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What do you do when someone has a crush on you?

Discussion in 'Coming Out Advice' started by suburbs_of_sodom, Nov 19, 2007.

  1. suburbs_of_sodom

    Full Member

    Jun 9, 2006
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    Northern Virginia...neither here nor there
    So here's the thing. I recently found out that this guy who works at my favorite coffee shop probably has a crush on me from a friend of mine who also works at said coffee shop. So of course I'm very flattered and all, but I'm not quite sure what to do about it. I'm not really attracted to him, it's not that he's repulsive or anything, I'm just not physically attracted to him, but I feel like this might be my last chance at a boyfriend before college. So I was wondering if I should do anything about it, and if so, what? I'm perfectly tactless in these sorts of situations, so any advice would be amazing.
  2. CrimsonThunder

    Full Member

    Jul 2, 2007
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    South Australian!
    You can do it but whats the use if your not attracted to him? You'll just break his heart when you want to throw him to the side.

    What do I do when someone has a crush on me, I usually flirt around a bit. ^_^
  3. Grof142007

    Full Member

    Apr 27, 2007
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    High Point,North Carolina
    Well this is at school not work but i say it any ways if you were good friends and both had a good understanding of it you could tease him but this is not the case
  4. Bryan

    Full Member

    Aug 6, 2007
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    South Florida
    Well, I think having a bf may be good, but make you intent clear before you enter the relationship.
  5. InaRut

    Full Member

    Oct 23, 2007
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    Montreal, Quebec, Canada
    Oh wow! I have the exact same problem. I had this friend who was pretty much in the closet. And I decided, being the nice man that I am, that I would help me gradually step outside and embrace his gayness (after all he basically spells gay and everyone during highschool always suspected him). So on MSN we get chatting and I start talking to him about there being nothing wrong about being gay (kinda theraputic for myself) and by the end I've gotten him to admit to "Bisexuality." The only thing is, I came out with him. So then he starts to suggest we "experiment" and I'm like, "no thanks I'm really not interseted in doing that." Then he starts asking REALLY personal questions, and I'm like, "I'm not answering that." Then I tell him that I don't want to just experiment I want my first kiss with a guy to mean something...Well then he admits that ever since grade 10 he's had a HUGE crush on me. Now I feel bad. Because basically he says that I'm ruining his dream and he thought we'd be happy together. But I just wasn't interested...at all.

    So in the end, I was a little harsh, but I'm happy that I didn't decide to not experiment with him. Afterall if your going to have a relationship (especially since it's your first) why not make it worth something?
  6. CrimsonThunder

    Full Member

    Jul 2, 2007
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    South Australian!
    Reading your post InaRut it reminds me of an experience I had. This guy that had a huge crush on me always tried to be around me and eventually he started stalking me. (even on the internet) luckily I haven't seen him in a long time. :slight_smile: So yeah, be careful with how you react it could create some bad backlash.
  7. SpikySpice

    Full Member

    Feb 3, 2007
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    Jax, FL
    Well, teh important thign is to have a boyfriend, but to feel happy.

    Now if you want to be his boyfriend then that is fine, because it''s your choice. But consider this, will he make you happy later on, if you are not attracted to him, can you be later. Soemtiems the attraction is not there now, but may be later.:slight_smile:

    You have to think carefully befre you step to teh next step, it's a relationship, not somethign to take because you can not take anything else

    And dont try so hard to make yourself like/love him, because it has to be natural, tyou can't force your heart to do things, so take it easy, be his friend like othes said, and the attraction may come to you..

    Sometimes a couple dont liek each other at first, but through time, they may even love eahc other more than anything else, because when two peopel are clsoe to each other, they develpoe a bond called sexual intenmtion, may happen or may not

    You are 17, oh yeah, and that is still along way to go , buddy.

    Full Member

    Nov 9, 2007
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    If you are honestly not attracted to him, you're better off just being friends and making sure not to lead him on. Make your intention clear from the start.
  9. JayHew

    In Loving Memory Regular Member

    Mar 20, 2007
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    Glennallen, Alaska
    Sounds like a near perfect opportunity to learn a couple of things. One, learning to look beyond physical features of a person to deal with what is far more important, the personality and character of the person. I am well aware of physical attributes are far more attractive to those younger, but now it is possible to learn that is so much not a major factor in liking or loving someone. Youthful beauty fades rather quickly, so if you don't work with personality or even have one of your own, you will be in deep mud before too long.

    The second thing to learn, having a relationship right off from high school is not always the best thing to strive for. Spending a little time with yourself and getting to know yourself better is far more important as then when you do have a relationship you are better able to know from where you operate.

    Just let things develop without expectations and see where it goes. Also, if you do get to the point where you can discuss his feelings of a crush for you, you also need to let him know that you are not interested at the moment in things progressing in the physical arena. At least it gives him a chance to deal with such a thing but also opens doors for him to look else where for that if it should arise.
  10. jroakwood

    Full Member

    Apr 7, 2007
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    if you dont like him, dont just go out with him for the sake of a "boyfriend".
    you'll end up hurting the guy.
  11. kevinx519

    Full Member

    Nov 16, 2006
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    i dont think you should go out with someone just to have a boyfriend. its probably best if you dont lead him on. i can tell you that it hurts a lot to think something will happen that won't.