So, I'm a female who would rather not have boobs...

Discussion in 'Coming Out Advice' started by Martee, Jun 10, 2012.

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  1. Martee

    Martee Guest

    I've always diliked the idea that I have boobs. I want a flat chest like a guys. I don't care that I'm female...I like being a girl I suppose, but I don't want boobs! I always wear a compression bra (even though I have absolutely NO need for compression, whatsoever). I'm quite small chested...thank goodness! I don't know what I'd do if I had big boobs. I hate that my shirts won't fall flat on my chest. I just don't like them and can't figure out why. It's really is. I know top surgery is a route some have taken, but I'm not genderqueer or trans and I don't want to bind either because I've heard stories of the horrors of binding. I don't want to BE a guy, I just want a flat chest (no boobs).

    I don't like attention towards my breasts so I wear larger shirts...not HUGE, but usually one size larger than I need and from the men's department. I have been called sir at times and it doesn't bother me because I do have quite short hair and I wear my tennis shorts and tees a lot so I don't blame them for assuming. If I were them, I probably would too.

    None of my friends or anyone (well besides one, a guy) knows I have issues accepting my breasts. I can wear "girl clothes" and carry on as I would in some more athletic, comfortable clothes. I'm not butch and don't want to be a guy. I'm just "tomboy" I guess because I don't feel all-girl. I never did grow out of that "phase" like my mom hoped I would and put on a frilly dress lol. As a kid/teen I wore boy clothes and pal'd around with the boys in my neighbourhood. This doesn't dominate my everyday thoughts but it's like how on some days people feel fatter than the day before...well on some days I'm more self conscious about wanting a flat chest than others. It'll be pretty intense for a week or two and then the dislike will subside for a bit, but it always returns.

    Just wondering if anyone in the EC community had some helpful advice in this situation...if all that even made sense lol
  2. silkfrog1292

    Full Member

    Dec 29, 2011
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    Hong Kong
    I'm not sure if you're still a teenager, but I think i have read somewhere that teenage girls that are developing breasts may feel anxiety or even a desire to be rid of them because of this scary notion of "entering adulthood" as well as generally being uncomfortable with all these physical transformations.

    Could this hate for boobs be traced to feeling constricted with wearing a bra? or maybe a feeling that boobs are a dead weight that makes you uncomfortable? if so, maybe changing bras or dress habits might be helpful.

    But judging by the text of your post this seems to be a self-image problem. Would it be realistic to talk this through with a counselor? Because it seems to me (please forgive me if i'm wrong) that you do have some form of gender identity non-conformity. While this certainly does not mean you are trans or les, this may be a direction that you may want to explore further.
  3. Martee

    Martee Guest

    I'm not a teen anymore, but it's been since then that I've had this issue. It's not about wearing a bra or the constriction of such, but more so that I want a flat chest. I feel that I am girl, but that boobs don't match who I see myself as. It might be a gender identity issue. idk.
    #3 Martee, Jun 10, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 10, 2012
  4. scarletladder

    Regular Member

    Jun 8, 2012
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    Leeds, UK
    Sexual Orientation:
    Hey :slight_smile: I think I kinda understand a part of what you're going through. I have quite large boobs, and they always bothered me. I was always close to my younger brother, but then suddenly I was different, and treated differently. I guess I felt like they were tying me down. But now I wouldn't do anything to change my body. I had a period where I used to wear large shirts, and strap my breasts, but now I'm ok. I guess it was because I was insecure. Now I'm less insecure, it's got a lot better :slight_smile:
  5. Martee

    Martee Guest

    I'm glad you're secure in who you are now. I hope it won't be this way forever. I have quite small boobs so it's not like they are the first thing a person might notice of me...but I still know they are there.
  6. Deaf Not Blind

    Apr 13, 2012
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    WA DC
    it could be. Go see a Gender Identity therapist, they specialize in it, and they can help tell if you are more a tomboy or in a slightly different category.
    Do you date, and i know it is personal, you fantasize as a girl with a boyfriend or something else or does it also change?
    anything i can do to help...ask.

