Thoughts On Porn

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by BoiGeorge, Dec 22, 2012.

  1. Mike92

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    I can't say I frequently watch porn, but I don't have an issue with it (aside from child porn, of course).

    Society has far bigger problems than porn.
  2. Robert

    Robert Guest

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    That is not actually the point.
    The point is, one cannot say what they would believe if they had a different set of beliefs because who they are now is, in a long way, to do with their belief structure and how they came to those beliefs.

    If you want to argue that some atheists find porn objectionable, then I agree, but that is not by any means a rule(nor is it that Christians do), but then, that is why I didn't say "is wrong", instead choosing that it "is very probably wrong". As a person with a different set of beliefs and values, they might have other reasons for disliking porn, not because of a moral stance, also.
    Too many variables for one person to claim they know what they would believe if they had a different set of values and beliefs, but it is far more likely than not, that they wouldn't be the same.

    The example you have used, "don't kill other humans", is a little bit devious to the original point I made, almost to Godwin levels.
  3. ameliawesome

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    there are so many different kinds of porn, and it's only wrong if it involves anyone unconsenting. personally, sometimes i need porn.
  4. swimmingkevo

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    Jun 8, 2012
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    I love it. I don't see it as wrong at all.
  5. WilliamM

    WilliamM Guest

    I dont watch it all the time but its something that i dont view as a bad things at all
  6. As for me, I personally don't enjoy porn. A lot of it is unconsenting... but either way, I find it nasty. Nothing I have against it in particular, but it's something I definitely don't enjoy myself. People having sex with several other people.... not something I would like to think about. I believe people should save sex until marriage... (I'm Christian myself anyways...) But that's just my perspective.
  7. Robert

    Robert Guest

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    I'll agree with that - it's a fantastic way to help eradicate an out-dated institution:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
  8. Thieves

    Thieves Guest

    Jun 27, 2012
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    What I want to know is how some people think that porn is okay because the people consent to it. How do you know this unless you were personally there? Do people truly think that every porn video they watched was consensual *the entire time*?

    I'm not trying to get a rise out of people, but seriously, it's not good to always assume that (especially with porn), as I personally think that's a bit naive.
  9. ameliawesome

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    to be honest, most of the porn i look at is cartoon. but it is easy to assume that a known porn actor/actress who may have their own website and such is absolutely consenting. if you're going to click on any random video or picture that shows up on the internet and do no further research, then no. but if you are indeed some sort of porn connoisseur, then it is indeed easy to find consensual adult pornography.
  10. Robert

    Robert Guest

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    That is a none argument because you can't produce any evidence of popular porn with people not giving consent.
    I personally feel that anyone who would make such an argument is naive.

    Of course there are people who do things without other peoples consent, but that is not just in porn, so unless you know you live in a world where you don't use any product that MAY involve someone not giving full consent(and that really does include so many things that you wouldn't even consider would be included, from the food you eat, to the place you live, the clothes you wear and TV shows you watch), then it's not an argument you can level at one area and hope that it will stick.
    For the most part, pornography uses consenting adults.
  11. Thieves

    Thieves Guest

    Jun 27, 2012
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    Right, I understand that. But I know a lot if people who don't really go out of their way to look at certain porn star's videos, but rather just look at any arousing, random video with no-name participants on a random porn site they find on Google, and that's more what I was talking about.

    Cartoon porn, though? Hadn't really thought too much about that!
  12. Thieves

    Thieves Guest

    Jun 27, 2012
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    I'm sorry, but I disagree. But what, exactly, do you define 'popular porn' as being? Either way, I was talking about porn, no matter what the type. Period. Because honestly, it has the ability to happen in any type (popular or not). Some more than others, obviously.

    But because it may be hard to find actual porn videos where the man/woman is heard or seen saying "No, I don't want to do this" on camera, means that they didn't actually say it? And so therefore, since there is no real visual "evidence", that means it didn't happen or never happens? Even if there was evidence, do you honestly think the people who are showcasing the porn would allow that to be seen at all? And do you know everything that goes behind the scenes before the word "Action" is called? No. None of us do, no matter how seemingly professional the porn is. I'm not saying all porn isn't consenting, a lot of it is. All I'm saying is that it's easy for people to always assume it is, and that can be a dangerous thing, especially with something that involves sexual consent. And it is really easy sometimes to be deceived by appearances.

    And actually, I do do my best to be mindful of what I consume in other areas of my life, or else I wouldn't keep trying to educate myself about mass consumerism and how it affects our society, with books about the food industry, about the environment/eco-living, and others about being a more mindful consumer. I do my best to see which clothing stores have horrible histories with child/sweat shop labor before I choose to shop there, and so on. So yeah, this does include the food I eat, the clothes I wear, and the TV I watch -- which has never been a ton in the first place and something I've always been suspicious of. And I'm sorry, but just because "it happens in other areas too so why is this different" doesn't mean I should just slack off on other areas. I have to eat food, I have to have some clothes on my back. But I don't have to watch porn. I don't have to watch a lot of TV shows, and those things are mostly for entertainment, which is why I can more easily monitor what I watch with a conscious mind.
    #92 Thieves, Dec 22, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2012
  13. Robert

    Robert Guest

    Jun 7, 2011
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    I mean the same thing that you mean, when you use a lazy argument like the one you've used.
    Just because it has a chance of happening in 'any type' is an irrelevant argument. Using it is pointless because you'll never be able to satisfy anyone that for the most part, people in pornography are there without consent. It's a devious way for people opposed to pornography to claim some kind of moral ground because in the instant people do read a statement like that, they automatically go to a place in their heads which tells them that people wouldn't have sex, with (lots of) people for money or pleasure(especially women though I'm not going to start on how women in porn are seen in a far worse light than men in porn because thats just a different conversation) because it does go against some sensibilities.
    It's a disingenuous way to argue because it's based on a slight truth that SOME people are exploited, but that some is such a small proportion that it's not really an issue in the broad sense.

    See, the fundamental flaw in your argument, though, is that it can so easily, and accurately, be turned around and used against you not least of all because, as I have said, for the most part, the participants in porn are there of their own free will.
    Anti-porn people are anti-porn, at the end of the day. No one is making you watch it(which sounds like a trite statement, but it's fact).

    You know, I was just about to call you a good person and say the world needs more people like you, then I read this line "I have to eat food, I have to have some clothes on my back.".
    I'm not, saying you're not a good person(though please forgive me for doubting you on all the above - I mean, I heard this one time that this guy lied on the internet to try and make himself look really good in a debate he was having, and I know that rarely happens online now, but you must take certain claims with a pinch of salt), but what this line demonstrates is that for whatever reason you need to justify your actions, you're willing to, I don't know, live on land that was taken from someone else without their consent(as an example - FYI, I also am willing to, even though in an ideal world that wouldn't be the case) then you are capable of benefiting from something that was done without someones consent.

    You are quite right that just because you're willing to do somethings that have, at some stage come about without someones consent, that you still can't be against something else, and for the record, I abhor porn that has people involve that don't consent, but to me that's the same thing as rape, which I'm very 'anti-', but then, because it happens so very rarely, it's very likely I've never seen any porn with people that actually haven't given consent - mostly because I tend to watch porn that wasn't shot on a camera phone or in a darkened room with someone who is either unconscious, pleading to the camera man and anyone else, or clearly off their face on drugs or alcohol(because it would be even rarer still to find porn where the people involved are participating BUT not really because they're actually being forced - for the record, you can tell the difference between someone who is just doing it for the money, has fully consented but still wishes they were somewhere else, and someone who is being forced).
    I also hope you've never laughed at a prank in your life on another person. EVER.
  14. FollowtheFreeman

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    Sep 10, 2012
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    Straight porn is fine some of the time, it's the gay porn that I don't care for.
  15. Gallatin

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    Porn's okay. I don't view it often, but usually I prefer pictures over video for some reason.
  16. ameliawesome

