I am pretty sure of my gender identity but want a second opinion.

Discussion in 'Gender Identity and Expression' started by nekomata, Jul 24, 2013.

  1. nekomata

    Regular Member

    Jul 23, 2013
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    I am nearly 100% sure I am transgender but I want a second opinion so I can see how others view the situation.

    When I was a little kid I always did "girly" things. Played the girl part in the game "house" (which was my favorite game), played girls in video games for as long as I remember, and always thought I was female, not male. In about 3rd grade or so I hid these feelings really deep inside me because I thought they were wrong. I still played house and played girls in video games, but around my parents and peers at school I tried to act totally different. I failed a few times when I started acting like London Tipton from Suite Life and playing a game (more like torture) with a friend at school in which I was a female cat named Catnip. After these things I started to try even more to act differently than I felt and all it brought was pain and suffering. I got in trouble at school and home uncountable times because I tried to act "manly" by doing stupid things like stealing stuff, listening to trash music, swearing, and lying constantly to get out of trouble for these things. I did nearly everything the other boys said they did. (even though they didn't really do them) I did anything to make sure kids didn't call me girly or gay. I did things that were girly like I said before, but without these things I probably would have killed myself by 5th grade. Fast forwarding to Junior High, I smoked (not any more), swore in ways that would make sailors blush, stole chalk, wrote obscene (sometimes satanic) things on teacher's chalkboards, tried to act goth/emo/scene, and got expelled in 8th grade for bringing alcohol to school. Again, the attempted "manliness" backfired on me. Even through this attempted manliness I still would always rather go shopping, painting my nails (did this when I was little), or trying on clothes (preferably female clothes which i have few chances to do) than doing some of the things my dad made me do like hunting and gutting deer (cringe :eek:slight_smile: I had a (female) bff at the time and she asked me to go to homecoming with her in freshman year. We pretty much talked like two gossiping girls all night, barely dancing or doing anything else. I realized after over a year when we broke up due to separation (and her butt stepdad) that we were never really in a relationship. The relationship was basically me taking her out a few times and other than that, pretty much acting like a couple of average teenage girls. Mainly hugging each other, walking through the halls giggling, and gossiping about stupid stuff. We very nearly had me dress up as a girl in her room once as a dare but her step dad said "nuh-uh" and kicked me out. I don't know if she ever knew how I felt inside. Now I have been in online homeschool for 1.5 years after being expelled again (for something I didn't do) and am stuck inside all day. I have to go to a psychiatrist and therapist for "depression anxiety" and schoolwork related problems. I think all of these problems stem from the fact that my corrupted outside person is not a reflection of my inner self as it should be and if I could find out how gain my freedom from this closet, it would all (pretty much) go away. It has got to be all the stress from this "extreme closeting" I have gotten myself into. I came out to my therapist as "possibly gay" last time I went and next time I want to show her this story that I wrote. Maybe we can finally make some sense of things. I'm just so scared to come out to my family because they are all Christian and I'm afraid I would
    A. Get in big trouble.
    B. Be told that this is a big load of crap
    C. Be referred to another therapist because "this one is pushing the LGBT agenda"
    D. Lose the respect of my parents/siblings.
    E. Lose the respect of my Grandpa (dad's dad and one of my most favorite people ever)

    I know I need to get over it and be myself (coming out to my therapist as possibly gay was REALLY hard and I am coming out as trans at my next appointment) but it is so difficult. I am here hoping for help (and prayers if that is an option) =-)
    PS Is there such thing as excessive/extreme closeting like this? :help:
    PPS Sorry for the extremely long-winded speech, I am not very good at writing at all. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
    #1 nekomata, Jul 24, 2013
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2013
  2. rusteejay

    Regular Member

    Jul 18, 2013
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    Cheshire, UK
    It seems pretty apparent that you are transgender. The only problem is that if you were to come out, would you want to be the woman inside of you in front of everyone else, like your family? I think the only thing you can do is come out and say it, otherwise you'll never find answers. Transgender is a particularly tricky one and I really feel for you. Sometimes I really want to be a woman, but it's more of a physical thing than emotional. I'm a huge, inverted narcissist. The thing you need to know is whether you would be who you are in front of everyone. I know you want to, but until you know whether you can be there's no point rocking the boat or maybe if you did, you could test the waters. I think it's the reaction you need to think about and where it would leave you. Don't question who you are, just try and be that person you think you really are.
  3. nekomata

    Regular Member

    Jul 23, 2013
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    Well, I guess if everyone knew there would be no point in hiding any more. My opinion on this is that being closeted has caused so many problems for me. Without the depression anxiety that is caused by hiding from my own family I could show my true potential in school and my hobbies. I need to talk to my therapist about it more. I would just have to look at the situation carefully, and depending on how the acceptance goes, I would either be my real self everywhere or be my real self when I go out by myself. Being 100% closeted is not much of an option anymore I'm afraid. If things get really bad after coming out, I do have a couple of safe places I could go to such as the therapy center or Daybreak Dayton. (both not too far away) I am both scared of and looking forward to coming out. If you (or anyone) have anymore advice I would be glad to have it.
  4. hiddenxrainbows

    Full Member

    Apr 11, 2011
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    So you're religious too? Prayers are always an option! A lot of religious people might shun the LGBT community, but there are plenty of us who are religious anyway. So I could send some prayers your way. I know how scary coming out can be. I came out as bi more than two years ago, but I'm still working on coming out as trans. Only my boyfriend knows. I wanted to at least tell a few friends. I don't know how I'm gonna tell my dad that I'm a bi transguy. He's super old-fashioned religious too, so I don't think he'd take it very well... But yeah, you're definitely not alone!
  5. nekomata

    Regular Member

    Jul 23, 2013
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    Thank you so much :slight_smile: I am getting another appointment with my therapist before school starts and I'm going to tell her and hopefully we can figure something out. I just have to wonder how my parents would take it. I think my mom would be more OK with it than my dad. She is at least kind of sympathetic towards the LGBT community. My dad thinks that it is a bunch of crazies :frowning2: but I feel like I have to come out anyway. Being closeted is just like lying every day, either to yourself or to everyone else. It gives me an 'excuse' to lie about things that question my sexuality, gender orientation, and even other things. I don't know how religious I really am to be honest. I guess I have been so stressed my whole life that I haven't been able to find God yet. I'm still hoping to get to that someday. I don't understand why many religious people say that all of LGBT is wrong. God would never create a being in a perpetual state of sin, right?
  6. shadelz

    Regular Member

    Jul 21, 2013
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    Los Angeles
    Sexual Orientation:
    Straight but curious
    It sounds like your mtf/trans. I know what your feeling right now I remember when I was young I would fantysize (I know its spelled wrong) about wearing a dress, heels and I repressed it all and tried to conform to being a guy but its all starting to catch up to me. I feel the same and know I will lose family if I come out to them and know I will have to switch back and forth when I see them. I came out to two friends a few days ago and I felt like a hugh weight was lifted. You know what you should do if you have any girlfriends that you can trust tell them what Is going on and ask them to help, if theg could teach you the stuff that most girls learn as teens. You should try wearing female clothes when your alone it feels fanastic and I'm always a bit paronoid and on the look out for my family to walk in.

    ---------- Post added 24th Jul 2013 at 05:31 PM ----------

    And If your friends don't accept you then they never were your friends to begin with. But more than likely most will accept you hell my super religious friend accepted me by my suprise
  7. hiddenxrainbows

    Full Member

    Apr 11, 2011
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    That's good. I'm sure your therapist will be able to help you out a bit. My dad's the same way. He hates the LGBT community and thinks something's mentally and morally wrong with them and that they're an abomination to god. I know how you feel about wanting to come out. It does feel like lying. Like we're hiding the biggest part of us or something. And it really sucks. I do want to come out as well. I actually have told my boyfriend. But he's the only one that knows so far. And thankfully he's accepting. But I'm going to tell some fiends first before I tell any of my family, especially my dad. As I see it, my friends are more likely to be accepting and I can't start transitioning right now anyway, so there's not a rush to tell my family.

    If you have any friends you can tell, you might want to tell them first. If you think any of them would be accepting. That way, you'll have a bit of a support system for when you tell your family. Your friends will be here for you when your family reacts, however they do. From what I hear, a lot of family react a little badly at first because its a giant shock and change to them. But apparently, a lot of them turn around eventually.

    I'm kind of religious. I believe there's a god that watches over and protects us. But I don't go o church because I don't agree with certain things a lot of churches say. Like gays and trans people are just wrong or evil. I don't think they understand their religion right when hey say hateful stuff like that. Especially Christians. Because Jesus told us to love everyone and treat them kindly. I think a lot of people just interpret he Bible how they want to. And even if the bible does outright say anything against lgbt people, it doesn't matter much. Theres stuff in the bible no one pays attention to. Like if a guy rapes a girl, they have o get married. They also just pick and choose what they want to follow. So as long as get think like that, I'm not associating with any churches. But no, I don't believe god just made us wrong or anything. I think he loves us anyway and we're not evil.
  8. Jamie Lynn

    Regular Member

    Jul 5, 2013
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    Out to everyone
    You have my prayers. Best of luck sweetie.
  9. Hey! (*hug*)

    I know what you're going through is really tough. You already know what you need to do for your own sanity, and that is to be honest about who you are and what you're going through. Depending on how your family members are, I would try to recommend making sure that you will have a roof over your head even in the worst possible scenario. Do you have a job, to where you can buy things for yourself if needs be? That will help a lot too. Self preservation is #1 priority. Your therapist will help a lot, and you should probably address your fears about how your family will react as well with her or him. He/she could give a lot of advice, that will definitely help. I can't imagine how scary this must be. You have my thoughts and prayers as well.

    If you ever need to talk, feel free to post on my wall or message me or just whatever okay? I'm trans* too and waiting to start transitioning at some point.. (*hug*)