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Youtubers/Fans, I have bad news.

Discussion in 'Entertainment and Technology' started by 101DeadRoses, Apr 15, 2014.

  1. 101DeadRoses

    Full Member

    Apr 5, 2014
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    In your basement, under the steps.
    I think Youtube is banning all gameplay videos!!! This is ridiculous!! Apparantly gamers who upload to Youtube are using copyrighted video game music in their videos and the making money off them, causing a big blahooey with legal stuff that I didn't hear over GAMEPLAY BANNED. This means all of my favorite artists on Youtube are going bye-bye. Goodbye TheGamingLemon. Goodbye Inside Gaming. Goodbye Criken. I will miss all of them so much. Hopefully they will start uploading elsewhere, like mixbit or some such site. But I will miss them so much!! What am I going to do at night after this? I watch them everynight before I go to sleep and laugh. It broke my heart to hear this, as they are a part of my routine, and I formed emotional bonds to many of them. It may seem silly to some but to me this is utterly heartbreaking. Those who love Youtube's gaming videos will understand. There is going to be a huge part of my life missing after this, and I will miss all those who made me laugh on Youtube. If anyone, unlikely as it may seem, with any ability to change Youtube at all is reading this, please do something to change this, anything. I am crying as I write this. If anyone cares, then let's boycott YouTube.
    I genuinely hope I am wrong, and pray this is some cruel joke played by Youtube, and the channel I watched the video on. If it is, it isn't funny, and I can't believe someone would do that. But if it is true, then gamers of Youtube, I will miss you. Goodbye.
  2. Sarcastic Luck

    Full Member

    Jun 3, 2013
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    This post is useless without a source.


    All the sources on google lists Dec. 13th area as "banning" videos, and that had to do with a content ID flagging things. The most recent thing I'm not going to take seriously because it was posted on April 1st by Inside Gaming via Machinima.
  3. 101DeadRoses

    Full Member

    Apr 5, 2014
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    In your basement, under the steps.
    I am an idiot. Sorry for that, I just have had the gaming videos in my life for so long, and they mean so much to me. I may track down the Inside Gaming guys and murder them. In the meantime, I'll bang my head into the wall until I forget that I made this big of a fuss. I just have my nightly routine where I lay down and watch videos until I get tired, and those videos, weird as it may sound, have become a part of my life. It just shook me. Imagine your favorite movie or game, one that you truly love. Now imagine it taken away for quite some time. You would get upset right? I just reacted badly. I also was really, really, REALLY tired after a long and stressful day, so my mind didn't function. I am sorry for the false alarm. I should have known. Nearly everything that I panic and cry over turns out to be nothing. I really do apologize for being an idiot.
  4. MsKCorleone

    Regular Member

    Mar 29, 2014
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    Oh God. I almost got a heart attack. Good to hear that this was blind alert. Don't be too hard on yourself. I got confused by way sillier stuff before.^^'
    May the age of gameplay videos be long and awesome!
  5. Tim

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    Mar 8, 2008
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    Just Remember: MOST big-name game companies send popular Let's Players games before they're even released to make Let's Plays of them.

    They know it gets people to buy the games themselves, so they pretty much get free advertising. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

    When Let's Play of Sega (I think it was Sega... one of the bigger named companies) games got flagged for content ID violations, they openly posted on twitter that they're working with youtube to go after the person who did it, and said they encourage people do Let's Plays, lol. (And subsequently a few hours later, all the videos that got taken down went back up)

    Nintendo's the biggest one that has said they openly allow gameplay videos. Though, they do ask that music is muted on certain games when not part of a Let's Play, if the video is monetized. (AKA if the uploader gets money from youtube for it) Pokemon is the main one, which is why most battlers have their sound muted. Some don't, but they either aren't monetized, or their videos are constantly up and down. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
    #5 Tim, Apr 15, 2014
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2014
  6. Nikky DoUrden

    Full Member

    Aug 25, 2013
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    Mediterranean Sea
    EVEN if they take a step like that, people will find another source for those things, maybe even a new site will be created for that and will get popular just for it.
    Demand and supply :grin:
  7. 101DeadRoses

    Full Member

    Apr 5, 2014
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    In your basement, under the steps.
    It's alright people, false alarm.

    Again, in my defense, my tired, stressed out brain could not understand the veryobvious jokes in the video I watched. Now please stop posting on here so my blubber rant is buried.. :slight_smile:
  8. Miiaaaaa

    Regular Member

    Dec 8, 2013
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    A few people
    Even if it were true, the only channels I remotely watch anymore are SeaNanners and Chilled Chaos, so meh for me. Would suck if it were to happen though, I know they're very popular!