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I’m not advocating this at all.

Discussion in 'For Parents and Family Members of LGBT People' started by DNJ, Feb 21, 2018.

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  1. DNJ

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    Feb 21, 2018
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    I’ve been searching through sites for a couple of weeks now. I just found this site although it may not be the best for what I’m trying to discern.

    I’m a single mom and My son just turned 13. Two weeks ago, I went into my son’s room to turn his light off because he was asleep and he’d fell asleep masturbating. That in and of itself made me cringe. I got his phone to see what the heck he was looking at and it was gay porn. Hardcore grown tail men fisting and doing all kind of mess. I stayed up and cried and prayed all night. The next morning, I took him to the barber and got his haircut so that he would feel better about himself because I know he’d just turned 13 and kids can be bullies (he hadn’t had a haircut in months- his choice). He really liked it and smiled all day.

    I hadn’t brought up what I’d found because I didn’t know how to handle it and I knew it was a delicate topic for me and would be for him. I reached out to a male Pastor I know who gave me some encouraging sound advice. He told me not to come at him from a heterosexual point of view, but, discuss purity with him and gave me scriptures from the book of Proverbs (a king speaking to his son) in the Bible.

    I brought it up later on in the evening and I cried like a baby. He cried also. He said that he doesn’t believe that he’s gay and that he looked at m/f porn before but the women screamed too much. Some of the Crap I saw on the porn sites was deplorable to me. For a young mind to see it, just.... I don’t know.... I told him that porn of any kind is unrealistic and is not what lovemaking is supposed to look like. I told him that lorn is forbidden in this house. Heck, I don’t even watch it. I feel as though I’ve failed my son. He doesn’t have any male figures or role models in his life. There’s no one that I can tell this too in my family or friends for that matter. The Pastor I told is a mentor that lives in another state and we inboxed about the situation on fb.

    I’d learned that kids bully him at school and call him gay. I asked him if he thinks he’s bi-sexual. He told me that he doesn’t think so and that he doesn’t like boys/men. He said that bi has a different meaning.... He told me that “bi means that you don’t like the same sex but you just don’t judge people that do.” Jesus!!! I told him he correct definition along with the correct definitions for straight and homosexual. He said he didnt know that and that he’s straight. I asked him where’d he’d been getting this information and when did he start watching porn. He told me 5 months ago a kid at school was talking about it and he looked up what he was talking about. He’d been watching it since. He said that he would stop and since then I saw it come up once since then. I told him to cut the mess and that porn is NOT allowed and that stands whether it was gay or straight which is why I’m teaching purity. He also knows that I’m not for homosexuality either, but, I’m attempting even though it’s been trying to take the high road and not bash him or make him feel bad. I do, however, discuss purity and what the Bible says about it. As for me and my house, we WILL serve the Lord.

    I know that kids now are different from when I was growing up.... Technology and the lil’ sap suckas at school run rampant now. Everything is at your fingertips.... I don’t know how to deal with this. I don’t. God is the only true constant that I can turn too. Posting in a “open” group like this is probably not the best place to get advice or moreso talk about it.... I don’t know.

    His father is not in his life and he is an only child. Smart as a whip and handsome as all get out. He doesn’t have many friends. I used to tell him to get some friends and I’d be the best “soccer mom” there is- overnights, hanging out, movies, etc. Heck now, I’m leery of him hanging with boys. I thought I’d have problems with these fast tail girls out here! I’m not claiming that my son is gay, but, his behavior that he’s exhibited is gay period. Gay porn and masturbating to it is gay. I do realize he didn’t really know and now he says that he’s learning himself. I can only wait, trust, and see.... I did see where a girl texted him and asked him if he was gay, bi, or straight and he told her straight and asked her why. I’m waiting for the saga to unfold. I want to see what her response is. I’m praying that she wants to know because she likes him. I’m telling you that that haircut made all the girls shape up. This is my truth. He was always bullied for being the smart kid (162 IQ-not bad) and not flocking to the social norms of playing football and a lot of sports although he does like soccer and track. He plays the cello and is in choir and orchestra.... He’s a great kid. My one and only son... well child period. It makes me cringe to think one- someone harming him and bullying him because they think he’s a “punk” and two- anyone doing to him what I saw in those hard core videos I saw. He is a baby still and he shouldn’t have been exposed to that. I feel inadequate as his mom and that I’ve failed him by not having that good male role model in his life. His father and I divorced the same year he was born even though we were married 11 years prior....

    I read on here where someone posted that it’s possible that the pre-teen in that post could be looking at the gay porn because that’s their only connection to a male figurative and that of course the hormones made it sexual with the two not necessarily relating.... I’m just torn up about it. I can’t talk to anyone because I know for a fact they will judge him based on how they treat another family member.... Well, he’s known as the “weird” “gay” family member. I won’t have that for my son.

    Well, if there’s any advice. I’d definitely appreciate it. Also, just to let you know, I told my son First that I love him PERIOD and that nothing would stop my love for him no matter what and that I’d fight tooth and nail for him.
  2. Chip

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    Hi, and welcome.

    It can definitely be a challenge being a single mom raising a son, and I admire you for the caring and efforts you are making, and also for you efforts to be as openminded and nonjudgmental as possible.

    It is honestly a complicated situation you are describing. Bullying is a reality in many schools, and some are better than others at dealing with bullying behaviors. That would be something worth discussing with the school administration.

    As for the masturbation and porn... while it may go against religious values you have, from a purely developmental perspective, masturbation is normal and healthy, and just about every teen his age masturbates. That isn't something I'd personally worry about or even discourage, but I understand that your religious values may frown upon it. I also agree that a 13 year old has no business watching fisting or other violent porn. Realistically, almost all teens watch some pornography, which isn't necessarily a good thing. It's very unlikely (and not particularly healthy) you'll get him to stop masturbating, but perhaps he can learn to masturbate to his own fantasies rather than porn

    Where I would be uncertain is with regard to his sexuality. While porn is generally not a good indicator of sexual orientation, If he has been actively watching gay porn, and finds it arousing to masturbate to, and doesn't find hetero porn arousing, then he may have some same-sex attraction. The fact that other kids are bullying him in school because they suspect he's gay could be simply unfortunate, or the bullying kids could be sensing something. If your son is gay, then this is something he is born with that is hardwired and cannot be changed. (This issue isn't in question; the science and research on it is absolutely solid, all of the professional associations agree, and the only people who dispute it are people whose viewpoints aren't rooted in science.) So the fine line to walk here is to be open and accepting and nonjudgmental of whomever he is, while at the same time discouraging porn use. Remember that his denial of being gay may well be because he senses disapproval from you (and, for that matter, he may not yet accept it within himself.) As we process any sort of loss (such as, in this case, loss of perception of being heterosexual), there are stages we go through: denial-anger-bargaining-grief-acceptance. It can take minutes or months to go through those stages, and if he is in the process of understanding himself, he may not yet accept himself. You can't influence the ultimate answer (at least, not in a healthy way), but you can be accepting. And if he ultimately decides he isn't attracted to guys... then so much the better.

    The last piece I could suggest is telling him about this site. He can discuss his honest feelings here, and no one's going to push him in one direction or the other; we have quite a few people who come here concerned they're gay for one reason or another and get input that helps them realize they are straight, while others realize they are gay or bi. As an organization, our goal is to help people accept whomever they are, without any particular agenda.

    Again, I really admire your reaching out for assistance, and your willingness to seek out what's best for your son. I hope you'll stick around, as I think you'll find this a supportive place.
  3. DNJ

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    Thank you, Chip, for replying. I don’t know what is what really anymore. I have learned that there’s a girl he likes, actually, my friends daughter, but, she has a boyfriend. This is such a difficult topic for me.... I asked him the other day just to get some transparency from whether or not he wanted me to let the family know “that he may be gay” and that I’d defend him PERIOD. He said no and that he doesn’t want to deal with that and that he’s not. He did say that he’s to figure this out and that it has just become somewhat of a habit at night since that’s when he’d look at it.

    I don’t believe that someone could be born gay and I’ve read a many literature that says science doesn’t prove that. Science is limited anyway and is debunked often based upon one is scientifically trying to prove. I read one where...

    [Rest of original post taken from here, or possible other sources: https://www.gotquestions.org/born-gay.html]
    #3 DNJ, Feb 23, 2018
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 10, 2018
  4. Chiroptera

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    I would let him have his space. It is something private, so, even if he is gay, he should be the one to decide when to share it (or not) with other people.

    But i agree with Chip that violent porn isn't something a 13 year old should be watching, regardless of orientation. Maybe it is worth to talk to him about this, not in a way that causes shame about masturbation, but explaining to him that he should avoid those kinds of videos for now, and use his fantasies (which could also help him to understand his sexuality better).
    This specifically doesn't tell us much. First, because the people he studied had a disease, like you mentioned, so it is hard to understand if that's what caused the change in the brain. Furthermore, by what you describe, he wasn't studying the cause of attraction thoughts, but the "consequences" of it. In other words, i really doubt someone could "force" these thoughts to the point of changing one's brain/orientation.
    Nowadays, we can say with a considerable amount of certainty that there is no "gay gene". However, there are evidences that homosexuality could be related to epigenetics, especially during the process of gestation. However, we are still not sure if that's exactly the answer, but things are pointing in that direction.
    Environmental factors may contribute to the expression/behavior, but not the feelings themselves. For instance, I "discovered" myself when i joined the university. That's because the environment there was much more gay friendly than my previous location, and i felt more comfortable exploring my feelings. Did the environment change my orientation? No, because, looking back in my life history, i always felt attracted to men (when i was young i remember myself having dreams about my school colleagues, and gay porn was something that pleased me), but i never felt comfortable enough to explore those feelings, and, when i was in a non-friendly environment, i dismissed these thoughts.
    Me and many others here in the forum (as examples) had a completely healthy and "normal" childhood. Both my parents love me, and i love them. In fact, i believe i'm priviledge to have such a great father and mom - they have always been really close to me (before and after my coming out), and i never felt rejected by them. They were (and are) really present in my life, and i can always trust them. So, from my experience, if rejection and attachment to the "other gender" parent is what causes homosexuality, i would be heterosexual, which i'm not.

    Can you please link the researches you mention? I really doubt any trustworthy science publisher would support these ideas in 2018 (because they don't make sense with the knowledge we have today). Maybe i'm completely wrong and one of these researches will "destroy" what i know, but, if we are talking about science, it is interesting to read the sources, and avoid misinterpretations of third-party texts.
    First, Julie Harren appears to be a complicated person, who supports re-orientation "therapy" (she is the president of NARTH), and has recommendations about it. We know today that these "therapies" have no medical/scientific evidence to support them, and they are really often based on shame and psychological torture, trying to force someone to change something they cannot change. Histories of "sucess" are frequently the result of a change of behavior (because of shame), and not orientation - many people end up feeling miserable and years later come out as homosexual anyway.

    Furthermore, the last phrase of this quote is problematic. There is nothing wrong in believing in a soul, God or the devil, and don't get me wrong, i'm not against religion. However, science and religion are different things, and study different things with different methods, so it is really hard to talk about soul and evil temptation in a credible and recognized scientific study (unless you somehow prove it using the scientific method).

    One of the most famous studies about conversion "therapy" was done by Robert Spitzer. According to him, many studies provided evidence for the effectiveness of this type of therapy (which is basically what you said above).

    However, his research suffered from many methodological problems, as explained by Drescher and Zucker (http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/15538600802125670?journalCode=wlco20).

    In 2012, Spitzer himself admitted that he was wrong, saying in an interview that "I was quite wrong in the conclusions that I made from this study. The study does not provide evidence, really, that gays can change. And that’s quite an admission on my part."

    We also have this book/study from Drescher, Shidlo and Schroeder, about the dangers (and failures) of these "therapies": https://books.google.com.br/books?id=1jYuientrGoC&pg=PA137&lpg=PA137&dq=Shidlo+and+Schroeder+gay+sample&redir_esc=y&hl=en#v=onepage&q=Shidlo and Schroeder gay sample&f=false

    Shidlo and Schroeder also published the paper "Changing sexual orientation: A consumers' report", which reports a massive statistical failure of conversion therapy, which included harmful side effects for many of those who went through it. http://psycnet.apa.org/doiLanding?doi=10.1037/0735-7028.33.3.249

    Furthermore, something that many studies don't consider is the fact that there are bisexual people (like me!). So, if a man was previously in a relationship with another man, and then went through the "therapy" and was seen after that with a woman, that doesn't prove that his orientation has changed. If that person is bisexual, he would be happy with a man or a woman anyway, so it doesn't prove much.

    Now we are talking about belief, and not science. Which is fine, of course.

    I have no extensive knowledge about the Bible, so i can't affirm that this part is a metaphor or not. However, let me ask you this: Do you really believe that homosexuality is as bad as thievery?

    Thiefs are doing harm to others. They are intentionally taking something that doesn't belong to them, in benefit of themselves and in detriment of others.

    Homosexuals are not harming other people. If two people love each other, it's no one else's business what they do in their home/bed. They are not stealing, they are not killing, they are just living their lives, seeking happiness as everyone else. They just found happiness in a person of the same gender.

    To me, comparing theft and homosexuality doesn't make sense. In other words, it's the comparison of doing harm unto someone else and loving another person. Are these things really equivalent?

    Exactly. Why would Christ condemn love? Just because it is a different love than the one most people feel? Did he really die and suffer for our sins to worry about what two people who love each other are doing in bed?

    We have many evils in this world, regardless of one's religion. We have thievery, rape, murder, hunger, torture, hate speech, and all sorts of atrocities. It makes no sense to compare these things to love, regardless if it is between a man and a woman, a man and a man or a woman and a woman. The "it is a sin" idea makes no sense, and goes directly against what God is (according to the Bible parts you mentioned above). If God is a god of love, peace and prosperity, does it really make sense to work against LGBT people, just because they feel love and sexual attraction in a different way than heterosexuals? In my opinion, no, it doesn't make sense.

