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The lights went out

Discussion in 'Gender Identity and Expression' started by staticinmyattic, Sep 27, 2021.

  1. staticinmyattic

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    Aug 23, 2021
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    So, came out to myself, my wife, my therapist as trans. Started the start. Then my soul just flickered out. The feelings of gender perception all went away, and with them most of my sense of self. Bit by bit, it’s been feeling like parts of my spirit are breaking off. I no longer feel at all like I’m trans. Hell, don’t feel like a person, my gender is as important as that of a rock. Not depressed so much as numb. Panic attacks have started on a daily/every other day basis. Got a prescription for fast acting zanax. I am not following through on my desire to take it all the time, just saving it for times when professional demands make being depressed impossible. Otherwise I’m just watching the colors fade. I don’t think I ever was trans. I think I just spent so many years bearing myself up for any amount of feminine expression that I mistook the opened flood gates of repression to be a bigger reveal than it was. I’ve just spent 4 decades telling myself how horrible I am, and whether I was right doesn’t matter. I’ve made myself right.
  2. Rayland

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    Aug 12, 2021
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    Sorry to hear all that, but it's okay. Feelings do change, that's why it's important to test things out before having any irreversible damage. Everything is in constant changing and change can be scary.

    It seems to me that you are just scared of changing yourself, because your gender is very important to you. Maybe you are scared to change, because you are scared to lose your sense of self, after that change and don't want to regret? It's okay for feelings to change. After all you are only human. Change is also okay. Change is needed to become true to ourselves.

    If it helps you and you have been prescribed to take it everyday, then you should follow this through.

    You kept beating yourself down for it and you still seem to keep doing it.

    You deserve to be happy, whether you are trans or not. You are still you, with all of your emotions, perceptions and expression.
  3. tidalpool127

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    I think self-discovery is a process and can be scary. Especially if those discoveries cause conflict in your life or cause a lot of change. I think you have to be yourself, whatever that means. I'm no expert, but I'm staring to understand that trying not to be yourself, even for the ones you love, doesn't really work. Not in terms of happiness anyway.
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  4. chicodeoro

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    I'm a bit perplexed by this Static - has there been something in particular that has brought on these feelings?

    I'm not sure I understand what you're saying here. When you say 'right' what do you mean?

    Also...have you explained all this to your wife? (who was supportive, I think I'm right in saying..) What is her take on it?

  5. staticinmyattic

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    Aug 23, 2021
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    It’s just how I’ve always been. I thought that it was a product of repression of gender identity. It’s not. I’m just another white cis het American male. I don’t have a community, and I feel like an intrusion in this one, which is why I’m not posting lately. I’m just another asshole straight white guy who needs to be “special”. I am special though. I have crippling treatment resistant depression, and always will. Most don’t.
  6. Rayland

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    Why do you think that? I also wonder what happened, that made you think that way. There has to be a reason behind it. I don't believe you have always been like that. You are not an intruder. You are already part of this community. You are in therapy, but it don't look like it's helping you. Maybe you need another therapist? We are here to listen and support you. You don't have to feel like you are alone in this, because you are not.
  7. chicodeoro

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    Static, just to echo what Rayland said - absolutely you are part of this community.

    Also...I'm no psychotherapist but if this is 'just' depression (treatment resistant or not), you don't 'just' join an LGTBQ+ message board and come out as trans to your partner.

    I totally get having doubts. I did myself and I think we all do at times - coming to terms with yourself can be so scary - but when you say 'it's just how I've always been' what you do mean?

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  8. Mihael

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    Well, this is what it's supposed to feel like. I no longer "feel like a man" tbh since I transitioned. Cisgender people don't really think about their gender much and when a trans person is true to who they are, they also don't "feel like a gender". This feeling is really discomfort or tension from withholding your gender expression. So maybe you just feel comfortable, because you don't hold back and you came out of the closet. Antidepressants and therapy won't treat that, just like they won't treat you to like a job that you dislike or love someone you don't love. Gender is a big part of our lives. There are lots of details that make up gender and they fall into the "small sources of happiness or discomfort" category.
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  9. staticinmyattic

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    Aug 23, 2021
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    Thanks for being nice to me everyone. When I say “I’ve made myself right,” I mean that I’ve spent so much time hating myself that there isn’t a self without hate. For a moment, when I was operating under the “I’m trans and am about to transition” assumption, I felt what I imagine being “born again” felt like. New me! Fresh start! Sins washed clean! I’m considering that it could have been any transformation that would have given me that feeling of freedom. I don’t think there’s anything or anyone in particular that I want to be. Just not this. Simply put, I have a thing written by with me that makes me miserable and unpleasant to be around. It comes and goes but never leaves entirely. It is incredibly painful physically and emotionally (I feel like I ate glass at the moment. To my knowledge I have not). Anyway, I think that my story is that I’m just another straight white male born in the century when some of us started to grow a conscience and realize “Wow… God’s gotta be PISSED at us for what we did to his children.” I’m convinced that my own raging at my own existence and wanting to become something else entirely is not necessarily while male guilt as it is the will to continue the species telling me to fucking cool it with, you know, being born of the coupling I was born of. I do feel intrusive posting here. The belonging I am offered has everything to do with YOUR kindness, not me. I believe strongly that LGBTQIA+ people deserve and have
    By saying I’ve always been this way, I mean I do not possess any memory of a time before depression. It’s a dominant presence in all my earliest memories. The first one is getting caught by my mother in the bathroom, up on a stool so I could see the mirror, crying, and repeating “I hate you I hate you I hate you”. I was not yet in kindergarten. Her response was to remind me and make fun of me for it for years, mostly when her own mental health made life for our family difficult. Kind of her way of saying “Who are you to talk, YOU’RE the one with the problem.” Had a lot of problems with her. I was supposed to be one of those people that works but doesn’t have to. My grandparents became wealthy developing better ways for the American military to kill people. When I see images from Vietnam, naked burned children running in terror, I see my legacy. I feel the weight of personal responsibility. I thank in advance those who will tell me I am not to blame. I know, and I appreciate your kindness. It’s more than that. It’s like a curse. I don’t believe in the supernatural, like, at all. But the weight of responsibility is as real as it gets. The guilt is my only inheritance, the financial bequeathment mysteriously vanished somewhere between my grandmother’s death and my mom’s year of lavish globe trotting. I’ll never know exactly how that worked out, she had a stroke recently, so any thing unresolved is staying that way. I’m the only family who lives close. She is in assisted living (an arrangement I had to take on myself, along with the judgement by those who see me as “putting my mom in a home”). She is solely dependent on me for emotional support, and the job of taking care of her is wearing me down to a nub. I am trying to do my student teaching to become a high school teacher, which is not a job that can be done during an ongoing unaddressed mental health crisis.

    What I need is a time out. I need a chance to work on myself. To do things for myself, to just be WITH myself, try to get to know who I am, because I have no fucking idea anymore. I’m thinking in all of those euphemisms for suicide that people use. “I want to go away”, “I don’t want to be around anymore”, etc. The suicide door is closed, locked, welded shut, and encased in 6 feet of concrete. It ain’t happening. Wanting to die while knowing without question that I won’t and just have to wait for it to happen on its own is actually worse than knowing the escape hatch exists.
  10. staticinmyattic

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    Aug 23, 2021
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  11. staticinmyattic

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    An unfinished thought in my last post: I believe strongly that LGBTQIA+ people have a basic human right to safe spaces free from straight white cis male dominance. We dominate all other spaces and have safety everywhere. And yet for many of us, we can’t just let other people have things. I believe I was born with a spirit that matches my lineage: aggressive, cruel, dominating, petulant, and desperately in need of constant validation. You know why so many white guys love Donald Trump? They see themselves in him. That makes them feel good. I see myself in him too, except I loathe myself for it. They say that dogs bred for aggression can be raised to be gentle. This is true, but it takes work to overcome
    traits that have been bred for many many generations. I am a dog that has been bred to dominate and hurt. I have been raging against this nature my whole life, turning my naturally given propensity for dominance and cruelty inward on myself. In a biological system, life finds a way to cull organisms that threaten equilibrium. I’m beginning to suspect that the epidemic of self destruction among white men, especially in America, is a product of nature restoring equilibrium. We are an invasive species.
  12. Rayland

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    Transition does not make your problems go away and make you someone else. You still are you, it just means you can express your true self and that's why people transition. I get here that your imagination and the reality didn't really match up. That can happen, but your soul is still the same. That wont go away.

    You are not responsible for your grandparents deeds, so therefore I don't think you should feel guilty. You were born in this world for a reason and I don't think it was to punish your grandparents, but it just means that you can be someone who can give kindness to others, rather than hurt others. You are your own person.

    You have a lot on your plate and I can see why it's all overwhelming. I am helping out my parents and sister too who have a disability and going to school the same time and on job hunting too. I know how hard it can get. It probably feels like you have no time to look after your own happiness as well and having to be strong at the same time. You are working on your mental health and it surely can be discouraging if it don't feel like it's getting better, when you need to be better now, but all things take time.

    Yeah I do get it, but suicide is never an answer. It don't do anyone any good. If you get a chance to rest, then get outside, breathe fresh air and maybe you could take your wife to a date too. I think you both might need a bit of a breather.

    You are not some other species, we are all human and feel basic human feelings and have basic human needs and if these feelings and needs are ignored, then the soul will be unhappy, as soon as you meet these needs, then it will get better.
  13. staticinmyattic

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    Aug 23, 2021
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    I really do appreciate all the kindness. I’m going to try to express this as best I can. I can recognize the kindness, and appreciate it. It really isn’t lost on me, so thank you. It’s the content that doesn’t connect. When I try to analyze and assimilate any argument against my being fundamentally loathsome, my brain seizes up. I get the 1000 yard state, and I shut down. I appreciate the kindness, and I’m sorry that I’m not able to realize it’s intended effect
  14. Rayland

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    I don't need any thanks. I consider people here as friends and when friends are in trouble, then of course you would try to help and offer advise. That's okay, if you are not able to realize it's effect. As long as you get something from, what I have said, then it's all good. Remember, if you want to vent or just talk, then we are all here for you.
  15. tidalpool127

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    I'm no psychologist, but I do know what it is like to have a shadow in your mind. This shadow whispers to you, telling you that you are not good enough, can never be good enough. That you deserve all your misfortune and more. Your shadow, this darker part of your mind, is lying to you. Even if what it whispers has some basis in fact, it twists things that happened and often speaks in hyperbole. It will convince you that you are hated by those who in reality love you.

    You described this harsh, hateful voice in your head in your first post. That's the shadow, but it ain't the only thing that lives in there. You also described a caring, nurturing voice. I know that voice probably scares you a bit because it is female. I don't think that necessarily means anything about your gender identity though, maybe you've just be conditioned to see such traits as female, I don't know. I would encourage you to listen to that voice though. That voice can see the reality better that that dark voice can. Don't listen to that dark voice, it is an exaggerating liar.
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  16. Mihael

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    Okay then. But I don't care if you're a dude, personally. I have lots of cis het male friends. I don't care. If you weren't right about being trans - it's fine. Everyone makes mistakes and I don't see why you need to beat yourself up over this. I have a dominant temperament and I see nothing wrong with it. I figure that you would think that posting here and talking would be that dominance? But then what, you should do literally nothing? Being proactive and then making mistakes isn't a bad thing at all. Mistakes are a part of the process, it's just how the world works. To avoid mistakes, you would need to be a basement dweller.
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  17. tidalpool127

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    Hey static...I just wanted to say that to me it feels wrong to describe yourself as cruel. Your feelings are valid and no, I don't truly know you. But I have known cruel men. From my POV, I have shared things on here that you could certainly been cruel about. The dominant heteronormative, patriarchal narrative in you and I's nation would have certainly encouraged you to have been cruel to me, given that my behaviors run counter-current to this narrative. However, not only were you not cruel you were kind and supportive. I think your assessment of yourself as this cruel person is not based in reality, at least of what I have observed of you on here.
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  18. Mihael

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    I don't know the whole story either, and honestly, I don't really care what the reason behind it is, but this whole beating yourself up in this thread is needless and it feels to me like the OP is hurting a lot, and even if it was like they are describing and they really were this evil man who talks over people, the feelings of guilt are completely unproportional to the apparent hurt caused to someone. People don't have to be right 100% of the time, hello *waves a flag with that engraved*

    (Also, I kinda feel personally hurt by this narrative that men are inherently evil, aggressive etc. No, men and masculinity aren't evil. There is a branch of feminism that promotes this notion, but... a bunch of people promoting an idea doesn't make it true? And yes, I could see an aspect of myself in Trump, not in his LGBT-phobia and racism, but I could see myself in him being a successful masculine man... I see nothing wrong with being an entrepreneur and all that jazz)
  19. staticinmyattic

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    Aug 23, 2021
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    My apologies, I do not mean to offend. I am not in a good place and am doing a very poor job of regulating myself. That is no excuse. I am sorry.
    #19 staticinmyattic, Sep 30, 2021
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2021
  20. Mihael

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    No, you didn't offend me, I'm not that easy to offend. I'm just saying I don't like it and you don't need to apologize.

    This notion of people being guilty just because they belong to some demographic is plain stupid. I'm not sure what else I should say, I can see clearly that you're in a very bad place emotionally and I'm not very good at reassuring people, because I'm not very emotional. What helps me in such moments is knowing that what these feelings say isn't true. So no, even if you caused some harm to others, certainly not as much as you're inflicting on yourself right now. It's okay make mistakes. They're a part of life.

    For me this notion that men are inherently bad people was something I heard from some women with regard to myself too. And I was told that I talk over people (hmmm, maybe by having mostly guy friends, I got used to interacting with people in a certain way) and that I'm loud and obnoxious. I bought into it for a moment. The thing is... being quiet and cautious isn't the ultimate good. Being always quiet and cautious would result in nothing getting done, because everything would require checking 100 possible scenarios and taking precautions to them before taking action. I don't know, there are certain things that would clearly be disrespectful, I can't come up with an example in the moment, but being wrong about your gender identity isn't one of them. Especially because it isn't deliberate. If you trolled this forum on purpose, it would be worse, but still, it's a public, common space, it's for people to talk about these topics, so... you just use the space as intended. There is no "true trans" certificate needed to post here. So nothing bad happened in the first place.