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Discussion in 'Sexual Orientation' started by EmptyClosets, May 2, 2019.

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  1. EmptyClosets

    Admin Team Full Member

    Jan 1, 1970
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    Female - Bisexual
    Age: 20s
    Topics: Coming out, anxiety, relationship issues, asexuality
    Location: United States (Ohio)
    Language: English
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    Female - Bisexual
    Age: 30s
    Topics: Sexual orientation, coming out, LGBT later in life, family, friends and relationships
    Location: Canada (Ontario)
    Language: English
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    Male - Gay
    Age: 40s
    Topics: Sexual orientation, religion and sexuality, interpersonal relationships, general support and advice, depression, self-harm, suicidal ideation.
    Location: United Kingdom (England)
    Languages: English, German, Danish
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    Male - Gay
    Age: 70s
    Topics: LGBT Later in Life, coming out, anxiety, religious issues, LGBTQ+ in middle/high school
    Location: United States (Idaho)
    Language: English
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    Male - Gay
    Age: 30s
    Topics: Ethnic and religious problems, mental health, family problems
    Location: United States (Oklahoma)
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    Female - Lesbian
    Age: 30s
    Topics: Sexual orientation while in/after heterosexual relationships
    Location: United Kingdom (England)
    Language: English
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    Male (trans) - Other
    Age: 30s
    Topics: Gender identity and expression, health related topics, religion, general help and advice
    Location: Europe (Estonia)
    Language: English, Estonian
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    Administrators ensure that EC runs smoothly on an organizational level and are responsible for the more sensitive information on EC. Administrators are the primary contacts for organization-wide issues. They are also available to offer support and advice.

    Male - Gay
    Age: 50s
    Topics: Interpersonal/psychological issues, shame/self-esteem/vulnerability, addiction/substance abuse, rape/male sexual abuse
    Location: United States (California)
    Language: English
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    Male - Bisexual
    Age: 20s
    Topics: Education and sexuality, atheism and sexuality, sexual orientation, coming out, general help and advice
    Location: South America (Brazil)
    Languages: Portuguese, English
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    Male (trans) - Straight
    Age: 20s
    Topics: Gender identity and expression, rural support and advice, general help and advice
    Location: Canada (Alberta)
    Language: English
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    Male - Gay
    Age: 20s
    Topics: Technical assistance
    Location: United Kingdom (England)
    Language: English
    Send a private message to Martin

    Male - Gay
    Age: 40s
    Topics: General support and advice, coming out, sexual orientation
    Location: Canada (British Columbia)
    Language: English
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    Spartan 117
    Male - Gay
    Age: 20s
    Topics: Friends, family and relationships, general help and advice
    Location: United Kingdom (Isle of Wight)
    Language: English
    Send a private message to Spartan 117
    #1 EmptyClosets, May 2, 2019
    Last edited by a moderator: May 15, 2022
    Ushiromiya Red and Comrade like this.
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