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my story

Discussion in 'Family, Friends, and Relationships' started by alex1170, Dec 14, 2011.

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  1. alex1170

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    Dec 14, 2011
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    Thanks for the comments guys. He got back a few days ago but we have been distancing ourselves to prevent me from getting sick. Its tough though because all I want to do is get close to him. I gave him the letter thing I made today. It ended up being 4 pages long. He read it on his way to work and he said he loved it. I love surprising him like that. Anyways, he seems to not be sick anymore but we are still playing it safe since I hear you can still be contagious for up to a week after you stop showing symptoms. However, I also read somewhere else that after your fever is gone or after you have been on antibiotics for a few days you should not be contagious anymore. So I don't really know what to make of it since he has not had a fever in over a week and he was on antibiotics a week ago as well. Maybe we will wait one more day and disinfect stuff.
  2. stumble along

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    Dec 8, 2011
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    According to what the doc says whenever I'm sick, after fever and pills you're good to go after a few days so I wouldn't worry too much
  3. mav96213

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    Feb 25, 2013
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    I'm curious if you and your boyfriend have had much time to discuss the past holidays? Wondering how things went for him with his family, if they "questioned" him very much about his life over here, what's going on "relationship wise"? He's getting to an age where they are going to ask more and more (even pressure him), and I wonder how he's handling it?
  4. alex1170

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    Dec 14, 2011
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    Hey guys, sorry its been a while since I posted. Things have been pretty busy. As always thanks for the responses.

    To answer your question mav, they constantly ask him not only about what is going on with him relationship wise...they even try to set him up with women. They are just very "involved" parents though. For example his mom wanted to know what he ate for breakfast this morning. It is like they feel the need to watch over him even though he is 31 years old. He tried to tell his mom that she is too involved in his life and that she should give him some breathing room and she broke down into tears over it. This as happened on more than one occasion. She really cares for him, and he doesn't want to make her sad so he just puts up with her constant questions and impositions.

    He also mentioned that his parents want him to move back to europe. They are both very successful and own multiple businesses. They basically want him to move back home and stop working and look for a girl to marry. He obviously is not going to do this for multiple reasons, the main one being me. He also wants to work and be successful without the help from his parents. He is a very smart and highly motivated guy. He already has a very nice position at a pretty big company, so he is doing just fine without their help.

    He has tried imply to them that they should not expect a normal relationship from him multiple times, but they pretend to ignore and even imply that that is not ok. He thinks they would love him and support him either way, but it is difficult because he has a history with women that is not easily dismissed in the minds of his parents. Anyways, this is what I have gathered from talking with him. Some or all of that may not be entirely true because he still doesn't like to talk about it so I only get chunks at a time.

    In other news, it is great to have him back, and we finally started kissing and such today after being careful since he was sick. We basically spent the whole weekend being starry-eyed over each other. I feel a very strong connection to him that I can't explain other than love. So yeah, things are pretty good right now. As for coming out, it will have to wait a while since I am very busy with school and my sport right now. Things will need to start happening as summer comes around though. Can't put this thing off forever.
  5. TJ

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    Glad you two are back to being lovers again. :slight_smile: Happy for you.
    Thanks for the update.
  6. alex1170

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    Dec 14, 2011
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    Hey guys, I know it has been a while but things have been really busy on my end with school and my sport kicking into full gear. My boyfriend and I are doing just fine. We had a little argument last night but nothing too major. I think we are both a little stressed because of work and such, and we took it out on each other. Neither of us really see too many people we consider good friends that often these days because we are so busy, and this means that the first person we get to talk to after a long day is each other. This can be good or bad depending on what kind of mood we are in, but I think we are beginning to realize not to take things out on each other. Anyways, that is all for now guys.
  7. UK_guy

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    Nov 4, 2013
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    Hi Alex I just wanted to say thanks for sharing your story, which I've just finished reading from the beginning and hope eventually I find the happiness you have :slight_smile:
  8. Clay

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    Jan 5, 2014
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    Yeah just wanted to drop in again and say I always look forward to updates, I come here every day, and I wonder if there's an update with your mum situation seeing as though you never got the chance last time.
  9. alex1170

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    Dec 14, 2011
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    thanks for the comments guys. Glad you are enjoying my posts.
    So my boyfriend went on a trip to go skiing this weekend without me because I had other things I had to take care of. He loves skiing. I would have liked to go with him, but I told him i couldn't so he found other friends to go with. I definitely am a little sad that he left for the weekend because I was looking forward to spending it with him after a long week. As for my mom, I think I am going to wait until I have less on my plate to worry about telling her again
  10. alex1170

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    Dec 14, 2011
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    Hey guys, Time for another update. Things in my life are crazy busy right now so I don't get to update as much as I would like to. Anyways, for valentines day we had not really made any plans to do anything because I had a bunch of assignments that I had been stressing over all week. Why professors make things due at midnight on valentines day I will never know. Anyways, my boyfriend still managed to surprise me by secretly setting up a romantic candlelit desert of chocolates, cupcakes, and beer in wine glasses (he knows I prefer beer to wine, haha) while I was finishing up my work in the other room. It was such a nice surprise after finishing up a week of work. All and all it was actually one of the most romantic nights we have ever had. I still can't get over how much I love this guy. The next night I took him out to dinner. We decided not to go out to dinner the night of valentines day because we didn't want to get any strange looks or have to deal with any of that. Anyways, I feel like we are falling more in love every day. We are absolutely crazy about each other, and I am pretty sure this thing is going to last a while. There were plenty of people that commented on this thread at some point and tole me that I did not know how lucky I was or how good I had it. I think now I truly realize what you meant.
  11. mav96213

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    Feb 25, 2013
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    Thanks for the update, glad things are going well. Sometimes it's the "little things" that mean the most, so perhaps that's what "hit you" recently. Even with all the projects due at week end, sounds like you still had a nice Valentines day... you're bf managed to make it special. Really glad you're both happy and in love, very cool!
  12. alex1170

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    Dec 14, 2011
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    Thanks mav.

    All I have for an update are things are going really well. Being with him is the highlight of my day every day. Living together with him has had some troubles here and there, but overall it has been very positive and we both love it. I don't really have that much more for you guys at this moment, but that just means everything is going great and I couldn't be happier.
  13. jazzcourse

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    Happy you're happy man. There's a lot of disappointment floating around here, my own included, and it is really nice to hear about a happy ending. I know it's not an ending per se but you know what I mean...

    I wanted to just toss it out there that I think stories like yours have been like a gasoline of hope in my f-ed up situation. 2 guys, one with a GF, lots of feeling, never acted on. And I realized a small simple thing that seems important about you guys- you were BOTH actively looking for something at the beginning. Even if it was supposed to just be a hook up, you were both that far as willing to take some kind of action....

    Thanks again for all these updates and the story. Gives me hope to hope in the right way, if that makes any sense, and stop self destructively longing and calling it hope.
  14. alex1170

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    Dec 14, 2011
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    Hey guys, Sorry it has been a long time since my last post (i feel like I say this too much recently). I have been crazy busy with schoolwork and training for my sport. Being so busy has actually put a strain on my relationship. So I could really use some advice...

    Basically I just finished up finals recently and now my team and I are going into an intense training mode over spring break. We are practicing twice a week, including weekends, leaving me with little time to spend with my bf. Also, the classes I just finished taking were pretty intense so I was spending the past 5 or 6 weekends working nonstop, also leaving little time for my boyfriend. We still were around each other a lot over the weekend, I was just on my computer working for most of it. He would even help me with some of my work a couple of times because I got so swamped. The thing is, he would then use it against me saying that he always helps me, but I never do anything for him. The truth is I do things for him, but probably not as often as he does things for me. I just feel so busy all the time.

    Basically my boyfriend wants to spend a weekend or at least a day just the two of us together now that I am done with finals; however, with so practice twice a day that means I would have to skip at least one practice to do that. My sport is the kind where I can't just skip a practice without a legit reason (injured, really sick, family emergency, that sort of thing), or coaches and teammates will start to question my dedication and ultimately it will hurt my chances of maintaining a high status/good position on the team. I told my boyfriend this, and all he could say was that I cared more about my team than him. I told him that was not true, but he will not believe me unless I skip a practice to spend a day with him. He thinks he shouldn't even have to ask, that I should want to do it to spend time with him. I do want to actually, but I am making that sacrifice so that I can pursue my dream of competing at one of the highest levels.

    We just talked about it on the phone while he is at work. He said he thinks we should break up because he is not happy with how the current situation and he thinks he is not a high priority to me. I can tell he doesn't really want that. He just wants me to change and to spend more time with him. I told him it sounded like an ultimatum to me, but he denied it.

    I really don't want our relationship to end. We are both still very much in love with each other. I just feel like my busy life has caused a bunch of problems recently.

    Should I be making more sacrifices for our relationship? Any other advice?
  15. mav96213

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    Feb 25, 2013
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    Thanks for the update, I've been wondering what has been going on. I commend you on wanting to do well in your sport, and play on the highest level possible. However, life is full of trade offs, so better get used to it now. Sometimes you have to give up something or do something for the other person in a relationship, it's all part of the gig. I can't imagine that missing "one" practice is going to put you in danger of or jeopardize your position on the team. I understand missing a practice is frowned upon, but sometimes you have to make an exception. After all, what is the most important to you in your life, your sport or your BF? That's what you have to decide I guess. I think he's feeling that you are only giving him the leftovers in your life. I'm not saying that is true, but I can see how it could feel that way to him.

    My 2 cents anyway....
  16. alex1170

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    Dec 14, 2011
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    Thanks for the input mav, my BF is more important to me than my sport right now. I guess that right there gives me my answer. I suppose I just didn't want to have to choose between the two. I hopped he would just be happy with seeing me when he did get to see me.

    I am going to text him a few things soon. I will tell him that if he wants to break up with me, he should be sure about it before saying it. No I think we should break up...unless you can change my mind type of things. If he does not want to break up then he should tell me we need to have a talk, or something along those lines. I will also tell him that this saturday we will spend the day together and I will skip practice to do so.
  17. mav96213

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    Feb 25, 2013
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    I would like to add this. I can understand how your bf might feel that he hasn't been your priority, HOWEVER, I don't like the way he handled it. Threatening to break up is not an adult, mature way to work through conflicts. I think he's used that ploy before, and it has to stop. Tell him that you want to talk about issues and work through them, not just "walk away" and end the relationship. He needs to know that he can't "use" that threat every time he doesn't get his own way, so you need to talk about that with him. I hope you can make him understand that without the conversation ending up in a fight (it shouldn't). Good luck, and let us know how it goes...
  18. alex1170

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    Dec 14, 2011
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    Its not going well. He said he thinks its over, but he is willing to wait a few days to see if I can really show him I care. He doesn't think I care about him. Obviously I care about him but he wants concrete evidence. I feel like nothing I do now will feel genuine to him. He said his mind wants to break up with me but his heart doesn't.
  19. pianoguy88

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    I agree wholeheartedly. And I say that as a person who made the same mistake your friend is making. I lost a good friend (someone I was deeply in love with) because I didn't believe that he really cared. I tried to force him to prove his affection for me.

    One thing that I feel is important, having been on the other side of your situation: be real and recognize that he's in pain. He needs to hear that from you, because if he's like me, he's freaking out a bit. Make sure he knows that you understand where he's coming from.

    What you do about the sports program is your decision. His demand does seem unreasonable and childish, and he should respect your freedom and your desire to be the best at what you do.

    Otherwise, just do something that shows him how you really feel. Showing is always better than telling. :icon_bigg
  20. resu

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    Jun 23, 2013
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    You should tell your boyfriend what you wrote here: "I hoped he would just be happy with seeing me when he did get to see me." Being in a relationship does not mean you have to spend every waking minute trying to see each other. That can be unhealthy because it will set a standard where you are making very serious sacrifices just to retain your boyfriend's affection. That's not love.
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