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My life is pointless...and I kinda almost died yesterday....

Discussion in 'General Support and Advice' started by Rakkaus, May 16, 2013.

  1. Rakkaus

    Rakkaus Guest

    Aug 16, 2012
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    New York
    Um alright so my therapist who I'd been seeing since the beginning of the year finished his internship two weeks ago and left the LGBT center, and this is the second full week in which I've had no therapy sessions...and I've really been going downhill. I really had underestimated how important seeing my therapist twice a week, I feel so lost now like I'm regressing in terms of both sexual identity and more generally with issues of anxiety. (Coming out is not even on the radar for me, especially to my father's family, I can't handle more isolation and rejection.) The first few days after I stopped therapy I just turned to alcohol and drugs, but that's not a long-term fix for anything.

    So anyway yesterday I had a really bad and depressing day, I went to my LGBT center but now that my therapist is gone nobody there really cared to see or talk to me. I thought I had found a community where I could fit in and be proud of, but it was all an illusion, I had one guy there and he's gone, the rest couldn't care less about me. I thought I was going to do the Pride march and stuff with them, but now I'm not sure I ever want to go back to that center. I waited to speak to the main therapist, I asked her when a new therapist might be hired (apparently not until next month), I was hoping she might offer to meet with me at least once or twice for a half-hour-session until the new guy gets here, like my therapist had said she would, however she appeared really disinterested in talking to me even for just the five minutes I was there so I didn't want to push it.

    Feeling very isolated and shut out there I drank a lot of water and just kept refilling my bottle and downing it without even thinking about it. I always drink a lot of water, but I guess I drank more today, and in a much shorter time frame, plus I didn't eat anything all day, and I'd also taken 3 laxatives. I tried to go to an LGBT group they have at the center but left just before it started because I started to feel really sick.

    Anyway, a short time later I almost died of water intoxication, I was really low on electrolytes and felt completely incapacitated, I actually felt like I was drunk, was stumbling and nauseated and dizzy, had no energy in my muscles, didn't feel like myself at all, so went to the emergency room and was in the hospital til like 3 am getting pumped with IVs of sodium chloride and taking potassium pills. Hyponatremia and hypokalemia can be quite dangerous. Apparently if left untreated eventually the brain cells will start to swell with water and you'll die, so be careful if you drink a lot of water.

    I've been hospitalized before for actual intoxication by alcohol and the fear of ethanol poisoning, but now I almost drank myself to death with water? I've really reached a new low.

    While this was all going on, my mind was split, half of me wanted to get better and just move on, while half of me was thinking it really wouldn't make a difference if things just ended right there, it's not like anyone would notice.

    I'm not even sure why I really drank so much in the first place, I have known about the risk of water poisoning for a long time now, even if it seemed like something that could never really happen. But with my water consumption I've often tempted fate and this time it almost caught up to me. I feel like I'm a split person, inside of me is like this subconscious person that hates me and just wants me to suffer.

    Anyway I feel like crap, but I'm supposed to go on a retreat today until Sunday, however I'm really not sure if I should. Both physically and mentally I'm not sure if I'm in a healthy enough state to get on a bus for 3-4 hours going to a farmhouse in the middle of nowhere to share one cabin room with like 20+ people most of whom I've never met and none of whom I know very well. (Any advice on whether I should go or not?)

    But beyond that, I really don't know where my life is going from here, what little progress I thought I had been making with my therapist seems to be fading away, my depression and social anxiety seem to be re-emerging in full force, it took a lot of convincing myself to overcome my anxiety just to walk outside my front door and go to the LGBT center yesterday, when I used to go there 3 times a week and look forward to it. How do I not regress and lose all that I'd accomplished with my therapist? Just when I thought we were making breakthroughs, he leaves and now I'm in a backslide. Now I know a lot of people here hate me and want me to leave too, however I have no place else to say this so here it is. Right now there is literally no one in the world who listens to and cares about what I have to say; I don't really expect anyone to read this whole post, however I just needed to at least say it.
  2. myheartincheck

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    Sep 25, 2012
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    The trip could either be good or bad for you, but I would encourage you to go. Being around that many people... maybe you could open up to one of them.

    As for the therapist, it may be a good idea to look into another. I know you really enjoyed your previous one but unfortunately getting too attached to them isn't healthy, as at that point they become more like a lifeboat.

    Also, besides the water intoxication (which I had never heard of before actually... how much water did you drink!?) it sounds like you may have an eating disorder. I'm not a doctor but you should definitely talk to a doctor about the fact you go without eating and then take multiple laxatives.

    When was the last time you have taken any drugs or had excess alcohol? I'm glad you have the LGBTQ Center, but it sounds like you need more resources than that at this point, as you appear to be struggling with multi-faceted issues.
  3. Dublin Boy

    Dublin Boy Guest

    Feb 12, 2013
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    Well Dude, I read it from top to bottom, because I wanted to hear what you had to say & I am sure like a lot of people on here, I care about what happens to you, you are part of the EC community & a lot of people on here love you for who you are, we want you to be happy, it sounds like your LGBTQ does you good, you need to keep going, as this is a positive in your life (*hug*)(*hug*)(*hug*)
  4. Chip

    Board Member Admin Team Advisor Full Member

    May 9, 2008
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    Losing a therapist in the middle of some major breakthroughs and awareness can be really difficult, and I'm a little surprised that the therapist didn't work on some sort of transition process with you; that's an important part of any therapy is either the transition or termination. I know it's difficult when you're feeling depressed, but if you can bring yourself to either contact the main therapist, or even the exec director of the LGBT center and describe in short form what you've explained here, I'm sure they'd make arrangements to get you seen.

    Have you looked into what other free or low-cost options exist to continue therapy? I realize you might not be gung-ho to jump back into it with a completely new organization, but when you're struggling to understand yourself, the therapy sessions can be a lifeline and provide grounding that is very necessary, and waiting a month or more might be tough, particularly if the temptation to slip back into drug and alcohol use is there.

    And as much as you may find it hard to believe... EC is here for you and people here (including me) care about you, and want you to succeed and be happy. That's why the site exists. So one thing you can do in the meantime is to spend some time talking with some of the members or advisor team here. We're not therapists, but we have had experiences similar to yours, and understand much of what you're experiencing, and are here to help.
  5. Rose27

    Rose27 Guest

    Hey!!! I CARE!!! I am sending you love & hugs!!!!
  6. AKTodd

    Full Member

    Feb 9, 2013
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    Norfolk, VA
    And I care. Hi, I'm Todd. I don't think we've been formally introduced :smilewave

    I can't say I've gone through what you're going through. But I'm happy to talk (either publicly or PM since we're both full members and all) or even just listen, if that would help.

    Regarding your post above, I wonder if your water drinking is a stress reaction? You describe being very stressed and just filling your water bottle again and again. Could your water drinking be a coping mechanism that in this instance went a bit out of control?

    Perhaps you should consider switching to a smaller water bottle, just to make it less likely to OD again? Perhaps also limit yourself to some number of bottles of water (or drinks of water overall) in a day? Just a thought.

    I agree with the idea that you should do the retreat. It might do you good to be around people for a bit. And you might make a new friend:slight_smile: And keep going to the center.

    Also, you really should talk to the folks here as well as explore other therapy or related options both in general and re the alcohol and drugs you mention. One of my best friends is a recovering alcoholic and he never misses a meeting. He's also a really great guy and I count myself lucky to call him a friend. You've already indicated that the therapy was really helpful and it seems a good thing to get you back into it asap instead of having to wait for the center to bring in a new person. Anyway, just my thoughts.

    Take care and if you want to talk, I'm around EC quite a bit. Just drop me a line.

  7. nikom87

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    Feb 20, 2013
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    I'm sorry to hear about your water intoxication, and I am glad that you're okay. I'm also sorry to hear that your sessions with your therapist stopped so abruptly. I can imagine that that doesn't feel good. I would also recommend trying to continue going to the LGBT center, because it sounds like you were enjoying that. If you don't feel healthy enough to go to the retreat or you feel like you'll have a panic attack, I would recommend not going. But it could be good for you as well, maybe it would give you a new outlook.

    I can relate to so much of what you are saying. I've dealt with anxiety, depression, and an eating disorder for many years, along with a substance abuse problem. As always, I am always here to talk if you want. :slight_smile:
  8. Kyllani

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    Apr 3, 2012
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    I can't say that we've ever met, but I most definitely care what happens to you. Like you, I struggle with social anxiety and depression. I've been walking this path since I was 13. Because of my depression and anxiety, I developed a substance abuse problem in my early 20s. I know how hard the struggle can be, and I just wanted to say that if you ever need to talk, my inbox is always open to you.
  9. TraceElement

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    Jan 31, 2011
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    Hi, I'm Trace and I care.

    I understand how difficult it is to be at the lowest of lows and feeling like no one cares... I've been there too. I second trying to find a low cost therapist. In the meantime though, write down your feelings and thoughts... good, bad, and ugly. Just getting it out there can put your mind at ease. Try yoga, taking a walk, or going for a bike ride. Exersize can release seratonin, which can make you feel happier.
    Please make sure to keep coming back here, we all care about you and want to see you succeed.
  10. RedPowerRanger

    Apr 17, 2013
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    I care for you Rakkus. I`m so sorry to hear what you are going through. Life is never pointless. You been a great friend on here since i joined and i thank you for that. Not many people make me cry reading letters but you have and that`s down to you for being a nice guy and caring. I also think you should go on the retreat. Don`t leave here. I will miss you very much if you did. :tears:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:lease wall message me.(*hug*):kiss:
  11. Chip

    Board Member Admin Team Advisor Full Member

    May 9, 2008
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    I'd like to echo Todd's suggestion about looking into AA. In many areas of the country, there are LGBT AA meetings, and those can be great places to meet other LGBT people and develop friendships. AA's 12 steps also help you understand much of what's going on with yourself and it's a form of self- and peer-supported therapy that can be really helpful. (The other side benefit of the LGBT AA groups, if you are non-religious, is that they tend to be less religiously oriented.)
  12. Rakkaus

    Rakkaus Guest

    Aug 16, 2012
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    New York
    Um alright, so thanks for all of the advice and support everyone.

    AA, I'm don't know if I really need. I don't drink that often, and after a night of drinking I often don't drink again for a while cuz I feel so shitty from it... though when I do drink I always drink to excess. In fact I'm prone to binging in just about everything I do, eating, drinking, whatever.

    However I don't plan on drinking again. A bad week turned into an even worse weekend.

    I didn't go on the retreat because I wasn't feeling well, I had been in the hospital just the night before and I felt like crap, I didn't want to get stuck there and get dizzy and headaches again.

    So I was home for the weekend. On Saturday I went out with my parents, I thought it would be a nice night. I had a few beers, they were drinking, and that night turned into an epic disaster. I don't even really remember what happened that night, just lots of screaming and yelling and violent confrontation with my stepfather, but I woke up the next day with huge black-and-blue blotches of broken blood cells on my back and red cuts and bruises all over, and I'd moved my armoire and dresser over to barricade the door to my room. I'd taken a bunch of Zolofts, pills were all over the floor too. And I'd vomited pretty much everything I ate that day.

    So now I've felt even shittier the past few days, I haven't really even left my room, I've been eating just pretzels and Gatorade I have stashed in my room. Tonight, encouraged by a concerned friend on here, I decided to go down and try to eat something more substantial but my stepfather started in again cursing at me for eating his food or whatever, so it's just pretzels for me, I'm a prisoner trapped in my room again.

    But, my life really is just worthless. Now more than ever I'm questioning whether it would not have been better if I had just died last week. I don't even want to eat, I'm down to 113 lbs right now, eating just makes me feel worse. There's really nothing worthwhile about my life, I'm just a complete waste, I can't get a job, I can't move out, I can't come out, I can't make a friend or have a boyfriend. I mean, I love and appreciate all the friends I've made online here, but I wish I had a life outside the internet, I wish I had just one person in real life who I could talk to and who cared about me....but it's not meant to be.... :tears:
  13. Chip

    Board Member Admin Team Advisor Full Member

    May 9, 2008
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    It can be really hard cultivating friends, and it sounds like the experiences you've had with your stepdad and your home life in general may contribute to making it even more difficult, psychologically and socially, for you to feel comfortable and competent in being able to make friends in real life.

    But in the meantime, you can cultivate good online friendships, and sometimes those can develop into really meaningful real-life relationships. I struck up a conversation online with someone I'd never met or talked to -- messaged him about a funny Youtube video he'd made -- and over time he's become a really good friend. We live in different states, but he's come and hung out with my group of friends several times, and I and others in my group of friends have visited him as well. And several of my closest friends are people I originally met online. So it's definitely possible.