    ---------- Post added 10th Jun 2012 at 12:04 PM ----------

    i have had bad periods and better where it was not such an issue, but i always ignored them...except the few recent years i tried to fix my brain by telling myself i loved them. didn't work and think it backfired into making me go worse again. i think maybe stress or hormone levels affect it? but i was about 10 first time i pushed them flat, and always refers to it as my chest not the b word, and now i have found the meaning of transsexual and transgender i see it is tied directly to all the other things i said and did growing up, which is good and bad...i am sad so many have this issue we should not be experiencing we should all love ourself no matter what shape...and it is good as i found out i am not the only one not at all alone and there are people i can ask for help and so many options to help me...and i now know i have a name for what i have dysphoria and that does help to know i can use that word to accurately describe to others what i am going through in my mind. since then, however, even though some stress i got rid of by dropping classes, i got other stresses good ones, and my dysphoria is not never is all the way gone...and i am too contented with binding and wearing mens clothing to go back to the awful women's no matter how much it dissipates after all summer stress is gone, i think i will be wearing mens underwear the rest of my life. (even if somehow i got married and tried to live for the world to think i was female, he would have to live with a boy! haha!)
  7. Ianthe

    Full Member

    Feb 3, 2011
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    It seems to me that perhaps you identify as female, or mostly female (this is an option, it's not all or nothing), but you may not be comfortable with traditional femininity.

    How does the way you feel about your chest play out during partnered sex? If you've never had partnered sex, how do you imagine it would play out? Do you/ would you feel comfortable with a partner touching your chest? Do your feelings about your chest prevent you from pursuing partnered sex?

    Regarding your gender, try this:

    (Try to consider femaleness and maleness independently of each other, so that they can coexist rather than negating each other. Thus, being more female need not make you less male. Likewise with femininity and masculinity.)

    For gender identity:
    On a scale of 1-5, what is the most female you ever feel, where 1 is "not female at all" and 5 is "completely female"?

    How often do you feel that way?
    Rarely Sometimes Very Often Always

    On a scale of 1-5, what is the most male you ever feel, where 1 is "not male at all" and 5 is "completely male"?

    How often do you feel that way?
    Rarely Sometimes Very Often Always

    How often do you feel neither female nor male?
    Rarely Sometimes Very Often Always

    How often do you feel both female and male?

    For gender expression:

    On a scale of 1-5, what is the most feminine you ever feel, where 1 is "not feminine at all" and 5 is "completely feminine"?

    How often do you feel that way?
    Rarely Sometimes Very Often Always

    On a scale of 1-5, what is the most masculine you ever feel, where 1 is "not masculine at all," and 5 is "completely masculine"?

    How often do you feel that way?
    Rarely Sometimes Very Often Always

    How often do you feel neither feminine nor masculine?

    How often do you feel both feminine and masculine?

    (For all of the 1-5 scales, you can also rate the least you ever feel, or rate how often you fall on each point of the scale.)

    Anyway, I guess my point is that introspection about gender doesn't have to stop at "am I a man or a woman?" it can go into a lot more detail. :icon_wink
  8. Martee

    Martee Guest

    @ Deaf Not Blind:

    I don't date...have had ppl who want to date and currently a guy that said if I wanted to date, he would ask, but I just don't see myself as dating at all. Weird? Maybe. Hypothetically, I would see myself dating a male and be in a hetero-relationship where I was still free to be a "tomboy." But around women, I feel as though my masculine side starts to take over and I feel as though I need to protect them if we're walking around in the city or if they need help I offer to carry things or whatever, you know? For a while I was REALLY confused in all of this because an old primary schoolmate (out-lesbian) reconnected with me and she was heavily into me and she was hoping I was a lesbian or at least that I was questioning cuz she wanted to date me cuz I am her type I suppose...but she's found another and I'm back to where I know I should be mentally with all of that.

    I wear mens underwear too LOL. i get trunks. Hanes used to make them for women but then stopped for "lack of interest" and I was out of my fave unders. So I found that men's trunks fit much the same. problem solved :slight_smile:

    ---------- Post added 10th Jun 2012 at 02:19 PM ----------

    Spot on...I do identify as mostly female. I've not had partnered sex, but I don't think I'd be comfortable with them touching my chest. I don't know if my aversion prevents me from partnered sex or if I'm just wired differently than everyone else.
  9. Deaf Not Blind

    Apr 13, 2012
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    WA DC
    hmmm...when i was a teen kinda similar to your post. i know now i am transgender, but i need to go to did therapist to know exactly where i am. i think you and me both have some issues about chest, but i bet there is more to it than tomboy. i used to call myself that, until i read more and accepted my past actions and private thoughts.

    best underwear ever: Diesel. not cheep, but oh best I've found so far!
  10. Martee

    Martee Guest

    I wish there was a simple answer that could be found here...i would see a therapist or a DID specific, but that costs money, you know. There might be more to this that I can see right now, but until I know how to delve deeper I still consider myself a tomboy. I don't want to be transgendered. I know some people need to make that decision but I don't think it's one I need to make to be at peace with my chest. Do you wear a binder?

    Diesel ones are the best, I agree and no not cheap. I wear AE short trunks.
  11. Deaf Not Blind

    Apr 13, 2012
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    WA DC
    yes i bought a binder. it is black and comfy and i wear it everywhere under my shirts.
    try library see if any books. online i bought on amazon out & about on campus, but saw many trans books. your library could have them
  12. Martee

    Martee Guest

    Okay. They just constructed a new library in my town so I'll have to go check it out. Doesn't a binder constrict your regular breathing? I've read many reviews and because of them have decided against buying/wearing "fantasy" I have is to be able to go shirtless on the beach or while running/cycling :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
  13. Martee

    Martee Guest

    What books or book genres would you recommend seeking out...if any? Tell you the truth I'm feeling kind of lost (if that's the right word) in all of this...whatever "this" is. It's strange feeling like this and not being able to have open dialogue with someone who could help. You know? You're so assured of yourself and I admire that.
  14. Deaf Not Blind

    Apr 13, 2012
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    WA DC
    um no. not anymore than a bra or sports bra!
    no kidding, i got the right size, it said in reviews comfy, and not flattened 100% so looks like pecks, it looks greg normal under shirts, and maybe too warm in muggy summers....guess i will find out.
    but i have a shoulder that had trapezius musle ripped off the bone, so it doesn't feel great over my sore shoulder but 50% better than any sports bra on have no injury so no pain for you, i got it it takes weeks to arive from China and they are built differently than USA I got Large and in mens shirts I'm small, so there u go! abt $50 and worth every cent. but i not buy their lesbian boy underwear...i saw a sale and tried and can't get them on! Mens briefs only way to go. I will likely meet a skinny lesbian one day give em to her...oh well.

    ---------- Post added 10th Jun 2012 at 06:21 PM ----------

    oh i don't know i guess just i know i have a purpose in life, God don't make mistakes, so I just go along for the ride. I like mysteries, so now my body and sexuality is one to solve...goody! haha!
    Well, i bought a couple books, like the one i mentioned, but only opened the 1st chapter in it so far. Out & About on Campus is the writings of students who discovered themselves as gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender and how life was on public, private, and religious campus dorms. 1st chapter was a black girl who finds out she's lesbian, and i stopped because the way she discovers, how her mind was in denial and yet the signs there, it was powerful. I think it is going to be a good book, and for anybody on EC. There should be a tread created for books we read that will help others would be good. I saw some I want to read specifically for trans, but too much money right now.
  15. Martee

    Martee Guest

    Yeah...I know I'm here for a purpose as are you. It is impossible for God to make mistakes so I just do my best to follow the path he's laid out for me and keep him first in everything. I hear you. I'll have to browse the library tomorrow before work and see what kind my library has available.

    “Sometimes people let the same problem make them miserable for years when they could just say, So what. That's one of my favorite things to say. So what.” ~ Andy Warhol
  16. Deaf Not Blind

    Apr 13, 2012
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    WA DC
    Keep in touch, let me know how it goes. and u can friend me, i won't bite much.
  17. Martee

    Martee Guest

    haha roger that and good to know :slight_smile:
  18. Deaf Not Blind

    Apr 13, 2012
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    WA DC
    Roger? who the H#ll is Roger? My name is David!
  19. Martee

    Martee Guest

    you really crack yourself up don't you? LOL :eusa_clap
  20. Markio

    Full Member

    Oct 15, 2008
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    Northern California
    I have a friend who binds her boobs. She says people always assume she wants to be a boy or something, when really she just likes the way it looks. After awhile she came out as genderqueer, feeling that she was about 60% female and 40% male.

    My friend was happy when I asked if she just liked the way it looked, because most people try to label her for binding and it frustrates her that people make assumptions. I guess the point I'm trying to make is that it's more important that you're happy with your actions rather than feel compelled to explain them to people. Nice people will accept you for who you are.
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