A suggestion

Discussion in 'Empty Closets Help and Feedback' started by Landon, Jun 19, 2017.

  1. Landon

    Regular Member

    Nov 23, 2016
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    I think this website should have an app. I have a iPhone and this site just seems weird on Mobile view. So maybe a iOS and android app also there arnt many LGBT apps for us LGBT members so this would be a great opportunity.
  2. Martin

    Board Member Admin Team Full Member

    Nov 14, 2007
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    Merseyside, UK
    Gender Pronoun:
    Sexual Orientation:
    Out Status:
    Out to everyone

    An app is something that has been requested quite a bit over the years, and it is still very much something which is on the list of things for us to consider in future.

    The reason it's a bit non-committal at the moment is because of the security considerations which need to be made when focusing on app development. There's no doubt that mobile usage is becoming very popular and is only going to increase further in future, but there are also challenges posed to this based on a member's out status. For example, an app would only really be a feasible option for an individual if they had the privacy, or the 'out' status, to have an app like EC on their phone without it raising any undesired questions from prying eyes. Alternatively, by focusing on a mobile skin within a user's browser device, it affords that user more control over how they manage their privacy and phone content, and is something which can be used by closeted and non-closeted members. The mobile skin, and overall design of the site, are still undergoing a review and will be subject to changes soon. Therefore, we need to make sure that we have the mobile skin working as best as it can, before shifting attention to more narrow areas of user engagement. :slight_smile:

    It's certainly something that remains on the list to look into though!