Quote :)

Discussion in 'Gender Identity and Expression' started by Mihael, Nov 16, 2017.

  1. Mihael

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    Jul 2, 2015
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    I've just found it on the web, and I like this description a lot. I thought I'd share.

    "When we strip away all our big words, I feel what's left as an essential 'core' of my transsexualism is my feelings. I feel what makes me happy and what makes me unhappy are my 'ultimate true description of being transsexual'. Before transitioning, sometimes people would think of me as though I was a man. Sometimes people make a really big deal about how men and women are different. These sorts of things used to make me *really* upset and I'd just end up feeling miserable about who I am."

    "I guess that's it. The "ultimate true description of being transsexual", to me, is just being happy and unhappy about certain kinds of things. It doesn't matter if I'm 'really' a woman. Ultimately that's just a word game. What matters is that everybody around me who knew me before thinks my decision to transition 'make sense'. Those who didn't know me feel I belong with other woman (even if I don't always pass). Causality debates don't matter either. Even if there was a transsexual gene or something, it's my emotional experiences which make me who I am. So, to me, emotions are at the center of what describes transsexuality."

    That was at genderpsychology.org
    Just a reminder: don't care about the norms and expectations. It's all about being youself and being happy :slight_smile:
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  2. Cody18

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    Apr 11, 2017
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    Ironically I’ve had several conversations about this, or at least things similar. I think quite often being trans is framed as “feeling like a woman/man/neither” etc. To me that’s never made sense, as how can one be sure that’s how others feel? Maybe some people can, but I’ve always struggled with the concept.

    Instead I’ve always viewed knowing yourself to be trans by looking at what would make you happy as the quote you’ve posted states. For example having a flat chest makes me feel happy, more me. So does a deep voice (for the limited time I can maintain it, hopefully not much longer before T). I also know I am going to be so happy once I’m finally able to have facial hair, bottom surgery, and be consistently called he without hesitation or confusion (if someone wants to be called they, they’d be able to do it by looking like me aha)

    The point is though, although my brain knows having those things would make me happy, more me etc. When I was working it out it was never “I want to be male” that was a secondary thought, rather, primarily at least it was “I should have these characteristics/why the hell don’t I?”

    So in my mind I only happen to be categorised as a trans male due to the characteristics I should have, not a strong feeling of “I’m a man!”, as I said that’s just secondary.

    Not sure if what I’ve said makes any sense to anyone but me, but thought I’d add my feelings on the matter.
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