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How to get motivated into my passions and interests, been struggling to even get started

Discussion in 'General Support and Advice' started by needshelp, Sep 18, 2023.

  1. needshelp

    Full Member

    Sep 15, 2011
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    I REALLY want to get back into doing art and learning music but it seems like I'm not motivated at all. I don't know why I just am not even motivated at all to even just sit. I find it hard to sit down and concentrate. It's annoying. I've wasted a lot of time in my life doing nothing but sitting there and overthinking. Procrastinating and being unable to figure out why i cant get myself just to do it. I've questioned if its a mental issue even.
  2. Canterpiece

    Regular Member

    Jul 17, 2015
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    Hey Needshelp,

    Firstly, you should know that this is fairly common and not a failure of some kind. It is not a reflection of your character, so if you're beating yourself up about it, then you shouldn't. I know that's easier said than done.

    So, a couple things - are you taking care of basic needs? I know it sounds obvious, however, I think that it can be all too easy to neglect basic care when you're wrapped up in something. Sometimes during low points in my life, I don't really realise I'm doing this until I take a moment, then it dawns on me. As a general rule: When you feel you hate everyone - consider if you might be hungry. If you feel like everyone hates you - consider if you've slept. If you feel like you hate yourself - consider if you've showered. I'm a nightmare for not drinking enough water because I don't really pick up on the fact that I'm thirsty sometimes.

    If that's not the issue, consider your environment. Is it too loud? Are you getting distracted by stimuli (such as scrolling aimlessly on your phone)? What's the physical space like - do you have enough room or is it a cluttered mess?

    Perhaps you find the work intimidating. I know it can be off-putting, when there's a gap between where you want to be with your art compared to where you are currently. However, you have to make bad art in order to make good art. When I'm stuck in this rut of 'Oh why do I bother? Everything I make is absolute rubbish', I like to make bad art on purpose. I write the worst most cliché story I can because it's funny and it makes me realise that it's OK for it to be bad. That I should be having fun with it. Not every drawing I make is going to be a masterpiece. Progress is progress. Redrawing an old piece can be a good way to show that you're improving.

    The fact you're procrastinating on it suggests that there's a part of you that wants to avoid it for some reason. It could be artist's block, in which case it's usually better to go take a break if you can and go do something else. I know I've given up before and gone on walks only to find myself struck with ideas. Or it could be that you're worried that you'll never meet your own standards. Are you unrealistically rushing yourself to improve suddenly? Are you comparing yourself to others?