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Thoughts about spoiled rich kids (any horror stories?)

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by anthonythegamer, Jul 26, 2015.

  1. Batman

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    Feb 27, 2013
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    I don't live in an especially wealthy area, but there's this one fucking kid who is filthy rich. We went to the same elementary school, and although he was a grade or two above me, he always made a point of finding me on nutrition breaks to shove me around and say terribly rude things that made nine-year-old Batman cry :lol:

    Anyways. At one point in his post-highschool life, his dad bought him a fucking pizza place. Like, he just bought an old, dead pizza business for the kid to run. :grin: I still can't wrap my head around that. So the kid works there, and he spits in the food of customers he doesn't like. Needless to say I never ate there. He's one of those guys who says really racist, sexist, rapey things, but people put up with him so that he'll drive them around in his shiny mustang. And of course, he's a good looking guy, who is never without a bunch of pretty girls falling all over him.

    Some day, karma will kick in...I'm sure of it.
    #21 Batman, Jul 26, 2015
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2015
  2. DreamerBoy17

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    Ugh he sounds like a horrible person :eusa_clap
  3. Tightrope

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    Good points and I thought about this issue. Not all rich kids are spoiled. Not all have attitude problems. If their parents came from humble means, they can see the struggle that it took or they can choose to ignore that journey and focus on being nouveau riche.

    The other thing that someone brought up is the nastiness that some have, like the good looking guy with the Mustang. If they are more average looking, they might be more easy going. If they're great looking and have money, they might feel more entitled.

    Money and success create strata. I've found that people tend to stay within their strata and might move to another strata through taking strong steps to do just that. The results are all over the map.
  4. Tai

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    I am the spoiled rich kid. :lol:

    Haha, but really I'm just a middle class kid in a poor neighborhood making me the rich one, so people are envious of my middle class wealth. A few of my friends ridiculed me for that growing up, which is why I tend to never feel worthy of something if I get an expensive gift or anything... I always have tried to keep as little possesions as possible so people don't accuse me of being spoiled or greedy.
  5. Kaiser

    Kaiser Guest

    May 10, 2014
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    Knew a few in elementary school and middle school. I'd just steal their money. Toned this down in high school until I finally stopped.

    Most of the wealthier kids tended to go to private schools or stick to themselves. Even the friendly ones were only friendly to make the day easier, very rarely because they actually cared. Exceptions did exist, but they were in the older grades, so not a lot of interaction with them.

    One of the most snobby kids I knew growing up, his family went bankrupt and he wound up getting a job at McDonald's back in the mid-2000s. One of the best moments in my life was going to that McDonald's, ordering a meal, paying for it, and then sliding it back to him saying, "Here, enjoy your meal, from a poor person."

    This was in response to something he told me, years ago, when he would go around and buy a bunch of candy from fund-raisers and toss it at people. He'd then say something like, "Here you go, poor person!" or "Here, bum!". At the time, I thought it was funny, because I hated everybody. But then he threw two bags of candy on my desk and said that shit... oh no...

    Last I heard, he was working at a grocery store. But I can tell, he's both frustrated and devastated, that he lost his financial cushion.

    If you want a rich kid horror story, then there is:

    Elliot Rodger, the son of the second unit assistant director for The Hunger Games. He was behind the Isla Vista killings.
  6. wisefolly

    wisefolly Guest

    Not defending the guy at all but he wasn't a "rich kid"---he did hang around rich connected families though. Among the many many many things he raged against was his not being part of a rich family. Disturbed people will be disturbed no matter what, but he's a good example of the kind of expectations, sense of superiority and arrogance that some rich people (kids and adults) have about their place in the world. He was just mad that he could only pretend to be part of that world. He's really not that different from all the other mass shooters.
  7. Kaiser

    Kaiser Guest

    May 10, 2014
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    He fits perfectly, actually. His family was very well off, but they weren't as well off as the other families they knew. This would be like somebody with four houses bitching about not owning five houses. While their financial status may have been declining, it was still far beyond the majority of individuals and their worth. He was pissed partially because instead of going out to eat several times a week, they could only do it a few times a week*, and so on and so forth.

    * Yes, that was in one of his rant videos. He was furious that he could only eat out at a fancy restaurant three times a week instead of every day. One of those places where it can costs hundreds of dollars to eat. He believed women, if they saw him at a fancy place, would want him for his money. And to be denied more opportunities to flaunt his accessibility to spending money, was Life giving him the middle finger.

    Basically, you have a rich kid being pissed that he isn't richer. He is the epitome of a spoiled rich kid... as for the other stuff, like his rantings against the world, well, that is true. He really isn't that different.
  8. candyjiru

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    Mar 27, 2015
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    I used to teach at a richy-rich kindie... ugh those kids and their parents... smdh

    One of the kids was really rude and always like "I'm just going to sleep now~" and refuse to do any work. There was a "no-frowning" policy and "no punishment" policy as well, so the kids could do whatever they wanted and other than saying, "oh my~ please don't sleep" "oh my~ please don't hit so-and-so~" or something along those lines, all while smiling... it was rough... but then the parents would get angry that their kid hadn't done the work.

    Was it the kid's fault? Of course not~~~ it was the teacher's fault. One mother called in and literally told a teacher,

    "You're just not a good enough teacher to interest my son."

    ......... the mothers would also hang out together all day and then band together and threaten to leave the school (and take their money with them) if every one of their kids weren't 100 percent sunshine and butterflies every day... so stressful.

    We also had some kids who were clearly exhibiting signs of learning disabilities, (like one kid who had studied there for 2 years and still couldn't write his own name...) but would the parents look into it and get their kids special help? Oh no~ they're rich so there's no way their kid would be anything less than a genius! I felt sorry for those kids because I know they'll never be able to be taught in a way that will work for them or get some medicine or personal help, all because their parents think their kids are perfect and learning disabilities are only for the poor >.>
  9. Miko

    Miko Guest

    I'm the spoiled rich kid it would seem, I would hope I'm a nice person regardless though! I've tried to have a varied friend group that comes from a variety of different social classes, one of my best friends is pretty poor for example yet another one of my best friends is very well off like me.

    Hell, I even took up a part time job at a retail shop for a year just for the experience of working in it. The money is laughably bad but the experience was really important, it teaches you a lot of patience and allows you to understand why the working class gets so stressed out after a day of work. My girlfriend is contemplating getting a part time job for a few weeks/months just to experience what it's like too.

    That said I've met total wastes-of-space in both social classes too, be it someone who thinks everyone should be a communist just because they're poor and they want everyone else to be poor too or on the flip side people who look down on the poor as sub-human scum who're not worth a second thought. Needless to say, I'm not friends with either of those types of people anymore.
  10. loveislove01

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    Apr 24, 2015
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    I'm in the higher middle class from where I live, and most people I know are lower middle or poorer.
    I don't think of them differently, or mistreat them in any way.
    On the reverse side of the "spoiled rich kids" thing, poor people can be mean about your economic status as well. I wear some clothes I bought from express? They glare at me and tell me to stop being spoiled and get everything I want.
    I think that's wrong as well. My family is willing to and financially capable to getting me clothes from expensive stores sometimes, and I see nothing wrong with that.
    On field trips and stuff, I'm sent with more money than most people get, and I get to go to a few lessons every week and I get nice birthday gifts.
    There was this one time I was at this restaurant with my friends, and having carried extra money, I tipped the waiter. And their reaction "Damn spoiled rich kids"
    Does this make me have a priveledge compared to a lot of people on my area? Financially, I'd suppose so.
    But there's a difference between having money and using it and having money and being spoiled.
    Being spoiled is asking for more a lot, and mistreating the people who do not have that priveledge.
    Some rich people mistreat the poor and that's very wrong. But everybody who has that kind of money and chooses to use it, that's perfectly fine.
  11. Aussie792

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    Apr 5, 2013
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    I and most of my friends are relatively well off. Sometimes, it's easy forget that the opportunities that readily come to you aren't always available to others. It's more common than I'd like for friends and classmates of mine to ask others "how can you not have done [expensive activity]?" It's very rarely malicious, but I'm sure it does hurt. And I believe that intent doesn't matter when an adverse result can be reasonably predicted.

    However, a few of my friends aren't particularly affluent. Only last week, my friends and I were discussing our upcoming university applications and one of my friends mentioned which university he wanted to go to and what he wanted to study. I was slightly derisive and suggested another with a better version of the same course, but he responded that it wouldn't be possible. Stupidly, I asked why. He quite abashedly told me that he simply couldn't afford it.

    In having been unkind about his only feasible option, I definitely was the insensitive spoiled rich kid of the scenario. To try to make it up, I didn't apologise or make a fuss. I simply showed more enthusiasm and asked him what the course would entail and made a mental note that I have to improve on unhelpful snobbery like that. The fact that I didn't mean to be hurtful doesn't change that what I said was predictably going to be a bad idea and it undoubtedly seemed really patronising. It wasn't a major event, but it does represent the sort of casual unkindness that the thread is asking about.

    It's just important to look at even your smallest actions and try to understand how they resonate with others. To advocate exposure to the less fortunate like some sort of touristic event for a shallow appearance of compassion is immensely condescending, a bite-sized feel-good approach to entire lives. I doubt that there's a single answer to how you can behave better. The idea that you can quickly immerse yourself in the life of someone else to fill up a list of criteria for being worldly obviously isn't a good thing.
  12. tulipinacup

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    May 15, 2014
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    Most of the spoilt rich kids I knew were the ones who went into rags to riches.
  13. Yeah I agree with you on that. Yes, I did point out that the spoiled kids at my school wear designer brand clothes, but I'm just hating on how inconsiderate they are. I think the people telling you to stop "being so spoiled" are people who are very envious of you.

    There really isn't anything wrong with splurging once in a while. When well-off people live in a poorer neighborhood, it does feel nice that you have money to spend.

    Tbh, I don't consider Express to be very up there with Armani and Versace LOL Different perspectives :slight_smile:
  14. Andrew99

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    Luckily I never really did have this problem.
  15. galaxygia

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    Oh yes. Everyone at my school is rich, including me. But I'm not a brat (I'm not as rich as some other kids are. A lot of the popular kids live in MANSIONS) But most of my classmates aren't awful, they just don't really think. Most of them just kinda check out of school and assume that daddy's gonna pay for their lives. I hate some of my classmates though they don't really look down on poor people.
  16. Par

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    I dated a spoiled rich girl, which was a mistake.
  17. Wallace N

    Wallace N Guest

    Jul 14, 2015
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    You'd be surprised at the brands that can cause one to look down on someone as "spoiled" for wearing or purchasing, even if there's no real justification for doing so. Sometimes they're entirely ignorant of the price range of that brand. I was once mocked for wearing "Aeropostale" because "no one should spend $20 for a T-shirt" (this is what was said to me). In fact, many of the T-shirts I bought from Aero were cheaper than T-shirts I saw at Target, in the $7-14 range. But once a brand has an association, you can't easily break away from it.

    (Versace on the other hand, that's a different story. That $400 Versace belt my friend bought when I visited Rodeo Drive with him seemed excessive, even to me.)

    Anyway, if someone does come from a wealthy background, they should utilize that wealth for something worthwhile. But even if they do this, they can still be criticized harshly. Some people just don't want to see wealthy people spending their money, even if it's for something beneficial. One time I was hounded by a friend for not applying for certain scholarships. I informed him that my parents were perfectly capable of paying for my education without scholarships and that there was no reason I should take a scholarship away from someone who has more financial difficulty and could benefit from it more. Yet they had trouble seeing the logic in that.
  18. Steele

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    Feb 18, 2013
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    Well, I was a spoiled rich kid. I was the type of little shit that would throw a fit and yell at his parents in public if I didn't get what I wanted. I really wish that someone had just punched me in the face and told me to stop being the whiny, ungrateful piece of shit I was.

    My dad would usually let me get away with it and would often give into my shitty behavior, but my mom was less tolerant and would punish me for that kind of behavior, which is something that now, I'm grateful for.

    I stopped throwing fits sometime before middle school, luckily, but even then, I didn't realize how fortunate I was until my senior year of high school. It just suddenly hit me, I had never had a job, I was able to have basically everything I wanted, and I was not prepared to go to college or live on my own while everyone around me seemed to be.

    There's no doubt in my mind that I still benefit from being born and raised in an upper-middle class family on a daily basis, but at least now I'm trying to give back and be more aware of the struggles that others face.
  19. celeste

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    Jul 26, 2015
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    I have too. She kept critiquing what I wore and who I hung out with, it became a chore just to talk to her after a while.
  20. PerfectlyNormal

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    I have been told my family was rich before because of going to a private school :roflmao: that is a lie. If we were rich we would not always have bargain brand things and basic cable and internet.