Shoulder issue and weight loss/gain

Discussion in 'Physical & Sexual Health' started by stumble along, Jan 5, 2013.

  1. stumble along

    Full Member

    Dec 8, 2011
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    Heyo, since the beginning of winter break i have been for the most part sticking to a workout routine for various reasons that don't concern this post. I also Play/played a lot of tennis (which may be relevant)

    recently ive been having issues with annoying pain in my left shoulder, and im guessing its my rotator cuff but that doesnt make sense because im right handed.

    it only hurts when i do push ups or work on my triceps, biceps and anything else it doesn't hurt, and it stops when i stop doing whatever it is that causes the sensation.

    the second part is a question about what im doing. for the most part, i switch muscle groups every other day, and my muscles only ache if i dont work them in 2 days. what remains constant (i try to do everyday) are pushups, situps, and running

    for my running i started at 2 miles every other day, and the next time id go to 2.5, 3, etc.
    i couldnt go past 3 for about a week (me changing speeds to go faster, added an incline) but as of now im running every day and upping the distance after the second time i run the same distance (3,3,3.5,3.5,4,4,4.5 etc) and currently running 4 miles.
    is this a good way of doing my running?

    and im trying to aim for eating 6 times a day (one of those time being a protein shake thingy) but because i work out so late (12am) and it usually takes me so long im in bed by two-four, and nine hours of sleep and im waking up past breakfast and everything

    and my last thing is that since im going back to school tomorrow is there any way i can work on triceps (well, not until i fix my shoulder) shoulders, and back without going to the gym? like at home stuff?
    i have 2 20 lb weights and a 8lb medicine ball, i dont think ill be able to run (that onvolves going to the gym, i usually run around at night from dorm to studio and other stuff, but its cold now) but hopefully ill be playing tennis.

    and if you must know for 3 weeks on what ive been doing i can see a difference, lower stomach area is being very stubborn despite 80 pushups/situps a day (upping it by 10 every day, dont really know anything else)