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When is it not enough anymore?

Discussion in 'LGBT Later in Life' started by Thirdtimecharm, Sep 18, 2015.

  1. High Art

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    Aug 9, 2015
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    Something that struck me recently, I'll leave it here.

    "Don't cling to a mistake just because you spent a lot of time making it."

    I don't see the value in staying in a marriage where everyone is miserable. I also don't believe in running away from responsibilities. There are so many gray areas, and only you and your partner can decide what is right.
  2. Thirdtimecharm

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    Apr 18, 2015
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    Thanks everyone. He is doing ok. His two front teeth not so much. I honestly do feel guilty still and horrible about what happened Bc I think I should be feeling more or be more upset but I am not. He's a grown man and made the decision to take the meds, and I guess somewhere inside I feel that he should of talked to me about it or something. So maybe I am angry with him a bit.

    I have actually been in therapy for almost two years. We have discussed my sexuality numerous times, she has been my safe place to explore my feelings and I fee comfortable talking about it with her Bc she is a lesbian herself. This has been my struggle in therapy lately, Bc I keep seeking out situations that get me in trouble and are not healthy for myself and my marriage. This is why I began to wonder if me doing the little things I do to connect myself to the LGBT world will always be enough or if eventually it won't suffice anymore.

    Shadowslyke, I agree that a big part of the issue is whether or not I am even happy here. I honestly don't know. I have always looked out for everyone else, taken care of everyone else, filled everyone else's needs I have become accustomed to accepting less than for me. So am I here Bc of loyalty, or commitment, fear or do I truly want to be here. Not sure, I think I might be afraid to explore that.

    Cap, that's my constantly struggle---is it worth it at the expense of my marriage. I have no idea, I always think the grass is not always greener...but as I said above I have never thought about what's best for me. I do what's asked of me, what I am supposed to do...

    HighArt, such a powerful quote. Really made me think. There is a lot of truth to it. Yes it is up toe and my partner, but sometimes I feel that we are partners in a household as opposed to a married couple in love. It hurts my heart for so many reasons.
  3. bi2me

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    Jul 23, 2014
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    Hi third time, I hope you are both doing ok. Keep us posted. (Edit: glad he's doing ok. I hope the dentist will be able to repair the teeth easily)

    I get being upset that he didn't tell you. I think I'd be upset/concerned too. It sounds like you guys have several sex related topics to discuss.

    High art, I think that is a more elegant way of putting the poker term 'pot committed'. Sometimes we continue to pay in just because we have so much out there already. When do you say, "enough is enough?"
    #23 bi2me, Sep 20, 2015
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2015
  4. CapColors

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    Aug 15, 2015
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    Agreed. I brought up those examples because they are kind of ridiculous and yet people (men) leave their partners (women) all the time for less. I wanted to put a minimal bound on the difference.

    As for whether or not there really are fundamental differences between the genders...I often think that there is more of a difference between a woman like me and a passive, gentle woman than there is between me and many men. I am often assertive and analytical, can get carried away with my own work, etc. The men I seek out as friends are creative and kind, not Alpha types. So, well, the idea that there is more than a physical difference is harder for me to support, given my own personality and my preference for intellectual, nice men.

    There IS a difference, but it blurs sometimes. It's something I am wrestling with. I know that I WANT to think that my attraction to women is something apart, and therefore justified in having as well. At the same time, I want to be OK with not having a woman, and so I want to minimize the difference and think "you're not missing much".

    AARGHHHH wtf.

    Your approach seems so honest. I really hope that things work out for you and your intrepid husband in the poly arena.
  5. SnowshoeGeek

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    Sep 14, 2015
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    It sounds like the new wrinkle could be a reason to step back for a while and consider. It would have rattled me in a huge way and made me want to pause. So allow yourself to do that - if you feel that.

    But, I did want to comment on your statement about negating the past. I don't think that anything can ever negate the past. My particular story involves many relationships begun and ended, and several with whom I have retained dear friendships. My outlook and history are not traditional in the least (anymore.) Having actually turned my back on a traditional life, I guess I have had to find a different way to look at connections and love.

