The Starbucks Thread!/Ask a Barista!

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by hairdye, Apr 7, 2010.

  1. I've got one: My favorite thing is the Mint Mocha Chip Frappuchino or something... It's got chocolate, coffee, and mint in it. Why do they only have it maybe 1 out of every 5 times I go? Is it just a summer drink?
  2. hairdye

    Full Member

    Apr 9, 2007
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    Orange County, CA
    Congratulations on Gold mike!
    as a registered gold member, every 15 transactions earns you a free drink!
    also, you are given free refills on coffee and ice coffee, and any syrup in your drink is free, as well as choosing soy milk.

    for more visit


    very popular question amongst all customer. lets start with a story shall we?

    Once upon a time, there was a coffee company called Starbucks Coffee And Tea. This company would later become "Starbucks Coffee Company". At the beginning this company offered three sizes, Short(8oz), Tall(12oz) and Grande(16oz) ("Large").

    A relatively simple system without being generic small medium and large.

    As time went on, the 16oz grande wasn't enough for customers, they wanted more! Especially since an iced grande cup contains 6 oz of ice. So the company introduced a new size,the 20oz Venti! (20 in italian.) The Venti hot cup holds 20oz of a beverage and the Venti iced holds 26oz all together, including the 6 oz of ice, so you still get 20oz of coffee! It was called venti as not to confuse then regular customers by changing the names of the previous size.

    Nowadays even this is proving not enough and a new size is being tested, the Treinta! (30 in italian) which will hold 30oz all together!

    With the constant strive to satisfy customers, new cups come along and customers enjoy more of there favorite beverage and they lived happily ever after.

    hope that clears it up :]


    Starbucks coffee is expensive due to our dedication to C.A.F.E. practices. this stands for Coffee And Farmer Equity, this ensures that we pay the coffee farmers we buy form enough money to support their families so that they may provide us with great coffee for years to come! Thus, prices must be a little higher to help them. Think of part of what you pay for your latte to put food on a hardworking farmers, families table!

    The taste of coffee varies for ever person. It also depends on what you're eating with your coffee! Certain coffee will taste great with chocolate, while others have nutty aromas to them taste better with something like almonds. It's all about the right pairing and finding what you like.

    We'd like every one to think of Starbucks as a third place from work and home. Somewhere you can relax and still invite friends to! Great place to connect over coffee with friends or a date.

    it's not necessarily the names getting longer, its the customizations. we are constantly striving to give customers more options for their beverage, but generally speaking there are 4 base beverages; americano, latte, cappuccino and mocha. as well as our ice blended drink, frappucino.

    hope that helps!


    if you wanna be suave about it, ask them what their favorite drink is, and ask them to put some extra love in it. or you can be real, and ask if you could sit down for coffee with them on their break.


    7 people out of my 14 person store, are gay. lol.


    Starbucks is a liberal company that does not discriminate against gay employees, and thus these employees encourage their friends to visit. This may have started some time ago and just became a staple after a while.

    I'd say the most popular size is grande, right in the middle.

    no, the next size will not have wheels, just a bigger straw. haha


    REJOICE! it's true!
    Now or lactose intolerant, vegan and soy loving customers will be able to order a completely dairy free frappucino. The make up is as follows:
    Coffee Concentrate Base (Similar to Extra Strong brewed coffee in a sense)
    Sweetening Syrup Base to give it that creamy sweet texture we love.
    And your choice of milk and favorite syrup!

    Be excited. Soy Dark Cherry Mocha Frappucino is heaven!


    Starbucks doesn't drug test. Just Saying.


    It's actually my staple first date, i like being somewhere i'm comfortable, as long as it's not my store, I'm happy.

    You can ask me out for coffee whenever you like haha.


    For some people, straight coffee is to strong. Or they enjoy a creamier consistency. It's just a preference.
  3. hairdye

    Full Member

    Apr 9, 2007
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    Orange County, CA
    depends on your drink.
    no whip cream is the easiest withdraw.
    you can choose non-fat milk if it's latte based.
    and less pumps of syrup if you get a syrup latte.
    maybe even a sugar-free syrup if the syrup you get is (vanilla, caramel, hazelnut or Cinnamon Dulce)

    let me know what your drink is, what you like (sweet drinks, creamy drinks) and i'll come up with something for ya! :]


    No, i've never had coffee thrown at me. I've been told I was worse than McDonalds. Which pretty much broke my heart and I cried a little. Mean old man.

    And I have been preached to about starbucks and supporting local coffee- HERE IS MY RESPONSE.

    Starbucks actually believe it or not helps to PROMOTE local coffee. Most people think we're the corporate joe trying to put mom and pop out of business. not true. Face it, starbucks is VERY popular. due to our popularity, we are constantly opening up new customer to the world of coffee. Which may inspire a love for coffee in them, and encourage them to explore other coffee shops.

    Bet you never thought of it like that. The only coffee seller we aspire to destroy, is McDonalds.


    Mint Chocolate was a summer promotional syrup 2 summers ago.
    The mint chocolate syrup has been discontinued.
    However, a knowledgeable barista should recommend you try a
    Java Chip Frappucino, with Peppermint syrup.

    Despite common misconception, we carry peppermint syrup year round.

    phew. last one. Hope i got everyone. Bring on some more!
  4. MusicIsLife

    Full Member

    Dec 31, 2007
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    Montréal, QC
    Squeee! I havent had a frappuccino[sp?] in 3 years, you've made my day :slight_smile: So now I have another question: Why is a Barista called a Barista? Why not just a coffee maker or something?
  5. xequar

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    Mar 20, 2007
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    Detroit area, Michigan
    I like some of Starbucks' politics. It's too bad I hate their coffee.

    Actually, they're losing it as we speak, at least in Michigan. Starbucks is closing a number of locations in Michigan, and many of their closed locations are being bought out by and made into Tim Hortons. In this economically beleagured blue-collar union state, Starbucks is seen as a snooty chain with bad-tasting overpriced coffee, whereas Tim Hortons is actually opening 18 new stores in a state with over 15 percent unemployment. Then, there's also Biggby here in Michigan, which is also pricey, but the coffee's really really good, the chain is based out of Lansing, and it doesn't have that snooty swarminess of most Starbucks locations.

    More Tim Hortons makes me VERY happy! :icon_bigg:thumbsup:
  6. hairdye

    Full Member

    Apr 9, 2007
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    Orange County, CA
    It's all about the lay of the land. Some people in some areas don't like Starbucks because of many of the misconceptions i spoke of. We may be closing stores, but we also open a store every week or so, somewhere in the WORLD. because there is Starbucks on nearly every continent. not that we've taken it over or anything. :]


    When our CEO, Howard Schultz first took control of the company, it was simply brewed coffee, no espresso. He combined his company Il Giornale, with Starbucks Coffee and Tea. Howard was inspired by small italian espresso shops and the way the Barista's (Coffee Maker in Italian) knew customers by name and made specialized espresso beverages for them.

    This is why many of Starbucks influence seems italian.
  7. biisme

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    Oct 9, 2007
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    Rhode Island
    We don't have that many Starbucks here. I'd say the max is 20. Now, that might sound like a lot because RI is such a small state.....but we have at least 124 Dunkin Donuts. With only 39 towns, that's at least 3 Dunkin Donuts per town.
  8. itIsMe

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    Mar 13, 2010
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    In the city where I live, here in Spain, there is no Starbucks. I have to travel to the neighbour city (which is bigger) for drink a Frapuccino (OMG! I loooove it!). I hope someday someone would place a Starbucks in my city, so I could enjoy Frapuccinos and gay baristas!! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
  9. hairdye

    Full Member

    Apr 9, 2007
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    Orange County, CA
    it's really all about location and demand for it. maybe if you got a punch of people to write in, it could happen, we listen to our customer suggestions all the time.
  10. SlickyPants

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    Oct 6, 2007
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    Winnipeg, MB, Canada
    I've personally never found Starbucks to be overpriced. Mind you, I never get the fancy stuff I usually just get a Venti Dark Roast coffee (20oz) (which runs me $2.05 if I remember correctly. I haven't been there in a while.) An extra large coffee (16oz) at Tim Horton's cost me $1.78. That's less then a penny more per ounce so it isn't much of a difference. For the past few months I've taken to making coffee at work rather than running to Tim's or Starbucks. It saves a whole lot of money but every now and again I forget my mug at home and grab a coffee from either place.
  11. hairdye

    Full Member

    Apr 9, 2007
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    Orange County, CA
    Do you put much cream in your coffee, Slickypants?
  12. SlickyPants

    Full Member

    Oct 6, 2007
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    Winnipeg, MB, Canada
    No. Once you go black you never go back.
  13. hairdye

    Full Member

    Apr 9, 2007
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    Orange County, CA
    aint it the truth. if you're getting a "dark roast" technically not always dark, but whatever our bold pick of the morning is, your coffee changes each week. ask the barista which pastry would pair well with whatever you're drinking.

    Pairing the right food with coffee opens up a new world!
  14. nickmc

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    Jan 5, 2008
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    Wellington, NZ
    I <3 this thread! I'm learning so much about coffee. (and how relatively cheap it is over in America! :dry:slight_smile:
  15. Austin

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    Apr 5, 2008
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    lol @ ellen. That was hilarious.

    Why'd they get rid of the small? :confused:;

    Ehhh, not a fan of starbucks. Don't like coffee much (tried it before, incidentally at Starbucks. I wanted to puke) and don't need to add any more unhealthy crap to my diet. I have enough unhealthy crap already. :slight_smile: But I do like the vanilla beans. They are ok.
  16. hairdye

    Full Member

    Apr 9, 2007
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    Orange County, CA
    the short is not gone. you can still order it, it's just no advertized as much and is mostly used for shots of espresso. it's only offered in hot drinks though, otherwise you'd have 4-6 ounces of drink.
  17. Austin

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    Apr 5, 2008
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    oic. I guess I was going by ellen haha. I realized *Randomly while I was watching Bleach :confused:* that I really didn't know for sure if they had gotten rid of it or not and I'll prolly look stupid asking if they didn't :grin:.
  18. hairdye

    Full Member

    Apr 9, 2007
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    Orange County, CA
    haha you don't look stupid :]
  19. Lychee

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    Aug 5, 2008
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    You Americans.. complaining about paying $2 for coffee. What the hell is up with that?

    In Australia Starbucks costs at least $5.

    But yeah, people don't drink it here as religiously as in the US. Starbucks became popular in the US because before Starbucks the market was pretty dominated by shitty instant coffee. However, in Australia, particularly in Melbourne, there is more of a café culture, and therefore Starbucks isn't seen as anything novel, but instead as a McDonalds type place. Most people I know prefer to go to little coffee shops if they want coffee, but Starbucks does have the "cool" factor for some people, and it is also a nice place to sit and do homework (yes, I know this from experience)
  20. hairdye

    Full Member

    Apr 9, 2007
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    Orange County, CA
    so, are you in fact saying starbucks's popularity opened peoples eyes to smaller coffee shops and made them more popular, rather than crushing them?.... interesting. :]