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General News Project Veritas releases viral video on incitement of violence by DNC @ Trump rallies

Discussion in 'Current Events, World News, & LGBT News' started by A Republican, Oct 18, 2016.

  1. Eveline

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    Re: Project Veritas releases viral video on incitement of violence by DNC @ Trump ral

    The thing is, Trump's words aren't just words when you take into cobsideration the twosexual assault cases he settled in the past and the law suit against him concerning raping a 13 year old. I can accept that a person can be the target of a single false sexual assault charge but when there is a pattern, things become a b8t more damning. His words show that he objectifies women and sees them as things there to serve him and satisfy his desires and so does his actions.

    He clearly believes that his money gives him the right to hurt others as long as he clears his conscious by paying them. This abuse of power is what is truly frightening about Trump, the one person you don't want as a leader is the person who takes abuse of power lightly because that is the kind of person who can destroy a democracy and you don't have second chances. People follow narratives and leaders can use narratives to pesuade people that to protect them, anti democratic laws must be passed, it gappend through inciting hate and fear and Trump is a master of doing so. As you said, you perceive Hillary as a danger because she advocates giving Syrians a chance to move to the US. That's what's driving people to support Trump despite him clearly being an awful human being, he is inciting fear and hatred through narratives, calling mexicans rapists and drawing upon fear of islamic terrorism to strengthen his support base.

    What Hillary's actions show that eventhough her actions might be ultimately hurtful,her untentions are good. She sees people that are suffering and cares enough about them enough to want to take them in. It shows that she wants to do good. Trump's actions are the exact opposite, he only sees power and will say anything or do anything to get more of it. He also sees it as something that he has a right to do and says clearly that once he is in power he will use it to put people he perceives as criminals in jail. Ignoring the fact that that isn't within the boundaries of his position, that there is a seperation of the judicial system and the governing body for a reason in democracies.

    Beyond this, stuff like Trump university show that he will do anything for money including scaming people out of theirs. Guidelines to the staff of the university include selling the degrees to people who can't afford it using narratives that promise riches and fame and also what to do if the fbi comes knocking on the door. Clearly shows how 'honest' the venture was.

    His 'honesty' is also shown time and time again when he says he never said something that he was recorded saying during debates and speeches. Eventhough it is clear that he is lying, his tactics of denying things is actually really effective especially if he frames in the form of a narrative of things being rigged against him. Because people don't go and look up if he is actually lying, they take his word for it, they follow him and frame their perceptions around him being a victim and he abuses their trust and lies again and again calling the other party corrupt to paint himself as the victim. The thing is, you can proof check words and his lies are clear to anyone who is not taken by his victim rhetoric that everyone is against him, including the media and justice system and funnily enough also Emmies...

    Claiming that he is secretly a democrat is another lYer to this deceit because he is running for leadership under the republican banner. So either he is doing so under false pretenses or his demicratic views are not relevant or outright lies, you can't have it both ways and as long as he is running for presidency for the republucan party he id either being dishonest with the people of his party or his past democratic views are not in the slightest bit relevant to this discussion. In fact, thos is also a part of a pattern that he has, he often claims to have views and later contradicts himself depending on his audience. In fact, no one really knows what hus real views are and by saying that he has both views he simply gives people what they want to hear. He really supports all of his supporters views no natter what they are because he said so at one point or another, it doesn't matter that he said otherwise a week earlier or later. He gives people want they want to hear because all he cares about is power and what it will give him.
  2. A Republican

    A Republican Guest

    Sep 16, 2016
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    Re: Project Veritas releases viral video on incitement of violence by DNC @ Trump ral

    Not at all, I am conservative and I align with conservative politics and if American I would call myself a Republican in that respect. If Paul Ryan or say Mitt Romney was the nominee I would pinch my nose and vote for him because a.) he represents conservative interests or b.) because his opponent is far far worse (say Hillary as an example). Gary Johnson is frankly a moron, and I'm unsure why I even considered him competent - he hasn't got a clue what is happening in the world. However the large majority of conservatives are corrupt, that is public knowledge. Americans who remember traditional republican Presidents would know this.

    The traditional conservative Ted Cruz interested me in terms of social issues and economy as well as his flat rate 10% tax plan and had I been an American I would have voted for him for these things even if the Democratic nominee was Sanders. However Trump is different, he is exciting for many people in the same way that Sanders was exciting for others. He draws massive crowds because of these reasons.

    Trump is not a conservative, but he has ways of firing up a crowd. He is not my idea of a Republican or a Conservative but he will secure conservative interests because of the party he represents. He is also a reality TV star, the underdog who is bullied by the big companies, the corporate biased media and the entertainment industry - a vote for him; now that is more exciting than voting for a corrupt old hag who wants four more years of the same.

    I agree with you as I have many Muslim friends (from Turkey, Libya and Morocco) yet they have one thing in common. They grew up with Westernized values so they are the sort of people who don't necessarily pray five times a day and drink even more than sailors. They all disagree with LGBT issues saying our lifestyle is wrong - now these are the modern ones. There was only one who said he was ''okay'' with it but when I kissed a guy (just a light peck on the cheek mind) in front of him once, he changed his stance. In case you were wondering, yeah I kissed someone in front of him to see how he really felt. If you think Islam is so accepting of gays go to Turkey, which is the safest Islamic country (not even close to safe, but safer than the rest) and hold hands with a guy or kiss. I've done that in front of Christian folk, but I'm never doing that in a street filled with Turkish people, even if it is the safest Islamic country. You do know that a gay Syrian man (I think he was Syrian) was mutilated ad beheaded in Turkey recently right?

    Now imagine people living in a country who lived in a place where killing gay people is considered an acceptable thing and they are suddenly forced to abandon their home and their values and plonked in a place where everything that they were taught as wrong since birth is openly paraded in front of them. Did you know that some public pools in Germany and Sweden have signs saying that scantily-clad people (wearing swimming shorts / bathing suits) are not people advertising for sex? I'll leave it up to your imagination as to why these signs were erected.

    No they are not all extremists but that is a Trojan horse. Just saying. I would not take the risk of putting my people in danger to satisfy foreign interests if I was running for head of state.
    #22 A Republican, Oct 24, 2016
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2016
  3. YeahpIdk

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    Re: Project Veritas releases viral video on incitement of violence by DNC @ Trump ral

    Your obsession and knowledge of American politics is creepy and pointless.
    #23 YeahpIdk, Oct 24, 2016
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2016
  4. A Republican

    A Republican Guest

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    Re: Project Veritas releases viral video on incitement of violence by DNC @ Trump ral

    Your posts are entertaining and funny when faced with facts. I guess I should use trigger warnings in this part of the forum :lol:
  5. Cinis

    Cinis Guest

    Re: Project Veritas releases viral video on incitement of violence by DNC @ Trump ral

    No, it's quite normal. We were expected to watch the debates and learn about the candidate's life for school.
    Who becomes president is a very important topic for all non- Americans since the power the country has is so big. So naturally people are going to be informed and have an opinion on the matter despite being unable to vote or not living in that country. No matter who becomes president everyone else will be affected as well.
    Granted most Europeans are strongly against Trump but everyone has the right and freedom to their own opinion.
    In fact many non- American members have posted repeatedly within his threads but weren't specifically called out for it because they share the opinion of the majority.
  6. YeahpIdk

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    Re: Project Veritas releases viral video on incitement of violence by DNC @ Trump ral

    Why are you so obsessed with my country? You seem like a threat to security.
  7. Cinis

    Cinis Guest

    Re: Project Veritas releases viral video on incitement of violence by DNC @ Trump ral

    My experiences don't align with yours then as I have met many Muslims that were pro-LGBT or at least not against it. There are of course others or LGBT Muslims that chose their religion over their identity but it is not a majority or a standard where I live.

    I actually am from Germany and live in a quarter of town with many Muslims and immigrants. I haven't ever seen or heard of those problems. There are of course cultural differences but people tend to live and let live around here.
    Our media is also blowing things out of proportion occasionally. A Syrian was preparing a terrorist attack and was constantly referred to as " the Syrian" during news. While the men who caught him were never mentioned by nationality despite being Syrians as well. The news like to focus on negative examples as positive ones are often not newsworthy.
    There is also the fact that people tend to imagine young bearded men when thinking of an immigrant but forget all the children and women that are also fleeing.
    Those people don't want to leave their homes, they are running from war. Denying then a place to live in peace is denying our own principles and ideals.

    I know about the situation in Turkey and other Islamic countries. But there's a difference to here. In a state where hatred isn't punished people will act on their hate. Here they'll have to suck it up or face the consequences. Besides the problems within these states aren't caused by their religion, the religion is just used as a reason to do these things.
  8. A Republican

    A Republican Guest

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    Re: Project Veritas releases viral video on incitement of violence by DNC @ Trump ral

    I'm not obsessed with your country. It's embarrassing. It's a freaking mess. My country is somewhat similar in that respect, so I can relate although being 19 trillion dollars in debt must be a first.

    But there is yet some hope for it in the form of President Donald Trump. Hope that wasn't very triggering either.

