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Smoking and Drinking

Discussion in 'Physical & Sexual Health' started by Micah, Jul 19, 2006.

  1. davo-man

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    Nov 24, 2006
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    One of my friends has a very strong stance against drinking and most people in the year level know that he thinks drinking is dumb and that no one should do it...suprisingly he's not one of those goody-goody two shoes types, but more of a Chilli Pepper's, rock guy, but anyway, we all respect his decision to not drink, but i think the problem begins when he begins telling everyone else that they are bad for even drinking in moderation...Whilst its perfectly fine to have ur own opinions, im not sure if its alright to try to force them on others...Same as my other friend James H, i migth have talked about himbefore...Hes very much against both drinking and smoking and calls anyone who does sl*ts and l*sers....now personally i think its fine that he doesnt want to drink or smoke, but it is kinda annoying because everynow and then i will engage in drinking some alcohol....His is more because this one tim ehe gots sooooo drunk that he wrecked his house, destroyed some stuff and passed out, so he never wants to do that again, but i keep telling him that like everything else, its all about moderation
  2. I loathe cigarettes but I do like alcohol lol
  3. Jim1454

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    Mar 13, 2007
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    I enjoy the occassional drink or two. Rarely any more (driving, kids, responsibilities, blah blah blah) do I reall 'tie one on'. And usually only when I had one of those evenings when I indulged would I ever smoke. At any other time, it never occurs to me to have a cigarette.
  4. RomanceSlayer

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    Jun 28, 2007
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    I have never smoked, and I donĀ“t really want to start..I hate the smell
    But I like alcohol...I only drink in parties but not as much as I used to, the excess caused me some problems with my family lol
  5. jayden

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    Mar 19, 2007
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    i dont want to ever smoke or drink i wish my mum and dad would give up smoking also!!!
  6. Miaplacidus

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    Feb 3, 2007
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    I've been battling their habit since I was born and they don't quit... grrr at least I don't let them smoke inside my bedroom.
  7. suburbs_of_sodom

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    Jun 9, 2006
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    Northern Virginia...neither here nor there
    I actually had my first cigarette because of alcohol. Sorry, make that my first five. I was completely trashed last Sunday and thought it would be an excellent idea to have a few of my friend's. Apparently we actually ended up making out later. I don't really remember this part, but one of my friends called me yesterday and told me because she had seen a video that my other (much more sober) friend had sent her. She also told me that I would have ended up having sex with her if I had a condom. Yes, that's right, HER. Thank GOD I was never a boy scout.

    btw the cigarettes were pretty sucky, I was sick the entire night from the booze, the friend who sent the video and I are mutually pissed at one another (apparently I called her fat amongst other things when I was trashed), and I never ever want to drink again.

    SOooo...the point of the story here is not don't ever get drunk, but try it. It's an experience and the only way you'll ever truly learn just how shitty it can be. No amount of 1980s drunk driving dangers videos can teach you that.
  8. Psych!

    Psych! Guest

    basically ur saying don't smoke, and don't drink but try drinking to see that it's bad?
  9. Jerr

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    Jan 4, 2007
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    Hot Springs, Arkansas
    *snicker* Man... I miss my original thread.... anyone remember that? It was a wee bit more heated but I enjoyed reading others views.

    I don't really smoke... now I'll smoke on a hookah with friends. It is funny really... Nothing oh so strongly desired... no strong outcome from doing it... I mean I don't feel more relaxed or anything but it is funny that I have stronger lungs then my best friend and she is a hardcore singer... her family owns the hookah and really has only smoked like 5 times in her life on it. IT WAS TOBACCO.... although I wouldn't doubt it if there was some not so legal stuff on it way back when. (It is like from the mid 60's)

    I've made out with smokers and it doesn't really bother me although if you smoke in your car clean out the cigarette ash trey... if you leave cigs in it and ashes in it your car will smell horrid.... I've grown up with smokers I don't mind smokers but when a car has the concentrated smell of over 1000 cigs.... (I've been in a car like that...)

    I don't drink alone... I don't drink often though if I'm offered I won't turn it down (unless I have to drive.) I just refuse to drink alone and usually I don't go out to all night drunk fests lol.
  10. GuitarGirl1350

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    Apr 26, 2006
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    New Caprica
    Hah, I remember the original thread Jerr, if I recall it got me into a spot of trouble...
  11. Choucho

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    Jul 25, 2007
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    Both my parents and most of my other family drink and smoke (and not just cigarettes) and like half the people I've ever met in my life do at least two of the things if not all three. But I don't do any of them, because I really don't see the point. I hate the smell of cigarettes and alcohol, and I hate the taste of smoke when I breathe it in, even though I've lived with it my whole life. I never try to force my opinions on other people but more often than not I have people tell me how boring and stuff it makes me, and my sister's tried to convince me into drugs on more than one occasion. If people want to drink and smoke and such, that's up to them, I just don't like to hear about it or have people who know I don't like it try to convince me I'm wrong or bug me about it. >.< *end long explosion thinger*
  12. Isaac

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    Mar 25, 2007
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    I dont drink and dont smoke. I dont think i could be in a relationship with somebody who smoked, but somebody who drnak would obviously be okay, as long as they were mature about it. It pisses me off when people just buy tons of alcohol just to drink it and taht geeling of being drunk! Being Italian (my dads side), he was given drinks at like 10/11, maybe 1/2 a glass but it was asign of maturity. He was now old enought o have some, and gradually he could have a bit more, and so he never saw it as a big thing. Me, i try the stuff but apitit out! I dont like the test, and dont want to ahve to 'drink a lot to like it'. When going to Europe kids are obsessed that there kids can drink at like age 12! But to them, like me dad, its a maturity thing.

    Theyd ont buy vodka to just chug in a few minutes and the feeling of being drunk. They take sips, taste it and enjoyit. I dont drink becasue i dont like teh tase, and i would rather have someting else. I ahve a lot of relatives who are alcoholics, and one or two in my family who drink a lot so i know its in my family. Knowing that it s a problem i chosse not to do it. Maybe when im a lot older, and want to but not now, There are too many immature people who just drink their face off. People tell me that im going to have a problem in university because i dont drink! How fucking stupuid, excuse the langue!
  13. suburbs_of_sodom

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    Jun 9, 2006
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    Northern Virginia...neither here nor there
    Well, I mean, if you've already made up your mind not to drink, then that's great. But if you're not sure, like I wasn't, or you want to try it, then fine, get smashing drunk, learn from your experience, and from that decide if you want to keep drinking. For me, getting drunk was the only way that I could probably ever learn not to drink, even casually.

    So I guess what I'm saying is that your own experiences are really the only things that will resonate for you, so learn from them.
  14. Jerr

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    Jan 4, 2007
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    Hot Springs, Arkansas
    I got :***: faced on new years and vommited.... didn't mind I'll still drink.... I accepted I was going to vomit when I was drunk earlier... I chose to... I had a crap load of rum the whole night and I chose to drink a glass with crown in it*** so yeah... ended up puking... on myself because I didn't want to get it on the carpet (I'm a considerate drunk.... weird I know) but I'm fine... mom made fun of me but she just doesn't want me to drink so she was like "See it isn't so fun is it?" I was like... "I have no problem with this... I figured I would after I had that one glass of crown so whatever. I wouldn't change what I did at all and I wouldn't mind doing it again." Oh... she was pissed. lol she thought getting me shit faced would change my mind.... lol oh well pooop on her face!

    ***Don't mix your alcohols!!!! darks with darks clears with clears. lol
  15. tinkerbell

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    Feb 3, 2007
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    Smoking would be my suicide because I have underdeveloped lungs. I dated a woman who smoked and tried not to be around too often when she went out for a smoke. I am also predisposed to being addicted to cigarettes faster than most people because of my genes. Smoking is not my thing anyway, so I don't do it. I do not drink because I am predisposed to alcoholism genetically and drinking is not my thing. I am also not legally able to purchase alcoholic beverages where I live.

    So I engage in neither activity.
  16. Vampyrecat

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    Jul 27, 2007
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    1 hour east of Portland, Vic.
    I have never, and will never smoke. The say smoking kills, but if you survive the throat cancers that return again and again, like it did with my dad, you get a pretty good idea of how horrible cigarettes are.
    Maybe Marijuana once though. But not planning to anytime soon.

    I have gotten very drunk on more then one occasion. I am a very weak drinker. Three UDL's and a Cruiser, and I'm drunk enough to throw up then pass out.. And I didn't like that very much, so I'm not drinking like that again.
    I usually only need two light drinks, and I'm drunk. I don't mind the first hour or so, where everything's a hundred times funnier then normal, but I don't like it when I start to shake and get really dizzy and feeling yucky.
  17. ppreston9

    ppreston9 Guest

    i unfortunately started smoking from bad friends. they are no longer friends and i no longer smoke. but, drinking i will do occasionally if there is an event like bday parties, end of school ect
  18. Michiyo

    Michiyo Guest

    uhmm hoesntly for along time i wanted to but thats when i had problems and i heard that it can calm you down.

    never done it

    i find it repulsive now.
  19. It's kind of funny. A few of my friends are planning to smoke pot (with, of course, a "professional" who knows all about being high) for the first time tonight, and I had no impulse to ask to join them. I would say that I have good parents, but they really never talked to me about drugs/alcohol/sex/anything-important-except-for-money-and-academics. Heh.

    I get headaches whenever my friends smoke [cigarettes] around me. So...I don't smoke.
    And I hate the smell that lingers on my clothes after hanging out with people who smoke. And after hanging out at bowling alleys after ten o' clock on Friday nights.

    Hm...I don't really like the taste of alcohol. My one friend said, "Wine is just fruit juice with alcohol -- only much more disgusting." I can't say I don't agree with her.
    I've only tasted beer one time in my life, and the flavor was...not agreeable to my tastebuds.

    I'm pretty much a drug-free person. Woot. Yeah...
  20. Scoz

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    Aug 4, 2007
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    I've just been reading the post's and its generally accepted that smoking is bad and dangerous , i mean my grandfather and many of your relatives died from it . I am a smoker , i'm not proud of it , but unless your a smoker you really dont know how hard it is to give up . It was easier for me to give up my drug abuse . I have tried to give up and i intend to try again . but it is hard . I started smoking in high school because my friends did , and i have smoked ever since . I am glad the laws have changed and its harder to smoke in public , not only will it make it easier for me to stop but it may help others not even start .

    I do like having a drink with my mates , even getting drunk ( i hate the hangover ) i wouldnt call myself an alcoholic because i dont do it to escape , i enjoy the taste of beer and i like hanging around at the pub with friends being an idiot . I think the main thing is as long as your not doing it to escape or to feel better about yourself its ok , oh and yeah you have to want to , never drink because you think others will think your cool . I have lots of mates that come out with me and dont drink , i have just as much fun with them . I think my mates are cool because they make there own choices and they are themselves . I dont need to drink to have fun , one of the best nights of my life me and my mate drank water all night and danced all night , it was fantastic ( and no hangover :slight_smile: ) .