TW: I'm realizing I may have been abused

Discussion in 'General Support and Advice' started by TinyWerewolf, Sep 19, 2022.

  1. TinyWerewolf

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    That's actually what I want to do, choose life. I've been living the living death you describe, although never quite so conciously as now. It's becoming harder to live with. I keep facing the same dilemna and feel so far away from any solution. I want their acceptance more than anything, but you're right I'll never get it. My mom has actually told me that to my face. In a way, I feel more isolated than ever, I feel broken. This hurts in a way that is difficult to describe, the only word that's close to that aching/ choking on tears type of pain is heartbroken.

    I've been trying to follow your advice of taking it one day at a time, mostly because that's all I can manage. Some days are easier, more neutral, than others. I'm trying to keep myself distracted in healthy ways like crafts, reading books, playing instruments, singing, etc. Keeps me from ruminating as much. It's support from friends that helps the most though, so thanks for taking the time to respond in here, Beth.

    Thanks for not letting me be alone through this, that goes for all of you.

    I was hoping I'd find it in my bio family, but I found that love and acceptance through y'all so far. I hope one day I find it (or it finds me) outside of here too. Thanks for responding with hopefulness, mine is kind of running out as of late.

    I'm slowly learning about the cycle of abuse, how it works, that way I can recognize her behaviors for what they are. I realized I learned to 'gray rock' and 'beige rock' a whiiile back before I knew what they were called, it's part of how I got to where I am. She's not totally against me having a better future or she wouldn't have let me use her phone to do my virtual interview for a raise- but she wants me to be someone I'm truly not.

    I wish I could say her bigotry was a shock, but it's not. I've got enough in my account I could disappear for at least a little while if I withdrew it all at once. I have (or had, haven't heard from either of them yet) an offer from a trans friend and his partner (who is kind of also a friend, don't know them super well). I have three quarters of a mind to take them up on it if I ever hear back.

    Thanks for your support,

    Thank you, I've gotten in this nasty habit of blaming myself for this stuff. I don't know how to undo it, I keep thinking if I wasn't trans/ had been assigned male at birth, if I was straight or did something differently it wouldn't be this way. But it would still be that way, wouldn't it? I'm just making a fool of myself.

    Thanks for comforting me, having friends like you helps.

    I'm trying my best, I have a bit saved up at least.
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  2. chicodeoro

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    I just wanted to pick up on what you said, Jack. I think you should cut yourself a lot of slack. You have been abused and men are often the victims of abuse whether it is at the hands of a parent (like in your case) or another family member or a lover. The fact that you have been abused doesn't make you any less of a man.

    The other thing is all of us trans people are learning on the job, so to speak. You are learning how to be a man under the most trying of circumstances - when the people you are 'supposed' to be closest to keep on treating you like a girl! My God, your dysphoria must be raging like a wild beast! All I can say is in the short term be kind to yourself, keep close those friends who do accept you and keep this knowledge inside: this will pass. Because it will. It isn't forever.

    Stay strong, my brother.

    Beth xxx
    #22 chicodeoro, Oct 30, 2022
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2022
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  3. TinyWerewolf

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    Thank you, Beth, you're right about that. That part of what I wrote was self hatred and anger teaming up to kick me upside the head. It's probably their treatment of me permeating the rational part of my brain too- that's the kind of thing they'd say to me. I can't think of the specific way it was worded, but there was something like, "It's ok that you cry when you're sad often, girls just need to do that sometimes." There's a lot of sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic bs I've heard out of them. Sometimes that poison starts to seep in.

    Dysphoria does eat me alive from time to time, the only thing I can do is vent here about it though. My coworkers are accepting and even try to use my pronouns when it's safe, that's the tiny bit of relief I get. I'm trying to be nicer to myself, but that is difficult.
  4. PrettyBoyBlue

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    We were talking recently a while back... I had to take a hiatus here while a number of things were happening in my life.
    I AM SO SORRY to hear about what has been happening to you, and like everyone has said, it was far worse than what I realized.

