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Weird story time

Discussion in 'The Welcome Lounge' started by Somefatchild, Jul 20, 2013.

  1. Somefatchild

    Somefatchild Guest

    Jul 19, 2013
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    I think it would be awesome to hear each others weirdest stories.
    Okay I will start since my life is full is weird things anyways. When I was about 15 years old I was the kind of kid who jerks off a lot. Like one time at the age of 12 I bought one of those little carton of milk to jerk off in it and then placed it outside In hopes that someone will drink it. (I don't know I was really bad as a kid back then) anyways 3 years have passed and I guess pay back was due for me. So what happened was I was jerking like a raging sailor with a sock on my Johnson looking like my cock was ready to go trick or treating. So finally after 5 hours my mega buster was all charged up.... Then.. BOOM.. Like a pistol, I felt like Clint Eastwood. I felt as if I could detracted my dick and blow it like the cow boys do to their guns after a show down in the movies. So anyways as I was finished, I grabbed my sock and threw it off my bed. But then I saw a bump crawling around in my sock... and in my head I thought to myself. "BUMPS DON'T MOVE!!!!!!" Slowly I saw eight legs coming out of my sock. My heart started racing. As the monster showed its face. It was a big ass spider like Shingeki no spider cock. I almost passed out on my bed. I will never forget nor shall I ever jerk off again.