I don't feel good enough for my parents or my friends. Some needed help and advice

Discussion in 'Coming Out Advice' started by Alexander69, Sep 25, 2012.

  1. Alexander69

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    Sep 20, 2012
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    Re: I don't feel good enough for my parents or my friends. Some needed help and advic

    Ive never been to salvation army before. I've donated my old clothes there before...... Omggggg that is such a hard thing for me to do I don't want people to look at me and go "he has no class no self respect" that's what I do sometimes when I see people dress terribly it just looks as if you don't respect yourself if you wear expensive clothes it gives off this send thy says "he cares about what he looks like and will spen what ever to look good" and those clothes at the salvation army have been worm by other people :0 ew what if they had like diseases! Chip I get what you are saying ALL of it but that is just a task that I couldn't do.... At least not at the moment. I'm so sorry :frowning2:
  2. King

    King Guest

    Re: I don't feel good enough for my parents or my friends. Some needed help and advic

    Some people can't afford to wear brands like Gucci all the time. I work in an area where there's a bunch of people like that, but they're all nice with good heads on their shoulders - they just can't afford to shop anywhere else. The clothes someone wears doesn't make them who they are. Honestly, I think less of people who do wear big brand name stuff. They look like (and usually are) tightasses.

    Also you're being incredibly childish. The clothes wouldn't have diseases, that's an exceptionally stupid thing to suggest.
  3. Chip

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    Re: I don't feel good enough for my parents or my friends. Some needed help and advic

    There's a huge difference between "He cares what he looks like" and "He wants to impress everyone with how much money he has and so he is a brand whore who only wears expensive designer brands." You are doing the second thing. There are plenty of people who look great in inexpensive outfits they've put together from thrift stores, and you could be one of them. In fact, there's a whole style to doing that, and you can create super eye-catching outfits (that aren't eye-catching because they're ridiculous or outlandish) that are interesting because of how you put them together, not because they have a brand name. Wearing nothing but brand names has little to do with actual style and everything to do with saying "look at how much money I have!" And there are quite a few people who view that with contempt and, in part, rightly so. You might as well glue $100 bills to your shirt and pants, because if you're insisting that's the only way you can look good, that's exactly what you're doing.

    First, no, they don't have diseases. They are all washed and/or drycleaned and sterilized before being put on sale. Do you realize how pretentious and shallow you sound? You really sound like some rich person who doesn't give a crap about anyone but himself.

    What happened to "When someone gives me something to do, I work on it immediately"? And again, you are confusing "can't" and "won't." You could do this, you're just choosing not to.

    So what you're really saying is, "I'm so insecure and so unsure of who I am that I am unwilling to even try something new that might give me the opportunity to be who I really am, so I'm just going to stay in my safe little armor of pretentious clothes." And I get that it's terrifying... but that's exactly why I gave you that assignment: because it will stretch you.

    It will force you to see that you are not defined by the overpriced designer brands you believe are so important to who you are. And I think you'll see that people will actually be more likely to approach you and make friends if you let yourself be defined by who you really are instead of by ridiculously expensive clothes.

    If you want to change your situation, you are going to have to put yourself in uncomfortable places and make yourself vulnerable.

    Or, you can just stay exactly where you are, and wonder why you have no real friends, and the only friends you attract are shallow and like you for your money.
  4. Alexander69

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    Sep 20, 2012
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    Re: I don't feel good enough for my parents or my friends. Some needed help and advic

    Omggggg! I'm not materialistic.... :frowning2: I just like expensive things. If I were to wear clothes like what you are saying I can't imagine what people would think of me. I know this sounds rude and maybe offensive but non named clothes are poor clothes.... Right? Of I were to wear non named clothes it would make me feel cheap :/ but if that's what you think it will take then I will try what you are saying :slight_smile:
  5. Jared

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    Feb 29, 2012
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    Re: I don't feel good enough for my parents or my friends. Some needed help and advic

    I'm not trying to be mean or argumentative, but what you just said was the epitome of materialistic. There is a difference between liking expensive things, like appreciating exotic cars for all the engineering and craftsmanship that goes into them, and being materialistic, liking expensive things for the sake of their inflated price tag. You seem like you just want the price tag and the brand. And non brand name clothes are not poor clothes, honestly most people I know don't even pay attention to what brand of clothes someone is wearing and/or don't care. People who actually matter won't care whether you wear brand name clothes or not. And by the way the comment about non brand name clothes is very offensive, you need to realize that most people cannot afford to buy even the cheaper brand name clothes, let alone Gucci and that there is no shame in not wearing expensive clothes.

    I think you are likely very insecure and feel the need to hide behind expensive things, I get it, I've been there before. When I started dealing with my insecurities and became way less materialistic, I was happier and I started hanging out with people who don't care how much how money I have and they don't use me like people have before. I think you should give Chip's assignment a try since it will probably help you.
  6. timo

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    Re: I don't feel good enough for my parents or my friends. Some needed help and advic

    People don't care. 99.9% of them don't give a shit about random strangers on the streets.
    It took me a while to get there, but life is so much easier once you've realised that most people don't have an opinion about you. Not to sound harsh, but you're meaningless to them. And their opinion (if they do have one) is meaningless too and shouldn't matter to you. After all, you don't know those people and probably you will never see them again... so why bother about them or the way they see you?

    Oh, and I have to be honest about this... Clothes with huge brand names on it or clothes that are, in another way, clearly identifiable as a certain brand make you look like a billboard.
  7. Jinkies

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    Re: I don't feel good enough for my parents or my friends. Some needed help and advic

    To add on to what everyone's saying about the expensive clothes: Eventually, you're gonna have to go for the cheap stuff, because you can afford it. And you know what, if it covers the part of your body you want it to, you really won't care about it.

    I've got a song for you. It's by a great band called the Grateful Dead. It's called Touch of Grey. I know it's about the Dead's fanbase, but if you take that away, it's a lesson to you and me. The ables and the bakers and the cs. The ABC's we all must face to try and keep a little grace.

    Listen to it. Listen to it twice. Perhaps 10 times. Let it sink in.

    Grateful Dead - Touch of Grey - YouTube

    I listen to this song every day before school. This is a school that I have to put more hours in within a span of 2 years than anyone at a regular 4-year college. It's a crap ton of work, and alot of it is fairly difficult.

    Yes, the vocals aren't particularly great. But the vibe is amazing. It's so childlike and carefree, something everyone needs to hear at times like this. Something I personally need to hear every day before I hop on the train, while I'm riding the train, and while I'm walking from the station to the school.

    While you listen to this song, forget all your worries. Submerge yourself in the music. I promise you'll feel a ton better, and you might even dance.

    That is all I have to say, if it's alright.

    I will get by.

    YOU will get by.

    We will survive.
    #27 Jinkies, Sep 29, 2012
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2012
  8. Chip

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    Re: I don't feel good enough for my parents or my friends. Some needed help and advic

    No offense, but the things you've said make you sound like a poster child for shallow materialism. And to a large extent, it's your parents' insecurities that are responsible for your beliefs. Listen to the people here. Cornella93 has been exactly where you are, and he gets it.

    You are, maybe for the first time in your life, talking to people who genuinely care about you, not your clothes, jewelry, car, money, appearance, or anything else. And what you're hearing is very foreign to you. But it's good advice.

    So think for a moment about that statement: What I hear you saying, in essence, is that you believe you're such a worthless piece of shit that no one will pay you any mind, have any respect for you, care about you, love you, or pay you any attention whatsoever if you don't wear fancy, expensive, designer-name clothes.

    What in the world does that say about you? My read, if I believe the above (which, by the way, I don't) is that you essentially believe you're nothing but an empty shell who can serve only as a billboard or a mannequin for expensive brand names.

    Because what I hear you saying is, you believe your entire self-worth and value as a person is tied up in the clothes you wear (and other signs of wealth and privilege.) Is that really what you believe about yourself? And, if it is, is that really who you want to be, and how you want to be seen?

