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I don't feel good enough for my parents or my friends. Some needed help and advice

Discussion in 'Coming Out Advice' started by Alexander69, Sep 25, 2012.

  1. Alexander69

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    Sep 20, 2012
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    I have this problem with feeling like I'm not good enough for my parents or for friends. I know why I have this issue.... And I love my parents more than anything but when I was younger I was never good enough for them ever, I was either to ugly, too fat, not smart enough needs to try harder, and that stuff I guess bothers me still. See i changed for my parents, I lost tones of weight had a minor nose job, changed my look (clothes, hair) and then they started to like me more and I could see it. But inside even now I have such self-esteem issues, I feel like if I am ME the real me to people all they will want is for me to change, I have a close friend since I was in grade nine so for 4 years now and I changed a lot to fit in with her and her friends, I started smoking, drinking, skipping school, and I guess I really wanted to be friends with her cause she was "popular". But now I regret ever changing for her or anyone, don't get me wrong I look way better then I used to but on the inside I feel so so ugly and insecure like all people want from me is to change. Can I please have some feed back everyone on how to make my self-esteem go up because now that I have been able to admit to myself and not fight that I am gay I feel even more insecure, so can I have some advice and kind words please :slight_smile: :frowning2: thank you guys*
  2. HelmetBoi

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    Sep 3, 2012
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    Re: I don't feel good enough for my parents or my friends. Some needed help and advic

    Hmm... Have you considered the possibility you might need a therapist rather than an internet forum?
  3. wc1

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    Re: I don't feel good enough for my parents or my friends. Some needed help and advic

    Hi Alexander69,

    Sounds like you are having a bit of a torrid time at the moment! I would agree with you to an extent that you shouldnt have to change your appearance to be accepted, although I think it would be naive to think that people dont judge on appearance. Your choice. I tend to take the middle ground in that I take good care of myself but am not going to change for one specific person or do anything that I dont want to do just to be liked. If you dont like me then do one, but at the same time I am not going to go out of my way to be different just for the sake of being 'different' if that makes sense.

    This could be a possibility. Doesnt have to be as scary as it sounds, I went to a gay therapy group and it helped just to speak with other LGBT people who were experiencing issues. Go down to your local LGBT centre and talk with someone - it might help and is always worth a shot!
    Although I would also have to discagree in that I find it very useful to talk to people on forums about concerns (plus it is easier than booking an appointment.)

    I was having a discussion the other day about the amount of insecurity and self loathing that there is in the LGBT community - expecially with those in their teens or early 20's as school can be a tough and harsh place. My personal opinion is that a lot of people I know need to change their mindset - of course you are good enough for your parents and thinking otherwise in my mind is ludicrous. The fact that you have lost loads of weight would not have made them love you more.... I wouldnt overthink things, people are people and in this day and age there is a diminishing degree of judgement for the LGBT community. Sorry if I have made assumptions here or offended anyone but I feel pretty strongly that people tend to wallow in self pity - get out there and live your life. Go to a Pride event and you will see people there who have probably had the same thoughts as yourself but have overcome them and are living happy, have found their niche and are getting on with it.
    I also think that these issues are the same for straight people so you are not the only one to have these thoughts, which is a good thing because it shows that people have succeeded. There are millions who feel the same way. Sometimes it may feel like you are strugglling away in life :bang: but rest assured that there is always tomorrow.

    Bit of a rant and I am sorry for that but i hope it helps!:icon_bigg
  4. Chip

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    Re: I don't feel good enough for my parents or my friends. Some needed help and advic

    Hi, Alexander.

    While I agree that therapy would help, I also believe that EC is a great place to discuss what's going on for you and to get help, whether or not you're also seeing a therapist.

    The first suggestion I'll make is to watch Brené Brown's TED talks on shame and vulnerability. She is a researcher who has spent the last 12 years looking at how shame affects people. And your self esteem issues are directly tied into shame, which is ultimatelyl the deeply held fear that we're not worthy of love and belonging.

    I think that will be a big start in helping you understand why you feel the way you do, and starting to work on the issues. I'm sure some of the other members her will offer some suggestions from their own experience as well.
  5. Mirko

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    Re: I don't feel good enough for my parents or my friends. Some needed help and advic

    Hi Alexander,

    First off (*hug*) and starting to talk about things, is something to be proud off. Pad yourself on the shoulder for that.

    As Chip mentioned, Brene Brown's work on shame and vulnerability could help you to start understanding yourself a bit better. So far, you have tried to fit other people's expectations and images of you, thereby neglecting to build up your own self-esteem and self-worth. These two, self-esteem and self-worth are important and help us to stand in front of others, and be able to say "this is me, and this who I am" without hiding behind something or feeling of needing to be something that we are not. Opening up to others, being ourselves means to go out on limb and making ourselves vulnerable. But that is the best thing we can do, because this is how we become stronger inside ourselves.

    The other thing you could do, besides watching the videos by Brene Brown, is to start reversing the idea that you are not good enough by starting to accept yourself as you are, without wondering 'will I fit in,' 'will I be accepted.' People, including new friends that you are going to make down the road, will accept the authentic you. You have already gone through some major changes, and you know that they have allowed you to feel better about yourself. Even though these changes were brought on by the need and want to fit in with others, you can take them as a starting point to accepting yourself as you are. That said, as you start accepting yourself, and try to look inside of you, it is possible that you will change your tastes and find things (such as cloths), and ways of going about in doing things, that represent you better.

    Then look at the things that are associated with the "regretting" that you have experienced as a result of having changed, and take those and ask yourself: What have I said, or done to fit in? Can I do without them?

  6. musicgeek13

    musicgeek13 Guest

    Re: I don't feel good enough for my parents or my friends. Some needed help and advic

    I always struggled with the feeling of being not good enough and when I finally allowed myself to admit that I was gay, I almost had a panic attack. I couldn't please my parents before and now add this! I was angry and depressed and scared all at the same time. A number of things ended up helping this. Obviously each case is different but this is what I did that started helping.
    1. I found something that I was good at and loved. For me, it was singing. I joined my high school choir and it just gave me a little something in my day that I could just relax and have fun with.
    2. I found people who were good for me. This was hard for me because I am very shy when first meeting people but I did. I found people who were encouraging and who would let me be myself. They may not be the super popular crowd but I found out that having a few REAL friends is a whole lot better than having tons of fake ones.
    3. This was the hardest one for me. I had to finally let go of others expectations and do what was best for me. Deep down, I knew who I was and once I let myself be ok with that person, once I stopped dressing and acting like others expected me to, I was really happier.
    Some of these are easier said than done. It takes a long time and I am still working on it but I thought that this might at least give you some tangible steps that might help. I was totally miserable a few years ago. Now I am more confident and just all around a happier person so I know it doesn't seem like it now, but things can improve and you will be happy too.
  7. rockgodgx

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    Re: I don't feel good enough for my parents or my friends. Some needed help and advic

    "Give the crtics the middle finger... and fucking be yourself"- Ke$ha

    be yourself!!...
  8. Black Cat

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    Re: I don't feel good enough for my parents or my friends. Some needed help and advic

    I want to echo the responses commending you for beginning to open up about your problems - that's a monumental step in overcoming them!

    As for building your self-esteem, that's an ongoing battle. I can't give one distinct modicum of advice on that particular matter. Definitely give the resources suggested by Chip a look - they could definitely give you a start.

    Like musicgeek suggested - find something that you excel at, are passionate about, find reaffirming, etc. This will certainly help develops a sense of self-worth that can actually trickle down into other aspects of your life.

    And, you can (and should) use your own post above as a building block on this journey too. You've made the first step, which is something to draw pride and strength from. (*hug*)
  9. Alexander69

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    Sep 20, 2012
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    Re: I don't feel good enough for my parents or my friends. Some needed help and advic

    It's so hard for me to change especially my look I have gotten attached to the thing I wear, I love it when people look at me and I hate it when people look at me, like today in the CN tower horizons restaurant the waitress saw me and was like "are you a fan of gucci" I was like ya she like "I could tell you're wearing almost all Gucci" and I love attention like that.... Obviously:/ LOL but at the same time I wanted to say mind your own F ing buisness! LOL but I can't help but wear expensive things, maybe because I feel like it makes me worth more but idk :frowning2: I mean I love expensive things but I feel like people IDK just ugh like I can't walk out side in public with out looking my best even if I'm just going to a store to buy groceries, I just don't want other people I guess to look at me and go "hes ugly" like my parents did untill I changed for them, and I take things so personally and I wish I didn't! But I do, If someone tells me to change something then I will try so hard to do that!
  10. hafwen

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    Re: I don't feel good enough for my parents or my friends. Some needed help and advic

    When I feel inferior and not good enough I usually write down all my good qualities and the good things I've done for others on a piece of paper. No negative things are allowed. What I used to do then is come back to it when I feel low and it reminds me that maybe I'm as good as everyone else is.

    Also, if you ever feel frustrated due to your issues, write them down. Everything that is getting you down. Then scribble it all out as hard as you can. Then tear up the paper. It's a huge vent.

    Other things you can try is songwriting or art. Try and turn it into something creative.

    I found art was more calming than anti depressants.

    Other than that, I can only re-voice everything above me about letting it out and talking to someone. Sometimes it's easier to talk to someone in the same position than someone who is paid to listen.

    I hope you realise that you have so much inner beauty.
  11. Alexander69

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    Sep 20, 2012
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    Re: I don't feel good enough for my parents or my friends. Some needed help and advic

    Thank you hafwen you are so nice :slight_smile:
  12. Mirko

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    Re: I don't feel good enough for my parents or my friends. Some needed help and advic

    Changing things about oneself, especially those things that have an impact on how we see and portray ourselves, is very hard. But, change doesn't necessarily mean having to stop everything you do, or the way you present yourself. Yes, there might some changes down the road as you start building and increasing your self-worth and self-esteem, but the important thing for you now is to start building that self-esteem.

    Drawing attention to oneself, doesn't need to be through expensive clothing or Gucci hats. :slight_smile: At the times, the best attention from people you can get, is through being able to connect with them through authenticity and honesty. Remember though that you have great qualities and things that make you the person that you are, and those are the things that someone would want to know about you. Those are the connectors.

    Understanding yourself, is key. You have started that process, and it will take time to fully understand all the different parts of yourself, and how they connect.

    You know, it is never nice or a great moment when someone, and worst of all one your parents tells you that you are ugly (no matter what the context or situation). If someone tells you that or infers that based on what you are wearing or your looks, it is more than okay to say "I want you to stop, because you are hurting me." It is natural and understandable that you are taking it personally. How could you not? (*hug*)

    Remember that you have started doing all of this for yourself. No one else. Change begins with small steps. Building your self-esteem begins with small steps.

    Ask yourself: what are my expectations of myself? How do I see myself? What is it that I (and only I) want to accomplish for myself?
  13. BudderMC

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    Re: I don't feel good enough for my parents or my friends. Some needed help and advic

    Well, ask yourself this next time you're getting dressed to look "your best": is what you're wearing the best because it's the nicest looking clothes (say personal fashion/style), or because it's the most expensive? If it's the former, great. If it's the latter... well then, listen up. I think even though there are a lot of associations with wearing expensive things, I think the vast majority of most level-headed people will look at you and just think "oh, he's wearing expensive things, he must be well off". That's it. They aren't going to assume you're nice OR terrible because of it, just make the connection that expensive clothes = rich guy. I know it might be hard to swallow if that's what you were brought up to believe, but take it from a rather plain-old guy: most people think the way I described.

    In terms of self-esteem, you need to remember something. No matter how bad you're feeling about yourself, you always have something worth contributing and something to make you of value. Consequently, you will also never please everyone, so don't make that your goal in life. Instead, try and do things to make yourself happy. Do some deep thinking - what makes you feel really good? Not "I feel really good because other people are thinking good things about me", but makes you feel good all by itself.

    At the end of the day, when all is said and done, the only person you're stuck with the rest of your life is yourself. You can dedicate your time and effort to pleasing other people, but when they're gone, all you'll be left with is a miserable old you. Doesn't sound like much fun to me. If you can find your own happiness, I guarantee you'll find people who like you for who you are.
  14. hafwen

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    Re: I don't feel good enough for my parents or my friends. Some needed help and advic

    It's okay :slight_smile:

    I am a bit of a people pleaser sometimes so I know how it feels, but you seem like a good person and sometimes life can be cruddy and unfair.

    I hope it gets better for you, however you choose to deal with it *hugs*
  15. AshenAngel

    AshenAngel Guest

    Re: I don't feel good enough for my parents or my friends. Some needed help and advic

    Hi Alexander. I'm sending you lots of telepathic hugs...(*hug*) I know its really hard to see right now, but believe me when I say you are a good person. You're worth it. Persevere! Maybe, go have some fun and buy an outfit you love, one that shows who you are on the inside. Or anything, really. Explore and find what activities make you feel good. Things that make you happy. Is it art? Do you like animals? Fixing things? Helping people? Whatever it is, everyone has something. I personally see a therapist, and she has truly helped me a lot. Is it possible for you to find one in your area that specialises with LGBT people/ self image? Keep your options open, and remember that you don't have to change to make anyone else happy. Focus on making yourself happy and people will gravitate towards you. Self confidence is the most attractive feature anyone can have.:slight_smile:
  16. Jared

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    Feb 29, 2012
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    Re: I don't feel good enough for my parents or my friends. Some needed help and advic

    I think a counselor might be a good idea, I started going this summer and I was one the best things I ever did, it helped me a lot. I think change can be a good a tho if you do it because you want to, but since you did to please others it may not have been the best thig to do. I know how you feel about wanting to be noticed and not to be at the same time, I'm pretty shy in real life and like to keep to myself, but I still want others to notice me. I seriously want go out of my dorm room without dressing up pretty nice, not Gucci nice, I don't have that kind of money.

    I can relate to the wanting expensive things to feel worthy, I spent a long time thinking that have expensive stuff made me cool and a more important person. I used to think that driving around in my BMW at 16 and wearing brand name clothes in a poor town made me so cool and better than everyone. My mom didn't help by buying me stuff to try to make my problems to away, that's how I got the BMW. And really all I was doing was trying to cover up all of my insecurities and the intense feelings of unworthiness I had. Since I've started getting comfortable in my own skin (I still don't have a lot of self-esteem, but I'm a lot better than I was) I've become a lot less materialistic and I can see that I wasn't thinking in a healthy way for a long time. I still like nice stuff, but I don't feel the need to hide behind it or let it define me anymore. It's amazing how much getting even slightly comfortable wih yourself can change your way of thinking. I would try to focus on doing what makes you happy and truly enjoy being you and not what makes others think you are cool, when I started making that change, I began to feel good about myself for the first time.
  17. Alexander69

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    Sep 20, 2012
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    Re: I don't feel good enough for my parents or my friends. Some needed help and advic

    Thank you buddermc,hafwen and ashen angel, I thank you all. BudderMC I hope people dont look at me the way that you have described.... Because that isn't what I want... I like expensive things but I don't want people thinking that.... But I feel most comfortable in expensive things that doesn't make me a bad or shallow person,but it make me me and makes me happy, and as you said make yourself happy and I think that that I now what I'm doing.... :slight_smile:

    ---------- Post added 25th Sep 2012 at 06:42 PM ----------

    Thank you cornella93! I think my biggest problem is is that I like being noticed more then not being noticed.....I actually find myself getting mad if people don't look at me and mad if people do..... It's so fucked up!.....
  18. Chip

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    Re: I don't feel good enough for my parents or my friends. Some needed help and advic

    First, some of the comments below are harsh. But as I've said before... realize I am not saying this to be mean... but to make you think. You wouldn't be talking to the community here if you didn't see there was an issue, and I really applaud you for sticking your neck out, and making yourself vulnerable by sharing this information. It's hard to admit the things you're admitting, but it's a huge step in the right direction of learning to be your authentic self.

    You've had a lot of years of terrible influences from your parents in the wrong direction, so it's not going to suddenly change overnight. But you're here, sharing this information, listening, and learning. And those are really huge steps.

    Here's the problem: The attention you're getting is "fitting in" attention, not "belonging" attention, so in the long term, all it does is increase your shame. The waitress isn't saying anything nice about you, she's commenting on what you wear. And at a deep level, I know you get what I"m saying. The most rude, nasty, unpleasant person in the world could dress themself in Gucci and get the same comment. But what does it mean? As soon as people figure out what a dick the guy is, no one will want to spend time with him... unless they're just brand whores... so any friendship, attention, or notice anyone gets is completely shallow and phony. And that's why, deep inside, you know that all of this shallowness isn't working for you.

    And, unless I miss my guess, *that* is why you're fundamentally unhappy is you've allowed yourself to put on a "mask" that gets you attention, but you know, deep down, people aren't paying attention to you for you, but for your fancy clothes or whatever.

    Well, I think we both know that statement is a complete load of crap. You make it sound like it's completely out of your control and someone's putting a gun to your head, which is obviously bullshit. You can wear anything you want. What I think you mean is, you've so defined yourself by all of this shallow materialism, you can't bear to be yourself because you're so used to being this fake person. And, again, that's understandable. But to really understand yourself, it's important to separate what are genuine "I can't do anything about this" statements from "This isn't comfortable for me", because, to grow and because the beautiful person inside and out that I know you can be, you have to work through some pretty uncomfortable stuff to get there.

    YES YES YES! You've shared a whole lot of truth here that you may not even realize, so I want to take a moment to take that apart for you:

    People who are truly happy, wholehearted, and fulfilled believe they are worthy just as they are. They can go to the grocery store in pajamas, wearing ratty tennis shoes, and not care what people think, because they know that the clothes don't affect who they are, that they are beautiful inside and out, and worthy of love and belonging as they are, without fancy clothes, fancy cars, makeup, hairstyles, or anything else. People that judge others as "ugly" are generally really unhappy with themselves, and projecting that image or judgment onto others as a way to feel better about themselves. And -- make no mistake -- the poeple that call you "ugly" are just as comfortable calling you "stuck up" or a "brand whore" or a "lazy rich kid" or any of a thousand other insults. Because... the statement isn't coming from a place of truth, it's coming from their own insecurity. You'll never make those people happy, so there's no sense in bothering to try, or worrying about their opinion.

    Your parents have done an unbelievably terrible disservice to you by sending you these (blatantly wrong) messages and the only thing I can say is that it seems clear that, regardless of how they appear, they are fundamentally unhappy people themselves. So you have the choice of continuing the pattern of unhappiness for another generation, or learning to love yourself for who you are, not for what clothes you wear, what car you drive, or anything else. I can absolutely promise you that if you work on this, you will be much, much happier with your life.

    Well... it makes sense to take advice if it's good advice that comes from a trusted source and makes sense. But it's terrible advice to simply change something because someone tells you to. I'm not often in a position to say something like this, but it seems safe to tell you that, based on what you've said, nearly anything your parents tell you will probably fall in the category of "terrible advice" and should at the least be checked with others you trust (such as the community here at EC). Ditto anyone who tells you that you need to dress a certain way, act a certain way, or buy things or anything of the kind. All of those are actions of "fitting in"; you will never "belong" by doing those things, and belonging is what's important. Belonging comes from being your absolute, complete, authentic self, and letting everyone see the real you. (the "you" that isn't in flashy clothes, a nice car, and waving around tons of money and expensive things).

    I don't think so. I mean, it's possible I'm wrong, but I'd place a pretty large wager on the idea that you've learned to believe , from terrible advice/statements/interactions with your parents, that expensive things are important to "fit in." I would wager that you don't even really know what you like, or what makes you happy, because, based on things you've said, I'm near certain that you've never really been happy in your life yet.

    But that can change. And I think, by having this conversation with everyone in the EC community, you're starting that process.

    Think about where that comes from. Think about your parents, and what you experienced growing up. And think about what I've said above about "fitting in" and belonging. Do you get where I'm going with this? If you really look at it, whose attention are you really trying to get?

    I hope the above is helpful.
  19. Alexander69

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    Sep 20, 2012
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    Re: I don't feel good enough for my parents or my friends. Some needed help and advic

    Thanks chip ❤❤❤❤❤❤ I understand everything perfectly. And Idk if it's my parents telling me to like certain things but I've always found myself even as a child wanting the best an most expensive things :astonished: Like I can't and I mean CAN'T wear something thy isn't name brand an I don't want people to say I'm materialistic but I just can't I don't k ow why but I can't can't and I mean can't not like I can or I could but I wont but I mean I really can't wear not a name brand clothes :astonished: idk why but ugh I just love expensive things and that is me the real me I do love expensive things I have always liked the best cars too! My family is the same way it's like in my blood! I'm not just trying to please people but I just love expensive things ! :frowning2: :slight_smile:
  20. Chip

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    Re: I don't feel good enough for my parents or my friends. Some needed help and advic

    OK, look at what I posted above again. It's complete bullshit that you can't wear something that isn't name brand. Again, you've developed such strong armor about clothes that you're letting the brands define you. And that isn't you, it's some bullshit that someone has fed you for so long, you believe it. It's not in your blood, it is in the utterly fucked up values that your parents have fed you since you were young.

    As far as "can't"... would you prefer to walk naked down main street of your town, or wear an ordinary, non-designer brand of clothing? I'll wager that you'd go for the ordinary clothes. (Putting aside the idea that you might draw attention to yourself by being naked, and maybe that would be appealing to you.) So "can't" is bullshit.

    So I'm sorry, but I'm back to what I was saying earlier, in another thread: If you really, truly are so shallow that the only thing you care about are expensive clothes and cars, I feel really, really sorry for you because.... you're very unlikely to ever have real friends.

    And I simply don't believe you. I believe that you believe what you're saying, but I don't believe it's the real you, just this bullshit set of armor that your parents have shamed you into wearing.

    Want to start fixing it? Here's your assignment:

    Go to the local Goodwill, or Salvation Army. Buy yourself a pair of pants, a shirt, a belt, a pair of shoes. It cannot be a designer or brand name, nor can it be a trendy t-shirt with a brand name on it. It should be something attractive... but just not a brand name of any kind, nor a knock-off of a brand name.

    Take your time and find something that fits nicely. Don't spend over $25 on the whole wardrobe.

    And then put the clothes on, and go to a mall, shopping center, or some place where there are a bunch of people, but one you don't usually go to. Spend at least an hour walking around. You are not allowed to go into any upscale clothing shops or department stores. Make eye contact and smile at people. Try and strike up a conversation with a couple of people. See what sort of responses you get.

    That's probably one of the most terrifying assignments you've ever gotten. But I think if you do, you will be really surprised. People will treat you differently... probably better than they currently treat you. You may not draw as much immediate attention just because you aren't wearing ridiculously pretentious clothing. But you can start drawing attention for *you*, your personality, and who you are.

    This will take practice. But it will be worth it.