Funny responses you got when you came out

Discussion in 'Coming Out Stories' started by paco, Jul 11, 2010.

  1. Beertruck

    Full Member

    Nov 6, 2010
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    new jersey
    A recent conversation with my best friend, who was the first person I came out to:

    "You being gay has really added some spice to our relationship, ya know?"
  2. Neoh

    Regular Member

    Aug 20, 2009
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    Minneapolis, MN
    Sexual Orientation:
    From my friend over the internet
    "Is this why you like Coldplay so much?"
    (I love 'em! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: )
  3. EWU2012

    Full Member

    Mar 11, 2010
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    Colorado Springs, CO
    On the night of New Years Eve texting a friend

    Me: haha are you in Spokane? I'm at Irv's now. (Irv's is a gay bar)
    her: No in Wenatchee. Hmmm... something you want to tell me?
    Me: I'm gay haha
    her: I knew it!
    Me: Lmao I figured you knew. haha
    her: wait are you serious? (I thought she was being serious but she was totally just joking because I was at the gay bar) :eusa_doh:
    Me: Lol yeah I am serious.
    her: Aww I am happy for you balls! Haha no wonder we get along so good! haha (first off she gave me the nickname balls. It is an inside joke. Secondly she also has a lot of gay friends which is why she said the getting along part)
    Me: I honestly thought that you would have known as well as others in the office. (We are also coworkers. I wear two rainbow pride bracelets which is why I figured some of them knew)
    her: I didn't know honestly
    Me: Of haha. Well yeah I am. I have been wanting to go to the gay bars for a while now but just never had rides back home.
    her: Omg! I will go to a gay bar with you! They love me there! :roflmao: (This really made me laugh)
    Me: lmao! Well I plan on going a lot more. Love looking at the eye candy! Its a lot of fun. :wink:
    her: haha well I am glad you're having fun

    It was such a great conversation. It also happened at like 1:30am so it was my first coming out of 2011. It was so funny at the time and looking back on it it still makes me laugh. We talked about it more at work and she honestly had no clue which I thought she had known but just didn't mention it. She was then asking me if I thought another coworker was gay. lol None of my other coming outs were very exciting so I am glad to have one that I will always remember. :icon_bigg
  4. Lotty

    Regular Member

    Dec 4, 2010
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    Came out to the last friend I wanted to come out to. But she was on holiday when I told the others, so she didn't know yet. My BFF and I tried to hint her during class.
    My friend already knew I had to tell her something

    Friend: tell me tell me tell me
    Me: [BFF] only cares about it on Saturday
    BFF: She doesn't know what's on Saturday
    Friend: You've got theatre lesson on Saturday, right?
    Me: Right
    BFF: There are only girls in our group
    Me: Oh, this is really gay!(we always say 'gay' when we mean stupid)
    Friend: ...I know...
    Me: You idiot, that was a hint!
    Friend: *staring at me* No?
    BFF: No, but it's two-side. (Okay, I live in Holland, so the word she said is 'tweezijdig' but the translation is much less funny)
    Friend: okay, now I don't get it any more
    Me to BFF: WTF?
    BFF to me: Well, otherwise she's gonna THINK!
    Friend: what the HELL are you talking about?
    BFF:*takes my calculator and types '18', turns the calculator upside-down, so it looks like 'BI'
    Friend: 18?
    BFF: *sighs*
    Me: *rolling eyes*
    Friend: OH!!! I get it.
    Me: ...
    Friend: Okay, nice to know.
  5. malachite

    Full Member

    Apr 8, 2009
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    Gender Pronoun:
    Sexual Orientation:
    Out Status:
    Out to everyone
    "Oh, who give a fuck. Its the 21st century"

    made me laugh
  6. radiantdawn

    radiantdawn Guest

    I just came up with a new code after reading Lotty's post : ) Me and my friends came up with this initial code, to talk about being gay. We'd say someone seemed 'road' if they seemed straight, cause roads are straight XD. Cool meant gay XD So I get to brag about how cool I am. And then half-cool means bi XD

    But now, I'm thinking that I'll ask my friends things like, hey, does he seem eighteen? (bi XD) Or, does he seem 894? (gay XD) hopefully you guys can see the numbers turn to letters >_< I felt so proud of myself coming up with these codes : )
  7. secretstache09

    Full Member

    Dec 18, 2010
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    Red Oak
    ^Lol cute.