    I don't think so. But I think you've worn that "armor" for so long, it is terrifying to take it off, and let people see you for who you really are.

    Whomever told you that must own stock in overpriced, pretentious clothing shops. Because, quite honestly, many of the most expensive name brands are made in the same factories, by the same workers, using the same raw materials, as the stuff you'd find at Old Navy, JC Penney, or any other mid-priced store. In some cases, such as sunglasses, the products are absolutely identical, except for the brand name and the price tag. You are buying into one of the biggest loads of bullshit ever fed to the buying public. In clothing, quality bears almost no correlation to price. In fact, many so-called "upscale" clothiers like Abercrombie produce products that are so poorly made they last few only a few washings... and they have little to no warranty, because they know they sell crap, and they count on materialistic, uninformed, pretentious consumers to keep buying their crap, and to be too pretentious to ever return a poorly-made product.

    Separately from the above, do you realize how judgmental you sound? You make it sound like every person who is unable to afford expensive designer brands is walking around in ugly, poorly-made, pathetic clothing that no one in their right mind would wear. Would you want to be friends with someone who judges you in that same way, just by the clothes you wear?

    Here's something to think about: I assure you, there are way more people who negatively judge people who dress the way you do, than the way I am describing.

    I think it will make a difference. The first time you do it, you will more than likely feel almost the same as if you were completely naked. (And, actually, going to a nudist resort would be another option for doing the same thing... but I'm guessing that's probably too far out on the edge for you.) But it is that feeling of being "naked" -- of making yourself vulnerable and letting the real "you" be seen, without the armor of fancy clothes -- where you'll be able to begin to discover the real you.

    It won't be some dramatic thing that will happen one day, in one two-hour visit to the mall. And it will almost certainly be uncomfortable the first few times you do it. But if you stick with it, and continue to do that on a regular basis, I think you'll be amazed at how different you'll feel after a month, and how it starts to change your perception of yourself and others.
  9. Alexander69

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    Sep 20, 2012
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    Re: I don't feel good enough for my parents or my friends. Some needed help and advic

    Thanks again chop for your honest opinion. This won't happen over night for me i mean this is a major change for me so.... I will change but it will take time. And I agree with you chip that I guess name brands are my "armor" I feel good in them and I know people look at me I just don't know what they are thinking. But I have gotten some great feed back here from everyone, I woul have never though people would see me in my clothes and assume I'm rude or materialistic so to hear from all of you that that's what you are thinking of me or someone like me it hits you hard because I am a really nice person and I am very respectful and I don't want people to use me or not like me for me so thank you all ❤❤❤❤❤❤ Im happy that you all told me out right because no one ever tells me these things
  10. Mirko

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    Re: I don't feel good enough for my parents or my friends. Some needed help and advic

    Nope, change won't happen over night, but if you are willing (and it sounds like that you are) you can start changing bit by bit. The next time you go cloths shopping, instead of going to the expensive stores on Robson Street, go to Sears, the Bay, the Gap, or somewhere else in a shopping mall and pick out something that you like. Often times, you will also be able to find great finds in second hand clothing stores. No one would ever be able to tell that you got it at the Salvation Army or another second hand store.

    I have walked on Robson Street and seen the stores and the cloths they have on display in their windows. Have I ever bought anything there? No, because with the money that I'm spending there, I can buy twice amount of the cloths that will last me the same amount of time, somewhere else.

