Role Reversal / Versatile

Discussion in 'Physical & Sexual Health' started by OnTheHighway, Sep 14, 2015.

  1. OnTheHighway

    Full Member

    Oct 9, 2014
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    I used to love being a bottom. Everything from submission to my partner, to the pleaseure of feeling the connection with him inside of me, to the types of orgasms I would get.

    However, over the past six months, I seem to have evolved and now bottoming does not have the same satisfaction as it previously did. The sensations have diminished and even my orgasms are not what they used to be. Given my partner and I are both versitale, although we had our preferred roles, we have begun to rotate more frequently.

    I do enjoy topping, I perceive the orgasms have a different type of intensity and feeling than bottoming (not that one is better than the other, just different) and being inside of him now seems to be more intimate to me than the other way around. I should also add, for purposes of understand the situation. that I have a rather large sex drive and enjoy being intimate with my partner frequently.

    My partner, whom is versatile as I stated, gets more satisfaction out of topping than bottoming. At the same time, his sex drive is not as high as mine. When he does bottom, he needs quiet some time before he is ready to bottom again (up to a week). If he were topping, he can be ready to go very quickly (within a few hours).

    I am wondering if I am simply going through a phase in order to do something different, if my tastes have fundamentally evolved; or maybe I have just become a bit desensitised when I bottom. I actually miss the sensations I used to have previously.

    The physical intimacy my partner and I have is usually outstanding, and I want that to continue. But with this recent evolution, we seem to be in a bit of a rut trying to figure out how to adjust.

    It would be easier if the sensations I previously had return, but I am clueless if it will.
  2. Calix

    Full Member

    Mar 14, 2014
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    Cambridgeshire, UK
    If you think you might be stuck in a rut, it might be worth trying out new things? Adding in sex toys or some other fantasy one of you may have had might help you in some way. I would recommend doing research before diving in as some things aren't actually practical/can be dangerous.