Romatic cancels sex?

Discussion in 'Sexual Orientation' started by DesertTortoise, Nov 21, 2013.

  1. DesertTortoise

    Full Member

    Aug 4, 2013
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    Philadelphia, since 1964.
    Hang on.

    This isn't gonna be linear.

    I spent the day in the kitchen, and learnign ASL.
    I don't give a fuck about the phony piglrim shit.. T-Day has always been a relief for me from the religious holidays, and from the irreducibly patriotic holidays like Jul 4.. a time to celebrate what we have together--whatever it is, whoever we are.
    in the ox, an Oxmate won't be here next week so wanted to have a collective dinner this week. I spent the day making gravey for the Lasagne I'll make it tomorrow, a couple of apple pies, a banana pudding for tonight ( with morange!) however the fuck you spell it..-- and learning ASL... American Sign Language.
    Since our new Deaf (the caps are significant... look it up!) Ox mate moved in, I've been wanting to do this. Thinking, my family history, and if I live into my 80's... I'll be signifigantly hard of hearing. So.. go for expensive hearing devices.... or spend a few years learning a new language? Interfacing with a new culture?
    Seems like not choice at all. I will not mark my physical changes as "disabilities".. but find in them as new abilitiesl.. to the day I die !

    So I sat in what we call the corridor of our collective.. and felt totally in love with the woman playing guitar and singing.... and realizing.. I could have that happen now, since coming out... fall in love with a woman (I am totally suseceptable).. and it has nothing to do with sex or wanting anthing more... since I came out. Since what I want from sex.. .is from men. But oh. I do fall in love with women! But not as sexual partners!
    If that hadn't be part of this.. I would have come out long, long long ago.