    I actually got a funny response earlier when I told a cousin i grew up with that I was gay. He asked this after I said I was gay: "You mean gay as in happy, homosexual, or im not around enough girls?" I lol'd hard at this and then told him im happy, homosexual, and im around girls (but not a lot). So yes. :lol:
  8. While I was trying to figure out whether I was gay or not, I made a chart of reasons for either way and when the "I'm gay" side ended up being three times as long as "I'm not gay" my best friend was like "I'm not that surprised" which was then added to the "I'm gay" side of the chart.

    Her new favorite thing is to catch me checking out girls and say "oh god, you are SO gay". which always makes me laugh.
  9. Lotty

    Regular Member

    Dec 4, 2010
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    I know I'm really inspiring:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
    Some people say I look like 18. That has a really different meaning to me now:slight_smile:
  10. JesseGeek

    Regular Member

    Jan 13, 2011
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    Cambridge, UK
    Out Status:
    All but family
    A male friend:

    Me: *conversation about Left4Dead 2*
    Him: [not really listening, clearly thinking about something else] Mmhmm, uh huh, yeah... so, [mutual female bi friend] said you were bi is that true?
    Me: *Rotf* direct! Yeah.
    Him: Seriously?!
    Me: Yeah.
    Him: [grinning and nodding to himself] ... mint.

    And this, involving two of my male friends; R, who knew I was bi, and J, who didn't.

    Me: David Starky (uber-right-wing gay historian) on Question Time was so ridiculous, he doesn't acknowledge reality.
    J: Yeah, but at least he stood up for gay rights.
    Me: Well yeah, he is gay.
    J: Seriously?!
    Me: Yes!
    *we look up his Wikipedia page*
    J: [sad] But I normally have good gaydar...
    Me: [preparing to do a weatherballoon joke, a la Futurama] Maybe you're getting interferance.
    R: [not realising J doesn't know yet] Yeah, maybe Jesse's bisexuality is throwing you off!
    Me: :O *epic silence*
    R: [stops grinning as he realises what he's just done]
    J: [stares, blinks a few times, then looks back at the monitor]

    We were all totally cool like 3 minutes later, J's not homophobic or anything, it just came as a bit of a shock to him <:3
  11. ToTheCeilingFan

    Full Member

    Dec 14, 2010
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    Somewhere over the rainbow...
    I used to wear a false mustache to social occasions (I was a very weird child before I became a very weird teenager). When I came out to my best friend, who's really religious, she said, "I don't mind, I still love you. Besides, after what you used to do when we were kids, I should be glad you aren't trans." :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
  12. My mom said: "I can see why that would be a problem for you and your boyfriend..."

    hahahaha that wasn't funny at the time, because it was really hard on both him and I but I just think it's funny that my mom cares so little what my sexual orientation is that she skips straight to my life drama.
  13. My brothers response: Sweet! We can check out girls together.

    I have never let him live that down. :lol:

    My best friends response: So...can I you make out with girls?

