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So close! But so far.

Discussion in 'Coming Out Advice' started by LdSlnce, Mar 6, 2012.

  1. LdSlnce

    LdSlnce Guest

    Dec 12, 2011
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    Not On Your Street
    Almost told my mom I'm a boy! I kept saying that I'll tell her when she drops me off, so I can just avoid a talk until the lesson is over. I had literally opened my mouth to say it, but then nerves crashed down and suffocated me...it was horrible. :icon_sad:

    I want to tell her, I really do, but I'm just scared that nothing will change - in a beneficial way - if I do speak up. I want to be referred to as a male; I want to dress like a boy; I want to be me! But the thought of that being denied is horrifying...

    Could you all help me build up some courage? I need to tell her; the physical toll is becoming too much. So...:help:
  2. Mirko

    Admin Team Advisor Full Member

    Apr 26, 2008
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    Northern Hemisphere
    Gender Pronoun:
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    Out Status:
    Out to everyone
    Hi there! First off, be proud for having tried! Trying and getting to the point of wanting to talk to your mom, is already pretty good! (*hug*)

    What could help you is to figure out as to how your mom might react to you telling her that you are a boy. Did she every say or remark anything that would lead you to feel that nothing would change even if you would tell her?

    If you feel that your mom will be supportive and would want to help you in your journey, maybe give yourself one or two days, and then try again.

    Sometimes, what can help is to write down all of the things you want to say to your mom. That can build up an additional layer of courage and comfort.
  3. Jim1454

    Full Member

    Mar 13, 2007
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    Don't plan on dropping this bomb on your mom and then hopping out of the car to run into a music lesson. Plan on telling her when you're both home alone and can talk over a cup of tea or something. I think that's only fair.

    Also, remember that this will come as a shock, and your mom may not react the way you'd like her to. And even if she reacts fairly positively, don't expect her to immediately referring to you as her son. She's known you your entire life as her daughter and just like it's taken you some time to come to accept and understand this - it's going to take her some time too. So don't set unrealistic expectations around what will change and how quickly. Things will take time.