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Too many things to say?

Discussion in 'Coming Out Advice' started by Zaio, Apr 10, 2012.

  1. Zaio

    Zaio Guest

    Hi EC.

    Is it possible that sometimes theres too many things to say that you can't think of one? Like when someone argues about homosexuality being a choice, and you can't think of one thing to say, even though you know an endless list of both moral, biological and religious arguments?

    I'm not sure if I've just simply given up explaining things to people who are too uneducated to understand, or that I have too many arguments that I just can't pick one. During this argument I literally couldn't think of one then after I left in silence the list just ran through my brain, I hated myself that afternoon because I may have made him think that being gay is indeed a choice, even though it obviously isn't.

    I know I shouldn't care about ignorant, bigoted, unintellectual people like this but I still feel the need to argue with every single one of them, so they will at least stop arguing over it with other gays, so at least I would be indirectly helping others in my situation.
  2. Linthras

    Linthras Guest

    Apr 9, 2012
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    Leeuwarden (FR), the Netherlands
    I can empathize, all to often have I attempted to debate with homophobes. The problem is the large majority of them are to stubborn to take of the blinders.
    Your best bet is to either debate people in regulated fora where they can be called on their fallacious arguments by other members.
    Always ask for evidence and if he/she really won't listen, just let them stay stuck in their hate oriented world and enjoy the real world with rational and compassionate people.:icon_wink
  3. TheAMan

    Full Member

    Feb 20, 2012
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    You sound like me trying to argue with everyone lol! Don't worry about it though. If they choose to be ignorant let them. I learned a long time ago that some fights just aren't worth raising my blood.
  4. Farouche

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    Feb 9, 2012
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    To answer the question, yes, it is possible. That happens to me, too. Someone says something so completely stupid that I can't answer because I don't know where to start. Don't feel bad about it.
  5. Vesper

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    Oct 11, 2011
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    Wisconsin, The Land of Cheese and Beer
    This about sums up my feelings as well. It's just so difficult to hear the lies coming out of their mouths and RESIST arguing with them, even though arguing with them about as effective as arguing with a dining table. In my case, it's a matter of pride, because I feel that if I didn't at least say something, the bigot would feel as if s/he "won" the argument.

    To your original question, of course it's possible to be unable to choose your initial response to an incredibly idiotic, uninformed, or offensive comment from one of the bigots. It's better to not say anything at all, esp. if it's strangers you're arguing with, and swallow your pride at knowing the other party will assume that s/he was right. Like TheAMan said, some things just aren't worth getting riled up about.
  6. spacemonkey

    spacemonkey Guest

    Oh, don't hate yourself for it! If it helps, it's his opinion, and no matter what you say you may not have the power to change it. Who cares what that guy thought anyway. We All know that you are right and that it is not a choice, if it is truth there is no need to prove it, it will show in due time.

    Yes, I do believe it's possible to have so much on your mind that you can't think of one thing. It happens to me ALL the time when people ask "what's been on your mind the last few days?" or "how are you". My mind goes in circles all over the place, so i've learned to ignore it, but that's one of the time it happens to me, no thought comes forth.

    As for next time, the one piece of information I give people when they tell me that homosexuality is a choice is the difference in brain structure and wiring of homosexual people to that more-like the opposite sex.
    Symmetry Of Homosexual Brain Resembles That Of Opposite Sex, Swedish Study Finds

    Maybe try keeping just one factual tip on hand for those that bring this up in the future, hand it to them, but leave it to "god" or "spirit" or what-have-you to throw them little bits and pieces more in the future if it ends up to be important that they know the truth. And don't hate yourself! Do us all a favor, and all the people that love you, and try not to beat yourself up for the things you cannot control (gosh easier said than done huh?) *hugs*
  7. mnguy

    Full Member

    Nov 12, 2006
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    Mountain hermitage
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    I know exactly how frustrating that is. When thinking about how to reply to ignorant comments we all have it down pat. When actually in a conversation it's not the same and I know I get tongue tied and forget all the good lines. It's not worth your time to discuss with some people, but even in friendly conversations it can be hard to find the right words too. Don't beat yourself up about it. Maybe next time the words will come and even if that person doesn't agree, you give them something to think about and you'll feel good knowing you got the truth out there to one more person. Being gay is surely not a choice :thumbsup:
  8. SteelCityGuy

    Regular Member

    Apr 2, 2012
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    It's not a choice...you can't choose how you feel about someone. Don't even bother arguing about it! It's a waste of time and a strain on your emotions, people who say that are not homosexuals obviously, so what do they know?