    I have never let him live that one down either. His girlfriend was not amused when I told her about it after they started dating :icon_wink

    Best reaction ever though was by a girl I was friends with (and later dated)

    Me: (at lunch, very casual) Oh, hey guys...I think I might be Bi. (thought I was bi, not a lesbian at the time.)
    Liz: Oh My Freaking GOD! Why didn't you tell me this earlier! I would have kissed YOU at your Christmas party instead of that dweeb Lance!
  14. I LOVE this.:lol:
  15. Kaytee

    Regular Member

    Jan 20, 2011
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    Sexual Orientation:
    Out Status:
    A few people
    (sitting at lunch with bff good guy friend and a freshman)
    Freshmen: well that's gay
    Me: u shouldn't say tht. Gay isn't a synonym for stupid.
    Freshmen: yes it is gays are stupid and r goin to hell
    Me: dude u need to fuckin stop Im bi(storms off)
    Good guy friend later in hall: was tht true?
    Me: yea
    Good guy friend: awesome (walks off laughing)
  16. roborama

    Full Member

    Jan 20, 2011
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    me: alright so i need to tell you something
    friend: you arent gay are you?
    me: uhhhmmm
    friend: you are!!!
    me: yeah
    friend: well that makes sense
    me: how does that make sense?
    friend: well obviously all those guys you dated were coverups
    me: whats that supposed to mean?!
    friend: you went through them like you do granola
    me: huhhhh???
    friend: thats all you eat its weird, I WANT A GRILLED CHEESE!!!!!

    and i guess that was the end of that conversation
  17. I loved it too...after I stopped choking to death on my taco... :roflmao:

    she proceeded to dump Lance and make a big production of asking me out. It was very amusing.
  18. I was just texting an old friend of mine and she reminded me of her reaction. We had just started hanging out again, because we went to the same church. (Baptist... :eek:slight_smile: but she was pretty liberal.

    Me: So...Brittney, I gotta tell you something.
    B: What is it? You can tell me anything! Do you need me to kill someone, 'cause I'll do it! JUST SAY THE WORD! Where are my nun-chucks?

    (I would like to point out that this is what she said while NOT under the influence of alcohol or sugar. :dry:Not sure how I ended up with such weird friends.)

    Me:, no killing.
    B: :icon_sad: Okay...then what is it?
    Me: I'm bi....
    B: Like...bisexual? You like to bang girls too?
    Me: Well...yeah.
    B: That's cool...
    Me: Your okay with that?
    B: Yeah, I mean, as long as you don't go all gay on me.

    (This all went down in a church bathroom, so when she was shouting it was echoing all over the place....everyone in the building heard her asking where here nun-chucks were... )
  19. crystaltriforce

    Full Member

    Dec 4, 2008
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    outside of Philadelphia
    i was walking while talking with my friends about a video we're doing

    Ben: we need a guy who can act gay but not the "in your face" stereotypical gay like a subtle gay guy.....
    me: OK how bout me
    Chris: yeah he's gay
    *Ben just stops and stares at me with a stunned look on his face*
    Ben: really!? :icon_eek:
    me: yeah
    me: how did you think i found that yaoi pic you used to mess with Duncan?
    Ben: i thought you found it by accident while you were looking for porn!
    me: i said that i'm gay to you after that
    i was laughing my ass off while he was saying that he would have never been able to tell dispite the fact that i said it several times to the whole group
  20. EWU2012

    Full Member

    Mar 11, 2010
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    Colorado Springs, CO
    This has to be one of my favorite threads so I figured I will get it going again.

    So the other day I went to a gay bar/club with a new friend and another guy. The three of us are gay. As we were watching the drag show they had that night I noticed a group of people show up half way through the show. In the group there was a girl that I work with. I was kind of nervous because I am not out to her but I honestly didn't mind if she knew. I thought she had seen me so I eventually decided to walk up to her and say hi. She was really surprised to see me so I guess she had not seen me there. She asked what I was doing there and I just told her that I was enjoying the show with a couple friends. She didnt really say much after and I went back to hanging out with the guys. A little while later we were both at the bar talking again. Then all of a sudden out of know where she just said "Wait, are you gay?" I just laughed and told her that yes I was. She was pretty surprised. I just found it really funny how she was oblivious until it just hit her. So yeah it was a fun night and it was cool coming out to her. I told her I am sure we will be seeing each other there again sometime soon.