    I only know that the people who have remained in my life, including the former lovers that I retain a connection with, are so valuable to me. Relationships are precious. But they change sometimes into things completely unrecognizable compared to how they began. How can anyone spend decades with a person and have the relationship remain the same, when the people in it aren't the same? I guess my outlook is that love and pain and loss are all just part of the same package. There can't be love without loss of some kind... whether it is the loss of the sense of security of something "unchanging", or the loss of the actual person through separation or death. Gee this is all some weird profound stuff coming from me but you have me looking at my own life differently too...
  6. Thirdtimecharm

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    Apr 18, 2015
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    Your last paragraph has great perspective thank you. It's hard for me to take the time to pause and really think Bc my life is constantly moving, having young kids and a household to tend to. I have wish I had the time to myself to really think about everything, but I think sometimes that's where I get myself I trouble too. My mind wanders a lot to places I have never gone inu almost forty years of life. And it's so exciting, but kind is stressful and ways a bit on me. I am trying so hard to be present here in my marriage and not somewhere else. It's difficult bc then I think about things that could be and I get lost in that and I think sometimes try and do things to create it...if that makes sense.

    Thanks Snowshoegeek, your insights are appreciated.
  7. go figure

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    Oh my goodness this whole post is mirroring my life right now. I am going through this with my husband. I feel so much guilt about not knowing I was gay and not wanting to break up my family. But I honestly just can't imagine my life with out my marriage. He is my best friend and he is just my family, plain and simple.

    Everything you said about your family coming first and never being about you is exactly how it is for me too! But I have been noticing that my kids are starting to pick up on the tension now too, and that is unacceptable for me. So I know now I have to do something. I'm just lost on what.

    I would be pissed if I found out my husband was taking Viagra without telling me. I think you are right to feel upset , you are trying your hardest to be open and honest with him about what you're goi g through and him doing that with out telling you would make me feel like....I was lied to....maybe? I don't know but I know I would feel hurt.

    I hope everything works out well for you, and thank you for taking the time to write this post out. I couldn't find the words myself, so it's been very helpful to read this here.
    Take care. (*hug*)
  8. Open Arms

    Open Arms Guest

    Jun 14, 2015
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    This is just my opinion:

    Mixed orientation marriages are rarely happy from what I've observed.
    If you know you are a lesbian and don't enjoy sex with a man, or a gay man who doesn't enjoy sex with a woman... it is a mercy to all concerned if you get a divorce. If kids are involved, it's not so black and white in my opinion. Hash it out as a family as to the timing of when you leave. (When they are 18 at the latest.)

    If you are bisexual and have children, I think you should really try to make your marriage work. The grass is not always greener on the other side. If both of you are terribly unhappy in the marriage and have tried your very best to make it work, and both of you want a divorce, hash it out as a family, and then split up (when the kids are 18 at the latest).

    Obviously, I'm saying put the children's happiness above your own. You owe them a secure home during their childhood. If you know one day you will be free, it will make it easier. Until then, try to stay true to your vows and give your spouse the best that you've got.

    I find close, non-sexual relationships with women quite fulfilling. I have two very special female best friends that I experience intensity with minus the sex. It's not easy to keep them non-sexual, but it's possible if both sides agree. The sharing, friendship, support, and affection is enough.

    I am also blessed to be in touch with my first love (male) occasionally too. Long distance.
    Again, the mutual respect, sharing, support and some affection via occasional e-mails and rare brief visits are enough.

    How many people can say they have their three greatest romantic loves as a part of their lives? No, we can't live together; we can't have sex together for a complex of reasons... but it is satisfying, if not ideal, and it is enough.

