Good Videos/Articles to Send Family?

Discussion in 'Family, Friends, and Relationships' started by Bradley, Aug 26, 2012.

  1. Bradley

    Full Member

    Jan 31, 2012
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    I came out to my family a couple months ago. It went better than expected (especially with my dad), but my family admitted that they know nothing about homosexuality, and now they want to educate themselves on the whole thing. My cousin also just started an FTM transition, so now they have even more motivation to learn about the world of LGBT.

    Could anybody recommend any good movies, videos, articles or websites to send to my family to help them learn more about homosexuality and LGBT topics? I sent them a PFLAG article and "For the Bible Tells Me So", and now they've asked for more!
  2. blightedsight

    Full Member

    Aug 3, 2012
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    Lydney, Gloucestershire
    This is a comedy sketch but I think this is something that could definitely be something that would be worth watching: "Prop 8 - The Musical" starring Jack Black, John C. Reilly, - YouTube
    It's a bit old, but, yeah, still some interesting things.

    I can't recommend this movie enough:
    Transamerica Official Trailer! - YouTube

    This is also a good movie:
    Breakfast on Pluto Trailer - YouTube

    And this:
    But I'm a Cheerleader (1999) trailer - YouTube

    The BBC TV show Beautiful People was also a good show detailing the struggles(in a comical way) of a teenage boy dealing with his sexuality.
    'My Family' - Beautiful People - BBC Two - YouTube

    I like these movies most of all because while the central characters are LGBT people, ultimately in the stories they're depicted as people first and foremost, and their stories have some things that most people can relate to.

    I know others will probably give you more cerebral stuff, but, quite honestly, I have always felt that a well made movie or TV show that people can enjoy, can do more to promote positive attitudes than books, leaflets and pamphlets.
    Thats not to say these things can't be useful, but if a story is good and engrossing, and you find you empathise and sympathise with the central characters, what you felt with them you can transfer to others in real life that may be going through something similar.
  3. TheEdend

    TheEdend Guest

    Its great that your family is so willing to learn more about it!

    There is A LOT of stuff out there, but it all comes down to what your family wants to learn about. Do they want scientific articles and research, documentaries about coming out and being gay, general questions, faith or history?

    When I first came out I printed some PFLAG pamphlets for them (not sure what info you gave them from PFLAG) and I gave them the information for the local meetings.

    I also bought this book called Now That You Know: A Parents' Guide to Understanding Their Gay and Lesbian Children which is really great. Its written by parents with multiple stories and it explains all the basics for parents and it touches on most concerns that parents have. My mom cried like crazy while reading it xD

    If they want to learn more about the history of the movement, then I think a good documentary to start with is Stonewall Uprising. Its an amazing and moving documentary. If you want more of a fun watch, then Milk is also amazing.

    Ah, okay I'll stop for now because I could just keep going on and on! If you want more specific sources let me know! :slight_smile:

    And congrats on coming out!! :grin: