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Why are people so dumb?!

Discussion in 'Coming Out Advice' started by cyclopsrock, Nov 20, 2006.

  1. cyclopsrock

    Regular Member

    Nov 13, 2006
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    Sexual Orientation:
    How obvious do I have to make myself? I prance around my school. I'm always touching some guy when I'm with them.Almost all of my friends are girls (to the point where my friends try to guess which one of them I'm dating:eusa_clap :bang: ) My biggest priorities in the morning are how my hair and skin look that day. I even call guys good-looking on occaision. I don't understand sports, but I am a shopoholic. I skip other extra-curriculers to go to GSA meetings. I am the epitome of a gay stereotype. I am brimming to the edges with gayness, yet no one suspects a THING! :eusa_doh: I'm pretty sure I could make out with a cute football player in the hall, and no one would notice. Does anyone know why this is?
  2. tired_of_lying411

    Full Member

    Mar 12, 2006
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    NS, Canada
    The me of grade 4, 5, and 6 envies you so much right now!
  3. step49x

    Full Member

    Aug 22, 2006
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    Michigan, USA
    I'm not sure about everyone, but I know that a lot of people don't like to assume that someone is gay. Even if they think you are, most people won't say anything. I've got a feeling that at least some people do notice, they just trying to make any obvious responses (possibly for fear of being offensive).

    If you really want people to know that you're gay, why not wear a shirt to proclaim it? There will be no question, then... :lol:
  4. Proud1p4

    Proud1p4 Guest

    Well here's what i think is happening. People do suspect, its impossible for them not to if you do what you say you're doing. They simply aren't letting you know that because 1 of 2 things:

    1-They don't think you want them to know and therefore would hurt your feelings if they confronted you. (Good thing)

    2-They know and just don't consider it a big enough deal to acknowledge. (Double Good Thing)

    I don't see why you are complaining unless you have what i term a "star personality" where you do like everything you do to be acknowledged. Which isn't really a bad thing, but here's the point.

    If you want them to spill the beans on if they noticed, your probably going to have to blurt it out verbally. My suggestion, don't mess with a good thing. It's the same way in my school, i do my thing and do what i want when i want and if they're talking behind my back spreading the truthful rumor im gay then cool. I dont even have to do the work. Listen i can GAURANTEE you that the people around you notice, they're just nice enough to leave you alone and let you live your life.
  5. cyclopsrock

    Regular Member

    Nov 13, 2006
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    Sexual Orientation:
    Thanks, I would like to think they are noticing. By the way Step, I have seriously been considereing that shirt thing and just have it say "IM GAY", and wear on the first day of my sophomore year of highschool. Also, proud, i guess i am kind of that star personality. I tend to be quite self-centered, and I've been told that I desperately crave attention. So it's hard for someone like me to try and keep a secret, but I'm just not ready. My goal is to openly come out over this next summer or toward the beginning of 10th grade. I guess I don't really have anything to complain about though. Sorry.