    If I were 20, or even 30, and didn't truly enjoy living alone and wanted children, I probably wouldn't say this.
    #28 Open Arms, Sep 22, 2015
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2015
  9. Thirdtimecharm

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    Apr 18, 2015
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    Open Arms,

    My children always have been and are my priority. Everything I do is for them. I think they are a big part of the reason I have stayed as long as I have. My husband and I have issues above and beyond my questioning of my sexuality. If we separted it would be for other reasons and not because of my sexuality. In all actuality I may be a lesbian, I cannot really say at this point (or maybe I am just not comfortable to say yet). My husband had been my one and only dating partner, sexual partner, etc. I have a small sample pool obviously.. I have never had a physical relationship with a woman, but have had emotional relationships with women. They were fantastic. I do believe that I would enjoy and probably prefer a relationship with a woman over a man. I feel I rob myself the opportunity To explore that side of mysed when I was younger Bc I married the first and only man I dated. By the time I had met my husband I had already fallen in love with a woman but for several reasons did nothing about it. I cannot go back and change time and Bc I met my husband I have my two babies that I wouldn't trade for anything.

    You're lucky you have the emotional connection relationships with women. I truly believe that this would make me happy but any women whom I have had this with has for one reason decided it was not doable so they leave me broken hearted. I do wish so badly for this type of relationship and am very envious of you.

    I always say it is what it is. I believe that most of the time. Maybe one day in fifteen years when my youngest turns 18 I will re-evaluate my life and take it in a different direction, I don't know. But for now I am staying put, with my kids and my family. And it's difficult but I feel it's the right thing to do....doesn't mean the ache is not there, just means it's not my priority at this point.
  10. mellie

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    Sep 9, 2015
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    I have a hard time with this "staying together for the kids" stuff. I understand your concerns as I have two children of my own, but isn't it important to that you live a fulfilling, authentic life? If you can do that in your marriage, great. If not, aren't you becoming a martyr of sorts? Is it not going to make you even the least bit resentful?

    My dad died when I was 12. He died at 48, a miserable man. He married my mom because he got her pregnant and he never left her because of me and because it was his second marriage and he didn't want to break up another marriage. He went to med school on a dare, loved being a doctor but hated all the politics around it--what he had really wanted to be was a biology teacher.

    My point is, he was living an inauthentic life for others and he never had the opportunity to turn it around. Even at 12, I could sense his unhappiness. I wished so much he would have just left her, been happy. That's what I wanted for him.

    Our time here is limited. I just think it's important to consider that. You can love and take care of your children and give them all they need regardless.
  11. Thirdtimecharm

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    Apr 18, 2015
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    I think that was the point of this thread. I am not sure if I can be completely fulfilled in marriage, but I am also not sure if I can Be fulfilled outside of my marriage too. My kids fulfill me. They are my main focus, the reason I do anything. I am not becoming a martyr by staying in this marriage. As I have said before if I left my marriage it would be for others reasons, such as my husband's uncontrolled anger, and not because I was gay. I am not even sure that I am gay. And that's a part of my issue. I could truly be bi. Who knows, maybe Being with a woman would make me feel unfulfilled Bc I don't have a relationship with a man. Point is I am not willing to throw away my current life and end my marriage based on that. Currently my pull towards accepting and incorporating that part of me into my life is not strong enough and all overwhelming that I feel I need to leave. Maybe one day it will be. Yes I am staying for my kids but I also staying for myself, staying for the commitment I made to my husband.

    My parents also had a miserable marriage and my mom should have left my dad decades ago. I grew up with that misery so I don't want that for my kids. But I do want stability and comfort and a family for them with my husband's presence. For me this is the path I chose. I know not everyone feels the same or would do the same but we each have our own journeys.

    I admire you for being so brave to go after the life you truly want. If I get there one day I hope I have as much courage as you did. But as someone in this thread pointed out, the grass is not always greener and in my situation I truly believe that. I have told my husband about my feelings for women, he knows u want a girlfriend. It's currently not something my husband fees comfortable with so its not something I can pursue. And I am ok with that and respectful---maybe one day I won't be ok with having a girlfriend and will want to come out as a lesbian. It's a possibility, but today, is not the day.

