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[The Walrus's Power Legs]Cycling Classes [A Love Story]

Discussion in 'Physical & Sexual Health' started by InaRut, Sep 14, 2011.

  1. InaRut

    Full Member

    Oct 23, 2007
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    Montreal, Quebec, Canada
    Hello EC,

    So after deciding that the cheapest mode of transportation this summer would be riding my bike I've started to transform into a bit of a bike junky. So much so that you could compare my relationship to my bike much in the same way as a Samuri's relationship to his sword, or a Klingon's relationship to his Bat'leth.

    Naming my bike, The Ghettoprize, me and my bike had fantastic adventures this summer where we cycled all around Montreal together. After biking for a whole summer (as my only means of transport) I've developed certain health benefits one of them being my POWER LEGS.

    Unfortuantely, as of a couple of weeks ago, my dear bike was stolen from me by possibly the most evil man in the world. I was pretty bummed because having my bike stolen meant that I was resorted forcefully to give up my daily excersises.

    All was lost UNTIL I decided that I could start taking spin classes at the gym instead. So sometime this week (depending on what class I can get into) I'm going to be starting spin classes and I'm a little nervous.

    I have never done any sort of group work-out at a gym before nor have I done any time of intense cycling training. (TL: DR?) Anyone got any expierences, tips, or general comment they would like to share?

    I'm so scared of like going to the place and totally being the first to fall in a crowd of leg people, who long ago evolved past their humanoid bodies in the pursuit of mega legs.
  2. Rosina

    Full Member

    Sep 18, 2008
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    A few people
    I did a spin class the last year. It was rather good fun, there's a sort of pack instinct thing going on and the instructor learnt everyone's names and kept us motivated throughout the whole thing. It gets hot, sweaty and there's lots of panting, grunting and moans from everyone. If you didn't know better and you were standing outside, you'd think you were missing out on a fantastic orgy, especially with the music that they play. And you can make it as hard or as easy as you like; the static bikes have variable resistance that you set for yourself, under the instructors guidance for "time for another hill" so you get as much out as you put in.

    Go for it and enjoy, it was fantastic :grin:
  3. zeratul

    zeratul Guest

    Enjoy the workout Phil. There is nothing to be scared of and all the legs to gain. Walrus evolution FTW, horizontal V-tail transforming into legs!!
  4. InaRut

    Full Member

    Oct 23, 2007
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    Montreal, Quebec, Canada
    Really? I thought the instructor controlled all the resistance and stuff...How does it work. Do I cycle and make the hill myself or do they do it?
  5. TraceElement

    Full Member

    Jan 31, 2011
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    Rochester, NY
    I've taken spin classes before. Like the others have said, you can make it as hard or as easy as you like and the instructors keep you motivated. The first few classes may leave your legs and/or butt feeling sore for a day or 2 after, but seeing as you would ride frequently, for you it may not be as much. If the instructor makes any suggestions like keep your elbows in or to not lock your knees up when you are "doing a hill" while standing, fallow the advice. The instructor has probably seen people get hurt doing whatever and wants to prevent injury for you. But most of all, have fun! I know classes have regulars that are willing to help, and before you know it, you will be a regular joking around with them.
  6. InaRut

    Full Member

    Oct 23, 2007
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    Montreal, Quebec, Canada
    Oh I am getting kind of excited now. Yea right now my class is once a week...On Sunday but I'm trying to get into the Tuesday/Thursday class. I have some friends in it so that's good :slight_smile:

    What about stretches? Should I worry aboot that?
  7. TraceElement

    Full Member

    Jan 31, 2011
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    Rochester, NY
    The instructor SHOULD lead a group stretch at the end, but if they don't, stretch out all parts of your legs and arms, and ask the instructor to show you some if you need help.
    I would also suggest getting there a little early and doing like a 5 minute warm up on a treadmill or bike and do a light stretch before you start the class.
  8. InaRut

    Full Member

    Oct 23, 2007
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    Montreal, Quebec, Canada
    Well I went to my first class on Sunday,

    GOSH was it ever exausting. Anxious a bit at first as I didn't really know the way of the gym but I navigate it with as much grace as I could muster without looking like some lost first yearer.

    I am a little confused aboot this whole percentage and zone buisness...The intstructions seem a little daunting right now but it's the first class...maybe I just have to adapt..