McCain endorses marriage ban!

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by Sam, Jul 8, 2008.

  1. Mirko

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    We might not agree with their stance, but it is their choice. We can try to change their opinions and tell them that there are compelling reasons why some of the candidates might not be in their best interest given the proposed ideas and policies.

    I do agree with you and others that some nominees/candidates have to move beyond their narrow ideologies and beliefs given that the United States is a truly diverse society and they have to start recognizing that otherwise, how is the United States going to make any progress towards equality for all in the future?
    #61 Mirko, Jul 10, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2008
  2. Jebs

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    Jun 16, 2008
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    I'm mulling things over in my mind and the only thing that makes sense is McCain. Sure, I don't agree with everything that he says. I agree with McCain a lot more then Obama. I'm picking my poison. I know McCain doesn't support Gay Rights and all that but, he has so many strong key points that it out weighs the bad. In my honest opinion.

    EDIT: I'll respond Joey when I get back from the movie Hancock. Leaving now.
  3. Perrygay

    Perrygay Guest

    You took the words right out of my mouth.

    Why, for any reason(s), would anyone vote for a person who will continue to deny and take away their rights?

    Both John McCain and Barack Obama are so far to the center now on popular issues (you can debate that all day but we all know it's the truth), that their policy towards issues like the mortgage meltdown and high fuel prices aren't going to differ all that greatly come November. Some things may be tweaked differently in their plans, but it's almost guaranteed that there going to be proposing something similar. The people are going to demand certain things certain ways, and both of them will bow into the pressure.

    Their differences are going to come with issues like healthcare, human rights, taxes, and education. And as Joey mentioned, these are the critical issues facing gay people. How could you ever vote for someone who will deny your future partner healthcare or the right to see you in the hospital? Why would you vote for soemone who would support an anti-marriage amendment to our constitution? Why would you vote for someone who would deny you critical tax breakes that only straight couples enjoy? How could you vote for someone who would continue supporting sex education in our schools that doesn't teach gay students the information they need to survive?

    We're being persecuted straight to third class citizens (forget second class), and you would support that? For real?
  4. Sam

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    Aug 19, 2006
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    Wow! I never knew my thread would get this much attention or debate lol!

    Ok Perrygay I agree with you so much.

    Jebb3rs are you satisfied with how Bush has ran this country and what this country has become mostly due to Bush? If you are then fine but if your not then I want to say that I believe that McCain will be another bush. I too am deeply concerned with what has happened to this country and we need CHANGE and I don't believe that will happen with McCain. But I respect that you have your own opinion.

    I feel like dirt, like trash, like a 2nd class citizen and I'm not "worthy" of equal rights. Is it so bad that most of us want to be treated equally? That we want to be treated with respect? Shouldn't everybody at least get respect? I'm so tired of the U.S. being behind in the equality and respect we deserve when everybody else seems to be already to that point or getting to that point. I'm embarrassed and ashamed of how things are right now and I just want to see at least some hope that it will change in the future. Feel free to criticize me but this is my opinion.
  5. Fiorino

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    Jan 8, 2008
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    Can I hug you? (*hug*)
  6. Bryan90

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    Nov 4, 2006
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    Jebb3rs does have a point. Like I mentioned before, McCain has other policies other than the ban on same-sex marriage. As much as I dislike this policy, try to refrain ourselves from shooting accusations like "why vote for someone who strips you of your rights". Because this would imply that someone like Jebb3rs is gay, and nothing else. We are ignoring other dimensions of these individuals. Sure they might be gay and might be concerned about gay rights, but what about their concerns of paying high taxes to the government? what about their concerns about the free trade?

    Assuming that if someone is gay, the gay dimension of an individual should take precedence is like "homophobic" individuals assuming that being "gay" is what we are all about. Let's just see individuals as multi-faceted individuals and respect all views.
  7. Jebs

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    Jun 16, 2008
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    Honestly I can't be blamed or slumped into the Bush category because I didn't vote. Let me rephrase, I could not vote. There are some things that Bush has done right, but those things are simply over shadowed by OMGANTIWARTHISAREWRONGBLAHLBAH RAWR! stuff. I'm sorry. That's just what I hear from Liberal media, not saying that Fox's O'Reilly makes sense either. People say he is the worst President ever, just shows a lack of knowledge of past Presidents. He is by far not the best but certainly not the worst either. I don't agree with McBush slogans either, yes they have similar qualities but McCain can actually put together a sentence and not consider it an acheivement.

    Ok, onto the next paragraph. I'm sure I'll take some flack for this but here we go. Things take time you know. It wasn't too long ago women were thought of second rate citizens. Look at where you are at now! CEOs, Presidents (almost :grin:), so forth, etc, etc.. That didn't just happen in a year, nor five years. It took years to get this. Do I need to even mention African Americans and their civil right struggle, that they still to this day, yes this day, are waging? I know we want equality, who wouldn't? A perfect utopia where everyone is treated the same, same rights, same everything. Sounds peachy. It just is going to take some time. You would think after countless Civil Right struggles the US would realize things quicker, but we are a sloth when it comes to this. I'm sure in a few years things will be different. Success in California. +1 GLBT community. It's a start.
  8. TyraBanksIsFierce

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    Jan 8, 2008
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    If McCain becomes president, I'm going to shove his head up Huckabee's ass.

    (Hancock reference :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:)
  9. Sam

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    Aug 19, 2006
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    I just want things to start getting better its more then glbt rights that I'm talking about its the economy, the war, etc. If you want to know the truth I'm barely making it I'm a poor college student living on a very limited income and I don't get any help from my parents especially with my dad now shoving me slowly out of his life because I'm gay. I literally have to decide if I should eat more then one meal on a certain day. I AM NOT saying this as a pity me thing because I hate when people do that, what I am saying is that something needs to be done to help the economy. (I'm sure I'm not the only one on this site struggling)

    I don't think that we have good choices in the nominees, both of them have their faults and I just hope that whoever gets it can help make some real changes even if we have to wait 4-8 more years for glbt rights to be considered more (I hope not) but like I said there are a lot of issues that need attention.
  10. Jebs

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    Jun 16, 2008
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    I guess we could discuss those things, but I was tackling the issue that was first brought up. This thread started on GLBT topic, so I continued in that direction.
  11. Perrygay

    Perrygay Guest

    Maybe it's ignorant or whatever, but I'll say it. It makes me very sad that any gay person would vote for a Republican.
  12. Beebo

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    Feb 13, 2008
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    1. Jebbs, You are a king.

    2. I hate hearing things like: "It makes me very sad that any gay person would vote for a Republican."

    I am not huge into politics, but I am a fan of debates, and some of the comments that I reading are just whiney statements that wont do anything to help further the discussion.

    If you want to share your opinion, don't do it in a way that might make someone else feel like a mudpie. Tell us where you stand and then tell us why.

    EXAMPLE: I think this, because blah blah blah.

    DONT! tell us where you stand, then belittle the opposition.

    EXAMPLE: I think this, everyone who dissagrees with me

    are idiots
    make me sad
    must be inbred
    smell like beans and salsa.​
  13. limepink

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    Jun 28, 2008
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    This just makes me angry. Because I have never even heard a good reason for why marriages should be between a man and a woman only. Why does it matter to anyone else whether people of the same sex are allowed to get married: if they don't like gay marriage can't they just suck it up and not get one?
  14. Jebs

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    Jun 16, 2008
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    I think I really like this guy. :kiss:

    Ok back to debating just had to do that real quick-like.
  15. Stargate

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    May 4, 2008
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    I'm sorry but you all seem to be looking at this one issue at hand. Yes he has voted down for LGBT rights. You all do remember that he cant personally make laws, the power lies with the Congress, which is demorcatically controlled and is likely to stay that way come the midterm elections in 2010. You should not be voting on one single issue. Dont you go and tell me that you personally agree with every policy that the democratic party has or that which Obama has.

    Now I live in California so even if I could vote it really wouldnt much matter cause Obamas voting block has 94% of the state. But I hope to see McCain win come November. I have personal issues with the Democratic Party that will not resolve overnight simply because of one position of the Republician Party.

    To all those who think that Obama is completly with the LGBT camp. While he voted against the Defense of Marrigae Act he has personally stated that he belives that marrige is defined between a man and a woman and he has also rubbed with people who have had a history of making anti-gay remarks.

    While yes, no candiatde is perfect dont blind yourself for one issue. Its not like hes advocating that we all be rounded up and shot. This is not the current generations fight, it is my firm belief that it will have to wait until members of our own generation are elected.
  16. Sam

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    Aug 19, 2006
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    Ok Soorrry! j/k not mad. I realize now after rereading my previous post it did sound whiny and didn't contribute to the conversation. Ok here is how I stand, I find it sad that we make progress with glbt rights and then it gets taken from us. I don't know why people have such a problem with how people live their private lives because it is after all private and has nothing to do with them. I am a democrat and while I feel that Obama doesn't have enough experience I feel that in comparison to McCain, Obama would be the better choice and I think that McCains endorsement of the marriage ban was a last straw for me because it only contributes to what I said in an earlier post about taking a step forward and 2 steps back with glbt rights and I believe that he wouldn't be willing to make the changes necessary to improve the country.

    I will be voting for Obama, I don't know how people can choose McCain but obviously they see something I don't and that is the beauty of this country to have the freedom to vote for who you choose and I respect that. I guess we will just have to wait and see what happens in November and for the years to come with whoever is president hopefully whoever it is will make at least some difference (for the better). I started this thread because I couldn't believe McCain endorsed the marriage ban and wanted to share my disappointment and I sincerely hope that California remains a place where people can get married no matter what their gender is and maybe more states will follow *crosses fingers*. This is my 2 cents.
  17. Stargate

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    I respect everyones opinion, thats what makes this country as great as it is, and I realize that I'm in the minority, but I guess im used to that:icon_bigg
  18. Mirko

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    Apr 26, 2008
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    Okay, I am actually curious now...for all of you who will be voting for McCain - aren't you afraid that you might lose out in the long run? I mean, don't you want equal rights and be treated equally when it comes to employment, compensation, company health benefits, etc...? Why do you want to run the risk of being treated like 2nd class citizens?

    Sure, both candidates have some good policy ideas but at the same time, what are the chances that they will get them implemented? Are McCain and Obama really that far apart when it comes to their core policies? Probably not! Sure, they have to look like that they are far apart to appeal to their core voters and be able to bring others on board, but once they are elected, their policies will usually consist of a compromise that might look quite different from their original promises or ideas.

    Just thought I'll through it out there.
  19. joeyconnick

    joeyconnick Guest

    Apr 12, 2005
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    But it's NOT just one issue. It seems like it's one issue because homophobes are attacking us (literally and metaphorically) based on one of our single characteristics (that we are non-straight) but they are not just against gay marriage (and if anyone thinks I'm against McCain or the Republicans in general based on solely their opposition to gay marriage, they haven't been doing their homework). They are taking their hatred (and it really is more than a kinda of uncomfortable disliking because they actively work to deny us rights and freedoms) of us being gay to enact or attempt to enact a multitude of policies. If anyone is making choices on multiple issues based on one characteristic, it's them (anti-gay Republicans, or Libertarians, or Democrats... in this case, Republicans since we're talking about McCain), not us (the non-straight people who constantly and historically and repeatedly get the short end of the stick).

    As for free trade, taxes, the economy, the war... I (personally) don't see how any of those trump rights like the Republicans would like to prevent gay people from having or take away, which have all been mentioned before. Being gay is, yes, one personal characteristic among many. But it is a central, foundational one in our very flawed world. You can argue until you're blue in the face that being gay shouldn't be such a defining feature of people but that doesn't change the fact that it is. And in fact, the people who enact anti-gay policies are the ones who are responsible for keeping it that way. If they would just live and let live, then likely no one would bat an eye about guys wanting to be with guys and women with women. But they need to create an enemy, an other, so they have convenient scapegoats for everything that's wrong.

    If having blue eyes or brown hair or being left-handed could get me fired from my job, then maybe being gay would be just one dimension indistinguishable among many. But trying to equate one's sexuality to a simple, basic, inconsequential characteristic is futile; being gay is not the same as being tall or short, mainly because certain groups of people won't let it be.

    No, presidents don't make laws (well, that's arguable given Bush's massive expansion of presidential power with signing letters and outright ignoring laws and regulations), but they CERTAINLY set the agenda for the country. They are the spokesperson. They are the captain. And perhaps most importantly, they appoint to the US Supreme Court (again another non-gay marriage issue that leads me to oppose a McCain presidency).

    I'm definitely not so naive as to think Obama is a perfect man or that he would be a perfect president. I'm sure I disagree with him on a lot of issues. But I am confident he's not going to actively campaign to limit or revoke my rights or the rights of any other gay people, and I have hope he'll actually work to expand those rights. No, McCain has not expressed murderous urges towards gay people--he's not a moron. But he is completely and utterly in agreement (at least publicly) with the anti-gay wing of his party, and there are a lot of nasty things a government can do to its citizens without actually killing them.
  20. Perrygay

    Perrygay Guest

    Look at my other comments on this thread. I was just closing out my thoughts on this thread, it's not like that was the only thing I said.

    I don't like when people take one thing another person said without regard to the content and then scew it to make it look like something else, for example you calling me an emo child.
    #80 Perrygay, Jul 10, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 10, 2008