I fear I missed the best opportunity I'll ever have. Or maybe I'm fooling myself.

Discussion in 'General Support and Advice' started by LaurenSkye, Jun 13, 2019.

  1. LaurenSkye

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    Feb 25, 2012
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    Cincinnati, OH
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    Last Saturday evening, I was out in Downtown Cincinnati just walking around and hopping on and off of the streetcar just people watching. At one point while on the Streetcar, I saw these two guys and one lady, all probably in their 20's and all quite attractive. The lady was the girlfriend of the cuter of the two guys. At one point while I saw them, the other guy looked my way and smiled at me. I smiled back and just assumed that he was just being friendly (though I rarely get something like that from men, more likely women). I rode for a bit looking around at all of the people having a good time on a Saturday Night (that's a fun Saturday night activity for me). That same guy and I locked eyes again once more and again he smiled at me, and again I smiled back and thought nothing of it. Then as I was about to exit the train, I looked around once more and the guy again smiled at me and this time waved at me. I waved back and mouthed "goodbye" to him. It was then I started to think that maybe he might like me. And when I say he wasn't as cute as his friend, that doesn't mean he wasn't cute. He was still quite out of my league. But once I started to think that he might like me made me think I just let the best opportunity I may ever have get away from me. A total wave of emotions came over me from excited that a cute guy might like me to frustration that he got away to hope that maybe if he likes me than there might be someone else out there in this world as well, and then finally a big let down.

    That brings me to the second part of this. Am I just fooling myself? Is it possible that this guy is not really into me and I just badly want to believe that he is? Especially with the fact that this guy was so cute. On the proverbial scale of 1 to 10, he's probably an 8, while I'm a 6 at best. I had previously pretty much come to terms with the idea that I will likely be alone for the rest of my life. But recently I have thinking that I want something more out of life. I want someone in my life. I just worry once again that I am getting so desperate that I am seeing things that are not there.
  2. sublimeprincess

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    Jan 28, 2013
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    Aww Mikey <3

    Maybe he found you attractive and maybe he was just a friendly guy, but what matters is letting yourself feel the attraction. The more opportunities you put yourself with people you find attractive, the more opportunities you will have to be with someone you who is attractive to you. All sorts of people can be drawn to us, and when you make yourself available to these situations, the higher the probability that you will be with someone you find attractive.

    Get yourself out there <3
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  3. Rachel9245

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    May 21, 2019
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    That sounds so cute! I say work with what you've got. Well fitting clothes and confidence could easily take you from a 6 to an 8. The numbers are just an illusion. I feel like I can go from a 2 to a 6 on any given day :sweat_smile: Also bring a good wingperson with you to help break the ice and support you if it doesn't go well.

    I went to a gay bar alone and ended up hanging out with a straight woman who also went alone. Anyway, she was very charismatic and we ended up making more friends throughout the night. Definitely safety in numbers because I never would have talked to that many people on my own.
    sublimeprincess likes this.
  4. Destin

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    Mar 14, 2018
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    If it were just smiling, that doesn't mean anything, but waving goodbye to a stranger in a public setting is pretty abnormal and I'd say he was into you because of that. It won't be your last opportunity though, there will be more like him I'm sure.