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so complicated

Discussion in 'Coming Out Advice' started by hello2, Oct 30, 2007.

  1. hello2

    Regular Member

    Oct 9, 2007
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    I was hoping maybe I could get some advice/reflection on my complicated situation since at the moment no one in the reallife world seems like a good idea to say too much to yet. I am in a weird situation where I am in a long distance relationship with a boyfrined (which may not last much longer, probably won't), but I also really like a female friend of mine, which is something new to me. I sort of thought it would blow over but I have been waiting for a few months and it doesn't seem to be blowing over. Also this friend is gay. And maybe likes me as more than a friend but thinks I'm straight...although I think I have been making hints accidentally or not about being otherwise. But, I still have a boyfriend. And she will probably have to leave this area in half a year or so, and starting a relationship seems like a good way to screw up a lasting friendship especially if you have to move away from eachother anyway. But I am getting ahead of myself since I could make things awkward long before then if she doesn't like me like that anyway. I told my boyfriend I like her also, good idea or bad idea I don't know, I was just being honest. He didn't take it that well. But not asbad as could be, he sort of told me he thought I was mistaken, and has just acted moderately jealous since. On the bright side I have been very happy lately being around someone I like so much:slight_smile: Advice... reflections..?
  2. Louise

    Full Member

    Sep 19, 2007
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    Ok for what it's worth, if you feel that your long distance relationship isn't working out or going anywhere and in anycase you need time and freedom to sort out your feelings in your head I think honesty is the best policy and that you say this to your boyfriend and either split up with him or put your relationship on a different level.

    Dig deep within your heart and try to be honest with yourself about your feelings for your boyfriend and your hopes for the future with him. Once you admit your true feelings you can take the next step.

    As for the girl you are attracted to, if the feeling is mutuel, I would go with it. It might last 6 weeks, 6 months, 6 years, who knows? If you don't give it a try you never will and you will always have regrets. I would worry about the moving away in 18 months time when and if it happens. A lot can happen in 18 months, cross that bridge when you come to it. :kiss:
  3. ebra

    Full Member

    Nov 2, 2007
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    Edmonton (In Alberta, In Canada!)
    wow. that is a complete mirror into my situation!! its almost freaky. Except that I am living with my boyfriend and he doesnt know that I like her. He is still jealous of her though, because he can see that theres something going on, he says that shes got me wrapped around her finger. I guess as far as advice goes, i dont have much, cause i am in the same boat. but keep us posted as to what is going on. and we should definitally trade stories or something. see if we can help eachother out :grin: