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Why does everyone tell me such different things?! T_T

Discussion in 'Coming Out Advice' started by Tails Luver, Sep 17, 2012.

  1. Tails Luver

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    Aug 22, 2012
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    Okay, so... I have something I need to get off my chest, and I can't say it to any of my friends without making them get scared to death...

    I've been having a couple suicidal thoughts... Nothing that I've acted on... Heck, I'm too scared to even cut myself... but they're there, and I can't get them out of my head! It's just that... everyone tells me different stuff! And I don't know what to believe anymore! I even have trouble believing my signature from time to time, even though that's a quote that I came up with and pretty much live by. Some people tell me that it's not a sin to feel the way I do, and that God loves me no matter what, and then others tell me that I'm committing a huge sin and that I need to repent and pray for God's saving grace.

    I mean, I've gotten into a huge debate with someone on YouTube about whether this is a sin or not, and it's hard after all he's said to still hold true my own beliefs. He's like, homosexual desires stem from lust and only lust, and even though I'm trying not to let him get to me, it keeps getting harder and harder.

    I just am really confused and really don't know what to believe! I even go to bed every night ready to cry, and even though the tears never come, I still lay there thinking about whether what I'm doing is right or wrong and never coming up with an answer, and sometimes even thinking that everything would be better without me! :tears: I just really need some help right now, please!
  2. Lance

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    Jul 26, 2012
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    You ever see the video Chip posted yesterday? The guy gives a good perspective on
    Christianity and homosexuality.


    Personally I believe God is loving and understanding. Not hateful and vengeful as many people make him out to be. Your signature says it all though; he wouldn't create something that is wrong or that he disagrees with. We're just as natural as the heterosexual people, just a more rare breed. :wink:
  3. john1984

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    Aug 26, 2012
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    I'm sorry you feel so bad. The questions you're having many of us have struggled with and i know i have. When you're able to come out on the other side of all that you can see very clearly that it's not true. I know that god is not about hate and what matters is how you live your life and treat the people in it. I will tell you that you probably have to go through this questioning before you will begin to find answers though.
  4. Tails Luver

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    Aug 22, 2012
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    I actually have watched that video. The comment thread on that is where I'm having the debate about this... It just sucks to be told over and over again that what you're feeling is wrong.
  5. Lance

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    Yeah it does, but what I've learned to do is ignore it. In reality those people don't matter one way or the other in my day to day life. Also I find comfort in the fact that they're so stupid.
  6. Tails Luver

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    Aug 22, 2012
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    Yeah, I guess they are a bit stupid. It may take a while for me to get all of this out of my head though. It's like propaganda, only worse 'cause it hits you right where it hurts. :icon_sad:
  7. Clown

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    Sep 11, 2012
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    I don't think (my personal opinion) that there is a wrong way to think.
    We're all made different and have different mental processes. What may sound bad to one person may sound ideal to another.
    As for a higher up power, if one exists (no offense to anyone of faith), I believe that they would be forgiving and even if you made a "mistake" to them, they'd accept you.
    I don't think it's something to worry so much about. You have so much life to live and should enjoy it without fear.

    I've been down the road of suicidal thoughts; 2 attempts in my lifetime.
    Now that I've gotten through them, I'm glad they were unsuccessful.

    Bottom line I'm saying is that you have so much life to live.
    We can't be perfect or think perfectly.
    If you have thoughts every now and then, but don't act on them, that shouldn't be too harmful.
    You always need to keep what you live for close to you. Remember what you can do in life and how great it can be.
  8. Hunted

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    Sep 14, 2012
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    I think everybody in some time in there life the quick thought of suicide comes to mind. It's a part of life and you are human. I have thought about it too. God loves you. That's pure fact. It doesnt matter if your fat, skinny, black, white, gay or straight. God made you who you are for a reason. You are just as important as anybody else. Don't forget that. You put on this great world for a purpose.
  9. Pain

    Pain Guest

    Hi there. First off, I think you need this: (*hug*)

    Next: Christianity, like most religions, is very subjective, and because it is faith, we can't ever prove religion is right, in terms of sin, morals, etc. Therefore, getting into arguments over this in a religious context is pointless (to me, at least). Plus, in Christianity, there is no size of sin. If one sins by lying to save a family member, it is worth the same as killing someone in cold blood. Getting into an argument with a YouTube troll over this is even more pointless than arguing about this in general, because trolls are there to ONLY inflame people. They won't change. Do you think that being gay is a lust-exclusive feeling? Or can you disprove that with how you feel towards people of the same sex?
    Remember, that whether you view being gay as a sin or not, Christ died to save you. And loves you, no matter the circumstances. Christ was there for prostitutes and tax-collectors: occupations that didn't have an ounce of love. How do you think he would feel toward a type of person whose "sin (subjective!)" is they way that they can't help but love a certain type of person? When we commonly hear that "God is Love" in Christianity?

    As for suicidal thoughts, DO NOT act on them. I'm glad to see that you haven't.
    Identify-- what makes these thoughts happen? Is it the Christianity vs. Gay thing?
    Please remember, that it really isn't worth killing yourself over. You do not know what the future holds for you. You don't know how happy you could be sometime soon, or how anything will turn out. You don't know all the people you'll meet someday, all the chances you'll have for love, fun, joy, happiness... Stay hopeful. Please.

  10. solost44

    solost44 Guest

    I am not going to impart my own religious beliefs to you right now. Although I do hold true to my faith my greatest concern for you is that you are having these suicidal thoughts. You said you have never acted on them and that is GOOD. The fact remains however that you are having these thoughts which suggest to me that you are hurting or confused about something and you are desperately seeking answers. Sometime we we find ourselves in a position like that we develop a sense of hopelessness. Sort of like we just want something to take away all of the pain. I think these thoughts you are having are your way of crying out for help. I urge you to speak to An adult whom you trust, guidance counselor, or even contact the suicide hotline so that these individuals can help you get some counseling. Whatever these feelings are that you are experiencing are obviously very troubling to you and you need help in working through them. In looking at your bio I see that you are 17 years old, you have so many joys of life to experience yet don't deny yourself the opportunity to see what life has in store for you. Please think positive and talk with someone.
  11. Tails Luver

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    Aug 22, 2012
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    QueVidaLaMia: Well, in Catholicism, sin has size, and I'm Catholic, but I don't think being bi is a mortal sin, if it is a sin at all. And no, I don't think feeling this way is complete lust, but having someone else force their beliefs on you is quite painful...

    solost44: I guess it could be my way of crying for help. I would talk to my parents, but I'm so nervous about this subject when talking to them that it's not even funny. A guidance counselor would help if I really knew any of the ones at my school well. And I guess I could try contacting the suicide hotline. I mean, if things got bad. In the end I think I'm going to have to talk to one of my friends that said I can talk to her about this stuff. As much as it would worry her, I think I may need to talk to her...

    I just sometimes wish I didn't have these feelings about other guys, y'know?
  12. solost44

    solost44 Guest

    I too am Catholic so I understand your worries about that. I think speaking to your friend would be a great thing to do. Sometimes just having someone who can listen helps make all the difference. Having to keep emotions bottled up with no outlet can be very overwhelming for anyone in any situation. Just remember that it's okay to cut yourself some slack. Taking that first step and opening up about your true emotions can be really frightening. But after that first baby step it will get easier and I think you will find that you will feel a little better. Just remember to hang in there. You have already taken a big step by talking about things here on EC. :wink:
  13. Chip

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    Remember that the person who made the video spent two years developing and researching the points he raised in the video. He's a Harvard student, learned Greek and Latin so he could read the original texts and avoid shadings added by translations.

    The people arguing against his points are, for the most part, ignorant bigots that haven't done the research, can't read the original texts, and don't have a clue what they're talking about. You're comparing a sharp Biblical scholar who's carefully looked at the issue for years against people who are parroting what some other ignoramus said, without any thought or research. Perhaps that will help put their comments in perspective.

    ALso, keep in mind -- as far as feeling down -- that EC's advisor team is also here to listen and help. You can contact me or any of the others you wish and we'll be happy to talk more with you.

    This will get better. That's a definite. :slight_smile:
  14. Tails Luver

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    Aug 22, 2012
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    After reading some of the comments again, I'm actually feeling a bit better. Not near completely better, but a bit. Thanks, guys. You're awesome. ^_^