    Additionally, right now, you have the EC community as a safe place where you can talk about what's going on, and I absolutely know there are people here (including me) who care about you and your well being, and are here to talk to you and help you understand that you *do* have a purpose and value and place in this world... you may not have found it yet, but I assure you, it's there.

    About the bingeing... there are binge alcoholics, people who only drink once every 2, 3, 6, 15, or whatever weeks, and some do this for 30, 40 years or more. They are no less "real" alcoholics than anyone else if they meet the other criteria. And most daily alcoholics start out as binge drinkers, and for them, the every 2 months turns into monthly, then weekly, then twice a week... you get the picture. Additionally, nearly every binge alcoholic says, after each binge, that s/he is sick of it and will never do it again. I'm not saying you definitely are an alcoholic, but you exhibit some warning signs, and it seems clear that you're using alcohol and other drugs as a way of self-medicating for your moods, which is a big danger sign.

    I'm not trying to twist your arm into doing anything, but if you were willing to at least check out AA, you might like it. There are a lot of wonderful people there who are helping each other, and there's no judgment (well, at least, they do their best to avoid it.) It can be a way to meet people, and to work on yourself, and if nothing else, it's a place to go out of the house, and a way to connect with people, which it sounds like you really could benefit from. So it might be worth a try.

    Also, if you haven't checked out Brené Brown's TED talk "The Power of Vulnerabiliity" on Youtube, it's worth seeing. She speaks to a lot of issues that might resonate for you and help you to start taking steps to better your situation.

    Once again, the EC advisor team is here to help, all you need to do is message one of us. :slight_smile:
  14. KingdomKeyDK

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    Feb 4, 2013
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    Don't ever say no one here cares about you. It's not true, and you should know that. While I was reading your post, I was almost about to cry just thinking about what you were saying. You think that you are worthless, and you definitely are not. "A person's a person, no matter how small." If you didn't know, this a line from Horton Hears a Who by Dr. Suess. It makes me think of how many people commit suicide everyday due to depression. Without others, I know, it's tough, but look at where you are talking. This place is designed to help you. And no matter what, someone will always be there to help you out. And also, you make it seem as though your life is worthless, but it is not. Every person has some significance in the world. I'm sure you were just nervous, and you just drank too much. But I remind you, don't ever think that a life isn't worth it, especially yours.
  15. HelmetBoi

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    Sep 3, 2012
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    I know it's so easy to say this but I genuinely and honestly mean this with every atom that makes me up - you're not worthless. I know that feeling; the emptiness, the loneliness, the feeling that where you're at now will always be where you're at and it's horrible. I know it's horrible, I've felt those feelings before but please, please, please don't think that's how it will always be and please don't think you're worthless. It's just not true. I also know having people say these things on the Internet will never be the same as having people there with you saying it, but you genuinely do have people who care about you. I'm 3500 miles from you and we're very unlikely to ever meet but I still care about you, as do many others here. The situation you're in now will change at some point because these situations just do over time, but until then try ride it out and stick with it.

    A few months ago I was in a pretty dark place generally for various reasons, not contemplating suicide but I had absolutely no will to live and if I'd been splattered by a bus when crossing the road I wouldn't have considered it to be a great loss to the world. I almost wanted to die but without having the balls to contemplate suicide. Or maybe I didn't want to... I'm not actually quite sure but either way I wasn't entirely happy. I had the similar feelings of worthlessness, like my entire existence meant nothing and the fact I was breathing air and using oxygen was just wasteful. At some point though, it might take a while but at some point, you start realising that way of thinking isn't actually right. You start realising you're not worthless, and slowly but surely things start getting kinda back to normal. It took probably 2 months for me to crawl out of my last down phase and I needed a lot of support from my closest friend but I did get out of it. You'll get out of it too. :slight_smile:

    One thing I'll say though is I don't think staying in your room will help. Do you have any kind of hobbies that can get you out of the house or keep your mind active? I'm a massive photography geek and whenever I have serious down phases I always try get out with a camera as much as I can because in a weird way it fights the feelings of worthlessness. If I get home at the end of a shooting session with some images I'm really happy with and I can think... Yeah, those images didn't exist a few hours ago, I've actually created something today... Then I immediately feel a bit better. It isn't a cure by any means but to be honest had it not been for that I think there's a fairly strong chance I would have given suicide more thought. Human beings haven't evolved to sit and do nothing; we need activity to stop us going crazy and doing things we enjoy, even if they're things we do on our own, can help shift some of that negative energy into something more positive. Is there anything that could fulfil that role for you?