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    also, not for nothing, but a lot of the "non-consensual" porn you can find online is actually consensual. non-con stuff turns some people on, but porn makers can definitely get into serious trouble for doing that. so they make fake non-con porn. if somebody wants to find legitimate non-consensual porn they're probably not going to find it on the first few pages of google. that's something you'd really have to dig for because you have some major problems.

    i'm not trying to get into an argument about porn, haha. i'm just discussing what i know, as somebody who has looked at porn for at least 13 years. porn isn't for everybody, no matter what kind it is.
  17. kageshiro

    kageshiro Guest

    Oct 14, 2012
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    Depend's on what kind it is. I don't get into real kinky bondage stuff or sodomy of any sort of physical pain being inflicted on someone in general. But it's not like I like seeing that outside of porn at any rate. As far as direct sexual intercourse between two attractive guys.. sure I wanna watch, why wouldn't I? I'm a guy, I like to fuck other guys. Same with the actors performing for me. I'm comfortable with human nature (me, myself notwithstanding) having sexual aspects to it. The guys on my computer screen are so comfortable with it they don't mind if the whole world watches them go at it. It all fits together neatly, should be understandable enough why porn is desirable to me; given the stars and content fit my personal taste. Don't see much reason in denying myself something my entire being tells me I'll enjoy. Unless if I was uncomfortable or embarrassed about it, which I truly can't see why I ought to be.
  18. CamaroBlack

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    I watch it sometimes to relax and take my mind off stress for awhile other times I'll look at pictures and stuff I don't find anything wrong with it I like it.
  19. 4AllEternity

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    People tend to vilify porn as the cause of all sex/gender related social issues, just like video games being vilified as the cause of child-violence. I always roll my eyes at such at such sweeping generalizations.

    Porn has the potential to be very healthy when it's not an obsession. Most people are sexual beings, and tend to build up sexual tension over time. To be frank, when you're horny your thoughts and feelings tend to be warped towards sexuality. It's more difficult to focus on non-sexual things, and you might make poor decisions based upon your "urges". If porn helps to relieve that (assuming you're outside of a relationship), then I don't see why it's a bad thing for teenagers/adults (young children of course is an entirely different story). You can say all you want about it forming bad beauty expectations, or sexual views, but despite the fact that most people watch pornography of some kind, or watched it frequently at some point in their lives, most people are on average sensitive and caring for sexual partners. The reason why the "it warps your mind" logic doesn't really make sense, is that just like with video games, a normal person doesn't view the situations depicted in a pornographic video as reality. They're fantasy, you know they're actors, you know they aren't really in a relationship. It's just a method to trick your brain into thinking "oh, I'm having sex :grin:" so you can "relieve" yourself.

    The only time I'd say porn is "bad" for you, is if it's an obsession, you literally think about it most of the time (most people get horny, watch porn, finish, done for the day/half the day :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:). In that case, it's affecting your life negatively, so it is a problem. The other case is for younger children, who might be more affected developmentally by the scenes depicted. By younger children, I mean under 12. I'm not saying, go out and show 12 year olds porn, but that's generally the age when people first start thinking about sexuality, and might stumble upon porn themselves. At that age, kids are usually mature enough to recognize that pornography is just fantasy, and nothing more.
  20. Katelynn

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    Jun 29, 2011
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    For me, like porn. Im trans & Im lez. I stopped having sex over 7 years ago bc I couldnt deal with having sex as a guy anymore. Porn for me has always been a way for me to, in some way, experience sex as myself, a gay woman, without having to deal with my limitations. I have never masturbated as a guy bc it upsets me & I can never achieve an orgasm, but watching porn helps just a little for me to be able to experience sex - some may call it lesbian sex but I call it normal sex, something Ive never had my whole life & desperately want one day. It s horrible having to wait to be gay, something Ive known I was since I was 12. So, as silly as it sounds, I use porn as a way to get off when Im horny, but also as a theraputic release as well...