together, studying together, or going to some on campus event together? Talking to her during class is great but those five minutes don't give you as much as another event could
  9. musikk021

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    Mar 20, 2012
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    I'm unsure, as I don't know her orientation, but I always assume a girl's straight unless proven otherwise. No, we've never hung out outside of class; it's already nerve-wracking enough talking to her before/during class time. Besides, I would just feel too weird asking her "out," and I don't think she'd want to hang out with me anyways. We're both shy, so conversation is tough, especially about things outside of school. I'm too scared to ask random questions.

    Also, as we were standing in the hallway today before our class started, she and this guy were facing each other, talking together (he's in my class too). My heart totally sunk, and I got really sad because I thought she was probably into this guy. When class started, she came and sat next to me and we talked about the homework...then she pointed to and mentioned that guy (the one she was talking to) being her roommate and how he did the homework wrong. So I don't know what to make of her relationship with this guy...it just made me sad...it felt like a confirmation of her heterosexuality or something, idk...
  10. Fintan

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    Aug 24, 2010
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    Good point.

    I'm a Christian but most of my boyfriends have been non-religious. I don't have a problem dating non-religious/atheists as long as they can be respectful of me and my beliefs.

    I have met a number of atheists that have some sort of need to be militant/mean/condescending against Christians or religious folk -- and I couldn't date them.

    I don't need/want someone to convert for me. But I had one boyfriend who wasn't into the religion thing at all, but he joined me at church once or twice a year, just to humour me, but it meant a lot to me and meant that I wasn't always going alone. And I in turn would occassionally miss religious events I would normally go to to make it to things that were important to him :slight_smile:
  11. castle walls

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    Sep 14, 2011
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    I hope I'm not prying here.

    If you're interested in going after this girl perhaps you could try working your way up to the more challenging aspects such as asking her to do something outside of class. I use to be incredibly shy and I still have my moments but I found that slowly working your way up to what you want to accomplish helps. If you're not interested in going after her there is nothing wrong with that. Eye candy is good too.

    As for the guy, it sounds like it is pretty hard to tell what he is to her. I can see why that would be frustrating. Hopefully, he's just a roommate.

    Whoops! I totally didn't mean to derail your thread and go so off topic. Sorry about that. I guess I'll just exit now. Feel free to write on my wall or send me a pm if you'd ever like to chat with me. I always love talking to new people