    I kind of went on a bit there so I hope reading it didn't bore you to tears and I hope it made some kind of sense. Final point - people care about you, I care about you and here's a load of hugs to prove it!

    (*hug*) (*hug*) (*hug*) (*hug*) (*hug*) (*hug*)
  16. AKTodd

    Full Member

    Feb 9, 2013
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    Norfolk, VA
    Here's the thing, dude. Reading through your description, I really don't think you're having any fun here. Barricaded in your room bruised and bloodied and feeling like shit both physically and emotionally while getting to smell your own puke and listen to your stomach growl is not my idea of a fun way to spend an afternoon and I don't get any sense that you're enjoying it either. You've also posted on here about some past hookups that (when all was said and done) didn't seem to end with you wandering around with a silly grin on your face for a few days afterward.

    You've said that you feel worthless. Well, you're not. Yes, I'm going to line up and join the chorus on that one. I'm also going to riff a bit on the idea that the one thing you don't ever want to do in this world is end your life.

    This isn't just an academic thing for me when I say this either. My eldest brother died as a result of drugs and alcohol abuse. My cousin committed suicide some years ago. You don't want to do either of those things.

    So why not try to change your circumstances?

    Check out the AA meetings. If you never drink again, then worst case you've wasted a few hours a week or a month. But maybe you'll find out you aren't wasting your time after all. Not sure if AA deals with drug issues, but if not then suggest you find something in that area as well. Please.

    Again, worst case scenario you waste a little bit of time. But maybe you actually start turning things around and feeling better (Call this option B)? Would the chance at that be worth a few hours of your time? Because the way you seem to be spending it now doesn't seem to be filling you with warm, happy thoughts.

    Finally, you really need to start eating on a regular basis. You need protein (meat and peanut butter are both good sources) and things like fresh vegetables and such. Both for general health and because being in a state of near starvation can mess with your head and your emotions. You can't make good decisions that way. I know about that too. If I do to long without eating I get really mean and angry and then get a huge headache. None of these are conducive to clear thinking.

    Just give it some thought, Ok?

  17. Rakkaus

    Rakkaus Guest

    Aug 16, 2012
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    New York
    Alright thanks for all the support, sorry I haven't been responding there was a bit of a privacy concern that had to be addressed.

    Anyway I really wish there were such an easy answer as to just go to AA and the problems would be solved. But drugs and alcohol issues are just the symptoms of the disease, if I didn't have some way to dull the pain of everything I'd probably have committed suicide by now. I really want to eliminate the causes of why I always want to be in an altered mental state, I don't want to just force myself to live in depression.

    I need to get a job or go to back to school, I need to get my life in order, I need to move out (and hopefully away), and take a long break from seeing my parents. But there's nobody, not one person in my life right now, who I can talk to, who can give me advice, and who can motivate me to actually get something done. The main reason I tried dating and trying to find a boyfriend was in the hopes that I could find a relationship where we would actually care about each other on a personal level, and he could get me out of the house and out of my anxieties and motivate me to make the changes I need to make in my life. But it's pointless to try to find that, and my anxiety has returned in such full force I doubt I could even go on the dates I was willing to go on just months ago. And it's been a year now since my life peaked during my senior year and I came out, now it's just about pretending that never happened. I could never have come out in my current state.

    And I just really wasn't prepared for the sudden shift in mood after my therapist left and suddenly I was all on my own again, at least he was pretending to care.

    The other night I went back to the group at my LGBT center which is led by the main LCSW supervisor there (the same one who had brushed me off previously about meeting with her), it wasn't really a pleasant or helpful experience, I left more stressed and depressed than I went in, I don't think I would feel comfortable opening up to her like I had to my previous therapist anyway. I used to go to the LGBT center feeling it was like a refuge, now I feel it's just one more entity that has rejected me. I'm seriously considering just never going back there, the last few times going there have only made me feel worse. I just want to move away from here anyway.

    It just sucks having no friends, not knowing anyone with any warmth or sensitivity, and not really seeing a path forward. I can't even sort out what I should be doing now. This world is just too complicated to deal with. :confused: