I think Im being childish

Discussion in 'Family, Friends, and Relationships' started by yeahyeah, Apr 3, 2013.

  1. yeahyeah

    yeahyeah Guest

    Ok so Im dating a guy and I really like him. I like to be with him and I hope one day we can be a couple (we already act like one).
    The thing is that a few days ago I remembered my ex and I got mad again. I was mad with him because he didnt want to hear me when I talked to him on the phone (I listened to him when he called me and I gave my advice, etc), he just said something like: Listen, I think that these are your stuff and you should see this with another person, maybe your boyfriend, but you dont have to come with me and ask me for advice. :dry: I was really mad at that moment with him and I think I hate his bf too (I dont even know him) :c So I guess the other day I was jealous that he has a relationship and they live together and everythig and that I want something like that with they guy Im dating :C Is this childish?
  2. Chip

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    In short, yes, it's pretty childish. It's particularly childish to hate someone you don't even know.

    To be honest, your post isn't the most coherent, so it's a little hard to figure out exactly what's going on, but it sounds like you're still talking to your ex as a friend, but he's trying to set clear boundaries and tell you that some things aren't appropriate to discuss with him since you're no longer a couple. If that's the case, then he's well within the realm of reason doing that.

    Additionally, you definitely should not be taking out your annoyance with an ex on the guy you're currently dating... that's a great way to screw up a relationship.

    It's not going to be productive to be jealous over what someone else has that you don't, nor will it help you get what you want. Work on being happy for him, and work on developing a healthy relationship for yourself, instead. :slight_smile: