Smoking and Drinking

Discussion in 'Physical & Sexual Health' started by Micah, Jul 19, 2006.

  1. Micah

    Full Member

    Feb 8, 2005
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    Melbourne, Australia
    After discussion with a few friends about Smoking and Drinking I thought it would be good to get a similar discussion started here.

    Do you either smoke or drink? If so, how did u start? What makes you keep going? When do you do it? Do you enjoy it?

    If not, what's put you off? Do your friends do it? etc

    Personally, I have never smoked and never plan to. I really dislike the smell of cigarettes and kissing a smoker isnt the prettiest taste in the world.

    Drinking on the other hand I do. Mind you I'll only drink in the company of others; never alone. I'll usually handle it fairly well, except I get overly confident and extremly un-co (more so than usual) - but that's not exactly uncommon.

    How about you guys?
  2. Proud1p4

    Proud1p4 Guest

    A smoker? Never was and never will be. It disgusts me.

    Drinking. Yes. I enjoy drinking but never enough to get drunk. When im older it'll probably get a little deeper but right now i cant risk getting drunk, my parents would freak out, obviously. I drink when i know i can get away with it. Which isnt very often. My parents are pretty keen.

    I'm the only one of my friends who drinks. But two of them used to smoke. One used to do weed, the other, cigarettes.
  3. Paul_UK

    Paul_UK Guest

    Nov 23, 2004
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    I don't smoke and never have. Smoking (lung cancer) killed my father when he was just 64 - less than a year from diagnosis to death. I also hate the smell so I rarely go to pubs etc unless they are totally non-smoking.

    I have never drunk much. I used to drink a bit occasionally, when going out or with a meal etc, but as I am getting older I am finding that alcohol (even just one bottle of beer or glass of wine) always gives me a bad headache. So I just don't bother now, and don't miss it. A nice cup of tea is much more refreshing and satisfying.
  4. imad

    Regular Member

    Nov 30, 2005
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    I had a cigarette once. Before trying, I promised myself that I wouldn't have one again. It burned. It's not as addictive as the everyone makes it out to be. The thing with cigarettes is that people get into them because of friends. The first few are painful, but you smoke them anyway, because it looks cool. After a few more smoking sessions, your body gets used to it, and it's not as painful. Eventually, you begin to crave cigarettes, and addiction starts. No one ever gets addicted from the first cigarette.

    Every once in a while, I smoke hooka tobacco. In my country, hookas are very common, and people smoke them in groups. Apparently they are becoming popular among teenage delinquents and university students in this part of the U.S. Hooka tobacco smoke is very smooth and doesn't burn like cigarette smoke. They're less harmful than cigarettes, but still bad for the lungs. The good thing about them, though, is that they are not addictive like cigarettes, unless you smoke frequently (a relative of mine got to the point where he would smoke his hooka every day. His body got used to it, and he began to need to smoke every day. Eventually he had to go to the hospital).

    I also tried cannabis once. I can't describe it, but it was a lot of fun. There are a few people where I live who have made getting high into a hobby, and I never want to be like them. If I ever smoke the stuff again, it will be a looooong time from now. It's not physically addictive.

    I've never been drunk or buzzed, but I do drink for the burning sensation in my throat and stomach, and for the flavor, but mostly for the burning. I plan on trying getting drunk once also. Just once, to know what being drunk means. This won't be anytime soon though.

    Those who have read this far, I hope you don't see me as an ignorant teenager who doesn't care about his life or anything like that. I just don't see anything wrong with careful experimentation. I'm a good person, despite all the stereotypes and stigmas that come with drugs. :icon_mrgr
  5. TriBi

    Full Member

    Dec 23, 2004
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    Well...I'm older than a lot of you guys, so smoking was something that most people tried when I was young.

    I smoked regularly in my teens to early 20's...then started getting more into sport/fitness and the desire went down. I did stay a "social smoker" for a while - mainly the odd one (or two) when I went out - but when I got really serious about my sport I just stopped. I can honestly say that I didn't really "give up" - more a case of, as I got fitter I just lost any inclination to smoke.

    Now, I am like the worst reformed smoker and hate the smell of cigarettes - tho' the funny thing is that I can still smoke one (which I do every once in a blue moon, just blow people away who know how "anti" I am :icon_wink). I must admit I do actually enjoy a small cigar (Cuban) very occasionally - outdoors!

    I enjoy a drink tho' - love a beer (most often light), or a nice wine, and I have a small collection of really good Single Malts - for the "right" time - Yum!

    BTW, please note that I am not advocating drinking to excess (like most most people I have done that!) - I don't enjoy fun!
  6. kevinx519

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    Nov 16, 2006
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    never did either of them. and i dont think i ever will. i dont find smoking the least bit appealing. and it's affected my grandfather's health enormously (possible lung cancer). drinking on the other hand, i think is fine. but i don't know. i guess the fear of me becoming an alcoholic has stopped me from ever trying it. hope none of you think im a wierdo. :icon_sad:
  7. I like the smell of cigarette smoke, but I tried smoking once and didn't like it.

    I really dislike the taste of alcohol. imad, I think it's funny that you crave that burning sensation b/c I can't stand it! My friends try to find me drinks that "don't taste like alcohol," to which my response is, "Then why drink alcohol at all?" I still do -- just b/c I'm afraid that refusing a drink will make the people I'm w/ think I disapprove of alcohol -- but I'm thinking maybe one of my New Year's resolutions should be to not give into peer pressure and just stick w/ the soft drinks I prefer.
  8. suburbs_of_sodom

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    Jun 9, 2006
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    Northern Virginia...neither here nor there

    Hey, not at all. I think it's really admirable that you can identify the possiblity of becoming an alcoholic so early on and just avoid drinking all together. My family has a long history of alcoholism which has prevented me from going out and actually seeking alcohol, but I still don't have the self-control to refuse a drink if it's offered, so kudos.

    As for smoking, I will never try cigarettes. Both my parents struggled for years trying to quit. They finally did it together as a joint New Years resolution at the beginning of this year, but I don't ever want to be in a situation like that. Plus, I kind of like my lungs. Weed on the other hand, I'm not completely opposed to trying, since it's not addictive in the same way nicotine is (to my knowledge) and it's no more harmful than alcohol. Although, again like drinking, I'm not going to actively go out and buy, I don't have the money.
  9. kevinx519

    Full Member

    Nov 16, 2006
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    yeah. but still, im afraid that whenever my friends offer me a drink, i might not be able to refuse them. it hasnt happened before seeing as im still too young to do such things...legally. but well see. itll be my true test.
  10. Qu_

    Qu_ Guest

    If you're afraid--have an answer ready. Don't let it be brought up and you have to think on your feet.

    Anyhow, I don't smoke...or drink. All of my friends drink, and about half of them drink, but it's just not me. I've done both, and proceeded to it. I guess I figure I can have fun without outside substances in my body.
  11. Gaz89

    Regular Member

    Dec 18, 2006
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    I smoke occassionaly(Rarely). i dont drink, never have.. never been drunk. My family allways trying to get me drunk but i refuse. I can enjoy myself without drink!!!
  12. Jamie

    Full Member

    Dec 9, 2006
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    Drammen, Norway (from England originally).
    Well as far as smoking goes i've only ever had one 'fag' (british slang for cigarette) and that's when i've been really really drunk at a staff party at the theme park I used to work at, and almost everybody else seemed to have 'sparked up'.

    As you can imagine from the smoking statement, i'm partial to the odd drink. But i'm not hooked. For example i've not drunk anything for about a month and could never drink again if i wanted to. As for drinking, well when at home I can often have a little drink of whisky, when eating meals I sometimes have the odd glass of wine, and when at Party's, when hitting the town with some friends or when at Work functions I'm often seen sampling everything from the bar... Although you can't beat a pint of Magners Irish Cider with tonnes of ice (mmmmm). Unfortunately it does take alot of booze to make me drunk though.

    I think that it's great that some of you have no desire to drink, to be honest I said i'd never drink at one point but then realised how nice it was :slight_smile:. But it's great that you can stick to your guns and don't feel the need to cave in to 'peer pressure'.
  13. jroakwood

    Full Member

    Apr 7, 2007
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    ive only smoked one cigarette in my life.
    and that one took me about four times to complete.
    but not gonna lie. i do love the smell of cigarette smoke.
    i usually only wanna smoke a little when i feel really sad/depressed.

    ive also only been drunk once.
    not gonna lie. it was fun. hehe.
    i only plan on drinking when im safe from getting into trouble and when im with closer friends when i feel comfortable in the situation. heh.
    and NOT when im driving. :slight_smile:
  14. jayden

    Regular Member

    Mar 19, 2007
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    i dont im to young still but mum and dad smoke and dad also drinks a bit but not a lot
  15. CrimsonThunder

    Full Member

    Jul 2, 2007
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    South Australian!
    I don't smoke. I was pressured into doing it when I was only a few years old and I spat it out straight away. Ever since then I've kinda been scared of doing it I guess.

    However I drink alot. :slight_smile:
  16. davo-man

    Full Member

    Nov 24, 2006
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    I cannot stand the smell of smoke and i personally dont think i would enjoy smokking anything and so will never in my life smoke ...that includes normal cigarettes, cigars or pot....I couldnt even ever date a smoker cos i find the smell disgusting and couldnt stand dating someone who had to go outside every half hour for a ciggie break...Also the cost is ridiculous...honestly i just couldnt justify spending x amount of dollars (sorry i dont know how much they cost, just that its a lot) for an addiction that is bad for my health and may end up killing you....But thats just my opinion and im sorry if it offended anyone

    Drinking on the other hand i think is good IN MODERATION...i think its great to have a couple of glasses of "the social lubricant", but silly to go so overboard that you forgotten what you did the night before. I dont think its worth it spending money on alcohol and then forgetting wat it made you do...(sory i went back to money, im broke atm)...Again, im not saying that my view is the absolute right thing, just that its my view
  17. SadConfusedBandGeek

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    May 19, 2007
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    I wil never smoke, cause its gross and...well IT CAN KILL YOU DUHHH

    And for drinking i dont plan to have anything till i'm 18 (then its legal)
    And i dont plan to get drunk, (I am too much fun sober:wink:)
  18. Red87

    Full Member

    Jun 26, 2007
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    Grafenwöhr, Germany
    I smoke casually, and I suppose I got into it because of the military. I'd say at least 70-80% of the guys in my company smoke, and you'r really the odd one out. Besides, most of the guys who'v been deployed before swear you'll want them to calm down after tense missions, so Iraq and the war definately doesn't help. I'll have a few a day (maybe 2-4). I used to smoke up to a pack a day, but I'm trying to quit, especially since it was killing me on my run times.
  19. CrimsonThunder

    Full Member

    Jul 2, 2007
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    South Australian!
    If smoking 'calms you down' find a more healthier way to do it. Like chewing a chewie or something.
  20. Kimi

    Full Member

    Feb 17, 2007
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    Smoking = Low life

    Somehow, that's how I feel about smoking even I know that tobacco used to be a luxury item. Having a knowledge of what tobacco does to your body and still smoking is stupid.
    My dad used to smoke but he stopped it about 2 years ago and I was SO surprise to see how he looks different from before and after. And he is much healthier than before and so do us. No longer need to sit to my dad who is smoking like a chimney and soaked in the smell of tobacco and getting ask if I smoke or not at school and risking my life by just breathing. It's so ridiculous that passive smoke is much more high risk than active smoke:bang: :bang: :bang:

    Drinking however, I don't think it's bad at all if you can control yourself. I mean, if you get drunk and ended up passing out or sleeping on sidewalk everytime then maybe you need to stop or decrease number of drink. I heard right amount of alcohol is good for your health so as long as you don't drive after you got drunk, drinking isn't bad.

    And I don't smoke and I don't drink(Well, I do occasionally...):icon_wink