    Thanks for your comments. Good luck in your journey.
  12. mellie

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    Sep 9, 2015
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    It's such a tough spot to be in. It seems that wherever you turn, someone gets hurt. It's also hard not knowing where you stand. I went through a phase where I was afraid of destroying everything for something I wasn't even sure of. I am sure now, but I still wonder if I'm making the right decisions. We can only do what we feel is best for ourselves and our families. It's so hard when there is no "right" answer, huh? Life would be so much easier if we could just fast forward 10 years to get a glimpse of what will be it could be. Or if someone would just make the hard decisions for us.

    Good luck.
  13. Thirdtimecharm

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    Apr 18, 2015
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    It is a tough spot to be in. And I must admit I was kinda upset by your post at first and the martyr comment. It's a strong word and one I don't take lightly. I can understand your intention on using it....just caught me off guard. I used to make decisions based on others, that was my entire life. I have slowly begun to change that and live more for myself, believing that a) I am worth having a happy life; b) I can better be there and help others when I take care of myself first. It's a learning process, trying to take care of me.

    This is so hard. And the ache to have a relationship with a woman doesn't help. I have been honest with my husband and told him if we separate for any reason that I would no longer date men and that I would date women. For me that's as honest and open as I can be right now. From what I have experienced, I do much more prefer the company of a woman and I do want close relationship with a woman again (the type Open Arms takes about) and maybe that will work for me and be enough. But I don't know. I guess time will tell.

    Yes, would love to have that crystal ball to ten years down the road so I could see how things will turn out so I can be comfortable with what I do today. But unfortunately we can't. But it would be amazing.

    I look forward to following your process dealing with coming out and am hoping I can learn from your example :slight_smile:
  14. Chicagoblue

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    May 30, 2015
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    While we can all be a little goofy/wacky/over the top at times, at least all of us are examining our lives and deciding not to settle. I just remember so many miserable adults when I was younger. I don't want to be one nor associate with one. Keep moving!
  15. Thirdtimecharm

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    Thanks fellow Chicagoan :slight_smile: not settling, whatever that looks like for each of us, that is the key. Quite frankly I am tired of settling. I have had enough to last a lifetime. Time to move along :slight_smile:
  16. SiennaFire

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    Hindsight is 20/20.

    Many of us who are married entered marriage wanting to live a normal (heterosexual) life and raise a family believing that's what we should do based on parental, religious, and/or societal scripts while in denial about our own sexuality. As time passes and we gain clarity about our sexuality, we realize we face an explicit and often painful choice to live authentically or choose to somehow reconcile our newly discovered sexuality with our values. Our spouses may feel that we've used them as cover - a human shield - which may be true from a certain perspective once we've achieved the clarity of hindsight but our intentions were always genuine and acting on the scripts presented to us early in life.
    #36 SiennaFire, Sep 23, 2015
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2015
  17. mellie

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    Yeah I realized I kind of sounded like an asshole after the fact. I didn't mean it that way, very sorry. I'm in a weird place right now. Everyone's journey is different and what's right for one is not right for anyone, or even comparable. I look forward to following your journey as well.(*hug*)
  18. SiennaFire

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    EC is a supportive forum. Sometimes posts are fluffy, direct, or somewhere in between. As long as you offer constructive advice that's meant to be helpful to the OP, you shouldn't have to apologize for candor. Coming out is not a cakewalk and sometimes grit is necessary. Thanks for bringing this perspective to the conversion.
    #38 SiennaFire, Sep 23, 2015
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2015
  19. looking for me

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    darlin, that sounds highly judgemental. what works for you, and if it works thats fantastic, may not apply to someone else even if it is a similar situation.
  20. Thirdtimecharm

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    I don't take offense to Soulstones comments. I think they were made coming from a place of been there, done that, didn't work so here are my thoughts. I understand the feeling of being broken. Even though I have never had a full on relationship with another women, I have had emotional relationships which when the women left me, I get broken. Then I cannot turn to my husband for comfort Bc the relationships I had should have not even existed in the first place. I live with guilt daily.

    We are on this forum to provide support and also insight of maybe what lies ahead....I appreciate the warning and perspective.