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[Story] Pop Goes the Weasel

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by Gothitil, Feb 21, 2011.

  1. Gothitil

    Gothitil Guest

    (The actual story is in the last spoiler of the post)​

    My stors(-ies) will be based on the actions of two main characters. Both will have seperate stories and have no interaction at all, they have completely different personalities as well in hopes to have a story that appeals to more people. My story is during a time of surprise war. Terrorists have acquired nuclear bombs, and will set them off in 5 cities across the nation of the United States. Both of the main characters live near a targeted city. The rest you'll have to find out as you read.

    I'll try to keep to a routine for each of them. Maybe one week I will do Josua's story, and another I will do Stephanies. The general length of each chapter, or as I will call them "books" will be at least two pages double spaced of Arial 11 font.

    I will also have description of each character mentioned in the book and I will add them as I will go. I will have the two main characters at the bottom of this post.

    Hopefully you'll like this.

    Book 1-J Main Character
    Name: Joshua Tanning
    Gender: Male
    Age: 17
    Appearence: Dirty blond hair, blue eyes, light skin, skinny with little muscle mass, about five foot six inches tall (168cm)
    Special traits: Gay, very logical, anti-social, sarcastic
    Hometown: Ravenna, Ohio

    Book 1-S Main Character
    Name: Stephanie Jenner
    Gender: Female
    Age: 19
    Appearance: Dark brown hair, green eyes, caramel-toned skin (biracial), athletic build, about five foot nine inches tall (175cm)
    Special traits: Social, impulsive, strong, and for the record she is not gay.
    Hometown: Buffalo, Texas.

    Characters in Book 1-J:
    Name: Joshua Tanning
    Gender: Male
    Age: 17
    Appearence: Dirty blond hair, blue eyes, light skin, skinny with little muscle mass, about five foot six inches tall (168cm)
    Special traits: Gay, very logical, anti-social, sarcastic
    Hometown: Ravenna, Ohio

    Name: Jessica
    Age: 17
    Appearance: Red hair, a bit chubby, green eyes, light skin, five foot siz (168 cm)
    Special traits: Not very smart, social, easily-manipulated, sensitive
    Hometown: Ravenna, Ohio.

    Name: Alysia
    Age: 18
    Appearance: Blonde, skinny, short (five foot [152 cm])
    Special traits:Stubborn, obnoxious, funny, intelligent, a bit racist
    Hometown: Youngstown, Ohio (living in Ravenna, Ohio)

    Name: Mrs.Jawyn
    Age: 50
    Appearance: Black hair, chubby, older appearance
    Special traits: Uses cane,generally friendly but will attack you if you pinch her nerve.

    Name: Alex Baldwin
    Age: 39
    Appearance: Scar across forehead, gray hair, tall, muscular

    Book 1-J: The World Changes in a Flash
    Alex Baldwin, the leader of a home-grown Anarchist group called the "Free-givers" stepped up onto a make-shift stage. "What you see in these pictures are suitcase nukes. They were designed by the Soviets during the reign of the Soviet Union. After the collapse, these bombs made their way on the black market. We've programmed them to detonate on Tuesday at noon. You have six days to drive one of the unmarked white delivery vans into your designated city, and park it within the confined locations. The blast will completely destroy everything within a 10 mile radius of the blast, not to mention the spread of the fallout. Your job is to deliver the package and get the hell out of there. If you don't, we will not come looking for you. We will leave you there to die. We will have people tracking your every movement to make sure that you do not go to the authorities. If we suspect that you are a traitor, we will kill you. Now leave, you have 6 days."


    (6 days later)

    "Asseyez-vous, asseyez-vous!" screamed the my French teacher, Mrs.Jawyn at the beginning of French class. I sat in my seat, and stared forward in silence. I couldn't concentrate on what the teacher was saying, honestly who cares? It's French, after-all my parents only forced me to take it because they wanted to add culture into my life. After I came out to them as gay, that's all they want to do. They want to enlighten me on the worlds' cultures. That's all that was on my mind, I just can't seem to figure out how to react to this.

    "Etienne, vous attendez le bus le matin?" I heard my teacher say while I was zoning out. It's kind of hard to pay attenton when there is cracks all up the walls and water dripping from the season. Old school my ass, this place is ancient. "What?" I replied, "Do you wait for the bus in the morning? Honestly Steven, how do you expect to pass this class. All you do is sit and stare at whatever you want! You're a senior this year, that doesn't mean you get to slack off. Pay attention!" I heard the snickering of the lower-classmen in my classroom, but I was too distracted. I looked at the clock. "Almost lunch" I thought to myself. Around 11:50 the announcements suddenly came on, "Staff and students, this is an emergency, all people in the school must report to the old gymnasium at once. Thank you." The class instantly began to bicker, asking what was wrong. Mrs.Jawyn ended her lesson sharply with a slew of mispronounced French words and ignorant comments, then we went to the gym. However, I did not go. I caught up with my friends Alysia and Jessica (or as I call, baby-mama) in the halls and we went into the bathroom. Alysia started with, "What do you think is going on?" I replied, "I don't know. They did this when the Virginia Tech shootings happened in middle school. So it could just be one of those ordeals." "Oh no!" Jessica screamed. "Those things scare me, I really hope it's nothing! It's probably just some speaker and they forgot to tell the teachers there was an assembly. Mrs.Hardy always does that. What a stupid ho!" We all chuckled at Jessica's description of our principal.

    After five minutes or so, we gathered our stuff and went out to Alysia's car. It's always handy to have a friend who drives when you feel like ditching school, even though its a piece of trash. Covered in rust, has dents from Alysia's fine driving, while it sounds like a 100 year old man coughing up a lung. Attractive. "Hurry, I don't feel like being pulled down the halls by the security guards when we get caught, like we always do." We started to run, and we all hoped into Alysia's car. She quickly turned on the 104.1, the country music station. "Gross!" Jessica quickly blurted. "I hate country music. So does Steve! Let's turn it to a rap station, that's something we all can enjoy." I chuckled and said, "Okay, I want what you smoked this morning because you don't like rap, yet now you randomly like it. Nice. I want to taste your hypocrisy!" I kissed her on the cheek as a joke. "Stop it! I'm not smoking anything!" Jessica said while laughing. "Stop jumping around you guys, it's icy out and I don't feel like flying through a windshield when we crash." Alysia screamed. "Well, then maybe you should put on your seat-belt, mighty Queen Alysia." I said.

    We all stopped talking, and we hit a red light. "Lost the game!" I screamed, I tend to do that when green lights turn red right when you get to them. I glanced at the clock, it was exactly noon. Then I saw a flash, sort of like lighting with an orange tint. We all did, and we all quickly turned to see what it was. What we saw wasn't normal. Anyone could see that. We saw a red and gray mushroom cloud in the west growing in size. "Oh my god." "What is that? It looks like..a giant mushroom!" Alysia and Jessica said respectively. "We need to leave." I stated. "But it's a red-" "I don't care, just go. We need to go to my house, I will explain everything there. Just go, now!" Alysia ran the red light, all traffic had stopped due to the spectacle. As we drove the two more miles back to my house, we witnessed multiple car accidents. One thought kept going through my head constantly - the world has changed in a single flash.
    #1 Gothitil, Feb 21, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 21, 2011
  2. Witchcraft

    Witchcraft Guest

    Omg Soundz! Interesting 0_0