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The Penis of a Gay Male.

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by SupremeEmperor, Feb 28, 2013.

  1. Revan

    Full Member

    Jun 22, 2005
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    Out to everyone
    *looks down* Yup. It's true. :slight_smile:
  2. Mandy

    Regular Member

    Feb 17, 2013
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    Labeling sexuality or labeling gender is all wrong. You do not have to be a fem boi or even effemininine to be gay You do not even have to be butch to be lesbian.

    You can be a transman or transwomen and still like the members of the same sex or even like other transpeople. Its who you are inside that matters.

    Relationships are a bond of inside. The problem is many people think that you must have sex or you must be involved. You do not. In fact, that might be why the failed relationships are taking place. Many are in a relationship because they need to be and not following nature.

    I have met plenty of guys who are gay and do not have the stereotype look. Then I even met some men with feminine tendencies that are very straight and babe magnets where they can just walk in to a bar and pick up and lady.

    Even the Bible Belt States like Georgia, Alabama, and the Florida Panhandle have gays despite the myth that the Southern Baptists (or any denomination for that matter) will not let gays move in to those areas or make it hard for them to be themselves. One day, years ago, I went to a nude beach near Destin. It seems like only a few men were there and a couple were gay. This beach, I do not know if it is allowed anymore, is around the corner from many churches and in a Dry County where blue laws against alcohol are still in place.

    Heck, I hate when people put political labels on people too! That is false! Just because you disapprove with Obama, some people say you are a Republican! That is false, cause I disapprove of our current President, but I also hate the far right agenda as well. Daryl Hannah told Hannity on Fox, "I am what I am", after he called her a liberal for being against the Keystone pipeline.

    Not too bring in politics to this, as I did not mention it to debate, but to show that we need to not stereotype or place labels on people which we are doing. Everyone is different and some are going to have small penises while some are large and some in between or even like me with a micro peeny!
  3. Someone should write that...
  4. BoiGeorge

    BoiGeorge Guest

    Thats interesting...