    ROFLMAO @ threat to security. Yes, this queer will totally terrorize America with his very triggering opinions. Someone really got berned, I got to say that! :lol:

    @Cinis *shrug* you're from Germany? It has to be a rosy part of Germany though. Others in Germany weren't so lucky:

    German Christians, women and homosexuals forced to flee from Muslim men | Daily Mail Online

    Homophobia among Muslim students in Germany | Globalization | DW.COM | 20.03.2012

    However I'd like to bring Britain into this. It's a recent poll and I'm familiar with but I also threw in an older one.

    Ban homosexuality, 52% of British Muslims say in poll - CNN.com

    Poll finds more than half of British Muslims believe homosexuality should be illegal | The Independent

    Also relevant is:



    Note, it does not say 'disagree' with homosexuality. But rather, making it ILLEGAL. Hence you get punished for it. Don't act too surprised - 33% of British Muslims want Sharia law.

    But anyway, let's end this Islamic debate here as it doesn't have much to do with the original topic. I'm happy to talk about it via message if you wish.
    #28 A Republican, Oct 24, 2016
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2016
  9. DoriaN

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    Re: Project Veritas releases viral video on incitement of violence by DNC @ Trump ral

    Muslims that grew up in the west have a 'western' idea of Islam as was mentioned earlier. The further east you go the more radical and fundamental things become under Sharia Law. Europe and America were founded on Judeo-Christian beliefs and presuppositions that came with that worldview. "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

    Sharia Law is incompatible with Western society, following that even Islam itself is antithetical to Christianity.

    As for what's been said for how crooked Hillary is I have to agree with my A_Republican friend.
  10. Anthemic

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    Re: Project Veritas releases viral video on incitement of violence by DNC @ Trump ral

    Here's what I think.

    I actually agree mostly with Hillary when it comes to human rights and the environment. Heck, I took a quiz and it said I agree with Hillary 40% and only agree with Trump 9%. But do I believe Hillary will follow through with her promises? Hell no. I don't believe anything she says. I can tell she's a liar just by reading her body language. She only cares about power. In my opinion, Hillary is more corrupt than Trump. Yeah, Trump is a douche canoe. But I can't sit here and say I vote for Hillary just because I agree with what she says. She's a snake. She doesn't care about the things she says she will make happen. She's feeding people lies and getting their votes because she knows it will work. I think Trump just wants to win to boost his ego. I dislike both, so I really don't know what I'll do when it's time to vote. I wanted to vote for Jill Stein, but I know it's a waste of time. Too bad Ken Bone isn't running. There's always next time.

    I think you have him and Hillary confused. Too soon?
    #30 Anthemic, Oct 24, 2016
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2016
  11. Cinis

    Cinis Guest

    Re: Project Veritas releases viral video on incitement of violence by DNC @ Trump ral

    True it hasn't got anything to do with the original topic anymore so I apologize for that and make this my final post.

    I actually live very close to these cities and from what I've experienced, seen and what has been stated by other statistics and news these articles aren't really credible.

    As for people not wanting to see gay people kiss openly I don't see a problem the way you do even for the people this statement is true for and here is why: while some immigrants may have something against gay people in public they do not act in a concerning way about it. Fact is people here aren't violently attacked by immigrants for being gay and that is all that matters to me. As long as people don't use violence or act actively against us I am fine with them. This may sound weird but the reason is simple: other people have acted violently against us and they were not immigrants. In fact they are the same people who protest openly against immigrants, the protests against immigration and those against LGBT people are done by the same group. They claim that all Syrians are here to rape our women and say in the same breath that students shouldn't be allowed to read lectures involving LGBT people in school because they would lead young children to BDSM and older ones into pedophilia. Are those the people I should find credible?
    The number of them crying out against us is greater than any number of immigrants complaining.

    Immigrant homes have been burned far more often than any attack an immigrant has tried has happened. The ones who chose to be violent are in 9 of 10 cases the natives and they aim to hurt and kill. So who is the real criminal here?

    Obviously there have been acts of violence from immigrants and other problems coming with them but that's not the whole picture: People are fleeing from war. They don't want to come here or leave their homes they just want a chance to live without the constant fear of being killed.

    The debate about immigrants has been the major news topic here for over two years now. I don't think that there is anything you know better than me because I live here and I've watched all the debates and seen all the bad examples that could deter me.

    This might be idealistic and naive but I want to believe in people. Because I've seen some of them do it. I don't want to be judged for my sexuality so why should I assume things about people based on their religion and nationality? We are all individuals after all.

    Maybe things are different in Italy.

    ---------- Post added 24th Oct 2016 at 11:28 PM ----------

    I really appreciate your * shrug * though :lol:
    #31 Cinis, Oct 24, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 24, 2016
  12. YeahpIdk

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    Re: Project Veritas releases viral video on incitement of violence by DNC @ Trump ral

    Why do you care so much? You can't even vote for a candidate. So weird.
  13. DoriaN

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    Re: Project Veritas releases viral video on incitement of violence by DNC @ Trump ral

    He has something interesting to say and share, why are you judging him so much?

