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Trying to figure this out

Discussion in 'Sexual Orientation' started by Rupert30, May 7, 2018.

  1. PatrickUK

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    @Maxman31, can I ask if you've considered working with a therapist who has experience of helping clients with sexual issues? You seem to be hitting a number of walls and there is a clear disconnect between thoughts, feelings and actions. I think it would be beneficial for you to explore things more deeply.
  2. Rupert30

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    Definitely hitting walls, I don’t know how to fix it, I’m certainly open to a new therapist - like a sex Therapist you mean? I’m not sure what the disconnect is or why it exists. There’s a fear that I’m not who I think I am. The only thing is I’ve done this before - I’ve tried to figure this out and it didn’t bring any real answers. At this point the anxiety has become almost debilitating - like I can’t be in social functions or work or sleep. The Prozac I don’t think is helping. I’m constantly thinking about whether I’m gay or not. 24/7. Is this normal? I feel totally insane.
  3. Love4Ever

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    You sound so stressed right now I don't think you are ever going to be able to figure this out to your satisfaction in your current state. You need to tackle your anxiety as a separate issue, or you won't be able to know your own feelings. You need to give your mind a break from analyzing this and just accept the uncertainty. You don't have to figure this out now or ever and that's okay. Take a deep breath and be kind to yourself. I do think a therapist would be able to help you if you are so inclined.
    #23 Love4Ever, May 23, 2018
    Last edited: May 23, 2018
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  4. Chip

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    You don't need a sex therapist. But you do need a competent therapist, and it sounds like the one you have currently may not be meeting your needs, especially if you don't feel comfortable discussing the sexual orientation issue, which seems pretty key to what you're going through.

    I think what you posted a few replies ago is pretty key to the whole thing: Initially, you said you'd be OK accepting you're gay, but then you said that you absolutely wouldn't be OK being gay because so much of your identity is built on being straight. And I think that's the underlying issue: You have a severe amount of judgment toward the idea that you might be gay, and so that's getting in the way of accepting what seems to be a more likely possibility.

    A couple other things that came up from reading your other posts: having previous mental health issues, previous drug use, and being hospitalized for those issues implies a fairly severe mental health issue. It sounds like, from what you are describing, something that could be on the anxiety spectrum, and that's also consistent with what you're describing.

    Since you just started Prozac, was that prescribed by a psychiatrist after a full diagnostic work-up, or by your regular physician? Given what you're describing with the anxiety, Prozac would probably not have been my first medication of choice, since it is known to increase anxiety for some people. It does take a while (up to a month) for your body to adjust to it and for it to start to work, but if it is making symptoms worse, it may not be the right fit, and you may want to discuss this... but given your history, you really need to be working with a psychiatrist, not just a regular MD.
  5. Love4Ever

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    Chip is right. You need to come to term with your sexuality or you won't have any peace. And you deserve that.
  6. Rupert30

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    I want to clarify a couple of things - if there’s this idea that I avoid homosexual people/places, that is not the case. I have many friends all over the spectrum - and I feel totally comfortable talking to my Therapist about my sexual orientation issues - I’ve been doing that constantly the past month or so that I’ve been dealing with this. As far as the disconnect between “I would be okay being gay” and my identity I don’t feel is as large as it’s being turned into right here. I mean maybe it is, but this feels slightly wrong to center on those two sentences over everything else I have written. I’m not a moron - I pride myself on being able to look at myself and my feelings without too much judgement. Yes, most people just think I’m straight due to my “vibe” or whatever - but I always make a point in the past (when this wasn’t so nightmarishly bothering me) to say I didn’t know. I do not want to lose women completely - the thought of that scares me the most I guess if that’s what you mean by disconnect. I have a history of anxiety issues yes I have been on lexapro, Zoloft, respridol, in the past. And the Prozac was prescribed by a psychiatrist not a regular MD.
  7. Rupert30

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    It’s also strange because I really don’t feel it’s a possibility that I’m actually full on gay. If I really take a step back - but then maybe I have to just make peace with the fact that I am and I have to give up female sexual relationships and be with men from now on although that does not sound pleasant to me.
  8. Rupert30

