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Rant about refusing ONSs

Discussion in 'Family, Friends, and Relationships' started by Mihael, May 28, 2023.

  1. Mihael

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    Jul 2, 2015
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    I'm not looking advice, I just need to vent. I know this topic has been brought up a lot here, so I thought it could be the right place to vent about it.

    I wanted to have relationships/romances for such a long time and didn't have many possibilities, and covid was one of the reasons. I had struggles finding myself in the LGBT+ community. Now I suddenly have lots of opportunities and I feel bad for not taking chances while for such a long time I wanted to... idk, just have romances and relationships. I reject opportunities for reasons such as seeing that someone is looking for a long term relationship and not feeling the same way about this person, someone not being my type (although objectively attractive and a cool person) or not being into the ONS type of situations, especially with people I don't feel like we have the same level of sensitivity (who are often the actively looking for ONS people - I can't promise that all sex I will ever have will be in a committed relationship, but I'm not actively looking for ONSs). About hurting someone's feelings, I've been there and done that, someone might be convinced that they can want "just sex" or "just fwb" but they in fact fall in love (and me too) and then feelings are terribly hurt and it transforms into a swamp and lots of drama, and... when I was younger, I had an excuse for getting into such situations - I had no clue how it works, e.g. that someone might not be aware they're falling in love. It's true especially for more sensitive reserved people who are also open-minded that I click more with. But I feel bad consciously engaging in that type of situation. I just don't want to hurt people if I know it's not going to work out on my end for some reason. I'd be in if I was convinced that I can be in a relationship with that person long term. I also feel weird pressure floating around (in gay male circles) to have ONSs and like I'm being the odd one out not actively looking for them. And yeah, maybe this is why I don't have much experience... I refuse, because I have second thoughts and gut feelings, it has happened in the past too. But I'm not unhappy that I didn't agree to having sex with certain people, bad sex (with someone who doesn't hear you out about how you're feeling) must be a very uniquely awful experience. And I'm not signing up for this especially with not many experiences on my account, because the first impressions are hard to un-imprint.
  2. Rayland

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    Aug 12, 2021
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    I wanted to send you hugs and say I feel you and get it. Sorry that I don't have good advice for you though.
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