    There is no evidence that being LGBT is a choice (the burden of proof falls unto those who affirm the statement -> In this case, if someone affirms that being gay is a choice, they need to prove it. No one did that in science to this day, as we can see from the studies i linked). And, even if it was a choice, after all, what is wrong in loving someone who happens to be of the same gender?

    I also recommend this text, about Religion and Homosexuality, from our site: http://emptyclosets.com/home/pages/resources/coming-out/religion-and-homosexuality.php
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  5. PatrickUK

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    We need to be very careful when we place too great an emphasis on the precise meaning or syntax of any passage from the Bible, because it really is liking walking through a minefield. Learned Theologians have researched and deconstructed all of the contentious passages that you quoted to demonstrate how easily they are taken out of context.

    We know for certain that any reference to homosexuals or homosexuality in the Bible is a modern addition and distortion of the original manuscript. Why? Because the word "homosexual" is modern (circa 1850) and would have been totally beyond the understanding or imagination of the authors of the Bible. What then was Paul writing about in the letter to the Corinthians? It's almost certain that he was making reference to the prevailing culture in the ancient Mediterranean, where sex would be used as a weapon of war. Historians remind us that warriors would take the conquered men as sex slaves and abuse them to maintain power and fear. We cannot possibly compare this to loving and consensual sex in the 21st century. It's not logical or rational to do so.
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  6. Devil Dave

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    I agree. It is not necessary to "out" your son to the whole family. While it is good that you are prepared to defend him if he does turn out to be gay, there is no need to force that scenario to come into play. Do you want to tell everyone that you found out by discovering gay porn on his phone?

    So before feeling the urge to erupt into mama bear mode, please consider this: When you're an adolescent boy questioning your sexuality, it is likely that a lot of other boys at school your own age are questioning you and making fun of you. The way you speak. The way you act. how effeminate you are. Asking you if you're gay and accusing you of fancying other guys. We've all been through that stage of people drawing conclusions about our sexuality, before we've even made up our own minds about our deep and personal sexual feelings. After dealing with all that kind of unpleasant pressure at school, the last thing you want is for your mother to call up everyone you know and say "yes he's gay." We all want our parents to be supportive of us, in a non-intrusive way.

    I think what is important at this stage is giving him the time and space to figure out how he feels about himself, and not stressing too much about how other people might react to him.
  7. AlexJames

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    You can't control if your son masturbates or not. My mom caught me twice as a kid and she yelled and made a big deal about it both times cause she was disgusted and thought it was wrong. For years i felt ashamed about something that's totally natural. Masturbating is natural and healthy and totally normal. Looking at something that violent doesn't seem age appropriate though. And like somebody else said, porn isn't a good indicator of one's orientation to begin with. Because tbh, when he's old enough and does get in a relationship that gets intimate like that i think its important to know your body and know what your supposed to do. He's young. He's at the age where he's figuring himself out. If he's gay, he'll know it within the next few years. My biggest concern is if you will accept and support him the same if he were gay or straight or bi or whatever he ends up being. I think its important to unconditionally love and support your child at this age and keep communication open, and to not be overbearing and alienate them.
    #7 AlexJames, Feb 26, 2018
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2018
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  8. brainwashed

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    Here goes my 2 cents. Disclaimer: I have not read all replies or material.

    Why do we label in the West. (I presume we are talking about a Western world society.) Forget labels. Educate yourself as to what is means to be human instead.

    I'd leave out religion altogether. Wars have been started and fought via Christian theology. I do not mean this as an insult but turning to religion tells me that one has not done their homework on what it means to be human.

    Your son's feeling are natural. The PROBLEM is he does not have good material to learn and grow into a psychologically mature adult male. Take him to a museum where there is nudity portrayed in art. Sit down with him and talk about what you are seeing. Tell him your interpretations. BREAK DOWN BARRIERS. He's curious and wants to learn. Tell him that adult porn is basically rendered by people with little to know understanding of what it means to be human. Explain sexual and emotional intimacy intelligence. Yes this means you have to do a little homework.

    Turn to some of the FABULOUS material available in Europe to teach about human intimacy. Such material teaches what it means to be human in a very positive, mature way.

    Turn to Unitarian Universalist OWL program for young people. OWL = our whole lives, teaches young people about what it is to be human. Yes sex. This is a mind blowing program that is now being adopted in progressive public schools.

    Find a Big Brother for him via Big Brothers program.

    Take the shame out of what he is doing naturally. Become the "go to mom" for answers, mom.
    #8 brainwashed, Feb 26, 2018
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  9. Lokime

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    Hi there.

    I know he's your son and you love him, otherwise you wouldn't be here. That's really cool from you.