    I don't have any easy answers about the healing part, as it's a work in progress in my own life.
    I do have thoughts on the practical side of things:
    1. As others have suggested, I would create your own secret account and put some money in it. (If possible)
    2. If your parents give you an "allowance," (especially cash) I would start hoarding that money in the secret account, like there's no tomorrow. (Or work a cash only job on the side)
    3. If you don't think your parents would notice, I would start switching your direct deposits, or a even just a small percentage, into your secret account.
    4. Take as long as you need to figure out transportation, housing, etc. Once you decide or are able to leave, you would probably have to do it in one fell swoop, all at once. Just GONE.
    5. When you do leave, like literally, the last thing you do, is take as much of your money out of the controlled account as you can, without closing it. (I think closing it would require their signature/presence) You may lose out on a little bit of money, but it's the best you can do.
    Otherwise, right now? I would get in touch privately with a domestic abuse or family services organization in your area. I hate to say this, but there is only so much we can do on Empty Closets. If your parents are controlling your finances, your life essentially, and they don't have legal guardianship/conservatorship? That is likely illegal/abusive. I would gather as much documentation to demonstrate that the money is all yours. Your job / the IRS could also possibly help out with this as well.

    I've had some difficult times in my life (not to this degree though.) The thing I used to tell myself was always, play the long game. You can make it happen, if you're persistent, and you've already proved that beyond doubt. So things may suck right NOW, but you've bought yourself some freedom by playing their game. Someday, you will hold the cards, and it will be time to play YOUR GAME.

    It will take time though. I wanted to share a story I read recently of someone who did exactly what we are talking about (Beware -- link is from a very obvious LGBT website):

    Mom said her adult son was kidnapped by trans organ traffickers when he actually just moved out

    I don't know if anything I said is helpful, I hope at least it's not hurtful. We're all rooting for you obviously. I hope that things can be resolved for you.
    #24 PrettyBoyBlue, Oct 31, 2022
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2022
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  5. PrettyBoyBlue

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    And I'm sorry, I hope I don't sound extreme, but it does sound like you're in an exceptional situation... I just can't imagine.
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  6. TinyWerewolf

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    Hey @PrettyBoyBlue ! I wondered what happened to you, hope you're doing better now! Glad to hear from you again!

    Thank you, I tried not to talk about it much before now. I did kind of have blinders on for a good chunk of their actions- made excuses for her, automatically protect them, blame myself, etc. I was always like, "Oh, that's not abuse- they don't beat me. They're not being manipulative. Screaming at me and calling me crazy hurts, but they're just in shock. I can't use that label to describe what they've done." It was thanks to people here, a few irl friends, and the conversations we had that I finally opened my eyes. Certain things like looking through my phone and social media were the norm in my family, I didn't even know most people didn't do that.

    I'm working on saving money on the outside of the account. Before I make a new one, I have to figure out where to have any mail associated with it sent. Sometimes they'll open my mail, I probably wouldn't care about it if I was in a better situation.

    You're right about leaving all at once, that's the only way I'll pull this off. I hate that I have to, but what choice do I have, right?

    It's not extreme sounding to me. A bit odd to hear? Yes.
  7. PrettyBoyBlue

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    I grew up in a situation that, while nowhere near as intense, was also in a "gray area," if it could be called that. I'm glad you're able to look back and get a clearer picture, I think that has to at least be one part of healing, just getting a grip on the past, and then hopefully the present, and then the future I guess.
    With a bank, they usually want a street address for residence, not a PO box. (Some places nowadays may be more thoughtful and accommodating now to those without a place to live. Not sure though.) If you get a mailbox at UPS or elsewhere, this could solve the problem. The link explains it well-- it would give you an actual street address that you could use. Or you could use a trusted friend's address? Or social service organization?

    Haven't personally tried it, but I did my research some years ago when I had to seriously debate being homeless for a time to put some space between myself and my family :wink:
    #27 PrettyBoyBlue, Nov 1, 2022
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2022
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  8. TinyWerewolf

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    If I talk to you regularly or have recently, I apologize for being gone a lot lately. Please forgive me, I'm massively depressed currently. Debating on whether I need a new therapist too through this.