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    I’d also like to know what you mean by being gay being a “more likely possibility”?
  9. Rupert30

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    Like I feel like I cannot pursue women because if it turns out I’m gay I’ve deceived them. I don’t really have any desire to pursue men but feel I should to rid myself of the anxiety.
  10. Chip

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    Here are some excerpts of things you've said within this thread:

    I think if you look at those, together, it's hard not to see the internal conflict that's going on. And it may be worthwhile to know that this internal conflict is actually very common to people who are in the early stages of accepting themselves. Just because one has gay friends doesn't mean one is OK with being gay. For most people, that's a completely different thing.

    Straight guys don't talk about finding a guy on a hookup app to "relieve their anxiety". They don't have the interest, desire or need. They aren't in any way turned on by gay porn. They don't fantasize at all about guys. They aren't worried that if they connect to their feelings for guys that they'll lose all interest in women.

    So what it sounds like, from what you are saying, is that there's a pretty strong resistance to actually accepting yourself. I think you're trying too hard to look at this logically, when it is really a combination of logic and emotion. Nobody who first considers that they might be gay is thrilled and excited by the idea, and the battle between unconscious and conscious mind can be a pretty difficult one.

    Perhaps just allowing yourself to begin to explore accepting the idea that you might be gay could be helpful here. And also seriously considering looking for another therapist might be a good idea as well.
    #30 Chip, May 23, 2018
    Last edited: May 23, 2018
  11. Rupert30

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    This is interesting because I think you’re actually totally misunderstanding what I’m saying there - the fear comes first like this “am I gay?” and then I observe to see if I am. It’s not a feeling then an anxious reaction to that feeling. As far as doing a hook up with a guy I also feel I’m being misunderstood - I would much rather just be gay and not have the anxiety around it. I don’t know if I’m communicating myself correctly - I have literally zero desire to hook up with a guy - that’s not me being in some sort of denial believe me I really don’t want to do it. I’ve done it, I don’t enjoy it. But if it can provide a fix to the fear, or clarity, I will force myself to do it.

    This is where I get confused because what you’re describing right there does not resonate with how I feel at all. It feels like a misinterpretation. Like I get why you came to that conclusion for sure off of what I have posted here and the information you have - but this makes me feel even more alone because I feel very misunderstood. I know I’m not 100% straight - I don’t care to be 100% straight. But to delegitimize the fear of losing women as if that’s only a thought a gay man can have seems odd to me to come to that conclusion. It is possible to be insecure about things without actually being those things - it is possible to have irrational fears. I have many of them.

    This to me, is starting to be less about whether I’m actually gay or not and more about the crippling anxiety around it. Being gay I know would not be the end of the world, I’m not worried about having kids or the perceptions of me or losing “heterosexual privileges” I’m more worried about the worry itself? If that makes sense.
  12. Rupert30

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    Also I should clarify - I’m not turned on by gay porn. I was able to get off to transsexual porn for a bit though.

    Like I said this isn’t the first time I’ve thought about this, and I always feel like I’ve done enough and been open to the possibility. Of course I wouldn’t be thrilled at the identity of being gay - but I also am not thrilled at the prospect of having to be with men if that makes sense. Like it doesn’t feel like something I emotionally or logically want but I gotta accept the possibility that is true.
  13. Rupert30

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    “Straight guys don't talk about finding a guy on a hookup app to "relieve their anxiety". They don't have the interest, desire or need. They aren't in any way turned on by gay porn. They don't fantasize at all about guys. They aren't worried that if they connect to their feelings for guys that they'll lose all interest in women.”

    This is also interesting to me, you know this from what? I spend most of my life around gay, bisexual and straight identified men. I’m in theater for Christ’s sake. A lot of “straight” guys I’ve talkrd to have gone through periods of insecurity about their sexuality.
  14. Rupert30

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    Sorry one more thing - I’m just trying to communicate this in a clearer way: a lot of the fear is around acceptance of the gayness - not being gay itself if that makes sense. In the parts you quoted that’s what I’m trying to say - I am afraid I’m incapable of accepting being gay if I was gay. Like a thought would be “what if I’m gay and I can’t accept it and then later in life I’m in some sort of Angels in America situation and I wasted my entire life” and then “what if all my anxiety and depression is simply just because I’m gay and denying who I am” and then I go to “if I can accept being gay then maybe I can drink and do drugs again as I will have solved the issue?”
  15. Chip

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    Well, I think it is the idea that you'd never be able to accept being gay that's the problem here. I'm not saying you're gay... only you can know that for sure. But what I am saying is that generally speaking, straight guys don't spend their time worrying "what if I'm gay? I'd never be able to accept that." They simply know they aren't, and they don't have the other indicators you have that point toward being attracted to men.

    As far as "what if all the anxiety and depression is simply because I'm gay"... I don't think that is the sole reason. Gabor Maté MD's (and others) work tells us that anxiety and mental health issues arise in large part from early childhood brain development issues, so that certainly plays into things here. But it is likely that if you are, in fact, gay, that all the energy you're expending insisting that you'd never be able to accept it, and the anxiety produced by that, is certainly something that would lead you to want to numb.

    So if you were to start actively working through this, my guess is the anxiety would drop significantly, and the desire to use drugs would decrease, because there'd no longer be a need to numb the uncomfortable feelings. But the brain development issues would likely have you at risk for addiction, and it would be unwise to go back to using drugs and alchohol, given your history.
  16. camillus

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    I agree with the posts above that a random hookup is not going to help things. I think the best approach is to find ways to really internalize the idea that if you are gay, that's totally fine. Then you'll be in a position to accept yourself and move forward, no matter who you find yourself to be.

    Working with a therapist would help but also finding people who have come out or are in the process of coming out seems really important.

    It also helps to read the posts in the "coming out later in life" forum. Things can get really bad if you settle down with a woman before figuring this stuff out. I've learned that the hard way.
  17. Gamer77

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    I tend to agree with not watching porn. I am bi sexual (I think?) and I have never watched straight porn. I think since I always watched lesbian porn my sexual experiences were always like one night stands. I never really explored the possibility of being in a gay relationship until recently I stopped watching porn. I wanted to see what was influencing my emotions. Then I started fantasizing about relationships. Idk if that makes any sense but I feel like it did influence my feelings lol
  18. Rupert30

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    I think at this point this whole thread has become more anxiety producing than productive for me. I think, I would be able to accept being gay in reality - in calm moments it feels like “What would be bad about that? Why am I tripping out it would effect literally nothing in my life”. BUT when I get into panic mode (as I have done in this thread) I freak out about “what if I can’t accept it though? What if I’m one of those gay guys who gets married and shit only to later fully come out? I gotta make sure that’s not the case” hence a spiral into analyzing my past and my reactions to things and then when I don’t have strong sexual reactions I think “well maybe that’s because of internalized homophobia” and then from there I think if I go force myself to hook up with a guy (as I have done in the past and it usually marks the beginning of the end of the obsession with the idea) it’ll make things clearer. I’m also pretty open with my friends about this struggle it’s not something I’m keeping to myself - I believe you are correct that this can’t be the sole cause of anxiety and addiction - I’ve thought in the past I had conquered the issues necessary to go back to it but it’s just a fantasy, there’s always something I’m freaking out about.

    I’m in a bit of a calmer moment now though, and I want to apologize for the total freak out I’ve had in this thread and I appreciate you all giving me the time of day when I’m being ridiculous. I think a lot of the advice here was great - mainly I think the idea of shutting off from porn and starting to have fantasies about whatever is a worthwhile pursuit and I’m going to make sure I can do that - regardless I think it’ll be beneficial whether I’m gay, straight or bisexual. I have tried to “choose” to be gay and it hasn’t been successful in any tangible way in the past weeks but who knows maybe it will be in the future. I totally want to avoid coming out later in life, that is why I have this fear mainly - I would hate to be in that situation more than anything. But I can’t stop living just because that’s a possibility.

    I think I’ve been attaching things to the physical symptoms of my anxiety that maybe are not real, or maybe they are who knows - I have a history of mental illness. I think it would be a mistake to go hook up with a guy - it won’t fix the thoughts, and it’s always a very unpleasant experience regardless when I’m in a state where I’m doing that for some sort of clarity about my sexuality.

    The desires to drink have risen a lot over the past few weeks to calm myself. But I haven’t done it and today the desire is subsiding. I am taking the approach of “I have no idea what my sexuality is, if I don’t want to do something I’m not gonna do it and if I do want to do something I will” and just leave it with that uncertainty for now instead of trying to force myself into committing to something.
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  19. Rupert30

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    I do want to respond to this though. I am a strange person, in general. Regardless of whether I am gay or straight or bi or whatever. But nearly every "straight" guy I know who is honest will admit at one point they have wondered if they are gay or questioned their sexuality in some way. So it does confuse me that you seem to be coming from this presumptive place that they don't. I don't mind being queer to some degree, I've experimented - I have gotten off to transexual porn. The majority of my idols are queer. The "markers" in regard to pointing towards being attracted to men as far as the flashes of naked men in my mind at 13 or the disembodied penis thing or whatever - I would have thought at some point those would be pleasant at least if that was representative of my base wants and attractions? Like wouldn't it be sort of a compartmentalization issue where I'm like "yeah I like that but that's not gay" more than like "I have this image or this feeling in my chest and it manifests as this and it is not pleasant and doesn't go away with any sort of sexual release or anything - does that mean I'm gay?" Like, when I'm calm I've had friends kiss me for party tricks and I never felt like some crazy fear around it, it's fine.

    I've worked through this before, it always turns out the same. I have no problem with women sexually, in fact sex with women is one of the only times I felt better about this thing during this whole ordeal (although the prozac did affect my ability to orgasm, as all ssri's in the past have made me do) - in those moments I see myself I just have a few weeks where my anxiety goes through the roof and it latches onto something - it can be a multitude of things ranging from: career, work, ex girlfriend, not being attractive, getting fat, death, being trapped - it just attaches itself to something I fear could be true that would affect me greatly. I won't do drugs or drink, I haven't in many years this is not the worst. But I do have to reiterate - this idea that Straight guys never question their sexuality is frankly off base - of course I also believe everyone is somewhere on the spectrum and sexuality is less weird and black and white than: you only like this or that. But when I freak out? And think what if it is black and white?And I think as a result I have to give up women? That is the main irrational part of it. Like the only reason I care is because I'd have to give up girls. Which I think in turn would mean that probably won't happen. Because nobody is forcing me to do anything.

    Anyway I just wanted to put that out there, just that not all "straight" guys are incredibly secure in their sexuality, or haven't had same sex thoughts now and again - I'm sure many people say similar things to what I have here and deep down they are gay - I'm not even saying that's off base with me, that could be the case. I'm certainly not 100% straight. But in calmer more rational moments I know what I want. But maybe some day it will switch and I have to be okay with that. I don't know why it was freaking me out so much in those few moments. I've now talked to two therapists a psychiatrist and my sponsor and they all seem to be of the opinion that the issue is not actually about whether I'm gay. And once I said it out loud and a few of my friends were like "and? who would care?" the fear dissipated a lot. And it sounded more ridiculous. The "urges" and stuff have gone away currently as I realized my mind creates a scenario that would be inappropriate, the thing I would be afraid to do, and then comes up with what that would be afterwards. The anxiety comes first not after is what I mean.

    Okay that's that for now - If some day it turns out this is all just a massive, complex, system of denial and I turn out to be actually super gay I will come back! Thank you all for your help again. I will keep my mind open and try to not fear whatever the future brings.
  20. camillus

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    You'll get through this. Just take care of yourself and be kind to yourself as much as you can. We all support you 100% no matter what happens.

    FWIW, one thing that has helped me personally was to switch from the standard anxiety-focused meds to an OCD-focused med (chlomipramine). I've struggled for years with OCD but never attempted to treat it until last year. I feel much more stable and less panicky than I used to. Not sure if that's at all relevant to you, but if you have OCD, it's worth considering a switch in meds along with CBT.
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