    Moms are the best in life, but they can be a little intrusive at times, they may want to "shape" their son into what they think is right. Just remember that your son is, ultimately, another human being. Sometimes been a mother means that you need to know how to let your son have their own experiences.

    That said, if you really want to help your son, talk to him about sexuality and why is wrong to use porn as a realistic interpretation of what sex is. Honestly, masturbation is a way to explore ourselves and it's very common in male humans, that shouldn't concern you much. You need to be focused on the real problem here, forget about what you know about homosexuality for a while, you need to be as unbiased as posible.

    I'm currently studying clinical psychology and I remember a few things about homosexuality. it may help you understand it better (from the psychoanalytic point of view): For starters, there is no absolute answer in anything. Not in religion, not in society, not in science, because of the simple fact that we humans are limited, sometimes is better to research from different perspectives and make our own conclusions.

    The question shouldn't be "are you born or done gay?" or "why some people are gay?" The question should be about what is the origin of human sexual orientation in general. Sexual orientation is a complex topic, It seems to be a choice, determined in birth and a social construct all at the same time. Is "a choice" because we humans eventually pick one sex over the other (or both) as our object of desire, however, it's not that much of a choice because is an unconcious pick. This means that is a proccess that happens without our concious intervention, during a development period that all children goes through called "Oedipus complex". However, this proccess is lived in puberty with some awareness, but the choice is already made and IT IS NOT changeable.

    So how is sexual orientation a social construct? Well, it's funny, actually. The principle is pretty simple, language leaves mark in the human psyche. Children that have been tagged as "gay" by them peers or life in a homophobic ambient, have a higher chance to be homosexuals. I remember my friend that was always tagged as gay during school, his father was very homophobic and was always on his shoulder, telling him to walk straight, to stop acting like a pussy -that kind of things. He's out of the closet now and trying to come to terms with his sexuality nowadays, but the fact that this happened to him did not helped at all.

    And last but not least, sexual orientation as determined at birth. Honestly, I don't know much about this, but I remember reading an article that said the youngest sibling in a family of the same couple (asumming they're all males or all females) has a higher chance to be homosexual because of some biological factors that I don't recall...

    Combine all this and... ta da! you're somewhere in the scale of sexuality! This shouldn't be a problem at all but we humans like to make a fuss about something, well, so human. If your son turns out to be gay, think about it this way if it makes it easier for you: The fact the Oedipus Complex ended with him been gay, means that he managed, on his own way, to deal with language, social norms and his own existence in the best way possible. The other options was he being a psychotic -which may or may not include allucinations and needing pills for life, depending on the case- or a plain pervert with no remorse.

    So what can you do to help him, then? Well, for instance you could avoid the topic of sexual orientation for now. Don't pressure him, he can't tell you what he is right now because he probably does not fully know yet, some people take days, months, other years to come to terms with their sexual orientation. A supportive male role model in your son's life that teach him what "being a good man" means can help a lot. This won't change his sexual orientation, but it will help him understand that he is a man and that his identity is not determined by his sexual orientation. It will also help him a lot emotionally. Everyone needs a role model in them life.

    Another thing you can do is to listen to him, parents sometimes seem to forget that their sons have their own desires, their own likes and dislikes, their own experiences and their own dreams -they seem to think their children are themselves or what they wanted to be, but they're not. If you want him to talk to you, he needs to understand that is safe for him to be honest with you. That means that you won't get mad, or punish him, or judge him. Just listen and reasure him that he can tell you anything, and no matter what other people say about him, he has to be what he is.

    One last great option is to seek professional help. Just don't fall into the scam of "I can turn your son straight" that is not possible. You need an unbiased analyst that helps your son come to terms with whatever his sexual orientation is.

    Ultimately, the best possible outcome is him becoming a great human being that does good to others and love himself. Whatever he ends up being.
    Lonely07, DNJ and brainwashed like this.
  10. Hanyauku

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    Dec 5, 2017
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    Hi DNJ,

    I don't want to talk about whether or not people are born with a determined sexual orientation or gender identity. I don't want to talk about Christianity's view of homosexuality. Religious views are obviously a very personal and weighty subject matter, and I don't think it does a lot of good to try and change people's minds one way or the other about them. I would like to say that it's great that you came to EC looking for advice. Empty closets is a truly helpful and insightful community. I hope that you continue to be a member of this site, and most importantly, I hope you find the help you're looking for.

    The jury is still out on whether or not your son is gay, but I'm sure that the possibility that he is is frightening. Finding out that your child may be a member of the LGBT community is hard. It doesn't matter who you are, no parent plans for their child to be gay. I don't have kids yet, but I know that every parent has an image of who their child will be as an adult. When I told my mom that I was exclusively interested in men, she cried. And she didn't cry because she was angry or upset with me, she cried because this wasn't the life she had planned for me. My mom told me that while we've certainly come far in our acceptance of the queer community, the reality is that life can be a lot harder for people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender, and that she didn't want me to have to go through those struggles.

    I know that you want what is best for your son. Coming here with such an open and impartial mind shows that. And I know that some of your discomfort with your son's possible sexual orientation is rooted in sincerely held religious beliefs, but I also think some of it is because you're afraid of what his life will look like if he turns out to be gay or bisexual. You want the best life for your son because you're an awesome, strong, caring mother who doesn't want her child's life to be any harder than it needs to be. But if you're son does like men, his life will only be harder if he denies those feelings. Any discrimination from society or family will pale in comparison to him having to pretend to be someone he is not. If he is gay or bisexual, his feelings won't go away. He didn't choose to have them, and he can't choose to discard them. Regardless of your son's sexual orientation, the best way you can give him his happiest life is to be there for him. And make sure he knows you will always be by his side. Knowing that my mother will always love me unconditionally is the greatest gift she's given me, and has helped me to stand strong through some very difficult times.

    Finally, know that you will have a support system in the form of this site. I love to see parent's of LGBT or questioning children post here, because there are such great examples of passionate love. Being gay does not just impact the lives of those who are gay, it also affects the lives of their family and friends. This is obviously a stressful and confusing situation for both you and your son, which is to be expected. It's a cliche, but you're not alone. Stay strong, and continue to do what's best for your son. That's all you can do, but that's all you need to do.
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  11. PotatoPotato

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    Nov 26, 2015
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    DNJ, I have just a few things to say to you:

    - Bullying: You have not failed your child, but I'd advice, extremely strongly, to really press the school to stop the bullying and if they don't do anything to take them to court, if you don't wish for that move him to another school. I was stuck in a similar situation for 9 years and ended up standing at the train tracks to commit suicide. I didn't, I am glad I didn't now.
    - Father Figure: You mention the lack of father figure which has absolutely nothing to do with the situation. There hasn't ever and there isn't any basis in research to show this even has any affect on sexuality, so if that is a worry, don't. It's not reasonable.
    - Masturbation: I agree a 13 year old should not be watching porn or be masturbating. Irregardless of what they'd be watching.
    - He is a baby still and he shouldn’t have been exposed to that. Irregardless of your opinion on anything, this is not an effective method to speak and handle your child, especially not if he has a high IQ (Speaking from experience,- Personally got tested at unmeasurable with WIC3 method, aka. 145+). Handle him, in responsibility more like an adult and teach him that, if you make children with a high IQ feel babied, things won't end up well and you'll push him into depression irregardless of any other issues you or he may face.
    - I read on here where someone posted that it’s possible that the pre-teen in that post could be looking at the gay porn because that’s their only connection to a male figurative and that of course the hormones made it sexual with the two not necessarily relating.... Ludicrous, A teenager due to his hormones can temporarily be attracted or be interested in "sexual experimentation" including with the other gender, heck, nearly all teenagers go through it,- But in end only 3-6% of kids are actually gay. There has been no basis to say father figure has antyhing to do with this. (Rates of homosexuality under single parent households don't increase either.)
    - I’m just torn up about it. I can’t talk to anyone because I know for a fact they will judge him based on how they treat another family member.... Well, he’s known as the “weird” “gay” family member. I won’t have that for my son. Then your going to have to make sure to step in between such judgementary and discriminatory behaviour towards your son and support him. No one could change it, if your son is actually gay.
    - Gay or not Time will tell, but please make sure, that despite your believes, you DO NOT start telling him over and over again you don't agree and start quoting verses, even if your pastor advices it. We see a lot of Pastors in America and other country handling Sexuality as a malliable factor and therefor something that should be attacked or even send to treatment for it. (Despite the fact there is segnificant proof that evidence such things would has never been reproduceable and currently rebuked as a pseudoscience.) This isn't going to help your son, neither from a religious standpoint. Just because you religiously disagree, doesn't mean such methods are any more, or less effective. I just wanted to note this as this kind of behaviour is a point that so many gay kids end up suiciding over in the end.

    And contrary to some others, I'll go into the bible and show you, that what the bible says about homosexuality is actually more debateable then some people make it seem, and that some bibles don't actually faithfully translate. Read it if you want, do with it what you want, ignore it if you will, I just find it important to atleast show you, as you attach a lot of value to faith.

    The Story of Sodom & Gomorrah (Genesis 19)
    There is no basis to say this is about Homosexuality, It depicts gang rape against (disguised as male, Looking at translation reveals "man" was both used for mankind and to say male in the bible interchangeably so there is a 50/50 chance it just means human.) angels. Last time I checked homosexuality doesn't equate rape either way. So this says nothing about sexuality itself.
    When God calls homosexuality an abomination (Leviticus 18:22) (Leviticus 20:13)
    These are part of the mosiac law and do not apply to current day christians. The mosiac law also contains provisions saying you cannot eat shellfish and pork for instance, which is logic as back in that day those two often would be toxic by spreading disease. - Back in that day Homosexual sex was used as a form of religious worship to religions considdered pegan.
    When people turn away from God (Romans 1:26-27)

    The context of "Romans 1" talks about the sins of pegan worship. To quote: " For they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator" (Worship of something not god)
    Uses of the Greek works "Malakoi" and "Arsenokoitai" (1 Corinthians 6:9-10) (1 Timothy 1:10)

    Despite often being translated to mean homosexuality and sodomy, there is no linguistical consensus on whether this translation would even be faithfull. For instance "malakoi" has no record of ever being used to mean homosexuality outside the bible,- therefor it's translation is at the very least questionable. "arsenokoit" also has no record of ever being used to mean homosexuality outside the bible, referring to rape and prostitution in other contexts, meaning this translation is also quite questionable.

    Take the conclusion you think is correct, but know that it isn't as set in stone as some might make it appear to be.

    But in end, the most important thing is: Love your child.

    #11 PotatoPotato, Mar 2, 2018
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2018
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  12. Chiroptera

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    Mar 11, 2014
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    Just a note: While we can discuss if porn is or isn't harmful at a young age, the fact that it is common for teens to use it nowadays, and trying to prohibit it isn't usually effective (just like in the old days, when most teens couldn't buy explicit magazines, but they ended up finding a way). So, maybe it is best to talk, educate and explain moderation (while also explaining that porn can be harmful if they substitute fantasies - in other words, too much porn can indeed be a problem).

    However, regardless if we are considering the use of porn or not, most teens masturbate, and there is nothing wrong about it. Sure, on this "transition phase" between childhood and adult life, most parents struggle to admit their children are growing up, and are starting to discover their bodies. Telling your son/daughter not to masturbate, or that it is something to be ashamed of serves no purpose, and can be really harmful. Instead, if needed, it is best to have an open conversation and talk about masturbation, educating your children. Explain that it isn't something wrong, but it is a private act, for instance. Also, parents should also talk to their kids about sex (including an explanation that, again, masturbation isn't wrong, but that they should wait until they are older to have sex).

    Most parents forget a very important thing: Sexual Health while you are a teen. And no, sexual health isn't only about having sex with another person: The parent should explain, for example, that just like on other parts of the body, it is important to keep an eye on signs that something may be wrong (pain, change of color in parts of the skin, etc). In other words, Sexual Health isn't just about STDs, but also about knowing how your body works - and especially when you are a teen, if everything is "changing properly" until you reach adulthood. And that's one of the important things about masturbation - it's not only for the pleasure, but you get to know your body, and you start to feel more easily if something is wrong or not.

    TL;DR: Masturbation isn't wrong, and there isn't anything wrong about it. Parents shouldn't try to forbid or shame their children because of this - but they should talk about it openly - and especially be open to questions if the teenager has doubts. Most parents, unfortunately, avoid talking about this in fear that the teenager will "know too much about sex" or "he/she will start having sex sooner". That doesn't make any sense, and certainly avoiding this subject is much more harmful.

    Everyone learns about sex eventually. If parents aren't open to talk about this with the teenagers, they will find this information somewhere else. It is best that parents and teachers educate them properly than to let shady internet websites, porn and/or friends be the ones talking about this.
    #12 Chiroptera, Mar 2, 2018
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2018
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  13. Zen fix

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    Hi DNJ, I'm glad you found the site. I grew up with a single-mother and am a single parent now myself. It is a difficult path to say the least. I would echo that the number one thing is that you love and support your son. To pull that off though means also accepting him unconditionally and this could be where you might run into trouble.

    Obviously you have had to set limits. We all agree that young kids should not be watching porn. Heck, I cringe just going past Victoria's Secret at the mall when I have my kids with me. You have to teach him your values. Are you able to talk about this stuff without a hint of negativity? If you have even a slight tone of disgust or unacceptance in your voice or on your face that message will also be received loud and clear. Maybe even more clearly than your words. I encourage you to really tread carefully in that regard. I grew up in a loving Christian home but I received the very clear message that I was bad, not accepted, just by how other Christians talked about gay people.

    You haven't done anything wrong. You haven't failed your son or God. I would say you are doing great in your response so far. Keep praying and keep loving your kid who is obviously very special whatever his sexual orientation is. I hope you'll keep coming here and searching for answers.

    Check out the book "No Ordinary Child". About a Christian mom whose son came out to her.
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  14. flitterpad

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    Jul 18, 2015
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    Hey DNJ! Its obvious you care about your son a lot and want what's best for him. While I do agree that he definitely shouldn't be watching porn at that age, and it is very bad that he is being bullied, I wouldn't panic. If you continue to support him and that you'll accept whatever his sexual orientation is, he'll be fine. Although I do think you should contact the school to sort out the bullying situation.
    I'd sit down with him and explain that the issue here isn't that he's watching gay porn, its that he is watching porn- which is very unrealistic, and not at all what sex in real life is like. As for what you said about a person's environment shaping their sexual orientation and it being a choice, I can assure you that isn't the case from my own personal experience. Your son is not (potentially) developing same sex attraction because he doesn't have a father in his life. I have two parents that I'm very close to, and I'm still bisexual.

    I understand that it's hard trying to reconcile your religious beliefs with your son's sexual orientation. I personally am a Christian, but I think that God loves everyone equally and doesn't care about sexual orientation. Many other things are sins in the Bible, such as divorce- but from the sound of it, you and your son's father are divorced right? So that isn't any different to your son being gay/bi. (Not that I think divorce is a sin- personally I don't believe a lot of stuff in the Bible, I just try to follow the stuff about "love thy neighbour".)
    I would really really recommend reading the essay on this website. Its a series of six very short essays, and I think it would really help both you and your son (because if you are raising your son to have the same beliefs as you, he probably is dealing with a lot of internalised homophobia- which is an incredibly awful feeling):

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  15. quebec

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    Dec 25, 2014
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    DNJ.....I am so glad that you have posted your concerns here on empty closets about your son. You have received some great responses from many people as well as messages from Chip, Chiropetra and Patrick UK. Those three are some of the very wisest and helpful people you will ever find....listen to them :old_smile: I am writing to you because I was your son. Many decades removed and in the different social climate of the 1950-1960’s. Nevertheless, I was the 13 year old caught by his mother, I was the 13 year old who got caught with porn (magazines), I was the confused young man who didn’t understand what was going on in my mind and body. By the time I was 14-15 I had learned what it all meant....from other kids....not my parents. I did not have someone like you who cared enough to help and support me to understand myself....I was just humiliated into pretending that it all never happened. That lead to many, many years of depression and self-hate. You are standing by your son and want the best for him....I can see that. I’d like to share with you what I would have liked my mom to have done for me.
    I’m just as confused as you are. I don’t always know why I feel the way I do. I’m not trying to make you mad or upset and it hurts me when I see that you are. But things are changing and I don’t know what it means I get called bad things at school and sometimes I believe that they must be true if so many kids say them. Sometimes I just get mad, sometimes I just feel really bad. I like girls, some of them are so nice and pretty. I like boys, some of them are fun to be with and some of them are a lot stronger and faster than I am. I don’t know yet what I want to be or anything about the future. Sometimes I get this weird feeling and I only feel better when I do what you saw. I didn’t know you thought it was bad, it didn’t seem bad to me. I want to make you happy, but sometimes I don’t know how. I want to do what you want, but sometimes it is hard. I will try my best. Would you please love me?

    That letter is what I would have liked to write. Your son may have other things he’d like to say. We are all different. Please, please don’t make him feel humiliated or embarrassed about how he feels as he goes through puberty. The way I was treated during that time scarred me for many years. Guidance and support...yes. Honest talk about good choices...yes. Condemnation and humiliation....never, never. My self-hate stems from those few years and the way I was treated. I can see that you love your son....be sure he knows that. Now.....religion. I am a Christian. It took me some time to reconcile my faith with my sexuality. I have to tell you that I am not a liberal Christian, I am quite conservative. Several books and a lot of study have allowed me to understand that the social mores of the last several centuries have lead to a reading of some Bible passages that are simply not correct. That was difficult for me to accept, but it is nonetheless true. One short comment on this topic....the Bible does not condemn homosexuality as we know it because it absolutely did not exist when the Bible was written. The passages which condemn being gay are speaking about idolatry and the translation is incorrect. I would be willing to share more info about that with you, if you want...just let me know.

    I am so proud of the way you are working to support and help your son. Please be careful that religion does not turn him from God. So many in the LGBT community have been hurt that way. Of course, your son may be straight, the percentages certainly lean that way. If he is, how you handle this difficult time will be the foundation of how he treats his future LGBT friends and co-workers.

    One last comment.....I wish you had been my mother.
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  16. Gravity

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    Staff have made the decision to edit the third post in the thread, because it came to our attention that it was largely taken from another source, both in total and without attribution. We have linked to one version of this source to preserve the content and flow of the discussion here, which many members have contributed to, but we could not let the use of another source at the beginning of the thread remain.

    We value authenticity in members' discussions on the forum and we want members to be able to trust that posts are both written by the poster and written for the purpose of the threads in hand.
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