    If you're from Canada then you can't vote either, but that doesn't mean we can't all have a nice discussion, outside perspective can even be fresh or enlightening!
  14. A Republican

    A Republican Guest

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    Re: Project Veritas releases viral video on incitement of violence by DNC @ Trump ral

    Ok so... I'll just counter-reply and we can drag this convo elsewhere if you want to proceed with it :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

    First, about that shrug, I use that dismissively all the time. Regardless I do have German friends who have told me the situation is pretty bad. I'll finish with this: Islam is, unlike any other religion, imposed by state. Imams and Muslim leaders refused to back from the narrative that Islam is Islam and that there can be no shying away from the text of the Quran. Christianity may have its taint with priests abusing boys but Jesus, we're taught, was perfect, and resisted all temptation throughout his life. Islam on the other hand is an ideology where the prophet you are praising murdered his critics (sounds familiar to Hillary) and fornicated with a very young girl of 6 or 7. I've read parts of the Quran which say that ''if a man kills another, it's as if he has killed all human life'' but other parts of the text consider non-believers as less than human. You are extremely lucky that Islam is the minority in Germany, because every country where the Muslim population percentage is high is an extremely unsafe place to be in, particularly for people like us.

    Here is an interesting study which compares with people of Russian descent:
    Homophobia among Muslim students in Germany | Globalization | DW.COM | 20.03.2012

    I disagree that the ''other people'' are a threat to us. The ''other people'' as you astutely describe them are not forcing us off cranes or buildings, they do not make laws that imprison or even sentence us to death for being who we are. Sure if you go to Russia, Ukraine, Armenia, Moldova, Uganda and Nigeria you have a chance of ending up like erm... Negan's surprise in Season 7 of the TWD but even that is extremely rare.

    Things are better in this respect in Italy but we have a high influx of immigrants, prominently from Africa, something that is causing us a lot of problems here since they end up engaging in criminal activities. Every single drug-seller who has approached me (and they do this commonly) was of African origin, but anyways this discussion went haywire. If you're replying - PM me pl0x.



    I prefer ''Hillary Rotten (instead of Rodham) Clinton''
    Lock her up! Lock her up! :icon_bigg

    Why do you are that I care so much?

    As for the voting, yeah in person I can't vote but the other people I spoke to (who were very uninformed)... can and in some cases, have already voted :smilewave

    I like how it's now short sentences questioning my interest in an election now given that I keep roasting your candidate. I've debated someone like you before in front of a class and the frustrated look she gave me every time she tried to ''save'' Hillary was beyond priceless.

    ---------- Post added 24th Oct 2016 at 02:41 PM ----------

    Liberals love the First Amendment until you say something they don't agree with ~Donald Trump Jr.
    #34 A Republican, Oct 24, 2016
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2016
  15. YeahpIdk

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    Re: Project Veritas releases viral video on incitement of violence by DNC @ Trump ral

    Must have stumped her!
  16. Kira

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    Re: Project Veritas releases viral video on incitement of violence by DNC @ Trump ral

    I personally feel like barring people to guns and ammunition would stop a lot more violence than barring our borders to people, but that's just me. If a president said that, they'd get shot in the head.

    I feel like this thread is a bit of a mess though, so I'm going to get back to not existing.
  17. A Republican

    A Republican Guest

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  18. YeahpIdk

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    Re: Project Veritas releases viral video on incitement of violence by DNC @ Trump ral

    You can say whatever you want about America. Saying it's weird that you're so informed to an obsessive point about Trump and the election is simply an observation. Maybe you have an issue with freedom of speech If I lived in Italy, all I'd care about is pasta.

    ---------- Post added 24th Oct 2016 at 03:06 PM ----------

  19. Aussie792

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    Re: Project Veritas releases viral video on incitement of violence by DNC @ Trump ral

    Apart from the fact that American politics matters to every person in the world, the line about pasta is just patronising rubbish - as if other parts of the world don't have the same sophistication and intelligence as your own corner does.

    If you can't hold your own, leave it be.


    Also (this is directed to A Republican), calling Clinton an 'old hag' is just foul. Criticise her all you want. Pretend you have evidence of corruption as much as you please. But don't sink into sexist language, for God's sake. It's just uncomfortable and targets her age and gender in a deeply unfair way.
  20. DoriaN

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    Re: Project Veritas releases viral video on incitement of violence by DNC @ Trump ral

    To be fair I never thought that was being sexist or being critical of age at all, it was just a sleight.