    The chances that people will still look at you and think you are good looking, are still there, even if you don't buy your cloths at Gucci or any of the other expensive stores. :slight_smile:
  11. Jinkies

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    Re: I don't feel good enough for my parents or my friends. Some needed help and advic

    Kohl's is also a good place to start off at. There's some cool shirts I've got from there.
  12. Alexander69

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    Sep 20, 2012
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    Re: I don't feel good enough for my parents or my friends. Some needed help and advic

    Mirko you're from vancity?!!! That's so cool! I'm Supossed to be going down to robson tomorrow with my friend..... I'm still going to go I just won't buy as much....? :grin:
  13. Mirko

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    Re: I don't feel good enough for my parents or my friends. Some needed help and advic

    I don't live in Vancouver but I do go from time to time. :slight_smile:

    Why not try something different tomorrow? Instead of going to Robson Street, why not go to Sears just down the road or another clothing store that is located a couple of streets away from Robson? Or, have a browse through the the YMCA Thrift Shop on Main Street and the Community Thrift and Vintage on West Cordova Street?
  14. Alexander69

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    Sep 20, 2012
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    Re: I don't feel good enough for my parents or my friends. Some needed help and advic

    Main street....It's not near east Hastings is it? :O I can't go down there those people scare the shit out of me OMG! LOL And I have gone to that sears before and the bay.
  15. Chip

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    Re: I don't feel good enough for my parents or my friends. Some needed help and advic

    This is excellent advice. You know, the way you talk about clothes... "Oh, I'll only buy a few things this time"... it makes you sound like a drug addict, only designer clothes are your drug. And that may be possible; I had a friend who was depressed, and the only way he could deal with his depression was to buy expensive clothes and other expensive things.
    Only problem was, like any other drug... it didn't work. He felt better for a few hours or a day maybe, but then the depression would return.

    This is deep stuff you're working on, but I applaud you for taking it on. As Mirko suggests, try something different. Check out the thrift shops, or Sears. And go in with an open mind, imagining how you could create a style that is all your own, not something that some dude in some other country is getting rich off of by convincing you that it has value when it doesn't. :slight_smile:

    One of my friends, about your age, who always looks really sharp and gets lots of positive comments has created a "look" that is classy, and uniquely him... and he buys exclusively in thrift stores. He puts together different items, accessorizes with hats or scarves or accents or belts, and he always looks great. He's become popular among his crowd for unique styles and people seek out his fashion advice and he takes people "thrifting" with him and they all have lots of fun coming up with cool outfits that cost next to nothing!

    I realize that may be a bit of a reach for you for right now... but I agree with Mirko. Avoid the pricey stores and just try the other method. Keep in mind your parents will likely give you shit, but don't even show them what you've gotten... or if you do, just be prepared to completely ignore whatever they say.

    This will be a great first step for you :slight_smile:
  16. Alexander69

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    Sep 20, 2012
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    Re: I don't feel good enough for my parents or my friends. Some needed help and advic

    Ya that was my plan for tomorrow was to not go to the more expensive store I was going to go to Armani exchange and guess I like them a lot also and they are very cheap so that's my plan! Again thank you for your advice :grin:
  17. Mirko

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    Re: I don't feel good enough for my parents or my friends. Some needed help and advic

    Main Street runs south from the water front, starting in Gastown. Of course don't go to places you don't feel comfortable going to.

    But the idea still remains the same. As Chip said, it would be a great first step for you. If you have been to Sears and/or The Bay, try a different store. For tomorrow, your motto could be: "any store but on Robson Street." :slight_smile:
  18. Alexander69

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    Sep 20, 2012
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    Re: I don't feel good enough for my parents or my friends. Some needed help and advic

    Lol I dont even like gas town that much those people just walk in from east Hastings.... :O they scare me cause I feel like they would rob me :O So are you in west van, north van, Burnaby, cause you seem to know your streets and Vancouver well? Mirko
  19. Chip

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    Re: I don't feel good enough for my parents or my friends. Some needed help and advic

    Armani exchange is a step down from what you're used to but it's just as much a brand name, so you're doing the exact same thing. That is why Mirko is suggesting Sears and I'm suggesting thrift stores. The idea is to avoid brand names entirely.

    I know it seems like a big step, but I know you can do it. And, as a bonus, when you stop wearing pretentious clothes, people will be less interested in robbing you :slight_smile:
  20. Alexander69

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    Sep 20, 2012
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    Re: I don't feel good enough for my parents or my friends. Some needed help and advic

    LOL ya that's true! I will deff go to sears! I don't know about second hand stores just yet :grin: