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When did everyone actually start to feel better?

Discussion in 'Coming Out Advice' started by ShapesNShapes, Mar 10, 2015.


    Regular Member

    Dec 16, 2014
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    Sexual Orientation:
    Dear Shapes N Shapes :

    I felt the same way when I first told my therapist about the fact that I was gay, it
    was, like you said, a great weight had been lifted off of my shoulders.

    Two weeks later, my physical therapist noticed that I had been crying an awful lot, and she asked me why this was, so I told her exactly why, and she said that she had suspected as much.

    She also asked me if I felt that I was trans-gender-ed because I think like a female, I have breasts like a female, my male genitalia hardly exists, and resembles a woman's clitoris, and my ass is filling out, just like an older females does. She said that these remarks were made to embarrass you, but these elements are quite noticeable.

    But then I had to tell my Mom, I would have rather eaten shards of broken glass, because I knew that my Mom would not understand just how frustrated I was feeling. I hated the fact that everyone treated me like a male, when inside me, this beautiful
    woman was just dying to come out into this world. Mom would have thought " It's just another one of his phases that he's going through ". No, Mom, this is not a phase of life, this IS very real, and, JAYME, is never going to be straight AGAIN, so,
    GROW UP. This is 2015, not 1966. I thought I'd have my mom's validation of acceptance, but I was dead wrong. A year later, I made one final change to my life, when I became OPENLY trans-gender-ed as a woman. Again, I stupidly, thought that of all people, my mom would accept this, how wrong I was. That woman had the nerve to break into my apartment, steal ALL of my feminine atttire from my closet, and gave my stuff to charity. NOW, almost six months later, She did it again.

    Be careful of who you trust with this knowledge, I felt such a relief telling my therapists, but then I told the one person whom I thought i could share a secret with, and I got stabbed in the back.

  2. blackhatguy

    Full Member

    Mar 2, 2015
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    Salt Lake City, Utah
    When I first came out, it was just to one friend who was bisexual, and I was shaking and felt sick for about 45 minutes. But that night, I slept better than I had in a long time.

    When I came out on facebook, in a post where I blocked 47 of 137 friends, I felt nervous and shaky for the rest of the evening, slept poorly, and was nervous about going to class the next day. But a few days later I felt fine, and this whole experience has really boosted my confidence and improved a few relationships. Absolutely no regrets.